지금 타이완 정부는 지금 발칵 뒤집혔다. 아마도 장개석 총통이 모택통 공산주의자들에 밀려서 타이완으로 쫒겨가서 겨우 명맥을 유지하면서 "자유민주주의 자유중국"을 세운이래로 가장 큰 중국본토정부가 타이완 정부를 말살하기위해 단 1초도 쉬지않고, 할수 있는 모든 방법을 동원해서, 때로는 전투기 편대를 띄워 타이완 상공을, 때로는 본토에서 금문도에 대포를 쏘아내는 만행을, 현재도 진행되고 있는 민간인들의 왕래를 이용하여 모든 간첩활동을 전개 시키는, 무시무시한 암약을 실시하고 있는 증거들중의 하나가, 바로 지금 타이완 정부를 발칵 뒤집어 놓은, 군대에 까지 스파이를 침투시켜 모든 군사적 비밀을 지난 수십년간 도둑질해 간 증거가, 조사과정에서 낱낱히 밝혀진 것이다. 와 무섭다.
군부내에 중국본토의 스파이가 침투하여 이엄청난 스파이짖을 한개, 운좋게 발각되면서, 대한민국의 군대를 비롯한 모든 산업시설, 거짖독립운동가를 독립운동가라 애국자 반열에 올려놓고, 그유해까지도 조국의 품으로 모셔오는 (?)한편, 실질적으로 동작동 묘지에 모셔야할 6.25전쟁의 영웅들과 전직 대통령들을 지방으로, 아니면 동작동 묘지는 차치하고, 사적인 땅에도 모시지 못하게 하는, 문재인 좌파 공산주의 정권이 과연 지난 5년간 국토방위와 산업시설등등에 만전을 기했다고 믿을수 있을까?라는 의문이 끝없이 이어진다.
이번에 붙잡힌 Xie Xizhang은 그자신을 '홍콩기업가'로 위장하고 타이완을 안방 드나들듯하면서 스파이짖을 해왔었다. 그랬던 그가 지금 중국정부를 위해 헌신할 스파이를 모집운영했다는 죄목으로 재판정에 서있다. 그것도 타이완의 퇴역 고위 장성들과 군부대에서 첩보활동했던 전진 령관급 장교들을 상대로 말이다.
2006년도에는 Xie가 타이완 방문에서, 퇴역한 해군장교, Chang Pei-ning를 포섭하기위해 같이 식사하면서 중국본토정부를 위해 스파이를 하도록 제안한 것이다. 퇴역장교 Chang Pei-ning은 바로 그의 첩자가 되여, 그를 통해 군대내에 스파이 조직을 만들기위해, 특히 군부내의 현역 또는 퇴역한 리더들을 포섭하기위한 중국의 장기계획을 완수하기위해 그를 통해서 고위급 장성들을 포섭하여 작전중임이 폭로된 것이다.
타이완의 군부내 고위층과 가족들에게 Xie Xizhang는 가족들이 해외여행을 하는데 모든 경비를 대주었고, 때로는 수만달러의 미화 현찰도 제공했었다. 그뿐만이 아니고 고급 여자용품인 silk scarves와 고급벨트를 포섭된 군리더들의 부인에게 제공하기도 했었다.
2019년 6월에 Xie의 간첩활동망을 조사하기위해, 역으로 작전을 세워 그동안 Xie가 활동해 왔던 스파이망을 다파악하게 됐고, 그내용이 '로이터'통신에 의해 다 폭로된 것이다. 현재 해군퇴역장교, Chang은 간첩죄로 재판을 받고 있고, 홍콩 사업가로 위장한 Xie는 타이완을 떠나 있는데, 그의 체포를 위한 작전이 계속되고 있다고 이사건과 관련이 있는 사람이 폭로한 것이다.
이사건에 관계되는 서류들의 내용을 보면, 중국정부가 타이완군대내의 고위급 장성들 포섭과 동시 중국을 위한 스파이로 만들기위해 얼마나 많은 공들여 왔는가를 잘 보여준다. 지난 수년간 타이완 군부리더들의 부정과 범죄행위가 연속적으로 발생한것과 같은 시기였던 것이다.
그동안 중국정부가 민주주의를 지향하는 자유중국의 군리더들과 민간인 리더들을 포섭하여 전투력 약화와 고도의 군사무기 기밀과 그리고 중국의 공격을 방어하기위한 모든 작전계획들을 얻기위해 다방면에서 어떤 노력을 했었던가를 잘 보여주고 있는 사건이라고, 퇴역한 타이완 장성들과 대간첩작전을 지휘하고있는 에이전트(한국의 국정원같은)은 물론이고 과거에 타이완에서 활동했었던 전직 미군지휘관 및 정보요원들이 낱낱히 밝히고 있다.
금년에도 타이완 법원은 타이완 대통령 Tsai의 신변경호의 비밀과 군비증강계획을 담당하는 군부대에서,지금은 퇴역한, 활동했던 중령이 정보를 수집하여 중국공산당 정부에 제공한 두명의 스파이에 국가반역되를 적용한 형집행을 확정하는 판결을 내렸었다.
그뿐만이 아니다. 퇴역한 육군소장 1명과 군정보부대에서 근무하다 퇴역한 3명의 육군대령들이 중요한 군정보를 훔쳐서 중국에 보낸 스파이 노릇한것도 발견체포하여 현재 이들은 재판중에 있다.
앞서 언급한것 처럼, 지난 5년간, 아니 그전부터, 우리군의 기강은 썩을데로 썩어서 성추행 추문이 계속해서 일어나고, 피해를 당한 여군들이 삶을 마감하는 극단적인 사건들이 육해공 해병대부대에서 계속 터져 나오는 이유를, 문재인과 그정부 찌라시들에게 잘 조사하라고 부탁하고 싶지는 않고, 현재 군리더로 국가에 봉사하고 있는 장성들이 정신 차리고, 박정희 대통령께서 만들어 주신 강한군대의 맥을 이어 가기를 진정으로 부탁한다.
전 기무사령관 이재수같은 참 군인이 지금 대한민국에는 절대로 필요한 때다.
전대협출신에 빨갱이 정신으로 무장된 '이인영'이 통일부 장관을 하고, 임수경이를 비밀리에 북괴 김일성 Regime에 파견하여 축하행사에서 같이 뛰어놀고, '위대한 지도자 김일성 만세'를 외치다가 되돌아온 그녀가 국회의원을 하게 만든 임종석이는 문재인 정부의 초대 비서실장을 했었다. 그가 어떤짖을 했을까(?)를 상상해보는것은 어렵지 않다.
지금 서울북쪽에는 김정은 부대가 핵무기와 탄도미사일을 장착해 놓고 호시탐탐 기회를 노리고 있고, 중국은 문재인정부를 여러모로 도와주는척 하면서, 필요시에는 한마디 통보도 없이, 마치 Angler들이 낚싯대를 나꾸어 채듯하여 꼼짝 못하게 하는 양면 작전에 완전히 넘어가, 나라의 안보가 풍전등화와 같은 존재가 됐다. 이와중에 군부에서는 시답잖은 성추행 사건으로 군리더들이 정신무장이 뿌리채 흔들리고 있는데..... 대통령 문재인은 정수기 옆에 끼고 외국 유람 여행이나 다니고, 대선에서 패륜아 이재명이를 당선시키겠다고 온갖 포퓰리즘을 다 동원해서, 독약이 든 사탕을 하나씩 국민들에게 던져주면 낼름 받아먹고 귀중한 주권행사를 시궁창에 처박고...어찌하면 좋단말이냐.
대한민국의 현실정은, 타이완에서만 일어나는 사건쯤으로 취급하기에는 너무도 많은 간첩들이 전국방방곳곳에서 암약하고 있기에, 국가안보가 너무도 위태롭기만 하다. 평생을 군에서 보낸 현국방장관, '서욱'이가 왜 문재인밑에서 빌붙어 사는지도 매우 궁금하다. 하늘이시여, 어렵게 선진국 문턱에 들어선 우리나라 대한민국을 굽어 살펴 주시옵소서.

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen delivers a speech during the opening ceremony of the 2021 Open Parliament Forum in Taipei, Taiwan, Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021. The forum will discuss congress, COVID-19, democracy and other topics, and sign a joint statement on "Open Congress" (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)
Yimou Lee And David Lague, Reuters
Published Monday, December 20, 2021 7:08AM EST
TAIPEI, Dec 20 (Reuters) -- For more than 20 years, Xie Xizhang presented himself as a Hong Kong businessman on visits to Taiwan. He now stands accused of having another mission: recruiting spies for China.
On one trip in 2006, Xie met a senior retired Taiwanese navy officer, Chang Pei-ning, over a meal, according to official documents accusing the pair of espionage. Chang would become one of Xie's agents, the documents allege, helping him penetrate Taiwan's active military leadership as part of a long-running Chinese operation to build a spy ring among serving and retired military officers.
The Taiwanese officers and their families were allegedly lured by Xie's offers of all-expenses-paid trips abroad, thousands of dollars in cash payments, and gifts such as silk scarves and belts for their wives. In June 2019, counter-espionage officers moved against Xie's network, launching raids that uncovered further evidence, according to the documents, which were reviewed by Reuters. Now, Chang is facing espionage charges and a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Xie. According to a person familiar with the case, Xie is not in Taiwan.
The operation detailed in these documents shows how Beijing allegedly sought out commanders in the Taiwan military and induced them to become spies. It comes amid a series of convictions for military espionage in Taiwan in recent years. Those cases reveal that China has mounted a broader campaign to undermine the democratic island's military and civilian leadership, corrode its will to fight, extract details of high-tech weapons and gain insights into defense planning, according to senior retired Taiwanese military officers and current counter-espionage agents, as well as former U.S. military and intelligence officers with experience in Taiwan.
Taiwan's spycatchers are battling a campaign that has compromised senior officers at the heart of the island's armed forces and government agencies, a steady stream of convictions handed down in the courts shows.
Beijing has even penetrated the security detail assigned to protect Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen. A retired presidential security officer and a serving military police lieutenant colonel at the unit tasked with protecting the president had their conviction upheld earlier this year for leaking sensitive information about Tsai's security to a Chinese intelligence agency.
The information included a hand-drawn organizational chart of the Special Service Center, the unit that protects the president, according to the ruling in the High Court. The two were also charged with leaking the names, titles and work phone numbers of senior security officers guarding the Presidential Office and Tsai's residence in the heart of Taipei, according to court documents reviewed by Reuters and local media reports.
In the past decade, at least 21 serving or retired Taiwanese officers with the rank of captain or above have been convicted of spying for China, according to a Reuters review of court records and reports from Taiwan's official news agencies. At least nine other serving or retired members of the armed forces are currently on trial or being investigated on suspicion of contacts with spies from China, the review shows.
The 21 convicted officers were found guilty of recruiting spies for China or passing a range of sensitive information to China, including contact details of senior Taiwanese officers and details of Taiwan's agents in China.
The Taiwan Affairs Office in Beijing did not respond to questions from Reuters about China's espionage activities in Taiwan.
In Taipei, the Ministry of National Defense told Reuters that pro-active counter-intelligence efforts have stopped China from penetrating the military. The ministry said in a statement that it employs education campaigns to encourage and reward officers and soldiers to report initial contact with "criminals." These contacts are immediately investigated, and when there is potential for the loss of confidential information, the military acts to block any leak, the ministry said.
This effort, the ministry said, means "there has been no infiltration."
The Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, Taiwan's lead spycatching agency, said it had no comment on ongoing legal matters.
Other arms of the Taiwanese government, however, greet the spying with alarm. Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council told Reuters in a statement that China's "unceasing expansion of espionage" is one of the "malicious political operations" that Beijing is conducting, undermining "the normal development of cross-strait relations."
Well-placed spies in the ranks of the Taiwan military could offer a priceless advantage to China if the two sides plunge into open conflict, according to Taiwanese and U.S. military analysts. Tensions have risen sharply this year. China's military is intensifying its gray-zone warfare against the island, a campaign of menacing air and sea patrols that falls short of open warfare. The People's Liberation Army is also steadily accumulating the firepower required to seize Taiwan and prevent the United States from intervening.
The ruling Communist Party in Beijing regards Taiwan as a Chinese province that must be unified with the mainland. President Xi Jinping says China would prefer peaceful unification but refuses to rule out force. President Tsai says Taiwan is an independent country called the Republic of China, its official name, and has vowed to defend its democracy and freedom.
"China is conducting a very targeted infiltration effort towards Taiwan," said retired Taiwanese navy Lieutenant Commander Lu Li-shih. Espionage cases, he said, show that Beijing has compromised almost all ranks, including top-level generals, despite intensive internal education campaigns in the military warning of the dangers of Beijing's espionage efforts.
Lu, who has studied Chinese spying operations, said Beijing's agents often begin softening their targets with offers of small gifts, drinks and meals. Handlers typically pay richly for the first piece of secret information extracted from current or retired officers, Lu said. This payment would later be used to blackmail them into supplying further intelligence at a much lower price, he said.
This year alone, Taiwanese courts have upheld the convictions of the two men who revealed secrets about President Tsai's security and found a retired lieutenant colonel from the armaments bureau guilty of building espionage networks for China. A retired major general and three retired colonels from the Military Intelligence Bureau are on trial for allegedly recruiting spies for China. Reuters was unable to reach the defendants and their lawyers in these cases for comment.
In July, Taiwan's Mirror Media https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20210725inv007 reported that the island's former deputy defense minister, General Chang Che-ping, was questioned in a national security investigation.
Three people familiar with the matter confirmed a probe is under way. Two of the people told Reuters that General Chang was being questioned for having had contacts with Xie Xizhang – the alleged Chinese agent who presented himself as a Hong Kong businessman. The defense ministry said Chang had been interviewed as a witness in the case.
Contacted by Reuters, Chang replied: "Inconvenient to comment. Hope you understand."
According to the official documents reviewed by Reuters, Xie allegedly reported to an office that is part of the Chinese Communist Party's intelligence apparatus and serves as a front for China's Central Military Commission. President Xi chairs the commission, which is China's top military decision-making body.
General Chang, Taiwan's highest-ranking air force general, is now head of the National Defense University. When the media reports of the probe emerged, Chang issued a statement calling them "far-fetched." https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-ex-deputy-defence-minister-investigated-over-china-spy-contacts-2021-07-28 He said he had "not talked about military matters without permission."
The Taipei district prosecutors office said it doesn't discuss ongoing investigations.
Espionage has long been a powerful weapon for the Chinese Communist Party. In the Chinese civil war, Communist agents and sympathizers played a key role in defeating the forces of the ruling Kuomintang (KMT), or nationalist party, under Chiang Kai-shek, forcing a retreat to Taiwan. In some instances, entire KMT formations were persuaded to change sides and joined the Communists under Mao Zedong, according to multiple accounts of that conflict.
The series of convictions in Taiwanese courts shows cultivating disloyalty in the military remains a high priority for Beijing. Despite China's vastly stronger forces and serious shortcomings in Taiwan's military https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/hongkong-taiwan-military, the island remains a tough target for invasion. Even without outside assistance, Taiwan's best-trained troops could inflict heavy losses by exploiting well-prepared positions, rugged terrain and the vulnerability of an invasion fleet crossing the Taiwan Strait, say Taiwanese and U.S. military analysts.
For Chinese invaders, advance knowledge of defensive plans, communication codes, weapons sites and troop locations would offset some of these difficulties, according to these analysts. Disloyal officers might also refuse to fight, misdirect their troops or defect to the attackers.
In a report released in September about the Chinese military, Taiwan's defense ministry acknowledged that in an attack, agents for China "lurking" on the island could strike at command centers to "decapitate" Taiwan's military and political leadership and demoralize its armed forces.
Even the discovery of Chinese spies in peacetime is a potentially demoralizing blow to Taiwan. "The repeated cases of the most senior level of Taiwan armed forces officers being convicted of espionage has got to have a psychological effect on the officer corps and in the ranks," said Grant Newsham, a retired U.S. Marine Corps colonel who has studied the island's defense capabilities. "And, once you can create doubt in the honesty of one's leaders, the rot sets in and deepens."
One retired high-ranking officer in Taiwan agreed: Colleagues lose confidence in one another, this person said, and "you make allies lose confidence in you."
Some Taiwanese military veterans worry that the repeated espionage cases will make the United States, the island's main ally, unwilling to share advanced weapons or sensitive intelligence for fear of these secrets leaking to Beijing.
"We can't blame other people. We are the cause of the problem," said Lu, the retired navy lieutenant commander.
Asked about the potential loss of faith in Washington, Taiwan's defense ministry said there had been no disruption to normal ties with friendly countries. The U.S. National Security Council declined to comment for this story.
Beijing has succeeded in recruiting spies from the island's armed forces despite strenuous efforts by the Taiwanese military's Counter Intelligence and Security Division to alert troops to the danger of Chinese agents. The military even produces soap operas, sometimes starring serving members of the armed forces, with scripts that echo previous spy cases. The soaps are part of an hour-long television program broadcast every Thursday afternoon that is mandatory viewing for all serving officers and soldiers.
In an episode late last year, a staff sergeant working in communications in a combat unit meets a woman in a bar who claimed to work for an investment firm in the defense industry. They start a relationship, and the woman begins to ask for sensitive information. To impress her, the staff sergeant gives her data on missiles at air bases in northern Taiwan. Later he grows suspicious and refuses her further requests, but she threatens to blackmail him with a recording of his earlier indiscretion. The woman is later arrested.
The scene switches to a man who appears to be the woman's spymaster. On the wall in front of him are clips from Chinese newspapers, including a photograph of Chinese President Xi. "That's alright," the handler says, tearing up a photograph of the woman. "We have plenty of other opportunities."
To reinforce the message, posters and signs on bases exhort Taiwanese soldiers to remain vigilant. Stickers with the number of a hotline for reporting suspected spies have been posted above some urinals. Packs of tissues handed out to troops carry a notice promising a reward of T$5 million ($180,000) for successfully exposing a spy.
While Taiwan battles Chinese espionage, it also spies on China as part of a decades-long effort to understand Beijing's intentions, according to current and retired Taiwanese officers and official documents reviewed by Reuters. China's official media periodically announces the discovery of Taiwanese spy networks and the arrest of alleged agents.
In October last year, China's state television broadcaster, CCTV, reported that a Taiwanese academic arrested in China, Cheng Yu-chin, had confessed to spying. The same month, CCTV reported the arrest of Lee Meng-chu, alleging he was an active member of a Taiwan separatist group who posed as a businessman to conceal his espionage role. Lee was arrested when he entered China and was found to have photographs and videos of Chinese military drills in the city of Shenzhen, as well as materials showing he supported the protests in Hong Kong, the report said.
Cheng and Lee could not be reached by Reuters. Asked about their arrests, Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council said that Chinese authorities are "arbitrarily arresting our people who engage in cross-strait exchanges" and using official media "to fabricate fictional crimes."
In its campaign to subvert Taiwan's military, Beijing has also mounted a longstanding operation to woo senior retired commanders with historic ties to China. These efforts exploit political divisions that have widened in Taiwan over the past two decades between Tsai's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the main opposition KMT.
The DPP has gained ground with the support of a younger generation that increasingly identifies as Taiwanese rather than Chinese. The KMT, born in China, holds to its old dream of eventually reunifying a free and democratic country. The party also supports closer relations with Beijing, but has denounced the Communist Party's threats against Taiwan.
Many of Taiwan's older, retired military officers support the KMT, which ruled the island before it became a democracy and now vies with the DPP for power. Most of these veterans don't back the Communist Party, but both the KMT and Beijing share the dream of a single China, even if they have different visions of what that means. Some have been welcomed to China to attend seminars and receptions with retired counterparts from the Chinese military.
Though no longer in uniform, these officers still retain influence over a military that is deeply hierarchical, with long-standing networks of patronage and personal loyalty, according to current and former U.S. officials with extensive experience of the Taiwan military.
In November 2016, Beijing scored a dramatic propaganda victory when more than 30 retired Taiwanese generals were seen attending a speech by President Xi at Beijing's Great Hall of the People. The visitors stood for China's national anthem, Taiwan's official Central News Agency reported. The event, broadcast on Chinese state television, sparked an outcry in Taiwan.
One of the retired generals in the audience was Wu Sz-huai, who is now a KMT lawmaker. He apologized in 2019, saying he was unaware that Xi was hosting the event and would have declined to attend if he had known. He said members of the delegation stood for the national anthem but did not sing. Wu declined to comment for this report.
In its statement, Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council called on "retired high-ranking generals to maintain the dignity of the country and pay attention to their own words, deeds and the perceptions of society."
In the aftermath of the visit, Taiwan's parliament tightened the rules on retired officers' trips to China. The new penalties include fines of up to T$10 million ($360,000) and the cancellation of pensions for retired senior officers and government officials who attend Chinese political events or "salute" Communist Party flags or symbols.
Some senior retired Taiwanese officers told Reuters that these trips to China hurt the military's image. But they added that a younger generation of officers now rising through the ranks would not be as susceptible to appeals for a unified China that includes Taiwan.
One major challenge for Taiwan's counter-espionage forces is light penalties for retired officers convicted of spying. Under military law, serving officers can be sentenced to death or life imprisonment for serious offenses. However, former officers who commit crimes once out of uniform can only be tried under the National Security Law, which prescribes much shorter jail terms.
Under public pressure to counter Chinese spying, parliament in June 2019 increased penalties under the security law for the most severe crimes, from a maximum of five years imprisonment to a minimum of seven years and fines of up to T$100 million (about $3.6 million).
The case of alleged Chinese spy Xie Xizhang was first reported earlier this year by local media, but the official documents seen by Reuters provide new details. Xie is accused of inviting current and retired Taiwanese military officers to drinks, banquets and sporting events in a bid to win their friendship and trust, according to the documents.
The operation also allegedly relied on enticing prospective Taiwanese spies to accept free overseas trips where they would meet their Chinese handlers and other Communist Party officials. The official documents allege that six serving and retired officers received all-expenses-paid trips to South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore, as well as Chinese cities including Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau.
A key objective of the alleged operation was to recruit officers in leading combat units, according to the official documents. In 2008, Chang Pei-ning, the retired navy officer, allegedly introduced Xie to a senior serving Taiwanese Navy officer, Captain Ho Chung-chi, and Ho's wife, Chuang Hsiu-yun. In the years that followed, Ho and his wife, working under Xie's guidance, allegedly recruited other officers.
Chang, Ho and Chuang were charged under the National Security Law in November 2019 for recruiting a spy ring for China. The three are currently on trial, according to a spokesperson for the Kaohsiung District Court.
Taiwan's defense ministry said Chang and Ho had retired before they allegedly became involved in the case. However, official documents accusing the pair of espionage allege that Ho met Xie on multiple occasions before his retirement in August 2015.
Reuters spoke to Ho at his home in Kaohsiung. He declined to comment and said his wife had no comment. Chang didn't respond to a request for comment left at his home in Kaohsiung.
In a post on his Facebook page when he retired, Ho bid farewell to his navy comrades: "Time to say goodbye!" The post included a picture of a folded Navy uniform, officer's hat, medals and badges.
The message generated hundreds of likes and comments. "Captain," wrote one well-wisher. "Thank you for your years of service to the country and the navy!"
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