남편 보낸뒤 95회 생일맞은 영국여왕 Elizabeth ll께서 가족들과 조용히 보냈다는 소식이다. 73년을 같이한 남편이 먼저 가셨으니.... 그상심이야 오죽 하셨으랴...
나의 경우, 나이가 들어가면서, 느껴지는것은 인생허무함과,오직 서로 의지할 사이는 아내와 남편뿐이라는것임을 요즘은, 특히 Covid-19 Pandemic으로 전지구촌이 몸살을 앓고 있는때에는, 더귀하고 소중함을 지난 50여년 같이 살아온 세월을 되돌아 보면, 애절해 질뿐이다.
사랑하는 나의 분신들인, 지금은 성장한 아이들마져도, Covid-19핑계대고, 어쩌다 한번 얼굴 볼때에도 마스크를 쓰고 있기에 전체적인 얼굴의 상태를 알아보기 힘드는데, 그러한 격리가 필요없는 둘만의 삶은 그래서 더 값지고, 소중함을 절실한다.
약간의 왕가의 가족들이 수요일에 여왕을 방문할것으로 예측되지만, 그규모는 최대로 줄여서, 이번 95회 생신은, 돌아가신 필립공의 2주간의 애도기간이 금요일까지인 시간과 겹처서 ( two-week royal mourning period) 더 마음을 아프게 할것 같다.
왕실의 가족들 생일에는 온가족이 모여 전체가족사진(releases new portraits )을 찍으면서 생일축하 파티를 했었으나, 이번 생일은 그러한 생사 자체가 없이 지나갈것이라고 People magazine이 전하고있다.
왕실의 TV co-founder Nick Bullen씨는 Fox News와 인터뷰에서, 슬픔속에 잠겨계시는 여왕은 왕실 직원들과 사랑하는 가족들의 위로를 받는것으로 만족해 하실것이라고 했다.
"여왕에게 가족은 가장 소중한 존재다. 그한예를 든다면, 지난 2월에 Prince Harry왕자가 James Corden씨와 있었던 인터뷰에서 잘 나타나있다. 할머니, 여왕은 그의 아들 Archie에게 와플 제조기를 사주셨는데, 그것은 바로 증손자인 아들이 원했던 것이었었다라고. 이것이 바로 여성으로서의 여왕임을 보여준것인데, 그래서 증손자가 뭘 원하는지를 묻고 기억하셨던 것이다. 가족은 항상 여왕의 맘속에 상존해 있다는 뜻이다"라고 설명한다.
슬픔에서 조속히 헤여나와, 맑은 잔잔한 미소를 되찾으시기를 빌어마지 않는다.

Queen Elizabeth II turns 95 on Wendesday, April 21, 2021. (Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
The Duke of Edinburgh died on April 9 ahead of his 100th birthday
Queen Elizabeth II turned 95 on Wednesday and marked the occasion quietly given that the milestone birthday comes just days after her husband, Prince Philip was laid to rest.
Some members of the royal family are expected to be with the queen on Wednesday. However, the royal family is keeping the occasion a small, low-key affair given that her birthday falls within the two-week royal mourning period for Philip that is being observed until Friday.
For most royal birthdays, The Firm usually releases new portraits of the family member being celebrated, but no photo will be released this year, according to People magazine.
The tragic death isn't the only thing that will have an effect on the monarch's birthday celebrations, however, as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the cancellation of the Trooping the Colour, a June event marking the Queen's birthday.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was one of many people who sent best wishes to the monarch.
"I would like to send my warm wishes to Her Majesty The Queen on her 95th birthday," he tweeted. "I have always had the highest admiration for Her Majesty and her service to this country and the Commonwealth. I am proud to serve as her Prime Minister."
Philip, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh, died on April 9 at age 99. Family and friends gathered for his funeral at St George’s Chapel in Windsor on Saturday to say their final farewells, including the Queen, who was seen in a rare moment of public emotion when she wiped away a tear following the conclusion of the ceremony.
His death came a few months before his 100th birthday, which was due to be the focus of royal celebrations this year, while the queen’s 95th was always set to be a more low-key event.
True Royalty TV co-founder Nick Bullen told Fox News the grieving queen will lean on her loyal staff and beloved family members for support.
"Family is incredibly important to the queen," said Bullen. "A good example of that is the interview Prince Harry gave to James Corden in February. He revealed the queen bought his son Archie a waffle maker because that’s what her great-grandson wanted. This is a woman who is queen and yet she’s asking what her great-grandchild wants. Family is always on her mind."
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