오늘 아침 접한 뉴스는, 지구촌의 흥망성쇠를 다 체험했었던, 현재 영국여왕의 남편, Phillip왕자의 서거소식이 전세계 사람들의 가슴을 때렸다. 우린 흔히 '필립공'이라 칭했었다.
생전에 아들, 딸 그리고 많은 손자 소녀들을 둔, 그리고 영국왕실로서는 처음으로 백인이 아닌 흑인여인을 손주 며느리로 맞이하는, 새로운 역사를 만들기도한 주역중의 한분이었었다.
내가 어렸을때는, 영국왕실에 대한 동경을 많이 하기도 했었던 때가 있었다. 그들이 살고있는 집은 황금으로 만들어 졌을까? 보릿고개를 넘기기 힘든 춘궁기에는 왕실에서 살고있는 Charles 황태자를 비롯한 소년 소녀들은 어떤 밥상을 대하면서 음식을 즐길까?라는 상상도 많이 했었다.
Prince Philip공작은 Queen Elizabeth II 여왕의 남편으로 73년을 같이 영욕의 세월을 보냈었지만, 그분역시 인간인지라, 영국 국민들과 영연방의 애도속에 오늘, 금요일에 99세를 일기로 Windsor Castle에서 하늘나라로의 여행을 떠나신 것이다. 영국왕실은 금요일 필립공의 서거소식을 성명서를 통해 확인한 것이다.
"영국왕실은, 매우 깊은 슬픔속에, 사랑하는 남편이자, 영국왕실의 상왕자, Prince Philip공 각하의 서거소식을 알리고져 합니다 라고, 남편인 필립공이 영원한 나라로의 여행을 떠나게 됨을 깊은 애도속에서 슬퍼하고 있다. 오늘 아침 Windsor Castle에서 서거하셨다"라고 성명서는 밝히고 있다.
런던시내의 Hyde Park앞에 있는 버킹험 궁의 정문에는 Philip공의 서거 소식을 알리는 커다란 벽보가 부쳐졌었다. Covid-19 Pandemic으로 필립공은 94세의 여왕과 함께 Windsor Castle에 머물고 있었다.
지난 2월 16일, 필립공은 몸에 이상이 생겨 병원에 입원했었다. 3월 3일 St. Bartholomew에서 심장수술을 받았었다. 수술 2일후에 King Edward VII병원으로 이송됐었고, 3월 16일에 퇴원하여 왕실로 되돌아 왔었다.
Philip공 각하는 1947년에 당시 공주였던 Elizabeth와 결혼했고, 영국황실의 역사상 가장 오래 결혼생활을 한 부부로 기록되고 있다. 여왕부부는 4명의 자손들을 두었고, 8명의 손자 손녀와 9명의 증손자를 슬하에 두고 있다.
전직 해군장교로 국가에 봉사했었고, 폴로경기 선수로도 유명했던 필립공은 믿어지지 않을만큼 건강이 좋았었지만, 나이가 들면서 최근 몇년동안에는 크고작은 건강문제가 발생하기도 했었다.
여왕 Queen Mary의 서거후, Elizabeth여왕은 지금까지 사용해 오던 여왕부부의 성(Surname)을 바꾸어 Mountbatten-Windsor로 바꾼다고 발표하기도 했었다. 또한 여왕은 "필립공 각하는, 아주 중요하고 최고의 상징적인 자격을 부여받고, 의회에서 별도로 법을 정하여 실시가는 경우를 제외하고, 모든 왕실의식에서 여왕 다음의 직위를 부여한다고 발표하기도 했다.
필립공은 "어떤 일이 있어도 포기하거나 실망하지 말라. 결과는 금방 나타나지 않을수도 있으나, 당신이 알지 못하고 지내는 사이에 대접받을만한 행동을 했다는것을 곧 알게 될수도 있다고 믿기 때문이다"라고, 사람들에게 용기를 주는 명언을 남기기도 했었다.
Covid-19 pandemic으로 조문객들도 없이 가족들만이 조촐히 장례 치를것으로 예상된다. 평상시 같았으면 전세계의 Dignitaries들이 한데모여 하늘나라로의 영원한 여행길을 환송해 줄텐데...여왕님께서 더 외로움을 느끼실것 같은 안타까움이다.
영원의 세계로 평안한 여행 하시기를 기원 드린다. 전세계의, 영연방을 비롯한, 많은 나라들이 그분의 서거에 애도의 뜻을 표하는 물결이 쇄도 하고 있다고 뉴스는 전하고 있었다.
1973-4년도에 독일 연수차 유럽갔을때, 초청해준 공작기계회사의 배려로 주말을 이용하여 버킹험 궁전앞에서 다른 여행객들과 함께, Royal Horse Guard 의전행사때, 여왕 부부가 금으로 도색된 마차를 타고 지나시면서 관중들에게, 힌장갑낀 손을 흔들고 미소짖는 의전행사에 참여하던 광경을 목격했었던 때가 엊그제 같은데....
현지에서 우연히 만나 나를 안내한 영국친구는, 매주 있는 여왕부부의 Royal Horse Guard를 보기위해 전세계에서 많은 사람들이 모여 들어, 영국 경제에 많은 도움을 주고 있다는 설명에, "여왕부부도 결코 쉬운 삶을 살아가는 분들이 아니네..."라고 부러움속의 어려움도 많으시겠다 라는 상상도 했었다. 그때로 부터 벌써 반세기가 흘렀구나...
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II’s husband of 73 years, died on Friday at Windsor Castle. He was 99.
The royal family confirmed the Duke of Edinburgh's death on Friday in a statement.
"It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen has announced the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle," the statement reads.
An announcement about Philip's death was placed on the gates of Buckingham Palace on Friday.
During England’s coronavirus lockdown, he had been staying at Windsor Castle, west of London, with the queen, 94.
On Feb. 16, Philip was admitted to a London hospital after feeling unwell. On March 3, he underwent a procedure for a pre-existing heart condition at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital before being transferred back to King Edward VII hospital on March 5 and ultimately released home on March 16.
Philip married then-Princess Elizabeth in 1947 and is the longest-serving royal consort in British history. He and the queen have four children, eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
A former naval officer and keen polo player, Philip enjoyed robust health well into old age but had several health issues in recent years.

Queen Elizabeth II, as Princess Elizabeth, and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, styled Prince Philip in 1957, on their wedding day. She became queen on her father King George VI's death in 1952. Philip died on Friday at the age of 99. (Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
In 2011, he was rushed to a hospital by helicopter after suffering chest pains and treated for a blocked coronary artery. In 2017, he spent two nights in the King Edward Hospital and was hospitalized for 10 days in 2018 for a hip replacement.
Philip was last hospitalized in December 2019, spending four nights in the King Edward Hospital for what the palace said was planned treatment of a pre-existing condition.
He was forced to give up driving at the age of 97, after smashing into a car while driving a Land Rover near Sandringham estate in January 2019. Philip needed help to get out of the Land Rover but wasn’t injured. A woman in the other vehicle suffered a broken wrist.
In a rare interview for a television documentary to mark his 90th birthday in June 2011, he said, "I reckon I've done my bit. I want to enjoy myself for a bit now. With less responsibility, less rushing about, less preparation, less trying to think of something to say.
"On top of that, your memory's going. I can't remember names. Yes, I'm just sort of winding down."

HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, wearing his military dress uniform, circa 1990. (Terry O'Neill/Iconic Images/Getty Images)
At the time of his death, Philip's full title was His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich, Knight of the Garter, Knight of the Thistle, Order of Merit, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire, Companion of the Order of Australia, Companion of the Queen's Service Order, Privy Counselor.
He was the second person ever to bear the title "Duke of Edinburgh," the first being his great-great-uncle, Prince Alfred Ernest Albert. His son, Prince Edward, will now assume the title.
Although he married into the British monarchy, royalty was in Philip's blood since birth. On June 10, 1921, he was born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark – the only son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Battenberg, as well as the great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria.
Philip's deep-seated royal roots placed him in the line of succession to the thrones of 16 countries.
At 18, Philip joined the navy and shortly afterward met his bride-to-be when the then-13-year-old Elizabeth toured the Royal Naval College with her family. The pair began exchanging letters and fell in love, their romance strengthening while Philip served overseas during World War II.
After the war, King George VI granted the couple permission to wed. Before walking down the aisle at Westminster Abbey, Philip renounced his Greek and Danish royal titles, converted to Anglicanism, and became a naturalized British subject. In addition, he adopted the surname Mountbatten from his British maternal grandparents.
The Mountbatten surname stirred up a bit of controversy after Elizabeth ascended to the throne in 1952. Upon marriage, the new Queen typically took her husband's last name. This did not sit well with Elizabeth's paternal grandmother, who wanted to maintain the family name.

In this image, made available November 18, 2007, HM The Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh re-visit Broadlands, to mark their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on November 20. The royals spent their wedding night at Broadlands in Hampshire in November 1947, the former home of Prince Philip's uncle, Earl Mountbatten. (Tim Graham/Getty Images)
A royal proclamation was then issued declaring that the royal house would remain known as the House of Windsor. Philip reportedly privately grumbled about not being able to give his name to his children.
Several years after Queen Mary's death, Elizabeth declared that the surname of her and Philip's male-line descendants would be Mountbatten-Windsor. She also announced that Philip was to have "place, preeminence and precedence" next to her "on all occasions and in all meetings, except where otherwise provided by Act of Parliament."
Philip became consort when his wife assumed the throne, and at his death was the longest-serving consort in British history.
During his time in the public eye, Philip was known for his seemingly tactless, off-the-cuff remarks. He once told a British student in China, "If you stay here much longer, you will go home with slitty eyes," and asked the singer Tom Jones, "Do you gargle with pebbles to sing that way?"
To a young boy who said he wanted to be an astronaut, Philip remarked, "You could do with losing a bit of weight," and to the president of Nigeria, dressed in traditional costume, "You look like you're ready for bed."
In March 2012 he asked a disabled man on a mobility scooter, "How many people have you knocked over this morning on that thing?"

In this photo released by Kensington Palace on Monday May 21, 2018, shows an official wedding photo of Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, center, in Windsor Castle, Windsor, England, Saturday May 19, 2018. Others in photo from left, back row, Jasper Dyer, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles, Doria Ragland, Prince William; center row, Brian Mulroney, Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Charlotte, Prince George, Rylan Litt, John Mulroney; front row, Ivy Mulroney, Florence van Cutsem, Zalie Warren, Remi Litt. (Alexi Lubomirski/Kensington Palace via AP)
At the same time, Philip was actively involved in a wide variety of causes and was patron or president of more than 750 organizations.
He was a particularly prominent advocate for environmental awareness. After visiting Antarctica and the South Atlantic in 1956-57, Philip devoted himself to raising awareness of the public's relationship to the environment.
He served as the first president of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) from 1961 to 1982, international president of the WWF from 1981 to 1996, as well as president emeritus of the WWF thereafter.
Throughout his career, Philip also visited research stations, laboratories, coal mines and factories to better understand and improve British industrial life. He was a patron of the Work Foundation, sponsoring six conferences on the human problems of industrial communities within the Commonwealth.
Philip was greatly involved in charities that specifically focused on scientific and technological research, as well as the environment and sports.
Between 1959 and 2011, the Duke chaired the judging panel for The Prince Philip Designers Prize, which honored the innovation and creativity of designers and engineers determined to enhance daily life. According to the palace, winners included product designer Sir James Dyson, architect Lord Foster (designer of 30 St Mary Axe, the London skyscraper known as "The Gherkin"), and Andrew Ritchie, inventor of the Brompton folding bicycle.
The Prince also took an interest in the development of youth, creating his own awards program for young people in 1956 with the collaboration of German educator Kurt Hahn and Lord Hunt, leader of the first successful ascent of Everest. The Duke of Edinburgh Award, also known as the Gold Award, is recognized as the world’s leading youth achievement award. It is given to young men and women who exhibit exceptional promise. More than 40 million people in more than 140 countries have participated in the program.

On Feb. 16, Philip was admitted to a London hospital after feeling unwell. On March 3, he underwent a procedure for a pre-existing heart condition at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital before being transferred back to King Edward VII hospital on March 5 and ultimately released home on March 16. (AP/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Philip ended his active naval career in 1951, but still kept closely connected to the Armed Forces. The palace shared that in 1952 the Duke was appointed admiral of the Sea Cadet Corps, colonel-in-chief of the Army Cadet Force, and air commodore-in-chief of the Air Training Corps. The following year he was promoted to admiral of the fleet and appointed field marshal and marshal of the Royal Air Force. He was also colonel-in-chief, or colonel, of several British and overseas regiments.
Philip was also an avid sportsman. He played polo until 1971, stopping to develop the sport of carriage driving – its early rule book was drafted under Philip's supervision. The Prince also enjoyed yachting and flying.
No matter what happened, Philip carried on. "Whatever happens, don't give up and don't despair," he once said. "Results may not be immediately apparent, but you may have touched a receptive chord without knowing it."
‘여왕의 남자'로 살아온 지 69년만에 타계

엘리자베스 2세 영국 여왕의 남편 필립공(99)이 9일(현지 시각) 별세했다고 버킹엄궁이 밝혔다. 버킹엄궁은 성명을 내고 “필립공이 이날 아침 윈저성에서 평화롭게 세상을 떠났다”고 밝혔다.
필립공은 오는 6월 10일 만 100세 생일을 불과 62일 남겨두고 있었다. 1947년 영국 국왕 조지 6세의 딸 엘리자베스 공주와 결혼한 지 74년만이고, 1952년 엘리자베스 공주가 왕위를 물려받으면서 ‘여왕의 남자’로 살아온 지 69년만이다. 역대 영국 국왕의 배우자로서 살았던 기간이 가장 길었던 사람으로 역사에 남게 됐다. 본명은 필립 마운트배튼이고, 귀족 작위로는 에딘버러공작으로 불린다.
필립공은 몸에 이상을 느껴 지난 2월 16일 런던 시내 킹 에드워드 7세 병원에 입원했으며, 상태가 호전되지 않고 심장 이상 증세까지 나타나자 3월 1일 세인트 바톨로뮤 병원으로 옮겨져 심장 수술을 받았다. 그는 2011년에도 관상 동맥경화 증세로 심장에 스텐트를 삽입한 수술을 받은 적 있다.

필립공은 1921년 6월 10일 그리스 이오니아해에 있는 코르푸섬에서 태어났다. 아버지는 그리스 왕자 앤드루, 어머니는 영국 빅토리아 여왕의 증손녀인 앨리스 공주다. 그에게는 덴마크와 노르웨이 왕가의 혈통도 흐르고 있다. 프랑스, 잉글랜드, 독일 등을 오가며 어린 시절을 보냈다.
필립공은 1939년 영국 다트머스해군대학 사관후보생이던 시절 엘리자베스 공주를 처음 만났다. 당시 13세이던 엘리자베스 공주가 해군대학을 방문했을 때 그가 안내를 맡았다. 키가 1m83으로 훤칠한 필립공에게 엘리자베스 공주가 먼저 반했고, 영국군 장교로 2차대전에 참전한 필립공에게 편지를 자주 썼다고 한다.
두 사람은 사랑에 빠졌지만 결혼까지는 순탄하지 않았다. 필립공은 그리스 정교회 신자였기 때문에 영국 왕실의 성공회와는 종교간 거리가 제법 있었다. 필립공의 누나 넷은 모두 독일 남성과 결혼했는데, 그들이 나치 지지자라는 주장이 제기되면서 영국에서는 결혼에 반대하는 여론이 들끓었다. 결국 필립공은 엘리자베스 공주를 얻기 위해 가진 것을 버렸다. 1947년초 그리스 왕실에서의 직위와 권리를 모두 포기하고 영국인으로 귀화했다. 어머니 성(姓) 바텐베르크를 영어로 바꾼 마운트배튼을 영국에서의 성으로 정했다. 그리고 나서 1947년 11월 결혼한 뒤 74년간 여왕의 곁을 지켰다.

BBC 는 “여왕의 남편이라는 역할로 너무 튀어서도 안 되고 그렇다고 여왕인 아내 뒤에서 숨죽여 지낼 수만도 없는, 세상의 어떤 남자보다 특별한 삶을 살았다”고 했다. 때론 여왕의 남편으로서 처신하기가 어렵다는 고충을 토로한 것으로 알려져 있다. 그는 “(여왕의 남편으로서) 내가 어떻게 해야 하느냐고 물으면 아무도 제대로 대답하지 못했고 어느 누구도 제대로 된 아이디어를 갖고 있지 않았다”고 호소했다고 전해진다.
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