1993년 당시 상원의원 Biden, 여비서 성적학대 증거 "Lary King Live"에서 밝혀져 충격, 그동안 계속부인해 왔었는데...
권력의 힘으로 잘못된것을 덮으려 하면, 얼마동안은 잠잠하고,역사속으로 묻히는것으로 생각할수 있지만, 한번 언론에서 감지하면, 결국 긴 시간이 흘러간 후에도 세상에 다시 터지고 만다는 큰 교훈을 준사건으로 이해된다. 더욱히나 국가적으로 사회적으로 큰 역활을 하겠다고 전면에 나섰을 경우에는...
1993년도에 발생했다고 하는, 2020년도 미국 민주당 대통령후보로 거의 지명이 확실한, 전부통령, Joe Biden에게 큰 악재가 발생했다. 1993년도에, 상원의원이었던 Joe Biden의 Staff중의 한명인, Reade는 과거의 모든 증거를 들먹이면서, Joe Biden이 다른 Staff들을 시켜서, 그녀가 의회빌딩옆에서 그의 운동복이 들어있는 백을 갖다 주도록 부탁을 받고, 그곳으로 갔었다.
"나의 이름을 기억하고있던 Biden은 나를 반겼으며, 마침 그곳에는 아무도 없었고, 우리 둘만 있었다. 기분이 묘했었다. 별다른 대화도 없었고, 그는 나를 벽쪽으로 몰아세웠었다." Reade는 설명하기를 당시 그녀는 사무복인 스커트를 입었었지만, 스타킹은 착용하지 않았었다. 그날은 날씨가 무더웠었기 때문이었다"라고 설명했다.
당시 상원의원이었던, Joe Biden의 나이는 내추측으로는 40대후반 또는 50대 초반쯤 됐었을 것이다. 내경험으로는 그나이쯤에, 인생이 허무하다는것을, 그래서 세상에 태어났으면 더늦기전에 어딘가에 남성으로서의 욕구불만을 힘껏 발산하고픈 다급함을 슬기롭게, 남자로서의 본능을 승화시키기는 무척 어렵고, 자칮하면, 순간의 잘못으로 평생 쌓아온 모든것을 잃어 버릴수 있는 유혹에 빠져들 위험한 시기였었다고 본다.
주위에서 상당수의 남성들이 그시기에 잘 꾸려오던 가정에 문제가 생기고, 아이들은 십대후반으로 한창 예민한 시기이고, 집에서 아버지 어머니가 말다품하는 경우를 자주 목격하면서, 아이들이 부모들의 속을 썩일때로, 모두가 예민할때이다. 내주위에서도 그나이때에 가정이 깨지고 이혼한 친지들을 적지않게 봤었다.
50대 후반되면서, 그러한 허무함에서 깨어나 다시 옛날처럼 화목하게 가정을 꾸려온 친지들은 지금은 무척 행복한 황혼의 인생살이를 즐긴다. 그렇치 못한 친지들은 가정이 깨졌거나, 경제적으로 넉넉치 못해, 흔한말로 인생 말년을 무척 외롭게 살아가고, 자연적으로 황혼기에는 대부분의 Outdoor Activity는 부부중심으로 이루어져, 혼자 살아가는 친지들은 그대열에서도 멀어지는 경우를 자주 보곤한다. 나는 오늘도 Outdoor Activity로 숲속의 오솔길을 둘이서 과거얘기들을 하면서, 살아온 지난날들을 회상했었다.
인생 황온기에, Joe Biden이 같은 또래의 보통 사람들 처럼 살아간다면, 지금 전미국을 뒤흔들다시피, 떠들썩 하게 Sex Scandal로, 곤욕을 치르지는 않았을 것이다. 민주당의 대통령 후보지명전의 길고도 높은 길을 걸으면서, 여기까지 왔는데, 예상치도 않은 27년전의, 기억에도 희미한 옛날 한때의 순간적인 실수(?)가 발목을 잡을줄이야 어찌 상상이나 했었을까?
Sexual Harrasment를 당했던 당시의 보좌관, Reade의 폭로가 쏟아질줄이야. 그녀가 처음 언론에서 이사실을 폭로하자 언론, 특히 CNN에서는 관심을 갖지않고, 그냥 지나치고 말았었는데, 지금은 고인이 된 그녀의 어머니가 당시 CNN의 유명한 생방송 담당 앵커였던, Larry King Live 프로그람에 출연하여, King과 대담을 나누었던 Clip이 어렵게 발굴되여, 그동안 부인해 왔었던 Joe Biden이 곤경에 빠지게 된것이다.
내가 생각하기로는 CNN은 굉장히 진보적으로 그동안 보도방향이 변했으며, 특히 공화당 후보, Trump가 재선을 위해 선거운동하는데, 계속적으로 비난만 퍼부어오고 있어, CNN과 트럼프는 전쟁중에 있다고 해도 과언은 아니라는점을 염두에 두고 이해하면 사건의 전말에 대한 그림이 쉽게 그려질수 있을 것이다.
The Intercept가 금요일, 1993년 8월11일 방송됐던 내용의 사본을 처음 보도(
reported)한것이었다. 그내용은 캘리포니아주의 San Luis Obispo카운디에 거주하는 여인(Reade의 어머니)이 그대담쇼에 나와서, 국회의사당에서 자기 딸이 당했던 Sexual Harrasment에 대해 설명을 한것이다.
"San Luis Obispi, 캘리포니아, 여보세요" Larry King과의 화상통화가 시작된다.
"아,여보세요. 와싱턴정가에서 보좌관이 기자실에 들리는것 말고 달리 할수있는 방법이 뭐가 있었을까요? 내딸이 명성이 높은 상원밑에서 근무하다가 결국 떠났어요. 내딸이 그문제를 혼자 해결할수가 없었어요. 그래서 내딸이 오직 할수있었던것은 기자실에 가서 폭로하는 방법밖에는 다른 방법이 없었어요. 그러나 내딸은 모시던 의원을 존경했기에 폭로하지를 못했어요."라고 전화를 걸은 여성은 설명했다.
"다르게 표현해서, 딸은 기자실에서 폭로할 이야기가 있었다는 뜻이군요. 그러나 따님은, 모셨던 사람을 존경했기에 기자실에서 폭로를 할수가 없었다는 뜻이군요?" 라고 King은 그녀에게 물었다.
"네 맞아요. 그게 사실입니다."라고 엄마는 Larry King이 판넬로 나와 있던 사람과 그녀가 주장하는 내용을 다시 토의하기위해 전화를 끊기전에 대답을 해준 것이다.
CNN방송은 Joe Biden를 비난했던, Tara Reade가 CNN과 접촉하여, 그녀가 Biden에 대한 Sexual Harrasment를 폭로한지 한달이상을, 방송에 내보내지 않았었다.
Larry King Live 대담쇼의 내용이 담긴 당시의 비디오 Clip이 The Intercept에 의해 발표돼자, 마지 못해 Clip이 있었음을 나중에 인정하는, 체면 구기는 실수를 한것도 까십거리가 되고 있는것 같다.
민주당 대통령 후보로 지명이 거의 확실시되는, Joe Biden과 며칠전까지 경합했던, Bernie Sanders는 남부지방의 Primary에서 Joe Biden에게 패하자, 선거운동을 중단하고, 바로 Joe Biden을 민주당 후보로 지지한다고 선언하면서, 후보사퇴를 발표했었다. 이변이 없는한 그는 민주당 대통령 후보로, 트럼프와 오는 11월에 한판 치열한 싸움을 앞두고 있는데, 이번에 터진 Sex Scandal이 발목을 잡지 않을까라는 생각이다.
Biden은 보좌과들을 통해, Reade에 대한 Sexual Harrasment를 계속 부인해 왔었지만, 저널리스트들도 이를 확실히 증명하기는 쉽지 않을 일이다. 확실치 않은 성적학대를 당했다고 경찰에 신고하는 행위는 법으로 처벌받게되여있다. 그러나 Reade의 정황을 보면, 이사건에 대해 그녀는 친구들과 친척들에게 여러번 얘기한것으로봐, 사실임을 증명됐다. 뉴욕타임스는 Reade 씨가 친구들에게 성적학대를 당했었다고 말한내용을
confirmed 했었다.
"또다른 친구들과 Reade의 남자동생은 설명하기를, Reade가 지난 수년간에 걸쳐 Biden의 성적학대를 받은 트라우마로 고통을 받고있었다"라는 내용을 NY Times는 보도했었다.
a telephone interview with Fox News on Friday night, Reade confirmed
that her mother called in to the show. Biden's presidential campaign has
adamantly denied Reade's allegations but the video could be cited as
evidence supporting Reade’s allegation – even though her late mother, in
the clip, does not specifically refer to a sexual assault claim.
The Intercept on Friday first
the transcript of a broadcast from Aug. 11, 1993, of a woman from San
Luis Obispo County, Calif., calling in to the show about her daughter's
experience on Capitol Hill.
"San Luis Obispo, California, hello," King begins.
hello. I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in
Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a
prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all,
and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she
chose not to do it out of respect for him," the caller says.
"In other words, she had a story to tell but, out of respect for the person she worked for, she didn’t tell it?" King inquires.
"That’s true," the woman responds before King cuts away to a panel to discuss her claim.
That woman was Jeanette Altimus, Reade's mother, Reade told news outlets, including Fox News.
Later Friday, the Media Research Center found the clip in its archives matching the information provided by The Intercept.
Reade took to Twitter to confirm that it was her mother who called in to "Larry King Live."
"This is my mom. I miss her so much and her brave support of me," Reade tweeted about her mother, who died in 2016.
Reade's story first resurfaced in an article in
The Intercept on
March 24. Podcast host Katie Halper then interviewed Reade, who
said that in 1993, a more senior member of Biden's staff asked her to
bring the then-senator his gym bag near the U.S. Capitol building, which
led to the encounter in question.
"He greeted me, he remembered
my name, and then we were alone. It was the strangest thing," Reade told
Halper. "There was no like, exchange really. He just had me up against
the wall."
Reade said that she was wearing “a business skirt,” but “wasn’t wearing stockings — it was a hot day.”
continued: “His hands were on me and underneath my clothes, and he went
down my skirt and then up inside it and he penetrated me with his
fingers and he was kissing me at the same time and he was saying some
things to me.”
Reade claimed Biden first asked if she wanted “to go somewhere else.”
“I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing,” Reade said. “He said: ‘Come on, man. I heard you liked me.’”
said she tried to share her story last year, but nobody listened to
her. Earlier this month, she filed a criminal complaint against Biden
with police in Washington, D.C.
Fox News reached out to the Biden
campaign on Friday for comment. The campaign referred Fox News to a
statement earlier this month from Biden Deputy Campaign Manager Kate
Bedingfield that said: “What is clear about this claim: it is untrue.
This absolutely did not happen."
"Vice President Biden has
dedicated his public life to changing the culture and the laws around
violence against women," Bedingfield said. "He authored and fought for
the passage and reauthorization of the landmark Violence Against Women
Act. He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard - and heard
respectfully. Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an
independent press.
Speaking to Fox News on Friday, Reade recalled being "furious" at her
mother for phoning in to CNN after having watched the clip on a
recorded tape following the broadcast.
She told Fox News she
"dreamt" about her mother on Thursday night. The following morning, The
Intercept's Ryan Grim told her that he found the transcript.
said she "cried" when she watched the clip on Friday evening, telling
Fox News it had been years since she had heard mother's voice. She had
urged Reade to file a police report at the time of the alleged assault,
Reade said.
"Always listen to your mom, always listen to your mom," an emotional Reade told Fox News.
the mother’s interview doesn’t specifically corroborate Reade’s latest
allegations of assault, and could be referring more to the bullying
allegations she raised last year. In a 2020 interview, Reade laid more
blame with Biden’s staffers for “bullying her” than with Biden himself,
The Washington Post reported.
Reade has come forward before: Last year, when multiple women emerged claiming inappropriate touching by Biden.
at the time, claimed Biden put his hands on her shoulders and rubbed
his fingers up and down her neck, but was unable to gain traction on her
story aside from an
article in a local newspaper.
in recent weeks, Reade told a far more graphic account, with different
and more serious details, raising the allegation to the level of sexual
“Now we’ll see if a different set of rules still applies
to Joe Biden,” Erin Perrine, the principal deputy communications for
President Trump's re-election campaign, said in a statement to Fox News.
“Maybe now at least one reporter will ask him about it.”
Fox News
has also requested comment from U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who
ran against Biden in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary and
recently endorsed Biden's campaign after wthdrawing from the race.
Tara Reade’s mother may have called in to the
Larry King Show to discuss problems her daughter had experienced while working for “a prominent senator,” the Intercept
on Friday. Reade has accused former Vice-President Joe Biden, the
Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, of sexually
assaulting her when she worked for his Senate office. The Intercept
report, which includes a partial transcript of the call in question,
provides new corroborative evidence for Reade’s story.
the call, a woman asks King, “what a staffer would do besides go to the
press in Washington?” Her daughter, she added, “has just left there,
after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with
her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to
the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him.”
the Intercept story doesn’t confirm that the Larry King caller was
indeed Reade’s mother, some biographical details do match up. The caller
and Reade’s mother, who died in 2016, lived in San Luis Obispo County
in August 1993, and Reade would have just left Biden’s office around the
time of the call. Reade told the Intercept in previous interviews that
her mother had called into the Larry King Show, though she couldn’t recall the date.
after the Intercept published its report, the conservative Media
Research Group published a clip of the episode in question; Reade
confirmed to Holly Otterbein of Politico that she could hear her mother’s voice.
has said that in 1993, Biden pushed her up against a wall in the Senate
complex, kissed her, and then digitally penetrated her underneath her
skirt. In 2019, she told reporters that the former vice president had
touched her neck and ran his fingers through her hair on several
occasions, which made her one of over a half dozen women
to say that Biden had
kissed or touched them in ways that made them uncomfortable.
representatives, Biden has consistently denied assaulting Reade, and it
is generally difficult for journalists to prove that a sexual assault
definitively occurred. Deficiencies in the criminal-justice system and
the fear and stigma associated with public identification as a victim of
sexual abuse can also prevent a person from reporting an attack to the
police, let alone the press. But key aspects of Reade’s account —
namely, that she told friends and relatives about the incident — have
proven true. The New York
Times previously
confirmed that
Reade told a friend about the attack when it allegedly occurred.
“Another friend and a brother of Ms. Reade’s said she told them over the
years about a traumatic sexual incident involving Mr. Biden,” the
Times reported.
The Washington
Post confirmed
another Reade claim: that her professional responsibilities changed
around the time of the alleged assault. Reade initially oversaw
internships in Biden’s Senate office. But two former interns “recalled
that Reade abruptly stopped overseeing them in April — just a few weeks
after the interns arrived — but neither was aware of the circumstances
that led to her departure,” the
Post found.