북한, 김정은 Regime이 마침내 두손을 바짝들고, 투항하고 말았다. 불쌍한것들.....
전세계의 뉴스 미디아들이, 북괴 김정은 왕국이 Covid19 Pandemic확산으로 나라 존폐가 위기에 처하고 있다"라는 뉴스를 타전하기에 바쁘다.
"우리 북조선은 Covid19 Pandemic에서 완전 청정지역이다. 못된 제국주의 나라사람들이 죄를 받아서 전염병 지옥이지만, 우리는 김정은 위원장의 지도하에 인민들은 안전하게 집단농장에서 노력봉사하면서 잘 살고 있다. 위원장님의 태양같은 영도력에 감사합니다. 위원장님 만수무강 하소서..."
외부 세계와 완전차단하고, 심지어 남한으로 탈북한 주민들이, 북의 가족들과 굶주리는 주민들에게 조금이나마 도움을 주고져, 대형풍선속에 필요한 약품과 식량 그리고 북한밖의 세계인민들이 살아가는 뉴스를 임진각에서 주곤 했었는데, 이에 분노한 김정은이가, 좌파 문재인에게 격노하여, 즉각 중지 시키지 않으면, 북한 청정지역에 Pandemic확산 우려가 파괴될수있다라는 이유를 들어, '서울불바다'만들겠다고 공갈치자, 어벙이 문재인이 새롭게 법을 만들어 대형풍선띄우는 우리주민들의 애국적행동을 완전 차단하여, 그후로는 북한은, Pandemic으로 부터 청정지역이라고 전세계에 나팔을 불면서, 서방세계의 난잡하고 자유분방한 시민들의 삶을 비난했었다.
좌파 문재인은 그말을 진짜로 믿고, 대형풍선 날리는 '남한주민들의 반역행위'를 잘 차단 했었다고 자화자찬을 입이 마르도록 했었다. 과연 그 결정을 보면서 문재인은 정말로 남한의 대통령이었는지? 아니면 북괴 김돼지의 하수인노릇을 한 것인지? 구분이 안되는 행동만 했었다.
웬말 했으면 확진자와 사망자에 대한 뉴스를 발표하지 않고 주민들을 속여 왔을텐데.... 이렇게, 비록 실제상황보다 훨씬적게나마 발표한것을 깊이 들여다 보면, 지금 현재 북하내의 주민들중 최소한 절반이상이 Pandemic에 걸려 나라존폐의 위기에 처해 있음을 간접적으로 표현한것으로 보인다.
이뉴스에 WHO를 비롯한, 서방세계에서는 인도적 차원에서 Vaccine공급을 하겠다고, 그것도 무상으로, 제의를 했지만, 항상 해왔던데로 무응답 또는 거절만 하고 있다는 안타까운 짖을 하고 있다.이제 막 출발한 윤석열 정부에서도 Vaccine공급을 제안했지만 무응답이다.
윤석열 정부는 북괴의 경거망동한 불법 미사일 발사와 핵무기 실험같은 반인륜적 행위에는, 필요시 선제타격을 해서라도 막겠다는 강한 의지를 폈지만, 그래도 같은 피를 나눈 민족의 자손들이기에, 치료를 위한 Vaccine무상제공을 제안했던 것이다.
북한주민들은 아무런 죄나 잘못이 없다. 문제는 김일성 독재왕조가 북한주민들을 독재체제의 공산정권을 세운이후로 통치하기 시작하면서, 무고한 주민들만 그희생양이 되여, 배고픔에 집단농장에 징발되여 중노동에 시달려 오늘에 이르렀는데....이제는 그마져도 할수없게 전염병으로 북한 전체를 초토화 시키고 있는 것이다. 이를 어찌하면 좋단 말이냐.
북한주민들, 전염병에서 보호해야할 김정은 Regime은 이런 전염병과는 전연 상관이 없다는듯이 버티어오면서, 오직 불법 미사일발사와 심지어 불법 핵무기발사 실험까지 계속하고 있는, 이런 생명체는 인간의 탈만 얼굴에 뒤집어 썼을뿐인, 하등동물짖을 계속하고 있을 뿐이다.
한국의 새정부도 김돼지 Regime이 Covid19으로 '대동란'이 났다고 발표한것을 보고, 백신을 제공하겠다는 제안을 했다고 하는데..... 응답이 없는것 같다. 왜 그런 똥뱃장을 부리는것일까? 죽어가는 주민들의 생명을 일단 살려놔야 평양김일성 광장에서 커다란 쑈를 할때, 인원 동원이 쉬울텐데.... 그래서 윤석열 정부는 바로 김돼지에게 보내지 않고, 유엔기구를 통해서 보낼것으로 발표하고 있다. 그렇게 하면 김돼지의 자존심이 좀 덜 상하는것으로 이해하는것 같다.
제발 탄도미사일 발사, 핵무기 시험발사 같은, 아무짝에도 쓸모없는 헛튼짖을 그만하고, 이제는 정신차리고 사람답게 살아가는 나라를 건설하는데 매진 하거라. 백신제공하겠다면 '네'하고 받아서 주민들 생명을 보호하거라. 그래야 6피트언더에 있는 너의 할아버지, 아버지도 좋아 하실것으로 믿어진다.
남한의 경우도 지난 5년간 김돼에게 읍소만 했던 좌파 정부는 나라의 곡간을 다 털어먹고, 국가빚만 잔뜩 국민들에게 지워놓고, 그자를 비롯한 충견들은 각자 한탕씩 잘해서 주머니에 넣고, 살길을 찾아 도망치다 시피 시야에서 사라졌다. 문재인같은자는 은퇴후에도 한달 월급으로 수령하는 금액이 보통 시민들이 일년간 벌어야 모을수 있는 금액이라고 하는데, 더웃기는것은 그렇게 큰 월급에 소득세를 한푼도 징수하지 않는다는 것이다. 이게 그자가 부르짖었던 평등사회였단 말이냐? 김돼지 Regime과 다른게 별로 없었다는 증거 아니겠는가.
FILE - An employee of the Kyonghung Foodstuff General Store disinfects the showroom in Pyongyang, North Korea, Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021. Before acknowledging domestic COVID-19 cases, Thursday, May 12, 2022, North Korea spent 2 1/2 years rejecting outside offers of vaccines and steadfastly claiming that its superior socialist system was protecting its 26 million people from “a malicious virus†that had killed millions around the world. (AP Photo/Jon Chol Jin, File)
Kim Tong-hyung, The Associated Press
Published Friday, May 13, 2022 8:39PM EDT
Last Updated Friday, May 13, 2022 10:49PM EDT
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea on Saturday reported 21 new deaths and 174,440 more people with fever symptoms as the country scrambles to slow the spread of COVID-19 across its unvaccinated population.
The new deaths and cases, which were from Friday, increased total numbers to 27 deaths and 524,440 illnesses amid a rapid spread of fever since late April. North Korea said 243,630 people had recovered and 280,810 remained in quarantine. State media didn't specify how many of the fever cases and deaths were confirmed as COVID-19 infections.
The country imposed what it described as maximum preventive measures on Thursday after confirming its first COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic. It had previously held for more than two years to a widely doubted claim of a perfect record keeping out the virus that has spread to nearly every place in the world.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during a ruling party Politburo meeting on Saturday described the outbreak as a historically “huge disruption” and called for unity between the government and people to stabilize the outbreak as quickly as possible.
Officials during the meeting mainly discussed ways to swiftly distribute medical supplies the country has released from its emergency reserves, Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency said. In a report presented to the Politburo, the North's emergency epidemic office blamed most of the deaths on a lack of “scientific knowledge about treatment methods,” including drug overdoses.
Kim, who said he was donating some of his private medicine supplies to help the anti-virus campaign, expressed optimism that the country could bring the outbreak under control, saying most transmissions are occurring within communities that are isolated from one another and not spreading from region to region.
He called for officials to take lessons from the successful pandemic responses of other nations and picked an example in China, the North's major ally.
China, however, has been facing pressure to change its so-called “zero-COVID” strategy that has brought major cities to a standstill as it struggles to slow the fast-moving omicron variant.
North Korea since Thursday has imposed steps aimed at restricting the movement of people and supplies between cities and counties, but state media's descriptions of the measures indicate people aren't being confined to their homes.
Experts say a failure to control the spread of COVID-19 could have devastating consequences in North Korea, considering the country's poor health care system and that its 26 million people are largely unvaccinated.
Tests of virus samples collected Sunday from an unspecified number of people with fevers in the country's capital, Pyongyang, confirmed they were infected with the omicron variant, state media said. The country has so far officially confirmed one death as linked to an omicron infection.
Lacking vaccines, antiviral pills, intensive care units and other major health tools to fight the virus, North Korea's pandemic response will be mostly about isolating people with symptoms at designated shelters, experts say.
North Korea doesn't have technological and other resources to impose extreme lockdowns like China, which has shut down entire cities and confined residents to their homes, nor it could afford to do so at the risk of unleashing further shock on a fragile economy, said Hong Min, an analyst at Seoul's Korea Institute for National Unification.
Even as he called for stronger preventive measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, Kim has also stressed that the country's economic goals should be met, which likely means huge groups will continue to gather at agricultural, industrial and construction sites.
It's unusual for isolated North Korea to admit to an outbreak of any infectious disease, let alone one as menacing as COVID-19, as it's intensely proud and sensitive to outside perception about its “socialist utopia.” Experts are mixed on whether the North's announcement of the outbreak communicates a willingness to receive outside help.
The country had shunned millions of doses offered by the U.N.-backed COVAX distribution program, possibly because of concerns over international monitoring requirements attached to those shots.
North Korea has a higher tolerance for civilian suffering than most other nations and some experts say the country could be willing to accept a certain level of fatalities to gain immunity through infection, rather than receiving vaccines and other outside help.
South Korea's new conservative government led by President Yoon Suk Yeol, who took office on Tuesday, has offered to send vaccines and other medical supplies to North Korea, but Seoul officials say the North has so far made no request for help. Relations between the rival Koreas have worsened since 2019 following a derailment in nuclear negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang.
However, Kim's call for his officials to learn from China's experience indicates that the North could soon request COVID-19-related medicine and testing equipment from China, said analyst Cheong Seong-Chang at South Korea's Sejong Institute.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Friday that Beijing was ready to offer North Korea help but said he had no information about any such request being made.
North Korea's viral spread could have been accelerated after an estimated tens of thousands of civilians and troops gathered for a massive military parade in Pyongyang on April 25, where Kim took center stage and showcased the most powerful missiles of his military nuclear program.
After maintaining one of the world's strictest border closures for two years to shield its poor health care system, North Korea had reopened railroad freight traffic with China in February apparently to ease the strain on its economy. But China confirmed the closure of the route last month as it battled COVID-19 outbreaks in the border areas.
Hours after the North acknowledged its first COVID-19 infections on Thursday, South Korea's military detected the North test-firing three ballistic missiles in what appeared to be a defiant show of strength.
Kim has been accelerating his weapons demonstrations in 2022, including the country's first intercontinental ballistic missile in nearly five years. Experts say Kim's brinkmanship is aimed at forcing Washington to accept the idea of the North as a nuclear power and negotiating a removal of crippling U.S.-led sanctions and other concessions from a stronger position.
South Korean and U.S. officials also say the North is possibly preparing to conduct its first nuclear test since 2017, which they say could happen as early as this month.
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