오늘 아침 외신뉴스를 보면서, 우리 한국 또 개망신 당하는구나. 한국에 Covid-19 확진자들이 급속도로 늘어가고 있다는 가슴아픈 보도를 봤기 때문이다. 대기오염을 비롯한 주위환경이 청경해야한다는 첫째 조건에서 우리 한국은 아주불리한 곳에 위치해 있다. 서해건너에서 밀어 닥치는 대기오염은 Covid-19전부터 국민들을 상시 마스크착용하게 만들어 왔었다. Social Distancing을 습관적으로 실행해야 하는데...보이지 않는 곳에서는 양심적으로 지켜진다고 보기에 믿음이 덜 갔었다.
Corornavirus Pandemic이 안정상태로, 방역과 치료를 잘한 결과라고 떠들어 대던 문재인 정부를 비웃기라도 하듯이 다시 창궐하여 국민들을 떨게 하고 있다는 외신을 보면서, 아직 끝날려면 그날이 언제인지도 모를, 바이러스 전염병이 사그러들것 처럼 동네방네 떠들더니...이게 무슨 망신이고, 국민들 혼란에 빠뜨리나.
한국에서 대통령을 비롯한 고관직 관료들, 국회의원들 등등..Test 받았었다는 뉴스를 한번도 본 적이 없다.
아마도 내기억이 크게 틀리지 않았다면 말이다. 자기네들은 Coronavirus Pandemic위에서 살고 있어서일까?
솔선수범하기위한 쑈라도 보이기위해, 자신들이 기침이라도, 머리통에 미열이라도 있다 싶으면 먼저 검진받고, 그결과를 국민들에게 알리는 양심적인 행동을 못하는건지? 안하는건지? 아니면 숨기는건지? 비밀투성이다.
트르도 수상의 아내는 초창기에 양성으로 판정되여 격리수용을 오랫동안 한후에 음성으로 판정되여 가족들과 다시 만나는 기쁨을 나누었다는 뉴스는 이번 Covid-19 방역 및 퇴치에 모든것을 있는 그대로 대국민보고하는 자세에서 국민들이 정부발표를 많이 믿는것으로 보였다. 일상업무중 가장 먼저 아침 11시경이면, 수상이 직접 관저앞의 마이크에 나와 어제 하룻동안의 Coronavirus 현황을 설명하고, 바로 기자들의 질의응답으로 들어간다.
한국에서도 처음에는 대통령을 비롯한 모든 고위 공직자들, 특히 청와대 참모회의때 유니폼처럼 입었던 노란색 자켓을 나는 기억하고 있다. 며칠동안 계속 되더니, 어느새 슬쩍 시야에서 사라져 버렸다. 열심히 방역퇴치 하고있다는 쑈만 벌인꼴이다. 지금은 청와대에서 Coronavirus 현황파악및 퇴치를 위한 회의를 하고있다는 뉴스는 못봤다. 김여정이의 공갈 한마디에 대형풍선못띄우게하는 수습책 만드느라 바빠서 라고 이유를 댈수 있겠지만....
질병관리 본부를, 질병관리청으로 승격시키겠다고 칭찬까지 하더니...질병관리본부장만 시달리게 생겼구만.
이난리통에 청으로 승격해주면, Covid-19전염병이 무서워서 도망 간다는 뜻이라도 있었던 것이었을까?
어제는 온타리오주 수상과 보건복지부장관이 대온주민 일일 보고에서(참고: 연방수상이 11시경, 그다음 오후2시경에 주수상과 관련장관, 의료책임자 동석), 주수상과 장관이 확진여부 검사를 자진해서받고 그결과가 나오는데로 다시 온주민들에게 발표할것이라고 보고 했었다. 그만큼 Pandemic이 주민들에게 큰 위협이 되고있다는 뜻이다.
몇주전만해도 문재인 대통령은 방역을 잘하고있어, 사회안전거리, 학교개학, 차량안에서 확진검사여부를 실시하는 방법을 "한국식 확진자검사"라고 자랑스러워 했었다. 한다는짖이 위안부 할머니들 등쳐먹고 부자가된 "윤미향"의 국회의원직 유지를 위한 지원사격에만 몰두하고 있는, 제밥그릇 챙기기에만 열을 올리는것으로 보이는 요즘의 행동들이다.
대한민국 5천1백만명 인구중 절반이상이 서울을 비롯한 인근에 거주하는 국민들이 Coronavirus Pandemic을 이겨낸 자부심 자랑했었는데, 지금 생명을 위협당하고 있다는 뉴스다. 질병관리본부는 제2의 전염병을 막기위해 필요한 조치를 다시 시작해야 한다고 경고까지하고 있다고 한다.
그러나 정부고위 관리들은 사회적안전거리확보를 비롯한 제한조치를 다시 실시하게되면, 그렇치 않아도 휘청거리는 경제회생에 직격탄이 될것이라고 걱정이란다. 이러한 경제악화는 22년만에 처음이라는 통계발표를 한국은행은 염려하고 있다.
더가관인것은, 국무총리 정세균씨는 1950-53년에 있었던 한국동란때도 학교는 폐쇄시키지않았었다고 강조하면서, 현재의 Coronavirus때문에 학교폐쇄는 커가는 학생들의 꿈과 장래희망을 심어주는데 실패하는, 잘못된 정책이 될것이라고 주문했는데.... 좀더 가려서 말을 했어야 했다. 죽음뒤에 천만금을 준들 무슨소용이 있겠는가.
오늘이라도 대통령부터 자진해서 확진여부 검사를 당당히 받고, 그결과를 보고하면서 침체된 국민들의 사기를 올리는 방법으로 활용하면 어떨까?라는 제안과 동시에 철저한 방역실시를 고언 드린다.
The Associated Press
Published Thursday, June 11, 2020 5:48AM EDT
SEOUL, Korea, Republic Of -- Just weeks ago, South Korea was
celebrating its hard-won gains against the coronavirus, easing social
distancing, reopening schools and promoting a tech-driven anti-virus
campaign President Moon Jae-in has called "K-quarantine."
But a resurgence of infections in the Seoul region where half of South Korea's 51 million people live is threatening the country's success story and prompting health authorities to warn that action must be taken now to stop a second wave.
South Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday reported 45 fresh cases of infection, a daily rise that has been fairly consistent since late May. Most have been in the Seoul metropolitan area, where health authorities have struggled to trace transmissions.
"Considering the quick transmission of COVID-19, there's limits to what we can do with contact tracing alone to slow the spread," said Yoon Taeho, a senior Health Ministry official during a virus briefing on Thursday, where he repeated a plea for residents in the capital area to stay at home.
Despite the concerns over the spike in infections, government officials have so far resisted calls to reimpose stronger social distancing guidelines after they were relaxed in April, citing concerns over hurting a fragile economy.
Their stance seems in contrast with the urgency conveyed by health experts, including KCDC director Jung Eun-kyeong, who has warned that the country could be sleepwalking into another huge COVID-19 crisis, but this time in its most populous region.
She has said health workers are struggling more and more to track transmissions that are spreading quickly and unpredictably as people increase their activities and practice less social distancing.
Jung's concerns were echoed by Kwon Jun-wook, director of the National Institute of Health, who in a separate briefing on Thursday acknowledged that health authorities were only managing to "chase transmissions after belatedly discovering them."
While South Korea saw a much larger surge of infections in February and March, when hundreds of new cases were reported every day, those had been easier to track. The majority then were concentrated in a single church congregation in Daegu, South Korea's fourth-largest city with 2.5 million people.
The recent clusters have popped up just about everywhere around the capital.
At least 146 cases have been linked to workers at a large warehouse operated by local e-commerce giant Coupang, which has been accused of failing to implement preventive measures and having employees work even when sick.
Around 200 cases were linked to nightclubs and other entertainment venues, while more than 90 infections have been traced to church gatherings near Seoul.
At least 116 cases have been linked to door-to-door sellers hired by Richway, a health product provider. These cases are particularly worrisome because most of the sellers are in their 60s and 70s.
South Korea's total cases are now 11,947, including 276 deaths. Most people have recovered, but the number of active cases rose back above 1,000 this week after dropping below the mark in mid-May.
Health authorities and hospital officials last week participated in an exercise for sharing hospital capacities between Seoul and nearby cities and ensure swift transports of patients so that a spike of cases in one area doesn't overwhelm its hospital system.
"At the least, we might have to invest as much effort as we did until now, or even more," to contain the new virus surge, Kwon said.
The spike of infections in the capital area has inspired second-guessing on whether officials were too quick to ease on social distancing.
The government in mid-April decided to lift administrative orders that advised entertainment and sports venues to close, allow professional sports to return to action without spectators and green-light a phased reopening of schools.
But Seoul and nearby cities restored some of the controls in recent weeks by shutting thousands of nightclubs, hostess bars and karaoke rooms. Resisting criticism from privacy advocates, officials have also started requiring entertainment venues, gyms and concert halls to register their customers with smartphone QR codes so they could be easily located when needed.
Health authorities have aggressively mobilized technological tools to trace contacts and enforce quarantines, with an infectious disease law strengthened after a 2015 outbreak of a different coronavirus, MERS, allowing them quick access to cellphone data, credit-card records and surveillance camera footage.
But since the easing of distancing, there has been a clear erosion in citizen vigilance, which, along with the highly effective contact tracing, has been credited for allowing the country to weather the epidemic without lockdowns.
While the Health Ministry and KCDC have repeatedly urged residents in the capital area to refrain from unnecessary gatherings and other public activity, data provided by cellphone carriers, credit-card companies and mass-transport operators over the past weekend indicated that people were just as active as before.
Government officials have said enforcing stricter distancing rules would be a difficult decision, considering the huge blow it could deal to the country's weak economy, which the Bank of Korea says could shrink for the first time in 22 years.
It would also be hard to close schools again in a country where hyper-competitive schools and elite university degrees are seen as crucial to career prospects.
Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun recently noted schools stayed open even during the 1950-53 Korean War and that it would be wrong to "fail the dreams and future of our children because of the current difficulties."
But a resurgence of infections in the Seoul region where half of South Korea's 51 million people live is threatening the country's success story and prompting health authorities to warn that action must be taken now to stop a second wave.
South Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday reported 45 fresh cases of infection, a daily rise that has been fairly consistent since late May. Most have been in the Seoul metropolitan area, where health authorities have struggled to trace transmissions.
"Considering the quick transmission of COVID-19, there's limits to what we can do with contact tracing alone to slow the spread," said Yoon Taeho, a senior Health Ministry official during a virus briefing on Thursday, where he repeated a plea for residents in the capital area to stay at home.
Despite the concerns over the spike in infections, government officials have so far resisted calls to reimpose stronger social distancing guidelines after they were relaxed in April, citing concerns over hurting a fragile economy.
Their stance seems in contrast with the urgency conveyed by health experts, including KCDC director Jung Eun-kyeong, who has warned that the country could be sleepwalking into another huge COVID-19 crisis, but this time in its most populous region.
She has said health workers are struggling more and more to track transmissions that are spreading quickly and unpredictably as people increase their activities and practice less social distancing.
Jung's concerns were echoed by Kwon Jun-wook, director of the National Institute of Health, who in a separate briefing on Thursday acknowledged that health authorities were only managing to "chase transmissions after belatedly discovering them."
While South Korea saw a much larger surge of infections in February and March, when hundreds of new cases were reported every day, those had been easier to track. The majority then were concentrated in a single church congregation in Daegu, South Korea's fourth-largest city with 2.5 million people.
The recent clusters have popped up just about everywhere around the capital.
At least 146 cases have been linked to workers at a large warehouse operated by local e-commerce giant Coupang, which has been accused of failing to implement preventive measures and having employees work even when sick.
Around 200 cases were linked to nightclubs and other entertainment venues, while more than 90 infections have been traced to church gatherings near Seoul.
At least 116 cases have been linked to door-to-door sellers hired by Richway, a health product provider. These cases are particularly worrisome because most of the sellers are in their 60s and 70s.
South Korea's total cases are now 11,947, including 276 deaths. Most people have recovered, but the number of active cases rose back above 1,000 this week after dropping below the mark in mid-May.
Health authorities and hospital officials last week participated in an exercise for sharing hospital capacities between Seoul and nearby cities and ensure swift transports of patients so that a spike of cases in one area doesn't overwhelm its hospital system.
"At the least, we might have to invest as much effort as we did until now, or even more," to contain the new virus surge, Kwon said.
The spike of infections in the capital area has inspired second-guessing on whether officials were too quick to ease on social distancing.
The government in mid-April decided to lift administrative orders that advised entertainment and sports venues to close, allow professional sports to return to action without spectators and green-light a phased reopening of schools.
But Seoul and nearby cities restored some of the controls in recent weeks by shutting thousands of nightclubs, hostess bars and karaoke rooms. Resisting criticism from privacy advocates, officials have also started requiring entertainment venues, gyms and concert halls to register their customers with smartphone QR codes so they could be easily located when needed.
Health authorities have aggressively mobilized technological tools to trace contacts and enforce quarantines, with an infectious disease law strengthened after a 2015 outbreak of a different coronavirus, MERS, allowing them quick access to cellphone data, credit-card records and surveillance camera footage.
But since the easing of distancing, there has been a clear erosion in citizen vigilance, which, along with the highly effective contact tracing, has been credited for allowing the country to weather the epidemic without lockdowns.
While the Health Ministry and KCDC have repeatedly urged residents in the capital area to refrain from unnecessary gatherings and other public activity, data provided by cellphone carriers, credit-card companies and mass-transport operators over the past weekend indicated that people were just as active as before.
Government officials have said enforcing stricter distancing rules would be a difficult decision, considering the huge blow it could deal to the country's weak economy, which the Bank of Korea says could shrink for the first time in 22 years.
It would also be hard to close schools again in a country where hyper-competitive schools and elite university degrees are seen as crucial to career prospects.
Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun recently noted schools stayed open even during the 1950-53 Korean War and that it would be wrong to "fail the dreams and future of our children because of the current difficulties."
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