대한민국을 세계에서 가장 악독한 공산독재자, 김정은이 말고, 그의 여자동생 김여정의 독설 한마디에, 5천만국민들의 경제적번영과 안전을 책임지겠다는 선거공약을 내걸고 당선되여 대통령이 된 문재인과 그일당들이, 두손들고 백기투항했다는 뉴스가 전서방세계 미디아들이 대서 특필하고 난리법석이다. 서방세계로 부터 왕따당할 짖만 골라서하고 있다네.
굶어죽기 싫어서, 개돼지 만큼의 자유도 허락안되는, 철의장막속에서는 더이상 목숨을 구걸해도 언제 어떻게 죽임을 당하질 몰라, 이래 죽으나 저래 죽으나 어차피 당할거라면, 한번 탈출시도나 해보고 죽자는 각오로, 어렵게 탈북하여 꿈에도 그리던 조국 대한민국을 찾아, 휴전선을 바로 건너오면 불과 도보로 2시간도 채 안걸리는 거리를, 중국의 연변과, 내륙지방을, 중국공안당국의 단속을 피해 남쪽으로 남쪽으로 수개월에 걸려 내려와 태국, 미얀마, 라오스, 월남등지의 산악지대의 또다른 사선을 넘어 어렵게 조국에 품에 안긴, 한피를 나눈 그분들이, 살아왔었던 북한의 생지옥 참상을, 북의 가족들, 친지들에게 다시 확인시켜주면서, 현재 남한에서 자유를 맘껏 누리면서 풍부한 삶을 살아가고 있음을 알여주기위해 수십년전부터, 탈북민들이 휴전선근처의 임진각에서 커다란 풍선속에 편지, 먹거리, 때로는 미화달러까지 넣어, 북으로 날려 보내곤 해온, 유일한 안부전달 채널을, 김여정의 공갈 한마디가 터져 나온지 불과 4시간만에, 전면 금시 시키겠다는 발표를하고, 활동을 차단한 것이다.
"삶은소대가리, 멍청이, 너나잘해"...등등의 입에 담지못할 막말이 섞인 공갈, 협박에 5천만을 대표하는 문재인 대통령은, 김정은 Regime에 반응한마디 하는것을 본적이 없었다. 전임정부에서는 풍선날리기를 비롯하여, 북괴의 공갈 협박이 있었을때는 그에 상응하는 조치를 하곤 했었는데.... 얼마전에는 김정은이의 공갈 한마디에 어렵게 목선타고 남한으로 넘어온 젊은 두북한청년들을 붙잡아, 바로 두눈을 가린채 휴전선을 통해 북괴에 넘겨주면서, 눈가리개를 벗겼었는데, 그청년들이 상상했던것과는 정반대의 상황이 벌어진것을 목격하고, 절규를 하면서 끌려가게 했던 인간백정짖을 하기도했었다. 누가? 바로 문재인과 그찌라시 일당들이.
최근에는 국제사회의 만류에도 아랑곳하지 않은 김정은의 북한주민인권유린, 핵개발, 탄도미사일 개발을 비난하는 삐라를 풍선속에 넣어 날려 보내곤 했었다. 가끔씩 들리는 풍문에 의하면, 김정은 Regime을 전복시키기위한 군부대의 쿠테타설이 타전되곤 했었다. 옛말에 "방귀가 잦으면 똥을 싼다"라는 그뜻을 행동으로 보여주는 기회가 올것같다는 느낌도 들곤 했었다.
북의 참상을 북주민들에게 알려주기위해 탈북민들과 뜻있는 국민들이 오랜 연구와 궁리끝에, 이렇게 대형 풍선속에 남과북의 실상을 비교할수있는 내용물을 비롯한 위에서 언급한 먹거리들을 넣고, 계절풍이 북으로 향할때를 이용하여 날려 보내곤 했었다. 간절한 염원이 달린 풍선 날리기를 아예 차단하겠다고, 청와대는 행정명령을 내리던가 아니면 국회차원에서 아예 이러한 풍선 날리기 행동을 못하게, 그리고 위반시에는 북에서 받아왔던 형벌보다 더 엄하게 다스리겠다는 악법을 제정하겠다니.... 이게 자유대한민국의 대통령과 국회의원들이 할짖인가?
도대체 이자들은, 5천만 국민들의 안보를 지켜주기위해서, 아니면 김정은 Regime의 명령을 남한땅에 거주하는 자유민들의 행동과 표현의 자유를 박탈하기위해 존재하는 집단인가의 구별이 안되는, 소속이 분명치 않은 크레물린같은 존재들이라는 의심이 쌓여만 간다.
혈맹이자 동맹국인 미국과 일본을 비롯한 서방세계의 비난이 귀에 들이지 않나? 잘은 몰라도 미국의 강력한 경고가 외교채널을 통해서 문통과 그찌라시들에게 전달됐을 것으로 이해되고 있는데도, 이를 무시하고 결국 자유세계 국민들이 바라는 의지와는 반대의 길로 지난 3년간 걸어온 길을 계속 질주할것으로 걱정되는데....
"삶은 소대가리의 남한 정부는 무뢰한들의 풍선날리기를 막지않고 방치한다면, 엄청난 댓가를 치르게 될것이다"라는 꼬마 김여정의 공갈 한마디가 그렇게도 무서웠었나? 60만 대군을 양성하여 대치시키는 이유가 뭔가? 하나뿐인 아들을 군대로 보낸 어버이들이 항의가 무서워서인가? 국민의 4대의무중에서도 국방의무가 제일먼저인것을 문재인 정부가 인식하고 있다면, 절대로 이런데 귀기울여서는 안될것이다. 제발 정신차리고, 5천만 국민들의 Freedom을 시궁창에 쳐박을 생각말고, 목숨바쳐 지켜라.
The Associated Press
Published Thursday, June 4, 2020 5:59AM EDT
굶어죽기 싫어서, 개돼지 만큼의 자유도 허락안되는, 철의장막속에서는 더이상 목숨을 구걸해도 언제 어떻게 죽임을 당하질 몰라, 이래 죽으나 저래 죽으나 어차피 당할거라면, 한번 탈출시도나 해보고 죽자는 각오로, 어렵게 탈북하여 꿈에도 그리던 조국 대한민국을 찾아, 휴전선을 바로 건너오면 불과 도보로 2시간도 채 안걸리는 거리를, 중국의 연변과, 내륙지방을, 중국공안당국의 단속을 피해 남쪽으로 남쪽으로 수개월에 걸려 내려와 태국, 미얀마, 라오스, 월남등지의 산악지대의 또다른 사선을 넘어 어렵게 조국에 품에 안긴, 한피를 나눈 그분들이, 살아왔었던 북한의 생지옥 참상을, 북의 가족들, 친지들에게 다시 확인시켜주면서, 현재 남한에서 자유를 맘껏 누리면서 풍부한 삶을 살아가고 있음을 알여주기위해 수십년전부터, 탈북민들이 휴전선근처의 임진각에서 커다란 풍선속에 편지, 먹거리, 때로는 미화달러까지 넣어, 북으로 날려 보내곤 해온, 유일한 안부전달 채널을, 김여정의 공갈 한마디가 터져 나온지 불과 4시간만에, 전면 금시 시키겠다는 발표를하고, 활동을 차단한 것이다.
"삶은소대가리, 멍청이, 너나잘해"...등등의 입에 담지못할 막말이 섞인 공갈, 협박에 5천만을 대표하는 문재인 대통령은, 김정은 Regime에 반응한마디 하는것을 본적이 없었다. 전임정부에서는 풍선날리기를 비롯하여, 북괴의 공갈 협박이 있었을때는 그에 상응하는 조치를 하곤 했었는데.... 얼마전에는 김정은이의 공갈 한마디에 어렵게 목선타고 남한으로 넘어온 젊은 두북한청년들을 붙잡아, 바로 두눈을 가린채 휴전선을 통해 북괴에 넘겨주면서, 눈가리개를 벗겼었는데, 그청년들이 상상했던것과는 정반대의 상황이 벌어진것을 목격하고, 절규를 하면서 끌려가게 했던 인간백정짖을 하기도했었다. 누가? 바로 문재인과 그찌라시 일당들이.
최근에는 국제사회의 만류에도 아랑곳하지 않은 김정은의 북한주민인권유린, 핵개발, 탄도미사일 개발을 비난하는 삐라를 풍선속에 넣어 날려 보내곤 했었다. 가끔씩 들리는 풍문에 의하면, 김정은 Regime을 전복시키기위한 군부대의 쿠테타설이 타전되곤 했었다. 옛말에 "방귀가 잦으면 똥을 싼다"라는 그뜻을 행동으로 보여주는 기회가 올것같다는 느낌도 들곤 했었다.
북의 참상을 북주민들에게 알려주기위해 탈북민들과 뜻있는 국민들이 오랜 연구와 궁리끝에, 이렇게 대형 풍선속에 남과북의 실상을 비교할수있는 내용물을 비롯한 위에서 언급한 먹거리들을 넣고, 계절풍이 북으로 향할때를 이용하여 날려 보내곤 했었다. 간절한 염원이 달린 풍선 날리기를 아예 차단하겠다고, 청와대는 행정명령을 내리던가 아니면 국회차원에서 아예 이러한 풍선 날리기 행동을 못하게, 그리고 위반시에는 북에서 받아왔던 형벌보다 더 엄하게 다스리겠다는 악법을 제정하겠다니.... 이게 자유대한민국의 대통령과 국회의원들이 할짖인가?
도대체 이자들은, 5천만 국민들의 안보를 지켜주기위해서, 아니면 김정은 Regime의 명령을 남한땅에 거주하는 자유민들의 행동과 표현의 자유를 박탈하기위해 존재하는 집단인가의 구별이 안되는, 소속이 분명치 않은 크레물린같은 존재들이라는 의심이 쌓여만 간다.
혈맹이자 동맹국인 미국과 일본을 비롯한 서방세계의 비난이 귀에 들이지 않나? 잘은 몰라도 미국의 강력한 경고가 외교채널을 통해서 문통과 그찌라시들에게 전달됐을 것으로 이해되고 있는데도, 이를 무시하고 결국 자유세계 국민들이 바라는 의지와는 반대의 길로 지난 3년간 걸어온 길을 계속 질주할것으로 걱정되는데....
"삶은 소대가리의 남한 정부는 무뢰한들의 풍선날리기를 막지않고 방치한다면, 엄청난 댓가를 치르게 될것이다"라는 꼬마 김여정의 공갈 한마디가 그렇게도 무서웠었나? 60만 대군을 양성하여 대치시키는 이유가 뭔가? 하나뿐인 아들을 군대로 보낸 어버이들이 항의가 무서워서인가? 국민의 4대의무중에서도 국방의무가 제일먼저인것을 문재인 정부가 인식하고 있다면, 절대로 이런데 귀기울여서는 안될것이다. 제발 정신차리고, 5천만 국민들의 Freedom을 시궁창에 쳐박을 생각말고, 목숨바쳐 지켜라.
The Associated Press
Published Thursday, June 4, 2020 5:59AM EDT
SEOUL, Korea, Republic Of -- South Korea said Thursday it planned to
push new laws to ban activists from flying anti-Pyongyang leaflets over
the border after North Korea threatened to end an inter-Korean military
agreement reached in 2018 to reduce tensions if Seoul fails to prevent
the protests.
The South's desperate attempt to keep alive a faltering diplomacy will almost certainly trigger debates over freedom of speech in one of Asia's most vibrant democracies.
Sending balloons across the border has been a common activist tactic for years, but North Korea considers it an attack on its government. Defectors and other activists in recent weeks have used balloons to fly leaflets criticizing the North's authoritarian leader Kim Jong Un over his nuclear ambitions and dismal human rights record.
While Seoul has sometimes sent police officers to block such activities during sensitive times, it had resisted the North's calls to fully ban them, saying the activists were exercising their freedoms.
The shift followed remarks earlier in the morning from Kim's powerful sister, who threatened to end the military agreement and said the North could permanently shut a liaison office and an inter-Korean factory park that have been major symbols of reconciliation.
In her statement released through state media, Kim Yo Jong called the defectors involved in the balloon launches "human scum" and "mongrel dogs" who betrayed their homeland and said it was "time to bring their owners to account," referring to the government in Seoul.
Yoh Sang-key, spokesman of South Korea's Unification Ministry, said the balloon campaigns were threatening the safety of residents living in the border area and that his government will push for legal changes to "fundamentally resolve tension-creating activities."
When asked whether the ministry would specifically express regret over the North's threat to abandon inter-Korean agreements, Yoh said: "we will substitute our evaluation (of the North Korean) statement with the announcement of the government position (on the issue)."
South Korea's ruling liberal party and its satellite party have 180 seats in the 300-seat National Assembly after winning April's elections, giving it a solid majority to win approval for the proposal in parliament.
An official from Seoul's presidential office, who asked not to be named during a background briefing, said the balloon launches do "all harm, no good" and that the government will "sternly respond" to activities threatening security.
In 2014, soldiers exchanged fire after South Korean activists released propaganda balloons across the Demilitarized Zone, but no casualties were reported.
Activists in recent months have stopped releasing protest plans in advance to prevent police from stopping them.
North Korea's latest denouncement of the balloon protests follows months of frustration over the South's unwillingness to defy U.S.-led international sanctions against the North.
Kim Yo Jong took a higher profile in North Korean affairs as part of her brother's diplomatic efforts in 2018 and has been issuing her first public statements as that diplomacy has slowed in recent months. State media has carried her comments ridiculing Seoul for protesting a North Korean military drill but praising President Donald Trump for offering to help the North with anti-virus efforts.
"(South Korean) authorities will be forced to pay a dear price if they let this situation go on while making sort of excuses," she said in advocating South Korea outlaw the balloon protests.
"If they fail to take corresponding steps for the senseless act against the fellow countrymen, they had better get themselves ready for possibility of the complete withdrawal of the already desolate Kaesong Industrial Park following the stop to tour of (Diamond Mountain), or shutdown of the (North-South) joint liaison office whose existence only adds to trouble, or the scrapping of the (North-South) agreement in military field which is hardly of any value."
In a separate statement, the international affairs department of the North's ruling Workers' Party accused U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of spewing "rubbish" over his critical comments toward Beijing, which is Pyongyang's biggest ally.
In a Fox News interview on Sunday, Pompeo said the Chinese Communist Party was putting Americans at risk because it has come to "view itself as intent upon the destruction of Western ideas, Western democracies, Western values."
The department's unidentified spokesman also commented on the intensifying protests in the United States over the death of George Floyd, saying that the unrest exposes harsh realities in America.
"Demonstrators enraged by the extreme racists throng even to the White House. This is the reality in the U.S. today. American liberalism and democracy put the cap of leftist on the demonstrators and threaten to unleash even dogs for suppression."
Seoul has touted the military agreement, reached during the third summit between Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, as a major step in the peace process.
The Koreas had agreed to jointly search for human remains from the 1950-53 Korean War and take steps to reduce conventional military threats, such as establishing buffer and no-fly zones. They also removed some front-line guard posts and jointly surveyed a waterway near their western border to allow freer civilian navigation.
However, the North has been less enthusiastic about upholding inter-Korean agreements as the larger nuclear talks with the U.S. stalemate. North Korea has suspended virtually all co-operation with the South, while also pressuring Seoul to break away from Washington and restart the joint economic projects, which would breathe life into the North's broken economy.
"If they truly value the (North-South) agreements and have a will to thoroughly implement them, they should clear their house of rubbish," said Kim Yo Jong, who's considered her brother's closest confidant.
The liaison office in Kaesong has been closed since late January after the Koreas agreed to temporarily shut down until the coronavirus outbreak is controlled.
The North has also postponed plans to tear down South Korean-made hotels and other facilities at the North's Diamond Mountain resort as part of its virus-prevention efforts. It has said there hasn't been a single case of COVID-19 on its territory, a claim widely disbelieved.
The South's desperate attempt to keep alive a faltering diplomacy will almost certainly trigger debates over freedom of speech in one of Asia's most vibrant democracies.
Sending balloons across the border has been a common activist tactic for years, but North Korea considers it an attack on its government. Defectors and other activists in recent weeks have used balloons to fly leaflets criticizing the North's authoritarian leader Kim Jong Un over his nuclear ambitions and dismal human rights record.
While Seoul has sometimes sent police officers to block such activities during sensitive times, it had resisted the North's calls to fully ban them, saying the activists were exercising their freedoms.
The shift followed remarks earlier in the morning from Kim's powerful sister, who threatened to end the military agreement and said the North could permanently shut a liaison office and an inter-Korean factory park that have been major symbols of reconciliation.
In her statement released through state media, Kim Yo Jong called the defectors involved in the balloon launches "human scum" and "mongrel dogs" who betrayed their homeland and said it was "time to bring their owners to account," referring to the government in Seoul.
Yoh Sang-key, spokesman of South Korea's Unification Ministry, said the balloon campaigns were threatening the safety of residents living in the border area and that his government will push for legal changes to "fundamentally resolve tension-creating activities."
When asked whether the ministry would specifically express regret over the North's threat to abandon inter-Korean agreements, Yoh said: "we will substitute our evaluation (of the North Korean) statement with the announcement of the government position (on the issue)."
South Korea's ruling liberal party and its satellite party have 180 seats in the 300-seat National Assembly after winning April's elections, giving it a solid majority to win approval for the proposal in parliament.
An official from Seoul's presidential office, who asked not to be named during a background briefing, said the balloon launches do "all harm, no good" and that the government will "sternly respond" to activities threatening security.
In 2014, soldiers exchanged fire after South Korean activists released propaganda balloons across the Demilitarized Zone, but no casualties were reported.
Activists in recent months have stopped releasing protest plans in advance to prevent police from stopping them.
North Korea's latest denouncement of the balloon protests follows months of frustration over the South's unwillingness to defy U.S.-led international sanctions against the North.
Kim Yo Jong took a higher profile in North Korean affairs as part of her brother's diplomatic efforts in 2018 and has been issuing her first public statements as that diplomacy has slowed in recent months. State media has carried her comments ridiculing Seoul for protesting a North Korean military drill but praising President Donald Trump for offering to help the North with anti-virus efforts.
"(South Korean) authorities will be forced to pay a dear price if they let this situation go on while making sort of excuses," she said in advocating South Korea outlaw the balloon protests.
"If they fail to take corresponding steps for the senseless act against the fellow countrymen, they had better get themselves ready for possibility of the complete withdrawal of the already desolate Kaesong Industrial Park following the stop to tour of (Diamond Mountain), or shutdown of the (North-South) joint liaison office whose existence only adds to trouble, or the scrapping of the (North-South) agreement in military field which is hardly of any value."
In a separate statement, the international affairs department of the North's ruling Workers' Party accused U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of spewing "rubbish" over his critical comments toward Beijing, which is Pyongyang's biggest ally.
In a Fox News interview on Sunday, Pompeo said the Chinese Communist Party was putting Americans at risk because it has come to "view itself as intent upon the destruction of Western ideas, Western democracies, Western values."
The department's unidentified spokesman also commented on the intensifying protests in the United States over the death of George Floyd, saying that the unrest exposes harsh realities in America.
"Demonstrators enraged by the extreme racists throng even to the White House. This is the reality in the U.S. today. American liberalism and democracy put the cap of leftist on the demonstrators and threaten to unleash even dogs for suppression."
Seoul has touted the military agreement, reached during the third summit between Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, as a major step in the peace process.
The Koreas had agreed to jointly search for human remains from the 1950-53 Korean War and take steps to reduce conventional military threats, such as establishing buffer and no-fly zones. They also removed some front-line guard posts and jointly surveyed a waterway near their western border to allow freer civilian navigation.
However, the North has been less enthusiastic about upholding inter-Korean agreements as the larger nuclear talks with the U.S. stalemate. North Korea has suspended virtually all co-operation with the South, while also pressuring Seoul to break away from Washington and restart the joint economic projects, which would breathe life into the North's broken economy.
"If they truly value the (North-South) agreements and have a will to thoroughly implement them, they should clear their house of rubbish," said Kim Yo Jong, who's considered her brother's closest confidant.
The liaison office in Kaesong has been closed since late January after the Koreas agreed to temporarily shut down until the coronavirus outbreak is controlled.
The North has also postponed plans to tear down South Korean-made hotels and other facilities at the North's Diamond Mountain resort as part of its virus-prevention efforts. It has said there hasn't been a single case of COVID-19 on its territory, a claim widely disbelieved.
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