중국이나 한국이나 사회적 분위기와 사람들의 생각이 비슷하고, 다른점이 있다면, 정치꾼들이 국민들에게 홍보하는게 그곳과 많이 다르다는점이다. 중국은 세계를 상대로 숨기고싶을때는 눈딱감고 할수있다. 그래서 현재도 최초 Coronavirus Pandemic이 Wuhan에서 발생했다고 보고하고 있었지만, 많은 서방세계에서는 Wuhan이 최초 전염병 발생지라고 발표하기 이전에 이미 중국에서는 여러곳에서 전염돼고있었다고 믿는 것이다. 이러한 불신을 잠재우기 위해서는 중국이 좀더 진실된 그리고 상세한 보고를 진정성있게 했어야 했지만, 이미 그신뢰를 얻기에는 때를 놓친 것이다. WHO도 그러한 중국에 편승하여 영향력을 행사했다는 비난을 면치 못하고있다.
그영향권안에서 하늘문 바닷문을 활짝 열어준 문재인 정부를 비난하는뜻에서 전세계의 150여개국에서 한국과의 접촉을 완전 차단 시키고, 왕따를 당했었다.
다행인것은 한국의 의료시설과 점검시설이 중국과는 비교가 안돼게 월등히 좋아, 중국보다는 훨씬 전염을 효과적으로 차단하고, 빨리 확진자들을 발견, 격리 치료하는데 탁월함을 보여, 왕따 당했을때와는 다르게 서방세계로 부터 칭찬 아닌 칭찬을 들었었다. 그러나 그러한 서방세계의 격려와 응원에 자만심이 생겨, 구데기처럼 엉켜서 비벼대는 Night club에 영업을 공식적으로 허락했는지? 아니면 법을 무시하고 업주가 돈을 벌기위해 불법으로 영업을 했는지는 알수 없으나, 제2의 Pandemic 공포속으로 몰아넣어, 다시한번 세방의 비웃음을 받기도 했었다.
중국은 5월30일 이후로 Xinfadi 시장에 갔었던 주민은 전부 확진여부 검사를 받도록 조치하고있다.
적어도 Harbin, Dalian시를 포함한 인근의 10개 도시에 거주하는 주민들은 베이징 여행을 자제할것을 요구하고있다고Reuters 통신이 전하고있다.
지난 2달 사이에 새로운 확진자가 일요일 베이징에서가장 많이 발생했다는 보고가 있어, 중국이 공포에 휩싸여 전전 긍긍하고있다. 중국의 국민건강협회는 일요일 발표하기를 일요일에 총 Coronavirus Pandemic확진자가 토요일 자정부터 일요일 하룻동안에 57명 새로 발견했는데, 그중 36명은 Beijing 에서 발생한 것이다.
"지금 베이징은 미쳐 생각지도 못했던 Covid-19의 어려움에 들어섰다"라고 시의 대변인 Xu Hejia 씨는 기자회견에서 설명한 것이다. 이번 베이징에서 확진자발생의 원인은 시에서 가장큰 먹거리 도매시장과 연관성이 많다는 케이스다.
중국의 항공규제위원회는 일요일 발표하기를 China Southern Airlines 는 목요일 17명의 여행객이 검진후 확진자로 판명되여, Dhaka, Bangladesh 그리고 중국남부의 Guangzhou시의 항공기 운항을 중지할것을 요구했다고 한다. 이번 중국당국의 신속한 조치로 전염병의 확산을 막을려는 노력을 높이 평가할수 있을것 같지만, 한국에 대해서는 걱정이다. 중국내 다른 도시에 운항하는 한국적기, 또는 외국항공의 한국내 운항 중단을 신속히 실시해야 하는데....지금 한국에서도 확진자가 급격히 증가하고 있다고 보고돼기 때문이다.
전세계적으로 이집트, 유크라이나, 북마세도니아에서도 지난 금요일 이후 하룻동안 새로운 확진자 발생율이 가장 높게 나타나 긴장 시키고 있다.
Officials in China closed more neighborhoods and fired officials on Monday amid fears of a new coronavirus outbreak linked to a market in Beijing, according to multiple reports.
least 10 residential communities near the Yuquandong market in
Beijing's Haidian District were placed under lockdown after "multiple
cases" were found over the weekend.
Residents were ordered to go
under home quarantine and take nucleic acid tests for the virus. All of
the infections reportedly had ties to the Xinfadi market in Beijing’s
southern Fengtai district -- identified as the center of a new cluster
of cases.
Dozens of new coronavirus infections were reported Sunday in China's capital as the country where the deadly virus originated tallied its highest daily total of new cases in two months.

China’s National Health Commission said Sunday there were 57 confirmed COVID-19 cases in 24 hours through midnight Saturday, including 36 cases in Beijing.
“Beijing has entered an extraordinary period,” city spokesman Xu Hejia told reporters.BEIJING CLOSES FOOD MARKET, LOCKS DOWN DISTRICT AFTER NEW CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK
All of the cases in Beijing have been linked to the city’s biggest wholesale food market.
The Xinfadi market in southwest Beijing was shut down Saturday after 50 people tested positive for the virus in recent days. Before the spate of infections, the city had not had any new COVID-19 cases in 55 days.
State media outlet The Global Times said all districts in Beijing, and cities and counties in nearby provinces, issued notices to residents, requiring them to report for nucleic acid testing if they had visited the Xinfadi or Beijing-Shenzhen markets in recent weeks.
In Beijing, officials have required residents to report their travel histories for the last two weeks, while officials in Tianjin Province have asked people to report if they had been to any of the major food markets in the capital city that were now closed due to coronavirus, the Global Times reported.
According to health officials, the 36 new cases in Beijing include 27 people who worked at the Xinfadi market, with nine determined to have had direct exposure to the virus..
On Saturday, authorities in Beijing locked down 11 residential communities near the Xinfadi market.
White fencing sealed off a road leading to apartment buildings and drivers were required to show identification to enter the area. All of those who live near or work at the market must get tested for the virus.

At least 10 cities, including Harbin and Dalian, have urged residents not to travel to Beijing, according to Reuters.
Government officials have said that health workers detected coronavirus in 40 samples collected at Xinfadi, including from cutting boards used to prepare imported salmon.
The chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Wu Zunyou, said in an article published Sunday that the source of the latest outbreak could have been either contaminated seafood or meat from the market, or a visitor or worker who had contracted the virus, the South China Morning Post reported.

“We are still collecting information, and we can’t give a conclusion now,” he said.
China, where the pandemic began in December, had relaxed most of its anti-virus controls after the ruling Communist Party declared victory over the disease in March.
The country had responded to the outbreak with the world's most intensive anti-disease controls, isolating cities with some 60 million people and shutting down much of its economy. Those steps were later imitated by some other governments.
But in the last week, China has seen a rise in cases.
China's air regulator announced Sunday that China Southern Airlines was required to suspend flights between Dhaka, Bangladesh and the southern city of Guangzhou for four weeks after 17 passengers on Thursday's flight tested positive for the virus.

The latest outbreak raised China's total number of announced coronavirus cases to 83,132, with 4,634 deaths, according to the Health Commission. China, however, has been under intense international scrutiny for under-reporting its figures. Chinese officials have pushed back against those accusations.
Around the world, infections in South Korea also rose Sunday, and Egypt, Ukraine and North Macedonia reported their highest single-day totals of new infections since Friday.
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