트럼프 대통령의 페이스북 사용정지는 당분간 계속 된다고 한다.
이런 조치로 Facebook은 가장 최악의 상태가 될수도 있는 위험을 동반하게된다. 그중의 하나는 트럼프 지지자들이 이러한 사용정지 조치에 격노를 하는것은 계속될것이지만, 프럼프를 비난하는측에서는 social-media사용규칙을 더 광범위하게 넓혀야 한다고 주장하는, 그중간에서 난처한 입장에 처해있는 페이스북은, 관리감독위원회가 시원하게 이문제를 해결해 줄것으로 기대하고 있다.
4개월전에 있었던, 지난 1월6일 수도 와싱턴에서 있었던 폭동이 국회의사당 난입폭동사건으로 번진 이유로 Facebook은 트럼프의 구좌를 정지시킨후, 페이스북의 관리감독 운영이사회는 계속해서 구좌사용정치 정책을 고수하고 있는것이다.
그러나 관리감독위원회는 Facebook 이 전임 대통령에 대한 무한정의 페이스북 사용금지를 고집하는것은 이유가 되지않는다라는것을 지적하면서, 앞으로 얼마나 더 계좌사용정치 정책을 고수할것인지를 밝혀야 할것이라고 지적하고 있다. 이러한 재제조치는 페이스북에 좋은 결과를 가져오지는 못할것이라고 충고하고 있다.
Facebook이 사용정지 조치를 4개월전에 내린 행위는 정당한 행동이었다고 했다. 그러나 페이스북이 확실하게 페날티를 적용한 내용 명시없이, 트럼프의 계좌를 영원히 정지시킬것인지의 여부를 결정하지하고 이문제를 바로 감독위원회로 넘긴것은 실수였다고 충고했다.
"무기한의 페널티를 준것은 국제적으로 좋은 인상을 주지 못했다. 우리 감독위원회는 경찰도 아니고, social media를 지시감독하는 최고의 기관도 아니다" 라고 관리감독위원회의 공동의장, Michael McConnell씨는 기자들과의 회견에서 그의 의중을 설명했었다.
트럼프는 그가 밝힌 성명서에서, 직접적으로 이번 결정에 대한 언급은 없었으나, Facebook, Twitter, 그리고 Google이 취한 "행동은 매우 실망적이었으며 또한 우리나라를 위해서도 바람직한 조치는 아니었다. 이렇게 타락한 social media회사들은 결과적으로 정치적인 대가를 치르게 될것이다"라고 언급했다.
갑독위원회는 트럼트의 지난 1월6일자로 페이스북에 올린 행동은 페이스북과 인스타그람에 글올리기 기준에 " 매우 부적절한 행위"였음을 나타낸 페이스북의 뜻에 동의한다고 했다.
social media로 부터 사용정지를 당한 Trump는 다른 방법으로 그의 메세지를 그의 취향에 맞게 계속 고집하고 있다. 그는 수시로 그의 생각에 동조하는 뉴스미디아와 인터뷰를 해오고 있으며, 그의 성명서 발표를 기자들에게 그의 사무실의 공식적인 이멜을 사용하여 내보내고 있다.
이러한 싸움이 오래 지속되면, 트럼프와 social media들, 모두 피해를 볼것으로 나는 이해하고있다. 이런식으로 제재를 가한다면, 한국의 정치꾼들이, 내가 알기로는 Facebook을 만히 이용하고 있는것으로 알고있는데..... 거기에 대해서는 제재조치를 받았다는 정치꾼들의 불평을 아직까지는 들어보지 못했었다. 조금은 이해가는데 고개가 갸우뚱 해지는 대목이다.

In this Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020, file photo, U.S. President Donald Trump arrives on the South Lawn of the White House, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)
Matt O'Brien And Barbara Ortutay, The Associated Press
Published Wednesday, May 5, 2021 9:13AM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, May 5, 2021 10:42AM EDT
Former President Donald Trump won't return to Facebook - at least not yet.
Four months after Facebook suspended Trump's accounts for inciting violence that led to the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the company's quasi-independent oversight board upheld the bans. But it told Facebook to specify how long they would last, saying that its “indefinite” ban on the former president was unreasonable. The ruling, which gives Facebook six months to comply, effectively postpones any possible Trump reinstatement and puts the onus for that decision squarely back on the company.
That could leave Facebook in the worst of all possible worlds - one in which Trump's supporters remain enraged over the bans, his critics pushing for broader social-media regulation and the company stuck with a momentous issue it clearly hoped the oversight board would resolve.
The decision only “kicks the can down the road,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, who said it highlighted the need for greater government oversight of social platforms.
The board ruled that Facebook was correct to suspend Trump's account four months ago. But it said the company erred by applying a vague penalty and then passing the question of whether to ban Trump permanently to the board.
“Indefinite penalties of this sort do not pass the international smell test,” oversight board co-chair Michael McConnell said in a conference call with reporters. “We are not cops, reigning over the realm of social media.”
In a statement, Trump did not address the decision directly, but said that actions by Facebook, Twitter, and Google are “a total disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country.” He added: “These corrupt social media companies must pay a political price.”
The board agreed with Facebook that that two of Trump's Jan. 6 posts “severely violated” the content standards of both Facebook and Instagram.
“We love you. You're very special,” Trump said to the rioters in the first post. In the second, he called them “great patriots” and told them to “remember this day forever.”
Those violated Facebook's rules against praising or supporting people engaged in violence, the board said, warranting the suspension. Specifically, the board cited Facebook's rules against “dangerous individuals and organizations,” which prohibit anyone who proclaims a violent mission and bans posts that express support or praise of these people or groups.
But it insisted that the company needed to take responsibility for its decision.
“Facebook should either permanently disable Trump's account or impose a suspension for a specific period of time,” said board co-chair Helle Thorning-Schmidt, a former Danish prime minister.
The board said that if Facebook decides to restore Trump's accounts, it must be able to promptly address further violations. Among other recommendations, it advised against drawing a firm distinction between political leaders and other influential users because anyone with a big audience can potentially cause serious risks of harm.
There was some dissent within the board, according to its report on the decision. A minority of board members sought to characterize Trump's statements about the election being stolen, coupled with praise for the rioters, as a violation of Facebook's rules against inciting violence through calls for action or by spreading misinformation and unverifiable rumours. But the board said that adding that as a violation wouldn't have affected its final ruling.
Facebook has long straddled that issue, granting political figures greater leeway than it allows ordinary users because, it argued, even their rule-breaking statements were important for citizens to hear.
“The same rules should apply to all users on Facebook, no matter how influential they are,” said board spokesman Dex Hunter-Torricke, a former speechwriter for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
If anything, Facebook should look at the context of their posts more carefully.
“A world leader or a very influential public figure has an enormous voice and reach, they are incredibly influential and that means their speech has the power to create all sorts of additional risks for people,” Hunter-Torricke said. “And Facebook needs to take that into account when acting on things which may potentially create harm.”
Facebook created the oversight panel to rule on thorny content on its platforms following widespread criticism of its problems responding swiftly and effectively to misinformation, hate speech and nefarious influence campaigns. The board's earlier decisions - nine of them before Wednesday - have tended to favour free expression over the restriction of content.
The board, which has 20 members and will eventually grow to 40, did not reveal how it voted on Trump's suspension. It said a minority of members emphasized that Facebook should require users who seek reinstatement after being suspended to “recognize their wrongdoing and commit to observing the rules in the future.”
The decision has implications not only for Trump but for tech companies, world leaders and people across the political spectrum - many of whom have wildly conflicting views of the proper role for technology companies when it comes to regulating online speech and protecting people from abuse and misinformation.
Despite the board's censure of Facebook, some renewed the argument that the oversight panel is nothing but a distraction.
“Let's be clear: what should have been swift and decisive action from Facebook to remove Trump from its platform years ago was instead a months-long bureaucratic process because Facebook's leadership refuses to take responsibility for their harms against our democracy,” said Color Of Change President Rashad Robinson, a longtime critic of Facebook. The board “is a ruse to stave off regulatory action,” he said. Facebook can't be trusted to regulate itself and Congress and the White House should step in.
A day before the decision, Trump unveiled a new blog on his personal website, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump.” While the page includes a dramatic video claiming, “A BEACON OF FREEDOM ARISES” and hailing “A PLACE TO SPEAK FREELY AND SAFELY,” the page is little more than a display of Trump's recent statements - available elsewhere on the website - that can be easily shared on Facebook and Twitter, the platforms that banished him after the riot.
Barred from social media, Trump has embraced other platforms for getting his message out on his own terms. He does frequent interviews with friendly news outlets and has emailed a flurry of statements to reporters through his official office and political group.
Associated Press Writers Jill Colvin in Washington, Tali Arbel in New York and David Klepper in Providence, Rhode Island, contributed to this story.
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