UN보건기구(WHO)조사관들, 2019년 12월 발생한 Covid-19전염병, 우한에서 발생한 증거 발견.
그동안 여러번의 우려곡절을 거쳐 얼마전에 마침내 중국당국의 허가아래 Wuhan에 도착하여, Covid-19 Pandemic 첫발생지 여부를 조사해 왔던 WHO조사관들이 어렵게 현지 탐방조사를 마치고 중국을 떠나온후, CNN과의 인터뷰에서 Wuhan이 전염병 진원지 였음을 마침내 폭로한 것이다.
WHO조사관들은 2019년 12월에 Wuhan에서 발생했던 Coronavirus는, 이번조사에서 발견한 정황들을 볼때 예상했었던것 보다 훨씬더 광범위 했었음을 발견했고, Wuhan시 거주 수만명의 주민들로 부터 피검사를 긴급히 실시 할려고 했으나, 중국당국이 이를 막아 실현하지 못했었다고 폭로한 것이다.
WHO의 수석조사관 Peter Ben Embarek씨는 CNN 과 폭넓은 인터뷰에서, 이번 조사는 2019년도에 전파된 전염병이 생각보다 훨씬 더 광범위하게 퍼졌었다는 여러증거들을 발견했었다고 설명하면서, 그 증거들중에는 12월에, 이미 Wuhan시에서 처음 발병됐었다는 수십개의 정황들이 있었음을 알고 나름데로 조치를 취할려고 했었다는 것이다. 조사팀은 중국당국이 설명한, 첫번째 환자가 이미 12월 8일에 확진됐었음을 확인할수있는 있었는데 그사람과 대화할 기회도 갖었었다고 했다.
WHO가 오랫동안 기다리면서 모아왔던 자세한 더많은 자료들이 중국안에서 서서히 밝혀진것은, 공식적으로 12월 중순에 발생했다고 인정하기 훨씬 전부터 중국내에서 확산되고 있었던것으로 알고 조사를 해온 과학자들이 밝혔던 주장들에 신뢰성을 더 느끼게 해주었다는 것이다.
지금 막 중국의 우한으로 부터 스위스에 도착한 WHO수석 조사관, Ben Embarek씨가 CNN과 인터뷰에서 " Coronavirus는 12월부터 Wuhan에서 이미 전지역에 확산됐었는데, 이사실은 처음으로 발견됐던 것이다"라고 한탄했다.
Ben Embarek씨의 설명에 의하면 17명의 WHO과학자들과 17명의 Chinese들과 혼성팀을 꾸려, 진행된 미션은 12월 처음 발생한 초기 coronavirus전염병에서 그들이 조사한 유전자 물질을 광범위하게 조사했었다고 한다. 완전한 유전자물질들보다, 부분적인 유전자 샘플들을 조사할수 있도록 허가를 받았다는 것이다. 그결과로 과학자들은 처음으로, 2019년 12월부터 SARS-COV-2 virus에 대한 13개의 다른 유전자 배열에 관련된 자료를 수집할수 있었다고 한다.
2019년에 중국에서 발생했던 수많은 환자들에 대한 자료를 점검할수 있다면, 유전자 배열은, 지역과 그리고 12월 이전에 발생했던( the outbreak) 시기에 대해 어떤 연관이 있었는지에 대한 매우 중요한 단서를 제공할수 있다는 결론이다.
Ben Embarek씨의 설명에 의하면, " 일부 자료들은 markets과 연관돼 있으나, Wuhan시의 Huanan 해산물 시장과는 전연 관계가 없는 곳으로 부터 발생 했었다고 했는데", "이런것들은 이번 우리가 조사했던 일부분에서 발견된 것으로서,결론적으로 우리가 함께 모았던 자료들의 일부에 포함된 것으로 간주된다."라고.
Ben Embarek씨는 설명하기를 이번 미션탐방은, 숨겨져 있던 이런것들과 접촉하고 찾아내기위한 전세계적 관심이 집중된 가운데 진행됐지만, 엄격한 격리기간과 사회적 거리두기등등의 주위 여건으로 상당한 위협을 느끼게 했었다고 당시 상황을 설명해줬다.
"우리는 거의 한달동안 중국팀과 WHO팀과 함께 두구룹의 과학자들이 매우 가깝게 접촉하면서 조사를 했었다. 물론 일생에 한번 있을법한 열정적인 과학자들이 한데 어울려 진행했던 것으로, 새로운 이슈와 문제가 떠오를때마다, 때로는 매우 뜨거운 논쟁과 다툼이 있었던것도 고백했다."
"기억해야 할것은, 지난 한달동안 우리팀의 어깨에 하루 24시간동안 온 지구촌이 우리 어깨위에 기대했었점이었다는 것이다. 바꾸어 얘기하면 우리 과학자분들중에서는 서로 쉽게 이해하고 수긍할수만은 없었던 어려운 작업이었다는 점이었다."라고 소해를 밝혔다.
완곡하게 표현한 Ben Embarek씨의 표현에서 느낄수 있었던 점은, 중국의 협조를 얻는데 많은 어려움이 있었음을 간파할수 있었던 점이다. 마침내 중국의 우한이 이번 Covid-19 Pandemic의 발생지라는점을 부인할수 없을 것 같다.
문재인정권이 Vaccine구입전쟁에서 밀리면 중국제 Sinopharm Vaccine도입을 하게될것으로 보이는데, 많은 걱정이 된다. 아프리카 여러나라에서 현재 도입하여 Inculation하고 있는데....그외 나라에서는 사용했다는 발표가 없는것이 무엇을 뜻하는것인지? 주의해서 지켜봐야 할 사항이다.
Published Monday, February 15, 2021 6:17AM EST
(CNN) -- Investigators from the World Health Organization (WHO) looking into the origins of coronavirus in China have discovered signs the outbreak was much wider in Wuhan in December 2019 than previously thought, and are urgently seeking access to hundreds of thousands of blood samples from the city that China has not so far let them examine.
The lead investigator for the WHO mission, Peter Ben Embarek, told CNN in a wide-ranging interview that the mission had found several signs of the more wide-ranging 2019 spread, including establishing for the first time there were over a dozen strains of the virus in Wuhan already in December. The team also had a chance to speak to the first patient Chinese officials said had been infected, an office worker in his 40s, with no travel history of note, reported infected on December 8.
The slow emergence of more detailed data gathered on the WHO's long-awaited trip into China may add to concerns voiced by other scientists studying the origins of the disease that it may have been spreading in China long before its first official emergence in mid-December.
Ben Embarek, who has just returned to Switzerland from Wuhan, told CNN: "The virus was circulating widely in Wuhan in December, which is a new finding."
The WHO food safety specialist added the team had been presented by Chinese scientists with 174 cases of coronavirus in and around Wuhan in December 2019. Of these 100 had been confirmed by laboratory tests, he said, and another 74 through the clinical diagnosis of the patient's symptoms.
Ben Embarek said it was possible this larger number -- of likely severe cases that had been noticed by Chinese doctors early on -- meant the disease could have hit an estimated 1,000-plus people in Wuhan that December.
"We haven't done any modeling of that since," he said. "But we know ...in big ballpark figures... out of the infected population, about 15% end up severe cases, and the vast majority are mild cases."
Ben Embarek said the mission -- which comprised 17 WHO scientists and 17 Chinese -- had broadened the type of virus genetic material they examined from early coronavirus cases that first December. This allowed them to look at partial genetic samples, rather than just complete ones, he said. As a result, they were able to gather for the first time 13 different genetic sequences of the SARS-COV-2 virus from December 2019. The sequences, if examined with wider patient data in China across 2019, could provide valuable clues about the geography and timing of the outbreak before December.
Ben Embarek said: "Some of them are from the markets... Some of them are not linked to the markets," which includes the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan, thought to have played a role in the virus' first spread. "This is something we found as part of our mission... part of the interaction we had all together."
Variants pose larger questions
Changes in a virus's genetic makeup are common and normally harmless, occurring over time as the disease moves between and reproduces among people or animals. Ben Embarek declined to draw conclusions about what the 13 strains could have meant for the disease's history before December.
But the discovery of so many different possible variants of the virus could suggest it had been circulating for longer than just that month, as some virologists have previously suggested. This genetic material is likely the first physical evidence to emerge internationally to bolster such a theory.
Prof. Edward Holmes, a virologist at the University of Sydney, in Australia, said: "As there was already genetic diversity in SARS-CoV-2 sequences sampled from Wuhan in December 2019, it is likely that the virus was circulating for a while longer than that month alone."
Holmes, who has studied the virus' emergence at length, said these 13 sequences might indicate the virus spread for some time undetected before the December outbreak in Wuhan. "These data fit with other analyses that the virus emerged in the human population earlier than December 2019 and that there was a period of cryptic transmission before it was first detected in the Huanan market."
The WHO team gave a three-hour press conference alongside their Chinese counterparts in Wuhan to present their findings this past week. Since then, more details have slowly emerged as to the precise data they did -- and at times did not -- have access to.
Ben Embarek said the mission was given analysis by Chinese scientists of 92 suspected Covid-19 cases from October and November 2019 --patients who had Covid-like symptoms and were severely ill. The WHO team asked these 92 be tested in January this year for antibodies. Of these, 67 agreed to be tested and all proved negative, Ben Embarek said. He added that further tests were needed as it remains unclear if antibodies remain in former Covid-19 patients as long as a year later.
Yet the way in which these 92 cases were spread out across those two months and across Hubei geographically, also intrigued Ben Embarek, he said. Ben Embarek said the 92, as presented to the WHO team, did not emerge in clusters as is common in disease outbreaks. Instead, they were spaced out in small numbers across both months, and across the whole province of Hubei, where Wuhan is located.
"There was no clustering in particular places," he said. "That would have been picked up." It remains unclear if these 92 cases were linked to coronavirus, and what this lack of clustering might indicate.
Ben Embarek also said the mission were able to meet the first Covid-19 patient that China said they knew of. A Wuhan resident in his 40s, the man has not been identified, and had no recent travel history.
"He has no link to the markets," said Ben Embarek. "We also spoke to him. He has a very -- in a way -- dull and normal life, no hiking in the mountains type of things. He was an office worker in a private company."
China promises cooperation
China has pledged transparency with the WHO investigation. Responding to US criticisms that it should provide access to its earlier raw data, the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC said: "What the U.S. has done in recent years has severely undermined multilateral institutions, including the WHO, and gravely damaged international cooperation on COVID-19," a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in the United States said in the statement.
"But the U.S., acting as if none of this had ever happened, is pointing fingers at other countries who have been faithfully supporting the WHO and at the WHO itself," the statement went on to read.
The WHO team hopes to return to Wuhan in later months to continue its investigations, Ben Embarek said, although he was unable to provide concrete dates for a confirmed trip.
He said the team hopes to urgently examine biological samples the experts say were unavailable to them on this first trip, specifically thousands of samples from Wuhan's blood donor bank that date back two years.
"There is about 200,000 samples available there that are now secured and could be used for a new set of studies," said Ben Embarek. "It would be would be fantastic if we could [work] with that."
Ben Embarek said there could be technical difficulties in accessing those samples. "We understand that these samples are extremely small samples and only used for litigation purposes," he said. "There is no mechanism to allow for routine studies with that kind of sample."
He said some other biological test samples that might have proven useful during the Wuhan mission, were also unavailable to them. "A lot of the samples have been discarded after some months or weeks, depending on the purpose of why it's taken," he said.
Ben Embarek said the mission's circumstances -- of intense quarantine periods and social distancing -- had led to some frustrations, along with the global scrutiny of its conduct and findings.
"We were working closely together for a month among two group of a large group of scientists," he said. "And of course, it's a once-in-a-while ... you -- as always, between passionate scientists --you get heated discussion and then argumentation about this and that.
"Remember, we've had the entire planet on our shoulders 24 hours a day for a month, which doesn't make the work among scientists easier."
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