아래의 Article은,2020년 1월15일자, 중앙일보의 사설내용이다. 소득주도성장의 허구성을 잘 나타냈다.
모든 국가정책을 자기 맘데로, 재단하고, 평가하고.... 시골 면장이 해야 할정도의 좁아터진 사고방식으로 국사를 처리하니, 예를 들면 친구하나를 도와주기위해 청와대의 온갖 권력을 국민몰래 뒷구멍으로 휘두르다, 딱걸렸는데도....수사중인 사건이라 언급하는것은 적절치 않다고 오리발이다.
그럴려면 왜 수백명씩의 보좌관들을 청와대에서 근무하게 하나? 혼자다 해도 될것을.... 특히 이번 Coronavirus 방역대책에도, 혼자서 꼼수 부리고, 전문가 집단, 즉 의협의 조언을 한마디로 걷어차고, 노란자켓입고, 폼만 잡더니만...사태는 이제 걷잡을수없이, 한국을 보이지 않는 지하 동굴속으로 처박고 말았다. 모든 정책이 일회용 반창고 식으로 그순간만 넘기면 그만이다라는 면피용이고, 변명뿐이다.
오늘 미국 트럼프 대통령은, 부통령 Mike Pence를 비롯한 관련 보좌관들을 대동하고, 백악관에서 기자회견을 했는데, 첫번째 그가 발표한것은, Coronavirus 환자중, 와싱턴주에 거주하는 50대 후반의 여성이 신종코로나 전염병으로 사망했음을 알려주었고,미국은 최대한 모든 역량을 동원해서 미국인들의 그피해를 최소로 줄이고, 수시로 미국민들에게 보고 할것이며, 지금 현재로서는,이번 신종 코로나 전염병으로 침체된 경제를 되살리는것 보다, 전염병 퇴치에 최우선적으로 정부는 온힘을 기울일 것이다라고 국사를 집행하는데 뚜렷하게 우선순위를 발표했었다. 많은 비교가 된다.
역사를 보면, 조선조 시대에도 역병은 가끔씩 창궐하여 희생자가 많았었다고 한다. 조정에서는 왕을 중심으로 신하들이 심혈을 기울려 방역에, 특히 전염지역을 차단하는, 당시로서는 최선의 방법을 동원했다고한다.
조공을 바치는 중국에는 사절도 보내지 않았었고, 국경통제도 있었다고 한다. 지금은 교통이 발달하여 그당시보다 훨씬 더 많은 사람들이 왕래하고 있어, 전염병의 확산위험이 수백배 더 높다고 하겠다. 그러나 이시간 현재도 문정부는 교통대문을 활짝 열어놓고, 그로인해 국민들은 완전히 전염병감염에 노출돼있다.
우리가 알고있는 폭군 광해군도 자기 어머니는 극진히 보살폈고, 모자관계는 좋았었다고 한다. 폭군이었지만 혈육을 나눈 어머니와는 관계가 좋았었다고 한다. 많은 비교가 되며,시사하는바가 크다. 뭐하나 국민들에게 본보기가 되는 행동이나, 정책을, 지난 몇년간 보여준게 없는, 답답한 우리나라의 현실이다.
오늘 하루만 새로운 환자 813명이 발생했단다. 그러나 전염병확산을 위한 정책에는 아무런 변화가 없었다.
시진핑이 한국을 방문하면, 신종 Coronavirus전염병이 없어기기를 하나, 아니면 완전히 죽어버린 경제가 회생하기라도 하나? 시진핑의 한국방문은, 그가 일본방문을 마치고 돌아가는길에 잠깐 방문하는 코스라고 한다.
동떨어진 소명 의식은 결코 성공하기 어렵다. 그래서 협치가 필요하고, 지도자는 반대편에도 귀를 기울여야 하는 것이다." 제발 이한구절이 뜻하는바가 뭔가를, 공부좀 하고 행동으로 옮겨라. 대한민국을 살려야 하지 않겠나. 이대로 살다가 이다음에 6 ft 지하로 갔을때, 먼저간 선배님들에게 뭐라 답할것인가?
정말로 한국은 지금 큰 재앙에 빠져있다.
문재인 대통령은 어제 신년 기자회견에서 국민 전체보다 지지층의 입맛에 맞는 논리로 일관했다. 지난 7일 내놓았던 신년사와
마찬가지로 냉철한 진단이나 자성은 찾기 어려웠다. 경제와 북한에 대한 인식은 여전히 현실과 거리가 멀었다. 신년사와 신년
기자회견을 보면 국정 기조의 변화는 요원해 보인다.
우선 경제 인식이 안이했다. 문 대통령은
“우리 경제에 부정적 지표가 줄고 긍정적 지표가 늘어나고 있다는 것은 분명하다. 경제가 좋아지고 있다는 전망도 국내외적으로
일치한다”고 주장했다. 신년사에서도 “고용이 회복되고 소득 불평등이 개선됐다”고 했는데 도대체 그 속사정은 알고 말하는 것일까.
고용이 회복되고 소득 불평등이 개선된 건 세금을 쏟아부어 가까스로 만들어낸 수치에 불과하다. 어르신 단기 일자리를 잔뜩 만들어
고용 참사에 땜질 처방을 했고, 저소득층에겐 현금 지원을 늘려 불평등 악화를 진정시켰다. 이는 증상을 일시 완화하는 대증요법일
안보·경제 난맥상에도 ‘마이웨이’ 기조현실과 괴리된 ‘소명 의식’ 성공 어려워
민간의 투자 의욕이 크게 약해졌고 경제의 기초체력인 잠재성장률은 자꾸 떨어지고 있다. 소득주도 성장의 기조가 빚은 결과다.
이대로 가면 효과는 거두지 못한 채 나라 곳간만 축내게 될 것이라고 주류 경제학자들은 경고한다. 경제 석학인 로버트 배로 하버드대
교수는 최근 중앙일보와의 인터뷰에서 “한국은 소득주도 성장이 아니라 소득주도 빈곤으로 가고 있다”며 “정부는 포퓰리즘을 멈추고
친시장·친기업·친투자적인 정책을 펼쳐야 한다”고 주문했다. 부동산 정책도 “지금의 대책이 실효를 다했다고 판단되면 보다 더 강력한
대책을 끝없이 내놓을 것”이라고 했는데, 이에 대해선 정의당도 “땜질식 대책을 계속 내놓을 게 아니라 확실한 대책을 내놓아야
한다”고 지적할 정도다.
문 대통령은 조국 전 법무부 장관에 대해 “지금까지 겪었던 어떤 고초,
그것만으로도 아주 큰 마음의 빚을 졌다”고 했다. 매우 부적절한 언급이다. 유재수 감찰 무마 의혹과 관련해 법원 영장판사는 이미
“죄질이 좋지 않다”고 했다. 배우자 정경심씨의 공소장에는 미공개 정보를 활용해 주식을 취득하고 허위 서류를 자녀 입시에 활용한
범죄 등이 적시돼 있다. 이로 인해 마음의 고초가 가장 컸던 이들이 국민이다. 국민 다수가 조국 사태를 겪으며 좌절하고 절망했다.
이를 외면한 ‘조국 감싸기’는 국가 지도자의 자세가 아니다.
더구나 문 대통령은 울산시장 선거
관련 청와대 하명수사 의혹에 대해 질문을 받고선 “수사 중이라 언급이 적절치 않다”고 피해 갔다. 하지만 조 전 장관에 대한
수사나 재판 역시 마무리되지 않았음은 몰랐을까. 문 대통령은 또 윤석열 검찰총장의 직무에 대한 질문을 받고선 “어떤 사건에
대해서만 선택적으로 열심히 수사하고, 어떤 사건은 제대로 수사하지 않는다면 국민으로부터 신뢰를 잃게 될 것”이라고 했다.
‘선택적’이란 발언 역시 ‘성역 없이 수사하라’는 문 대통령의 발언과 배치된다. 문 대통령은 이날 남북문제에 대해서도 기존의
대북정책 기조를 바꿀 생각이 없음을 분명히 했다.
집권 4년 차에 접어든 대통령이라면 ‘소명 의식’이 남다를 수밖에 없다. 문 대통령 역시 예외가 아닐 거다. 하지만 현실과
동떨어진 소명 의식은 결코 성공하기 어렵다. 그래서 협치가 필요하고, 지도자는 반대편에도 귀를 기울여야 하는 것이다.
미국의 Washington State에서 첫번째 Coronavirus환자가 사망했다고, 트럼프 대통령이 기자회견에서 발표했다.
부통령,연방보건부장관, 질병관리 본부장, CDC, 그외 관련자들이 같이한 기자회견에서, 트럼프 대통령은 먼저, 사망한 가족에게 심심한 조의를 표한다는 위로의 말을 시작으로 기자회견은 시작됐었다.
그들은 노란자켓을 입지도 않았고, 평상복으로 언론에 브리핑을 해준것이다. 즉 쑈맨쉽은 없었다는뜻이다.
사망자에 대한 자세한 내용은 아직 조사중이지만, 한가지 확실한 것은, 50대 후반의 여성환자는 중국을 비롯한 전염병이 퍼지고 있는 나라를 방문한 기록이 없었다는것이다.
아마도, 전염병이 퍼지고 있는 나라들을 방문한 기록이 있는 친지나 사람들과 접촉해서 발생했을 가능성에 초점을 마추고 있다고 했다.
트럼프 대통령은 즉석에서 부통령 Mike Pence에게 이번 Coronavirus전염병 대책을 맡도록 관리위원장으로 임명하는 신속성도 보였다.
중국을 비롯한 현재 급속도로 확산되고 있는 한국,이란, 이태리로 부터 미국입국을 제한한다고 발표도 했었다. 이로써 한국은 미국으로 부터도 완전 차단되는 국제적 왕따신세가 되고 말았다.
동시에 그는,남쪽 국경을 맞대고 있는 멕시코에 대해서도 강력한 출입국을 통제한다고 밝히면서, 미국과 멕시코 국경에 양국에서 2700명씩 국경에 배치하여 출입국을 철저히 통제하고 있다고 발표했다.
모든 역량을 다해서 방어하고 있으며, 현재로서는 급속도로 확산될 확률은 매우 적다. 그러나 우린 최선을 다해 미국민들을 이질병으로 부터 보호할것이다. 현단계에서는 침체된 경기회복보다는 코로나바이러스 환자 발생과 방역에 최우선정책을 펴고 국가조직을 최대한 운용할 계획이다라고 미국민들을 안심 시켰다.
기자회견이 끝났을때는 이곳시간으로 오후 2시50분경이었다.
기자회견에서 새로 느낀점은, Coronavirus 병원균은, 전염지역을 방문했었기 때문에 전염될수있다는 가설이, 설득력이 없고, 가능하면 많은 사람들과의 접촉을 삼가는게 최선의 방법일수 있다는 것이었다.
기자회견을 보면서, 한국을 생각했다. 지금쯤 중국과의 왕래가 완전 통제 됐기를 기대하면서....
어디에 Focus를 마추고 평가하는냐에 따라 같은 주제를 놓고 판단을 할때, 평가는 갈라진다.인간은 생각하는 동물이라고 하니까. 그러나 요즘의 한국 Gallup여론조사는 믿어야 할지? 정직하게 잘하고 있다는 믿고는 싶지만....그렇게 내마음은 끌려가지 않아 고민이 참 많다. 특히 요즘의 한국이 돌아가는 상황을 보면서...
한국의 문재인대통령 지지율이 요즘 추락했다는 여론조사가 나왔다. 원인은 문재인 정부의 Coronavirus방역대책에 대한 국민들의 분노가 폭발했기 때문이라는 분석이다. 이보도가 나올당시의 확진자수는 2000명을 넘었었다 (실제로 오늘 이시간 현재는 총 2931명으로 밤사이에 594명이 또 늘었다고한다)
Gallup 한국이 이번주초에 1000명을 상대로 여론조사한 결과다. 문재인 대통령을 지지율이 지난주에 비해 3% 낙하하여 42%를 나타냈고, 잘못한다고 의견을 나타낸쪽은 5%가 증가하여 51%였었다. 반대의사를 나타낸 51%의 응답자들은 신종코로나바이러스 대책을 세우는데 매우 실망했다고 한다. 그러나 반대로 41%의 지지자들은 그가 잘하고있다고 지지이유를 밝혔었다.
이와는 별도로 청와대가 운영하는 웹싸이트에는 문대통령을 탄핵해야 한다는 탄원서가 포스팅 됐었는데, 지난 금요일 현재 1.3백만명이 서명했었다. 어마어마한 국민들의 불만이 표출된 증거로 보인다.
오늘밤을 지새고 나면 또 몇백명의 Coronavirus확진자가 더 발생할것인가? 미디아 뉴스보도 보기가 무섭기만 하다. 더욱 분노케 하는것은 내국인들이 필요로 하는 Face Mask의 보급이 안돼 곤욕을 치르고있는것을 외면하고, 중국에 많은 물량의 Face Mask 를 무료로 보내고 있는, 문재인 정부의 정책을 이해 할수없기 때문이다. 어째서...
Polls show South Korean President Moon Jae-in's
approval rating has fallen, as public anger at the government response
to the coronavirus outbreak appears to mount. The country has confirmed
2,000 cases of infection so far.
Gallup Korea surveyed 1,000 people earlier this week.
The poll shows that support for President Moon has dropped to 42
percent, down 3 percentage points from last week. His disapproval rating
rose to 51 percent, up five points.
51 percent also said they were unhappy with the
government's handling of the outbreak. 41 percent said officials are
doing a good job.
Separately, a petition has been posted on the
Presidential Office website demanding Moon be impeached. It had drawn
more than 1.3 million signatures as of Friday evening.
한국만 급속도로 Coronavirus가 급속도로 전염되는것이 아니고, 전세계가 급속도로 전염되고있음을 오늘 "최고의 위험단계"로 격상 발표하고 말았다.
WHO 사무총장, Tedros Adhanom씨는, Geneva에서 Cronavirus의 급속도 전염을 극히 염려하면서, 이전염병은 사방 팔방으로 전지구촌을 초토와 시키고 있음을 상기시켰다.
WHO의 건강비상프로그램 책임자, Dr. Mike Ryan씨 역시 오늘 기자회견에서, 각나라마다 이번 전염병 차단을 위한 준비를 하는것이, "법적으로 다른방법"으로 그위험성을 평가하는것이 아닙니다. 전염병이 전지구촌을 위협하는 빠른 속도로 퍼지고있는 위험성의 등급을 "최고위험"으로 격상시킨 것입니다 라고 설명했다. 부가 설명하기를 각나라의 정부는 "현장의 상황을 점검"하는 준비를 철저히 해줘야 합니다 라고.
"이번 전염병이 급속히 지구촌을 점령해가는 심각성이 그위험도가 너무나 위협적이기에 "최고의 경계등급"으로 격상 하는것입니다.
이렇게 최고등급으로 격상하는것은 사람들을 위협하거나 경종을 주기위해서 하는것이 아닙니다. 우리가 노력을 잘하면 최악의 상황을
극복할수 있습니다만, 현실의 심각성은 최고의 위험이라는 점에 유의해 주시기 바랍니다."라고.
UN산하 WHO 책임자의 이번 Coronavirus전염병의 위험성이 최고의 등급으로 격상하여 전세계에 그심각성을 발표하고 있는데, 우리 한국은 그 경고를 심각히 받아들여, 격리하고 치료해야 하는데, 아직까지도 서쪽 하늘문을 활짝 열어놓고있어, 도대체 5천만 국민들이 이난국을 어떻게 해쳐 나가라는 뚜렷한 방법과 방향제시없이 헤매는 사이, 대한민국이 중국 다음으로 가장 전염병균이 급속도로 퍼지고 있다. 접촉을 막아야 하는데....
The coronavirus outbreak has reached the “highest level” of risk for the world, the World Health Organization announced today.
thing can go in any direction. We’re not undermining the risk, it’s
there. That’s why today we said the global risk is very high. We
increased it from high to very high,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
director-general of the World Health Organization, said during a press
briefing in Geneva on Friday.
Remember: That
risk assessment makes no “legal difference” in how countries should
prepare for the outbreak, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s
Health Emergencies Programme, said during today's press briefing.
“raising the risk to very high is essentially reflecting what’s
actually happening at a global level,” Ryan said, adding that this is a
“reality check” for governments to prepare.
are on the highest level of alert, on the highest level of risk
assessment in terms of spread and in terms of impact, but that is not in
order to alarm or scare people,” Ryan said. “We can avoid the worst of
this but our level of concern is at its highest.”
러시아가 발표한 통계를 보면, 얼마전부터 김정은이가 승마를 타고 폼잡던 사진들이 SNS에 떠돌아 다니던 사진들들에 대한 뒷얘기들이, 굶주림에 허덕이는 북한 주민들은 안중에도 없이, 김정은이는 승마용 백마를 구입하는데, 지난 몇년동안에 5십만 달러를 탕진 했다고 한다.
한반도전체가 요즘, 남북한을 이끌어가는 정신나간 두사람 때문에 휘청거리고 있다는것은, 이제 모르는 사람이 없다. 그런데도 당장에 뾰쪽한 대책 없이 시간은 흘러간다. 그렇게 시간이 흘러가는것 만큼, 남북한의 국민들은 고통의 늪으로 더 깊이 빠져들고, 삶의 질은, 특히 남한에서는 너무도 충격적으로 파괴되고 있다는것이다. Vaccine이 없기에 오직 방어책은, 접촉금지뿐인데...하늘문 활짝열어두고, 시황제 국민들 받아들이고있으니... 그들을 맞이하는 한국민들이 병걸리는것은 당연한것 아닌가? 문통의 정책이다.
요즘에 이두인간들사이에 다른점이 하나 뚜렷히 보인다.
COVID-19, 신종폐렴이 전세계적으로 확산되고있는, 각나라들은 자국민들이 전염안되도록 보호하는데, 김정은이가 훨씬더 빠르게, 안전하게 대처를 해서, 희생자가 한국민들 보다 훨씬 적다는 UN 통계다. 김정은이는 재빠르게 중국과 통하는 교통망을 다 차단해서 북한으로 유입을 막았기 때문이었다.
승마용말을 구입하는 돈으로 굶주리고 있는, 평양외곽의 북한주민들에게 옥수수 한그릇씩만이라도 먹을수 있도록 지도자로서의 은혜(?)를 베풀었었다면, 그나마 전세계로 부터 조롱거리가 되지는 않았을텐데...
어찌해서 우리 한반도의 두나라는 황제(?)들은 자기네들 뱃속만 채우는데 혈안일까? 한반도의 운명, 아니면 재운이 여기서 끝날려고 그러는 것일까?
어제 하루에만 새로운 환자 571명이 발생했다고 한다. 이숫자는 신종폐렴의 발생지, Wuhan에서 하룻동안 발생한 숫자보다 더 많다고 한다. 문재앙씨는 황교안 통합당대표의 중국을 오가는 하늘길을, 다른나라에서 한것 처럼 봉쇄해야 된다는 주문에, 오히려 한국이 다른 나라로 부터 더 많은 불이익을 당할것이라고 하면서, 거부의사를 밝혔다. 이미 세게 45개국에서 한국인들의 입국을 막고있는데... 뒷북치는 소리만 또했다.
김정은이의 나라는 은둔의 왕국이기에 정확한 통계는 없지만, 중국에 봉쇄작전을 조기에 폈기에 감염율은 훨씬 적을것으로 추측하는 UN의 발표를 믿을수 밖에 없었지만.... 그래도 문재앙보다는 전염병 차단면에서는 그대책이 현명해 보이는것으로 이해된다. 거금을 탕진하여 승마용말을 수입해온것외에, 작년에만 75,000달러 이상을 투자해서 또 다시 12마리를 수입해와, 그들이 말하는 성지인, 백두산을 등반하는 독재자의 거만한 모습이, 한국을 포함한 전세계인들의 조롱거리로 보이긴하지만..
North Korea, which previously staged photo-ops of leader Kim Jong Un riding a white stallion, has spent more than $500,000 importing horses from Russia over the past decade, according to Russian customs data.
Last year, the rogue nation paid $75,509 to import a dozen Russian purebred horses, according to recently available data reviewed by Reuters.
The purchases could mean the isolated country has been bolstering its heard, as it had a history of buying high-priced horses from its Russian neighbor.
The newest additions marked North Korea's largest purchase of Russian horses since 2015, when the secretive regime paid $192,204 for 61 horses.
The country has imported at least 138 horses between 2010 and 2019 at a cost of $584,302, the news outlet reported. The purchases came as Pyongyang has continued to push for sanctions relief over its nuclear and missile programs.
Kim was photographed riding a white stallion on the snow-covered slopes of sacred Paektu Mountain, in images released last year. Senior North Korean military officials accompanied him as he rode through historic battlefields.
The December photo-op supposedly came a day after his country issued a veiled threat to the United States over its "hostile policies" of denuclearization.
State media played up the displays as a show of strength.
"크루스여행" 말만 들어도 따뜻한 남국의 야자수그늘을 생각하게되고, 운동장 보다 더 넓은 선상에서 벌어지는 황홀한 여러 Facilities들이 마냥 그곳으로 상상의 나래를 펴게한다.
커다란 Buffet식 레스토랑, 주문받아 즐기는 레스토랑, 풀장, 각종 Show가 계속되는 Theatre 그리고 수많은 각종 Activities들이 끊임없이 이어지는..... 크루스 여행.
그러나 귀하가 한번이라도 이러한 크루수여행을 해본적이 있다면, 그러한 기대는 실질적으로는 기대이하라는점도 알았을 것이다. 그러므로 크루수여행을 떠나기전, 아래의 사진들을 주의깊게 점검해보고, 또 조심해야할점도 신경써야 할것임을 참고로 열거한다. 특히 Cruise하는 동안에 나의 안방이 되여줄 침실에 대한 위치를 잘 살펴볼것을 권한다. 할수만 있다면 윗층으로 밖의 환경을 데로 구경할수있는 조건인, 발코니가 있는 침실배당받고, 이용료가 더 추가된다해도 받아 들일것을 권한다.
또하나 알아두면 좋은점이 있다. Buffet Restaurant가 아닌, 예약식 Restaurant에서 Dinner할때는 가능하면 같은 좌석에 계속앉고, Serving하는 Floor Waiters를 잘 사귀어 두면 예상치 않는 많은 Favour를 받을수 있다는 점을 기억해두면 좋다. 나는 항상 해외여행시에는 꼭 Maple leaf가 새겨진 조그만 Badge를 준비해 간다. 도와주는 Employee들이 친절하게 대해줄때 슬쩍 주머니에서 꺼내 그들의 윗저고리 Lapel에 달아주면 내마음을 주는것으로 이해되여, 친하게 지낼수있는 징검다리 역활을 해주기 때문이다.
나는 꼭 한번 Cruise여행을 했었다. 뱅쿠버에서 알라스카까지.
xDisappointing photos show what cruise vacations are usually like in real life
Cruise ships have a lot to offer – there are pools, restaurants, shows, and plenty of activities on board. But sometimes, advertising can be a bit false. And if there’s one thing people who have been on cruises know, sometimes expectations don’t quite live up to real-life. So before going on that cruise, check out these pictures and beware.
Boarding the ship – what we think it’s like
When we’ve finally finished packing up all of our clothes, our electronic devices, and pretty much everything else you can think of that you might need on a crazy fun trip like this, the first thing that we have to do is wait in line to get on the cruise ship.
Boarding the ship – what we think it’s like
As you can see here, sometimes a fun little snapshot is in order. And the smiles on these young ladies’ faces would suggest that every moment of boarding the ship is simply peaches and cream. But for those of you thinking about going on a cruise, we’d recommend not trusting the picture you see in front of you too strongly, because boarding a cruise ship isn’t always fun.
Boarding the ship – what it’s really like
Talk about night and day, right? When you consider the last picture you saw, and compare it to what you’re looking at now – you might be in for a dose of reality.
Boarding the ship – what it’s really like
As you can see here, boarding the cruise ship isn’t always such a pleasant experience. Don’t forget, you have to board with hundreds of other people, and that means you have to painstakingly wait in line. Patience is truly a virtue in these types of scenarios, and while standing in line isn’t the worst thing you can do, let’s just say you probably won’t have many picture opportunities.
The hot tub – what we think it’s like
Ahh, what could be better than steaming off nicely in a warm hot tub on a cruise, with clear sunny skies to round out the experience?
The hot tub – what we think it’s like
As you can see here, this person has enough room in their hot tub to stretch their legs out leisurely – because whether or not you realize it, having room is pretty important to have in these scenarios. This may not be hard to come by if you’re in a private jacuzzi, but when you’re on a cruise ship, it’s not always quite so private.
The hot tub – what it’s really like
Things aren’t always so grand when you’re in the cruise hot tub, because as you can see, you have to share it with a number of other people.
The hot tub – what it’s really like
Think about how many people usually attend cruises, and think about how many people can fit inside a hot tub. Add those two elements together, and what you have is a not ideal jacuzzi situation. So if you’re someone who values their vacation jacuzzi time, you might want to choose a ship that has more than just the one.
The pool area – what we think it’s like
It’s probably easy for you to get enchanted by the vibrant colors of this picture, for they are truly captivating. This picture was taken with the sole purpose of selling individuals on the beautiful poolside atmosphere one can enjoy on a cruise – but we want you to take note of something important.
The pool area – what we think it’s like
There aren’t that many people in this picture. And very soon, you’ll see that the large quantity of people can change the quality a pool experience.
The pool area – what it’s really like
See what we’re talking about? The picture you looked at only moments ago was truly beautiful, but a big reason for that was because there were no people there.
The pool area – what it’s really like
The reality of the situation is that when you’re on a cruise, the pool is the number one destination for most people, and as you can see – it might be extremely jam packed. Some ships have more than one pool, or an extremely large one – which might be a good pick for those who like to hang out by the pool.
The bedroom – what we think it’s like
For people that have never gone on cruises, it’s hard for them to imagine what the rooms are like. There are some who say that the rooms are actually quite lavish, and based on the picture you see here, this may be true some of the time.
The bedroom – what we think it’s like
But what about all of those other times? Something tells us that the room you see in front of you is somewhat of a fluke, and when you see the next picture, you’ll see what we mean.
The bedroom – what it’s really like
Cruise ships generally hold hundreds of people, so not all rooms can be big and luxurious. Sure, if you book a bigger room, it won’t be as cramped – but remember ships don’t have quite as much room as hotels do, so it won’t be as large as you might imagine.
The bedroom – what it’s really like
Usually, the rooms barely have enough space to hold a queen sized bed, so if plenty of room space is important to you, make sure to check the actual size of the room and not just the pictures.
The bathroom – what we think it’s like
This may not be the biggest bathroom on the planet, but let’s be real: In the real world this would be considered a pretty luxurious bathroom.
The bathroom – what we think it’s like
Just take a look at that hot tub, the marble countertops, and the shower with a well designed glass door for the pleasure of all its inhabitants to enjoy. There is no doubt in our minds that this picture would entice anyone to want to go on a cruise – but they should see the next picture before they make any hasty decisions.
The bathroom – what it’s really like
The bathroom you see here doesn’t look anything like the bathroom we just observed. No porcelain, no beautifully designed countertops, no hot tub, and no private shower that would be enough to make anyone want to go on a cruise.
The bathroom – what it’s really like
What we see here is an all white room that looks a lot more like something you might find in a youth hostel. Of course, not all ships have bathrooms that look like this, but it’s one of those things that are important to check before you book.
Ocean sightseeing – what we think it’s like
What’s perhaps the main attraction to going on a cruise? It’s the fact that you’re going to be sailing majestically on an ocean for a handful of days, and you have no idea what you might see.
Ocean sightseeing – what we think it’s like
The ocean is a world quite different from that of land, and people that go on cruises are always hoping that they’ll see some aquatic life in action. This was certainly the case in this picture, but unfortunately, this is not the norm.
Ocean sightseeing – what it’s really like
The harsh truth for cruise goers is that more often than not, they won’t be seeing many exotic fish doing aerial acrobatics consistently – after all, this isn’t Sea World.
Ocean sightseeing – what it’s really like
What they will be seeing is just a whole lot of ocean… and some more ocean… and pretty much nothing else. Of course, there’s not wrong with the pure simplicity of the ocean surface. Still, it may be a let down for those who were expected to see some cool fish on their excursion.
The casino – what we think it’s like
Another super exciting thing that people hope to do on a cruise is spend their night in an elaborate casino. There really is nothing quite like it.
The casino – what we think it’s like
The atmosphere is lively, the drinks are flowing, and if you’re someone who likes to gamble – that money is moving. Of course, there are better casinos that others, and for people that are used to the bigger boys like Vegas and Atlantic City, chances are cruises won’t offer the exact same opportunities.
The casino – what it’s really like
Due to the confined space, chances are you’ll be limited to a small variety of games you can play while gambling an a cruise casino.
The casino – what it’s really like
While some cruise ships certainly have a substantial casino, others mainly have slot machines for people to enjoy – and sometimes not even that. If you’re someone who enjoys your Texas Hold’em, we’d advise that you double check that your cruise offers it before you book your ticket for a cruise.
The ship itself – what we think it’s like
Does this ship look familiar to you? If so, it’s probably because this is the type of picture that promoters are always putting in their advertisements – and we can certainly see why.
The ship itself – what we think it’s like
The ship looks absolutely magnificent in its pearly white beauty, it’s glistening color and striking shape glowing in the midday sun. The entire picture screams beauty, something we’d hope to be boarding in our most lavish dreams. But not all cruise ships look as sparkly clean and new like their photos seem like.
The ship itself – what it’s really like
We’re not saying that all cruise ships look like this either, but we’re simply trying to open your eyes a little bit to the reality that’s out there.
The ship itself – what it’s really like
There is a whole lot of grey area that exists between the breathtaking cruise ships of the world and the ship you’re looking at right here. Some ships might look exactly like in their pictures, sure, but other times – when a ship has been around for a decade or so – it might look a bit different than you imagine.
The music – what we think it’s like
In this picture, we are given a sneak peak into a cruise where the musical act that is performing is none other than the popular rock group Rascal Flatts.
The music – what we think it’s like
Indeed, there are some cruises that are able to boast some of these elite acts, but unfortunately, they are in the minority. People like to talk about how the “best” musicians perform on cruises, but they fail to specify exactly which cruises they perform on – so make sure you do your research.
The music – what it’s really like
If this picture is any indication, we cannot stress how important it is to do your research about the musical performances before you book your cruise.
The music – what it’s really like
A lot of time, there aren’t even any professional musical acts performing – just a karaoke stand for all sorts of amateurs to hoist themselves up on stage and sing their hearts. Of course, there’s nothing really wrong with that… but it certainly isn’t no Rascal Flatts, we can say that much.
The dining experience – what we think it’s like
Some of the most beautiful pictures of cruises can sometimes lead us to believe that the dining experience on cruises are similar to dining at a luxurious five star hotel restaurant.
The dining experience – what we think it’s like
And when you’ve got a wondrous ocean to look at while you’re eating, what could be better? Well… the picture you see here certainly does support this claim to a long extent. But we certainly feel the need to burst your fantastical bubble once more – because sometimes cruise dining isn’t so magical.
The dining experience – what it’s really like
Even if the plates, forks, and spoons are of good quality, and even if you get to gaze out upon the deep blue sea, there is a certain element to dining on cruises that you must remember.
The dining experience – what it’s really like
Unless you’re on an extremely expensive cruise, you will more often than not be getting the food yourself, buffet style. And therefore, eating on these cruises will sometimes feel like you’re eating at a cafeteria. It’s not quite as glamorous, but it’s still fun!
The age range – what we think it’s like
One of the biggest reasons we like to go on cruises are all the cool kinds of people we might meet there, but more accurately, people that are in a similar age range as us.
The age range – what we think it’s like
It’s all about partaking in certain generational culture that we can identify with, and when that exists at a cruise, it can be a game changer. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, you’re generally hoping that the cruise you go on will be filled with folk that are at a similar place in life.
The age range – what it’s really like
The problem is that there is no way of knowing how old the people at the cruise you’re going to will be.
The age range – what it’s really like
Unless you happen to have signed up for one of those “specialty cruises,” which are geared to accept only one particular demographic, chances are you’ll hanging around a group of people who you probably don’t have that much in common with. We’re not saying that there’s anything wrong with that, but if you imagine things a certain way, remember you’ll be going on a cruise with people of all ages – and families, too.
Seasickness – what we think it’s like
Another one of the most common things that people generally associate with ocean traveling is seasickness. Whether you’re on a ship, a ferry, a cruise, a sailboat, or any other method of traveling by sea, there’s always the possibility that you may get seasick.
Seasickness – what we think it’s like
Now, when you’re checking out cruises online, the promoters make it easy to gloss over the fact that seasickness is a real thing. While we’re at home, we think that sailing on a cruise will be a piece of cake.
Seasickness – what it’s really like
The fact of the matter is that seasickness is not just a real thing, but something that can be as common as having to go to the bathroom.
Seasickness – what it’s really like
Obviously everyone has different levels of what they can withstand, but if you’re new to traveling by ocean, there’s a chance that you’ll be extra vulnerable to being overcome with nausea on your cruise. In fact, there have been cruises that have gotten ruined due to mass waves of people getting very sick while aboard the ship.
The destinations – what we think it’s like
It almost seems silly to feel the need to mention this, but another reason that we love going on cruises are the destinations… duh.
The destinations – what we think it’s like
Obviously, the time that we spend on the ship itself is an enormous part of the fun, but the places we go are a big part of it too. That being said, we have this fantasy in our heads that no matter what cruise we go on, the destination will look as beautiful as the land you see here – but it’s not always like that.
The destinations – what it’s really like
In this picture, you can see a cruise ship in the distance, and it’s about to park itself neatly into this strip of land you see here – and we think it goes without saying that it’s not the loveliest shred of land you’ve ever seen.
The destinations – what it’s really like
Actually, it looks pretty darn gloomy from where we’re sitting. If you’re signing up to go on a cruise, you better make sure that the places you’re stopping don’t look like this, because it might be somewhat of a let down.
The drinks – what we think they’re like
Another common thing about cruises that people build up in their heads are the drinks. As you can see in this picture, they make it seem like cruises serve the most elaborate, exotic, and exciting types of drinks you’ve ever seen.
The drinks – what we think they’re like
Not only that, but they paint a picture of paradise in your head, as if every moment you sip these drinks will be just as pleasurable as lounging on the sunniest beaches of Hawaii or Barbados.
The drinks – what they’re really like
Not only do some cruises only offer a small variety of drinks, but things can get pretty messy, pretty fast. In contrary to the blissful aromatic vibes that lounging on the deck of a ship with fancy drinks can exude, the picture you see here makes it seem like drinking on a cruise can sometimes resemble being at a frat party.
The drinks – what they’re really like
That doesn’t necessarily mean that it won’t be fun, but let’s be real – you could just go to your nearest college campus to get that.
Meeting girls – what we think it’s like
Okay, let’s be real. Something all single bachelors look forward to before they embark on a cruise is that they may potentially meet their soulmate – or at the very least, a nice girl who they can connect with for a short while.
Meeting girls – what we think it’s like
Perhaps they just want someone to flirt with, someone to tease, and laugh with for a short period of time while they’re on break. This may be a real possibility, but it’s not like cruises are handing out girlfriends the second you get on board.
Meeting girls – what it’s really like
Even if you do happen to meet a girl on your cruise, chances are that you will also meet a handful of guys as well.
Meeting girls – what it’s really like
There’s nothing wrong with making friends with other guys, but when you’ve got your eye on a special lady, the presence of other young men on the prowl can make your job a lot harder. Everyone is looking to have a good time, and if you think a girl is cute, you’ll probably be competing with a few other guys who think so too.
Employee life – what we think it’s like
Another misconception about cruises is that it’s an amazing place to work. Okay, the picture you see before you certainly gives off a nice impression.
Employee life – what we think it’s like
We’ll agree with you on that one. And the adventure itself of working on a cruise should be enough of a sell for anyone with a gusto for life. It almost seems like working on a cruise is something like a dream come true for some… but it really isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.
Employee life – what it’s really like
If you thought that the cruise goers bedrooms were something of a let down, these living quarters of the employees will surely give you a strong dose of unfortunate reality.
Employee life – what it’s really like
We aren’t saying that their quarters should necessarily be luxurious, but have you seen the size of those bunk beds? Can anyone really fit on those things? If you thought that working on a cruise is always great, think again – you might be surprised.
That Titanic scene – what we think it’s like
Something that cruise-goers have been doing ever since 1997 is dream about going on a cruise, so they can recreate this scene in the award winning movie Titanic.
That Titanic scene – what we think it’s like
In this memorable scene with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, Kate spreads her arms like she’s flying while DiCaprio holds her in a tight embrace. This scene is the reason that some people book cruises – they want to feel like they’re “flying” just like the characters on screen.
That Titanic scene – what it’s really like
The unfortunate truth is that things in real life quite rarely turn out exactly like they do in the movies. As you can see here, a young woman is attempting to recreate the Titanic scene on her own, with no one to help her out.
That Titanic scene – what it’s really like
Many people like her have tried as well, and most people fail pretty miserably. Hey listen, we’ve got no issues with people trying to live up to their beloved characters on screen – as long as they’re having fun, right?
The romance – what we think it’s like
When people talk about cruises, there is a certain level of romanticism that gets associated with it – and you can see why, as this couple embraces by a beautiful ocean sunset.
The romance – what we think it’s like
Based on the picture we’re looking at here, it would lead us to believe there would be no better place to take your loved one. Whether it’s a honeymoon, a tenth anniversary, or simply a fun getaway, going on a cruise would seem to be the most romantic place on earth.
The romance – what it’s really like
Did we say most romantic place on earth? We must have made a mistake with that one. There are many pictures online that may lead us to believe that a cruise is the perfect place for a romantic getaway, but there are also many pictures that could convince us otherwise.
The romance – what it’s really like
This picture you see here is one of the latter, with the bleak atmosphere and the abundance of dancing people displaying a less than desirable environment to lay out with your loved one.
The weather – what we think it’s like
You didn’t think we’d leave out the elephant in the room, did you? The weather is such an important factor on a cruise, and something that you should take into wide consideration when you book those tickets for your cruise.
The weather – what we think it’s like
No matter what, promoters aren’t going to show you cruise pictures where the weather displays anything colder than the sunniest of days. Looking at the pictures, it can really seem like a tempting offer, but it’s not always like that in real life.
The weather – what it’s really like
Unfortunately, nature doesn’t stop for promotional photos, and the weather doesn’t adjust its plans for people that are on a cruise. You can try to plan all you want, but there is always a chance that you’ll get rained on while cruising.
The weather – what it’s really like
It doesn’t matter how hot the hot tub is, and it certainly doesn’t matter how nice the ship is. If the rain is pouring, it might spoil the fun and even ruin the cruise. So before booking, try taking a look at the weather forecast.
The beaches – what we think they’re like
When that cruise ship stops off at a nearby beach, you know what time it is: time to get into your bathing suit and go for a dip.
The beaches – what we think they’re like
Cruises can sometimes take you to some wonderful beaches, and when that happens, there is nothing more exciting than going for a refreshing swim, and then laying out for a nice tan. Ahh, if only that was all there was to it. You see, the irony about the beautiful things in life is that everyone wants a little piece of them too.
The beaches – what they’re really like
So even if you find yourself on a lovely beach, chances are that you won’t get to enjoy it exactly as much as you’d like. The second that cruise ship pulls up to that sandy shore, you may be quickly changing into your bathing suit, but so is everyone else.
The beaches – what they’re really like
There’s nothing wrong with meeting new people and sharing the wealth, but sometimes you’re just trying to enjoy yourself on your own. And you ain’t getting that on a cruise.
The port terminal – what we think they’re like
Before you make your way onto any cruise ship, you have to make your way through a port terminal. That’s just how it is. This terminal acts in a similar way to an airport terminal and allows staff to check over your luggage, have a look at your passport, and also take a look at your booking confirmation to make sure you’re not just hoping for a free vacation.
The port terminal – what we think they’re like
Because many of us as used to airport terminals with polished floors and high-tech gadgets, that’s also what we expect from a port terminal. It’s not too much to ask, right?
The port terminal – what they’re really like
Sadly, port terminals are not quite as glamorous as you would hope. There are no polished floors, there are no comfortable chairs, and you don’t get to sip cocktails while you wait to board. There’s none of that.
The port terminal – what they’re really like
Instead, these terminals are used to usher as many people in at once and keeping them in a line until they make their way to the clerks at the front. While many terminals try to add a little spice to their decoration, they’re normally incredibly dull and drab, and you just want to get out of there as soon as possible.
The tours – what we think they’re like
Although there are some people who see a cruise ship as a floating hotel and vow to never leave the pool area, most people make their way onto these ships to see all of the destinations on their itinerary.
The tours – what we think they’re like
While it is possible to take yourself ashore and find your way around yourself, you can also book excursions that will allow you to take part in activities and see more of your port destination. You might go on a vineyard tour, go on a boat trip, or even go snorkeling. It must be pretty darn incredible.
The tours – what they’re really like
Cruise tours and excursions are the best way to see more of a country, but what they don’t tell you in the brochure is that to get to these amazing locations for the vineyard tour or the snorkeling excursion, you first have to get there.
The tours – what they’re really like
Normally, this includes a rather lengthy coach journey. These coaches are almost always hot and sweaty and are almost always accompanied by a boring speech about the location and a description of each tree you pass on the way to your destination.
The captain – what we think they’re like
If you’ve seen any maritime movie, you’ll know that the captains are kind of a big deal. They are in charge of the ship, they are in charge of the crew, and they are the ones who will take you from A to B without a care in the world.
The captain – what we think they’re like
After all, it’s their whole life to take over the ship and take care of those onboard. They will stand there for hours on end with their telescope on one eye, looking out for potential threats as they steer the giant wheel in front of them.
The captain – what they’re really like
Although we’d love to believe that the captain of cruise ships live and breathe the ocean, it turns out that a lot of their work is done through computers now.
The captain – what they’re really like
Sure, most cruise ships do still have the giant steering wheel and telescopes for their crew to use – but modern technology has also got involved. With the use of sonar and other high-tech gadgets, these captains have the luxury of being able to sit back and relax while the autopilot takes over. It’s not a bad life, is it?
The activities – what we think they’re like
Cruise ships are in constant competition with each other, and they are always trying to outdo each other when it comes to the activities they offer.
The activities – what we think they’re like
These activities have really taken off in the past decade or so, and they are getting more exciting as the years go by. From giant movie theaters to surfing simulators, there is even one cruise ship that offers you the chance to skydive! With so many activities to choose from, you can guarantee that you’ll never get bored on these ships.
The activities – what they’re really like
Although there are countless ships out there that offer new and improved activities that will keep you entertained for hours, it’s not always possible to try them out.
The activities – what they’re really like
Indeed, you can’t just rock up and get on the surfboard. These normally cost extra on top of your overall vacation, and they get booked up incredibly quickly. Because of this, you often find yourself waiting in a line and watch 40 other people wipe out before you finally get the chance to ride the waves for all of five minutes. Alternatively, you could just make fruit animals instead. Fuuuun!
The spa – what we think it’s like
Your vacation time is the one moment of the year that you get to completely relax and unwind and make the most of being away from work.
The spa – what we think it’s like
You don’t have to think about your emails, you don’t have to think about paying your rent, and you don’t even need to think about feeding your dog – because it’s all covered! To make their cruises even more relaxing, many passengers choose to check out the ship spa to have a massage, have a dip in the jacuzzi, or just chill out in a robe for a couple of hours.
The spa – what it’s really like
However, it’s fair to say that there are some ship spas that aren’t quite as fancy as they make out. Although cruise ships always have maintenance teams on board in case anything goes wrong, these spas soon fall into disarray as they go about their voyages.
The spa – what it’s really like
It’s not until they park up on dry land and have time to be renovated that they actually get the TLC they need. The steam, the water, and the hot air is sometimes all too much for the stones and the sauna. Of course, that’s not always the case.
The tender – what we think it’s like
There are some instances where there just isn’t enough space for your cruise ship to dock at the port. So, the ship will drop its anchor out at sea, and then take its passengers to shore using the small lifeboats that are attached to the boat.
The tender – what we think it’s like
This is called a tender and is a regular occurrence for those who love to cruise. As you think about this experience, it’s easy to imagine that you are given your very own speedboat that will take you stylishly from the ship to the shore – and it looks absolutely glorious.
The tender – what it’s really like
Unfortunately, the tender is anything but glamorous. These boats are designed to evacuate passengers in an emergency and act as lifeboats, which means they are big and sturdy – and definitely not luxurious.
The tender – what it’s really like
What makes this even worse is that you have to spend the next ten minutes awkwardly staring at the other 40 or so people who are stuck in this orange boat with you, until you can make it to shore and count down the minutes until you have to get back on the boat again.
The souvenirs – what we think it’s like
There’s nothing like coming back home after a trip abroad with various gifts for your loved ones, especially things that are ethnic and can’t be found elsewhere. Because who doesn’t want something special to remember a nice place they’ve been in?
The souvenirs – what we think it’s like
So getting off the ship at the exotic locations, we search for those niche, boutique shops to give us a those (sometimes unnecessary) trinkets to show off back home.
The souvenirs – what it’s really like
But going on a cruise doesn’t mean you’ll always stop at places where there are little boutique stores that offer local gems. Actually, it’s more likely you’ll stumble upon those touristy shops that look practically the same in every country.
The souvenirs – what it’s really like
But if there’s no choice, we guess it’s fine to buy an ‘I heart’ T-shirt to walk around the house with. Such a nice memento.
The age range (again) – what we think it’s like
We really would like to think most people are our age or (much) older. Either they’re young couples going to enjoy the scenery for a romantic endeavor, or pensioners looking for a new adventure in their now workless-life, we can accept everyone.
The age range (again) – what we think it’s like
In the end, all we want is just some quiet time enjoying the beaches and the food, a real good vacation.
The age range (again) – what it’s really like
It might have been briefly mentioned before, but what cruise brochures don’t actually tell you, is that most cruise ships are actually filled with families. And not just any families…
The age range (again) – what it’s really like
Families with young kids. So imagine how you expect most activities, pools and other entertainment stuff to fit to a certain age range of young adults to older people, but when you actually see it for yourself, you get the cruise version of a Chuck E Cheese restaurant. Fun…
Pirates – what we think they look like
How dreamy would it be to go on a cruise and meet a Jack Sparrow-like pirate, going off on an adventure with him and fight battles.
Pirates – what we think they look like
When we think of pirates, it’s usually associated with a handsome fellow wearing a captain’s hat, a parrot on their shoulder, and dirty boots. The reality, though, is quite different…
Pirates – what it’s really like
You may not believe it, but pirates actually exist today. It’s not as glamorous as the movies make it out to be, though, because they usually don’t own a big ship of their own (with its own name and all). And a parrot? Highly unlikely.
Pirates – what it’s really like
What’s more, it could actually be quite dangerous. Though pirating isn’t as common as it was a few decades ago, there are people out at sea looking for fancy yachts to rob. Yikes.
Disclaimer: Some photos may be stock images used for illustration purposes only. The people or places in these photos are not to be associated with the article.