북한의 Coronavirus Pandemic 확산이 겉잡을수 없이, 북한 전역을 초토화 시키고 있는것같다. 마치 초기의 문재인정부가 오히려 Covid-19발원지인 중국의 Wuhan과 전지역에 하늘문과 바다문을 더 활짝 열어주어, 한국이 전염병 전파지역의 중심지가 됐고, 전세계의 150개 국가로 부터 왕따를 당하게 한 경우와 매우 흡사하다 하겠다. 다른점이 있다면, 북한은 외국인들의 왕래가 극히 드문데도 Pandemic inferno로 급변한 이유는, 쓸데없는 핵무기와 미사일 개발에 아깝게 벌어들인 외화를 탕진하느라 의료시설 건설을 완전 외면하여, 이번 전염병 확진 가능자 검진과, 확진자에 대한 치료 시설이 거의 없었기 때문이었다.
지금 외부에 알려진 북한의 Coronavirs Pandemic환자는 정확히 몇명이나 발생했으며, 또 몇명이나 사망 했는지는 오직 김정일과 그의 측근들 몇명뿐일뿐, 북한의 내부실정을 정확히 아는 사람은 God외에는 없다. 북한밖의 전문가들의 설명에 따르면, 의료시설이나,보급품 그리고 건강관리를 위한 시설이 거의 없어온 북한의 긴 역사를 볼때 이번 사태로 완전 초토화 될것으로 걱정이다. 지난 화요일 새로운 병원건설 기공식에서 그가 언급한것 내용에서 잘 나타나 있다.
평양에 현대식 종합병원이 여러개 있음을 강조했지만, KCNA가 보여준 사진을 보면 건설하는 새병원의 청사진을 내용을 자세히보면, 이병원 건설이 완성됐을때는 가장 시설이 잘 갖추어진 현대판 병원이 될것이라는 해석이다.
한국의 통일부 자료에 따르면, 북한에는, 2017년도 통계에 따르면, 전체 135개의 병원들이 운영중에 있다는 WHO보고서가 있다고 했다. 소식통에 따르면 지난해 12월에 중국에서 첫번째 Coronavirus전염병이 발생했다는 보고서가 있은후 북한은 병원건설에 박차를 가했었다는 것이다.
이번달초에 북한 김정은이는 한국의 문재인에게 한국에서 Coronavirus전염병이 크게 퍼진데 대한 위로의 편지를 보냈었다고 한다. 이편지는, 권력이 막강한 김정은이의 여동생이 한국일 신랄히 비난한지 하루만에 보낸것이었다. 전문가들의 계산으로는 이러한 관계개선 노력은, 현재 Coronavirus와 관련된 검사품, 즉 검진 Kits같은 원조를 남한에 요청하기전에 악화된 관계를 회복 시키기위한 노력의 일환으로 본다는 것이다.
이사실이 확실하다면, 문재인 대통령은 호재를 만난것 처럼,남한 국민 내팽개치고, 김정은에 검진 Kits를 당장에 보낼것으로 상상해 보는것은 어렵지 않을 것이다. 또 대한민국의 국민들 고생하게 됐구만. 아니면 이미 비밀리에 김정은에 그가 원하는 량의 검진 Kits를 보냈을지도 모를 일이다. 지금까지 해왔던 그의 행적을 거울삼아 봤을때 말이다. 귤200상자를 보내기위해 커다란 공군화물기를 보낸것이 그증거아닌가?
전문가들의 예측이 모두 빗나가기를 염원한다. 대한민국 국민들 보호가 우선이기 때문이다.
The Associated Press
Published Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:35AM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:36AM EDT
지금 외부에 알려진 북한의 Coronavirs Pandemic환자는 정확히 몇명이나 발생했으며, 또 몇명이나 사망 했는지는 오직 김정일과 그의 측근들 몇명뿐일뿐, 북한의 내부실정을 정확히 아는 사람은 God외에는 없다. 북한밖의 전문가들의 설명에 따르면, 의료시설이나,보급품 그리고 건강관리를 위한 시설이 거의 없어온 북한의 긴 역사를 볼때 이번 사태로 완전 초토화 될것으로 걱정이다. 지난 화요일 새로운 병원건설 기공식에서 그가 언급한것 내용에서 잘 나타나 있다.
평양에 현대식 종합병원이 여러개 있음을 강조했지만, KCNA가 보여준 사진을 보면 건설하는 새병원의 청사진을 내용을 자세히보면, 이병원 건설이 완성됐을때는 가장 시설이 잘 갖추어진 현대판 병원이 될것이라는 해석이다.
한국의 통일부 자료에 따르면, 북한에는, 2017년도 통계에 따르면, 전체 135개의 병원들이 운영중에 있다는 WHO보고서가 있다고 했다. 소식통에 따르면 지난해 12월에 중국에서 첫번째 Coronavirus전염병이 발생했다는 보고서가 있은후 북한은 병원건설에 박차를 가했었다는 것이다.
이번달초에 북한 김정은이는 한국의 문재인에게 한국에서 Coronavirus전염병이 크게 퍼진데 대한 위로의 편지를 보냈었다고 한다. 이편지는, 권력이 막강한 김정은이의 여동생이 한국일 신랄히 비난한지 하루만에 보낸것이었다. 전문가들의 계산으로는 이러한 관계개선 노력은, 현재 Coronavirus와 관련된 검사품, 즉 검진 Kits같은 원조를 남한에 요청하기전에 악화된 관계를 회복 시키기위한 노력의 일환으로 본다는 것이다.
이사실이 확실하다면, 문재인 대통령은 호재를 만난것 처럼,남한 국민 내팽개치고, 김정은에 검진 Kits를 당장에 보낼것으로 상상해 보는것은 어렵지 않을 것이다. 또 대한민국의 국민들 고생하게 됐구만. 아니면 이미 비밀리에 김정은에 그가 원하는 량의 검진 Kits를 보냈을지도 모를 일이다. 지금까지 해왔던 그의 행적을 거울삼아 봤을때 말이다. 귤200상자를 보내기위해 커다란 공군화물기를 보낸것이 그증거아닌가?
전문가들의 예측이 모두 빗나가기를 염원한다. 대한민국 국민들 보호가 우선이기 때문이다.
The Associated Press
Published Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:35AM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:36AM EDT
SEOUL, Korea, Republic Of -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
acknowledged that his country lacks modern medical facilities and called
for urgent improvements, state media said Wednesday, in a rare
assessment of the North's health care system that comes amid worries
about the coronavirus in the impoverished country.
Outside experts say a coronavirus epidemic in the North could be devastating due its chronic lack of medical supplies and outdated health care infrastructure. Kim's comments were made during a ceremony Tuesday marking the start of construction on a new hospital.
North Korea has engaged in an intense campaign to guard against the new virus, though it has steadfastly maintained that no one has been sickened, a claim many foreign experts doubt.
During a groundbreaking ceremony for a "modern general hospital" in Pyongyang, the capital, Kim said it's "crucial" for the state's efforts to be directed "to prop up the field of public health," according to the North's official Korean Central News Agency, or KCNA. It cited Kim as saying the construction must be completed before October's 75th founding anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party.
Kim said the ruling party decided on building the hospital during a key party meeting in late December and was working to have it finished "in the shortest time." In an unusual admission on a troubled state system, Kim also said, "Frankly speaking, our party ... criticized in a heart-aching manner the fact that there is not a modern medical and health care facility even in our capital city," according to KCNA.
Kim appears to be using the hospital construction to burnish his image as a leader caring about public livelihoods at a time when his country is grappling with international sanctions amid stalled nuclear diplomacy with the United States, said Ahn Kyung-su, head of the Seoul-based private Research Center of DPRK Health and Welfare.
He said North Korea has several modern general hospitals in Pyongyang but an analysis of construction drawings for the new hospital shown in KCNA photos suggested it would be the most sophisticated hospital in North Korea when it's built.
In a report to the World Health Organization, North Korea said it had 135 general and other major hospitals throughout the country as of 2017, according to South Korea's Unification Ministry.
Some observers said North Korea may have hurried the hospital's construction since China reported the first cases of the new disease in December.
While the new coronavirus can be deadly, particularly for the elderly and people with other health problems, for most people it causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. Some feel no symptoms at all and the vast majority of people recover.
Kim's attendance at the hospital ceremony also confirmed that he returned to Pyongyang after supervising artillery firing exercises on North Korea's east coast. His visits to the rural coastal areas had prompted outside speculation that he may have been trying to avoid the virus.
"North Korea clearly stated the date for the groundbreaking ceremony was March 17, and that clearly showed Chairman Kim Jong Un is back to Pyongyang and is governing state affairs normally," said Kim Dong-yub, an analyst at Seoul's Institute for Far Eastern Studies.
North Korea banned foreign tourists, delayed the school year and quarantined hundreds of foreigners and thousands of locals to avoid the virus that has spread worldwide. Last week, KCNA described authorities inspecting and disinfecting vehicles, vessels and goods at border areas and ports and said some imports remained sealed for 10 days before being handed over to recipients.
Groups that monitor North Korea from South Korea, say the country has had cases of infection with the new coronavirus as well as fatalities. Some experts say the Kim government considers public disclosure of those cases harmful to its tight grip on power.
The chief of the 28,500 U.S. troops in South Korea said last week that he was fairly certain North Korea has not been spared from the virus. Army Gen. Robert Abrams noted that the North had halted military training for a month, essentially putting its troops in a lockdown, but has since resumed training exercises and flying.
Earlier this month, Kim Jong Un sent a letter to South Korea's president to express condolences over the soaring coronavirus outbreak in the South. Kim's letter was delivered a day after his powerful younger sister insulted and criticized Seoul. Some experts speculated that the development suggested that Kim was aiming to throw South Korea off balance before asking for coronavirus-related aid items such as test kits.
About 290 foreigners who were quarantined in North Korea have been released, including some diplomats who were flown to Vladivostok, Russia, on a special North Korean flight. It wasn't immediately known whether North Korea plans another flight.
Outside experts say a coronavirus epidemic in the North could be devastating due its chronic lack of medical supplies and outdated health care infrastructure. Kim's comments were made during a ceremony Tuesday marking the start of construction on a new hospital.
North Korea has engaged in an intense campaign to guard against the new virus, though it has steadfastly maintained that no one has been sickened, a claim many foreign experts doubt.
During a groundbreaking ceremony for a "modern general hospital" in Pyongyang, the capital, Kim said it's "crucial" for the state's efforts to be directed "to prop up the field of public health," according to the North's official Korean Central News Agency, or KCNA. It cited Kim as saying the construction must be completed before October's 75th founding anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party.
Kim said the ruling party decided on building the hospital during a key party meeting in late December and was working to have it finished "in the shortest time." In an unusual admission on a troubled state system, Kim also said, "Frankly speaking, our party ... criticized in a heart-aching manner the fact that there is not a modern medical and health care facility even in our capital city," according to KCNA.
Kim appears to be using the hospital construction to burnish his image as a leader caring about public livelihoods at a time when his country is grappling with international sanctions amid stalled nuclear diplomacy with the United States, said Ahn Kyung-su, head of the Seoul-based private Research Center of DPRK Health and Welfare.
He said North Korea has several modern general hospitals in Pyongyang but an analysis of construction drawings for the new hospital shown in KCNA photos suggested it would be the most sophisticated hospital in North Korea when it's built.
In a report to the World Health Organization, North Korea said it had 135 general and other major hospitals throughout the country as of 2017, according to South Korea's Unification Ministry.
Some observers said North Korea may have hurried the hospital's construction since China reported the first cases of the new disease in December.
While the new coronavirus can be deadly, particularly for the elderly and people with other health problems, for most people it causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. Some feel no symptoms at all and the vast majority of people recover.
Kim's attendance at the hospital ceremony also confirmed that he returned to Pyongyang after supervising artillery firing exercises on North Korea's east coast. His visits to the rural coastal areas had prompted outside speculation that he may have been trying to avoid the virus.
"North Korea clearly stated the date for the groundbreaking ceremony was March 17, and that clearly showed Chairman Kim Jong Un is back to Pyongyang and is governing state affairs normally," said Kim Dong-yub, an analyst at Seoul's Institute for Far Eastern Studies.
North Korea banned foreign tourists, delayed the school year and quarantined hundreds of foreigners and thousands of locals to avoid the virus that has spread worldwide. Last week, KCNA described authorities inspecting and disinfecting vehicles, vessels and goods at border areas and ports and said some imports remained sealed for 10 days before being handed over to recipients.
Groups that monitor North Korea from South Korea, say the country has had cases of infection with the new coronavirus as well as fatalities. Some experts say the Kim government considers public disclosure of those cases harmful to its tight grip on power.
The chief of the 28,500 U.S. troops in South Korea said last week that he was fairly certain North Korea has not been spared from the virus. Army Gen. Robert Abrams noted that the North had halted military training for a month, essentially putting its troops in a lockdown, but has since resumed training exercises and flying.
Earlier this month, Kim Jong Un sent a letter to South Korea's president to express condolences over the soaring coronavirus outbreak in the South. Kim's letter was delivered a day after his powerful younger sister insulted and criticized Seoul. Some experts speculated that the development suggested that Kim was aiming to throw South Korea off balance before asking for coronavirus-related aid items such as test kits.
About 290 foreigners who were quarantined in North Korea have been released, including some diplomats who were flown to Vladivostok, Russia, on a special North Korean flight. It wasn't immediately known whether North Korea plans another flight.
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