Mikhail Mishustin,러시아 수상이 Coronavirus pandemic에 무릎을 꿇고 말았다는 뉴스는 충격적이다.
무소불위의 권력을 휘두르는 사람들에게도 Coronavirus Pandemic은 무차별 공격형이라는 증거다.
지금현재로서는 그분의 무사한 회복을 기원해 드리는게 인류애를 발휘할수있는 최선의 방법이라고 믿는다.
자유분방하게 생활하다, Lockdown상태로 변한 사회속에서 하루를 지내는것은, 지난과거에 보냈던 10년 세월만큼이나 길고, 삶의 의미가 뭔지를 상실해 가면서 Killing Time중이다.
이번 Coronavirus Pandemic을 경험하면서, 아무런 쓸모가 없다는것이 증명된 군비증강에, 힘들게 쌓아올린 경제의 탑을 무너뜨릴려는, 에너지를 쏟지말고 이성적인 평화협정속에서 참다운 인간의 삶이 구현되도록 Leader들을 포함한 전세계인들의 Cooperation이 꽃을 피웠으면 하는 바램이다.
First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov will temporarily perform Mishustin's duties.
Mishustin, a 54-year old former tax chief, was named prime minister in January. During the video call, which was recorded and later televised, he didn't say if he had COVID-19 symptoms or anything about his general condition. He displayed no visible signs of illness and spoke without difficulty.
Putin wished Mishustin a swift recovery and said he hoped the prime minister would continue taking part in drafting policies to shore up the Russian economy, which has been hurt by the virus pandemic.
“What happened to you, could happen to anyone,” Putin said. “Along with other Cabinet members and colleagues from the presidential office, you have undoubtedly been in the zone of high risk.”
“No matter how you limit contacts, it's impossible to avoid communication with people while drafting decisions,” Putin said.
Vladimir Isachenkov, The Associated Press
Published Thursday, April 30, 2020 2:50PM EDT
무소불위의 권력을 휘두르는 사람들에게도 Coronavirus Pandemic은 무차별 공격형이라는 증거다.
지금현재로서는 그분의 무사한 회복을 기원해 드리는게 인류애를 발휘할수있는 최선의 방법이라고 믿는다.
자유분방하게 생활하다, Lockdown상태로 변한 사회속에서 하루를 지내는것은, 지난과거에 보냈던 10년 세월만큼이나 길고, 삶의 의미가 뭔지를 상실해 가면서 Killing Time중이다.
이번 Coronavirus Pandemic을 경험하면서, 아무런 쓸모가 없다는것이 증명된 군비증강에, 힘들게 쌓아올린 경제의 탑을 무너뜨릴려는, 에너지를 쏟지말고 이성적인 평화협정속에서 참다운 인간의 삶이 구현되도록 Leader들을 포함한 전세계인들의 Cooperation이 꽃을 피웠으면 하는 바램이다.
First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov will temporarily perform Mishustin's duties.
Mishustin, a 54-year old former tax chief, was named prime minister in January. During the video call, which was recorded and later televised, he didn't say if he had COVID-19 symptoms or anything about his general condition. He displayed no visible signs of illness and spoke without difficulty.
Putin wished Mishustin a swift recovery and said he hoped the prime minister would continue taking part in drafting policies to shore up the Russian economy, which has been hurt by the virus pandemic.
“What happened to you, could happen to anyone,” Putin said. “Along with other Cabinet members and colleagues from the presidential office, you have undoubtedly been in the zone of high risk.”
“No matter how you limit contacts, it's impossible to avoid communication with people while drafting decisions,” Putin said.
Vladimir Isachenkov, The Associated Press
Published Thursday, April 30, 2020 2:50PM EDT
MOSCOW - Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said Thursday that he
has tested positive for the new coronavirus, becoming the
highest-ranking Russian official known to have gotten infected.
Mishustin told President Vladimir Putin during a video call that he would self-isolate but planned to stay in touch on key policy issues. It wasn't immediately clear when the two men last met.
Since early in the outbreak, the Russian president has minimized meetings and switched to holding daily video calls with officials.
First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov will temporarily perform Mishustin's duties.
Mishustin, a 54-year old former tax chief, was named prime minister in January. During the video call, which was recorded and later televised, he didn't say if he had COVID-19 symptoms or anything about his general condition. He displayed no visible signs of illness and spoke without difficulty.
Putin wished Mishustin a swift recovery and said he hoped the prime minister would continue taking part in drafting policies to shore up the Russian economy, which has been hurt by the virus pandemic.
“What happened to you, could happen to anyone,” Putin said. “Along with other Cabinet members and colleagues from the presidential office, you have undoubtedly been in the zone of high risk.”
“No matter how you limit contacts, it's impossible to avoid communication with people while drafting decisions,” Putin said.
He asked the prime minister to call him after checking into a hospital.
Russians who have the virus but light or no symptoms of illness are allowed to stay home, and it wasn't immediately clear if Mishustin's hospitalization reflected the gravity of his condition or was an extra precaution.
“I hope you will remain in good physical shape and take an active part in drafting decisions that we discussed today,” Putin said in a reference to a call with top officials earlier Thursday. “Those decisions will not be made without your participation, your input.”
In Russia, the prime minister oversees the economy and answers to the president.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who leads a government panel tasked with managing Russia's virus oubreak, said Mishustin had undergone regular testing for the virus and strictly observed safety protocols to avoid exposure or spreading the virus.
“It's a signal to all of us - let's drop all that populist talk” about lifting restrictions, Sobyanin said in televised comments.
Mishustin himself sent a similar message to the Russian people, saying that his personal situation underlined the need for strictly observing a government-ordered lockdown.
“Please remember, that the date when the country could return to a normal way of living depends on everyone's discipline and will,” he said.
Mishustin's spokesman, Boris Belyakov, said the prime minister mostly relied on video calls to communicate during the pandemic and had direct contact with a very narrow circle of people, who are now quarantined and will be tested for the coronavirus.
Russian health officials reported a record daily spike of 7,099 new confirmed cases on Thursday morning, which brought the country's total caseload to 106,498, including 1,073 deaths.
Friday marks the start of long May holidays, a period when Russians flock to country homes, meet with friends and have barbecues.
Earlier this week, Putin extended a partial economic shutdown imposed in late March to run through May 11, the end of the holiday periods.
Regional authorities across vast Russia have similarly prolonged lockdowns obliging most people except those working in a few vital industries to stay home. Only visits to nearby stores and pharmacies and walks with dogs are allowed in most cities.
Mishustin told President Vladimir Putin during a video call that he would self-isolate but planned to stay in touch on key policy issues. It wasn't immediately clear when the two men last met.
Since early in the outbreak, the Russian president has minimized meetings and switched to holding daily video calls with officials.
First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov will temporarily perform Mishustin's duties.
Mishustin, a 54-year old former tax chief, was named prime minister in January. During the video call, which was recorded and later televised, he didn't say if he had COVID-19 symptoms or anything about his general condition. He displayed no visible signs of illness and spoke without difficulty.
Putin wished Mishustin a swift recovery and said he hoped the prime minister would continue taking part in drafting policies to shore up the Russian economy, which has been hurt by the virus pandemic.
“What happened to you, could happen to anyone,” Putin said. “Along with other Cabinet members and colleagues from the presidential office, you have undoubtedly been in the zone of high risk.”
“No matter how you limit contacts, it's impossible to avoid communication with people while drafting decisions,” Putin said.
He asked the prime minister to call him after checking into a hospital.
Russians who have the virus but light or no symptoms of illness are allowed to stay home, and it wasn't immediately clear if Mishustin's hospitalization reflected the gravity of his condition or was an extra precaution.
“I hope you will remain in good physical shape and take an active part in drafting decisions that we discussed today,” Putin said in a reference to a call with top officials earlier Thursday. “Those decisions will not be made without your participation, your input.”
In Russia, the prime minister oversees the economy and answers to the president.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who leads a government panel tasked with managing Russia's virus oubreak, said Mishustin had undergone regular testing for the virus and strictly observed safety protocols to avoid exposure or spreading the virus.
“It's a signal to all of us - let's drop all that populist talk” about lifting restrictions, Sobyanin said in televised comments.
Mishustin himself sent a similar message to the Russian people, saying that his personal situation underlined the need for strictly observing a government-ordered lockdown.
“Please remember, that the date when the country could return to a normal way of living depends on everyone's discipline and will,” he said.
Mishustin's spokesman, Boris Belyakov, said the prime minister mostly relied on video calls to communicate during the pandemic and had direct contact with a very narrow circle of people, who are now quarantined and will be tested for the coronavirus.
Russian health officials reported a record daily spike of 7,099 new confirmed cases on Thursday morning, which brought the country's total caseload to 106,498, including 1,073 deaths.
Friday marks the start of long May holidays, a period when Russians flock to country homes, meet with friends and have barbecues.
Earlier this week, Putin extended a partial economic shutdown imposed in late March to run through May 11, the end of the holiday periods.
Regional authorities across vast Russia have similarly prolonged lockdowns obliging most people except those working in a few vital industries to stay home. Only visits to nearby stores and pharmacies and walks with dogs are allowed in most cities.
러시아, 코로나19 감염 10만명 넘어 ‘긴장’…총리도 감염
http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=202005011048001&code=970205#csidx8ec48b731accab590b5a57b074ae0bc
미하일 미슈스틴 러시아 총리(54)가 코로나19 확진 판정을 받았다. 러시아 내 코로나19 감염자는 10만명을 넘어섰다.
타스통신 등에
따르면 30일(현지시간) 미슈스틴 총리는 이날 현지 TV 방송으로 생중계된 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령과의 화상회의에서 코로나19
감염 사실을 밝혔다. 미스슈틴 총리는 푸틴 대통령에게 “코로나19 검진 검사에서 양성 판정이 나왔다는 사실을 방금 통보받았다”면서
“보건당국의 규정에 따라 자가격리에 들어가고 의료진의 처방을 이행해야 한다”고 보고했다. 이에 푸틴 대통령은 “당신과 내각
구성원들, 대통령 행정실 직원 등은 특별히 위험한 지대에 있는 것이 사실이다. 아무리 접촉을 제한하려 해도 어쩔 수 없이 사람들과
직접 대면하지 않을 수 없기 때문이다”라고 말했다. 푸틴 대통령은 미슈스틴 총리의 쾌유를 기원하면서 그가 자가격리 치료 기간에도
주요 정책 결정에 참여할 것이라고 밝혔다.
총리는 지난 1월 중순 개각에서 드미트리 메드베데프 총리의 뒤를 이어 총리로 전격 발탁된 뒤 정부의 코로나19 대응을 지휘해왔다.
미스슈틴 총리가 자가격리에 들어감에 따라 안드레이 벨로우소프 제1부총리가 총리 권한 대행을 맡는다.
러시아 내
코로나19 확진자는 최근 들어 급증세를 보이면서 이날 현재 10만6498명까지 증가했다. 사망자는 1073명으로 집계됐다.
러시아는 유럽이나 미국과 비교해보면 감염자 대비 사망자 수가 상대적으로 적어 ‘치명률’이 낮다. 이와 관련 러시아 주재
세계보건기구(WHO) 대표인 멜리타 부이노비치는 러시아가 옛 소련 시절 구축한 무료 보건시스템이 유지돼 주민들이 의료비 부담 없이
기본적인 검진과 치료를 신속하게 받을 수 있기 때문이라고 분석했다.
다만 러시아 내
코로나19 확산 속도가 빨라지다보니 우려도 나온다. 러시아에서 코로나19 발병 초기엔 감염자의 80%가 모스크바에서 나왔지만,
최근엔 모스크바의 비율이 50% 밑으로 떨어졌다. 이는 의료 인프라가 취약한 지역에 코로나19가 확산하고 있음을 보여주는 것이라고
영국 파이낸셜타임스(FT)가 30일 보도했다. 일각에서는 유럽과 미국에 이어 새로운 코로나19 발병 ‘핫스폿’으로 러시아와
브라질을 지목했다. 의사단체의 대표인 세묜 갈페린은 야후뉴스에 “(러시아에서) 의료진이 감염 사실을 보고하지 않은 사례를 알고
있다”며 “러시아의 코로나19 감염 수치는 발표된 통계보다 훨씬 높을 것”이라고 말했다. 러시아는 이달 11일까지 엄격한 봉쇄
조치를 연장했다.
러시아, 코로나19 감염 10만명 넘어 ‘긴장’…총리도 감염
http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=202005011048001&code=970205#csidx8ec48b731accab590b5a57b074ae0bc
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