동성애자들이 한국의 Covid-19 방역을 위협하는 존재로 커졌다는데...서울시장의 책임은 없나?
나는 Social Distancing의 Rule을, 문재인 대통령의 묵인(?)하에 서울시장과 관련자들이 스스로 깨버리고,
영업을 하도록 했다는점에, 무한정 의문을 떨쳐버릴수 없다.
Social Distancing은, 개인과 개인간의 접촉거리를 최소한 2미터를 두어야 전염병확산을 막을수 있다는 전문가들의 주장을 기관이나 나라가 받아들여, 전세계가, 별도의 성역없이 수행하고 있는, 살아남기위한 마지막 몸부림이라고 나는 생각하고 있다.
세계 각나라의 정책을 토의 하는 의회에서 의원들이 토의하고는 광경에서도 뚜렷히 확인되는 Common Sense이다. 그런데 어떤 이유로 한국의 이태원과 강남의 Night Club에서는 이런 Rule을 무시하고, 살을 부딪치면서 광란의 Dancing과 애무가 벌어지는 미치광이나 할수있는 무법천지의 또 다른 세계가 있게 했는가.
이곳에 모인자들은 2미터의 간격유지라는 절대절명의 명령이 왜 무용지물이 된것인가?
정치꾼들 또는 그들과 동등한 권력을 쥔자들의 Social Distancing Order를 무시한 힘의 과시에서 온 결과라고 굳게 믿는다. 백번 천번 생각해 봐도, 2미터간격유지라는 절대절명의 국가적 명령을 내린자들이, 스스로 지키지않는 명령은 무지렁이같은 순진한 국민들만 희생양이 되도록 몰아부치는 독재자들이나 하는짖이, 명색이 민주주의 나라인 대한민국에서 벌어져, Covid-19방역을 가장 현명하게 하고 있다는 칭찬을 들어온, 한국의 명성에 권력자들 스스로가 또다시 구렁텅이속으로 떨어뜨리는것도 모자라, 제2의 한국혐오증을 만들어, 전세계로 부터 왕따를 당할 처지에 놓이게했고, 과연 한국의 Covid-19 방역과 퇴치 방법에 진정성 있을까?라는 의문의 눈초리를 한국에 모이게 한 단초를 만들었다.
길가는 사람을 붙잡고 물어보자. Social Distancing이 뜻하는 의미가 뭔가를...
대답은 한결같을 것이다. "최소한 2미터 간격을 유지하면서 Social gathering을 하는것이다"라고.
외신이 전한 이태원 Night Club의 한멘트를 옮겨놨다.
기독교관련단체가 창간 운영하는, 국민일보의 보도에 따르면, 지난 5월 2일에 이태원 Night Club 방문하면서, Gay Club도 들렸었다. 그뉴스이후로 사람들은 SNS상에 Gay Club을 방문한 그남자와 Gay들을, 한국의 Covid-19방역에 잘 대처하고있다는 명성에 먹칠을 했다라고 맹렬히 비난하고 있다.
최근에 한국내에서 성소수자들의 숫자가 많이 늘어나고있다. 그러나 겉으로 보수적 성향을 띠고있는 한국사회에서의
Anti-Gay혐오증은 매우깊이 박혀있다. 동성애자들의 결혼은 인정하지 않는다. 그래서 공개적으로 나는 Gay라고 선언한
정치꾼은 없고, 또한 기업의 간부들도 없다. 비록 그런사람들이 연예계에서는 두각을 많이 나타내고 있지만 말이다.
위의 사진은 오스트랄리아 의회에서 의원들이 토론하고있는 장면인데, 2미터의 Social Distancing규칙을 스스로 지키고 있다. 이태원 나이트 클럽도 이렇게 지켰으면 2의 Pandemic은 없었을 것이다.
외신은, 근본적인 치외법권적인, 일부 법적용의 잘못과, 권력을 갖인자들의 법준수무시 때문에 이렇게 Night Club과 Gay Club의 영업을 허가(?)해준 잘못에 대해서는 지적을 못하고 있다. 아마도 현지 파견된 외신기자들에게도 권력의 힘이 영향을 미친결과라고 나는 생각한다.
Gay가 되고 싶어서, Lesbian이 되겠다고 마음먹어서 되는것은 아니다. 태어날때부터 그렇게 창조주께서 창조하신것이다. 그래서 서구의 많은 나라들은 이를 법적으로 인정하고, 사회가 이를 겸허히 받아 들인다. 그들의 활동은 정치, 경제, 법조계를 포함한 모든 영역에서 당당히 활동하면서, 인정받고 있다.
한국의 정책입안자들은 그들을 비난할게 아니고, 법준수를 누구에게나 똑같이 공평하게 적용시키는 양심적 입장에서 집행해야한다. 한국의 헌법조문은 세계 어느나라의 헌법에 비해도 한점 빠짐없이 훌륭한 내용이다. 문제는 이를 집행하는 정치꾼들, 사법부, 행정부에서 근무하는 사람들의 공정한 법집행에서 그차이는 하늘과 땅차이로 변한다.
수출을 해야 먹고살수 있는 한국에서, 그견인차 역활을 하는 많은 기업들이 Covid-19의 Social Distancing 명령에 따라, 수출품 생산하는 기업들이 공장문을 닫고 있는판인데....Night Club의 영업을 승인한 정책입안자, 집행자들은 당연히 색출하여, 준엄한 법의 심판을 받아야 한다. 다시는 이런 불법영업이 발부치지 못하도록.
Homophobia threatens to hamper South Korea's virus campaign
Hyung-Jin Kim, The Associated Press
Published Tuesday, May 12, 2020 5:51AM EDT
Homophobia threatens to hamper South Korea's virus campaign
Hyung-Jin Kim, The Associated Press
Published Tuesday, May 12, 2020 5:51AM EDT
SEOUL, Korea, Republic Of -- As South Korea grapples with a new spike
in coronavirus infections thought to be linked to nightspots in Seoul,
including several popular with gay men, it's also seeing rising
homophobia that's making it difficult for sexual minorities to come
forward for diagnostic tests.
The first confirmed patient in the new coronavirus cluster was a 29-year-old man who visited five nightclubs and bars in Seoul's Itaewon entertainment neighbourhood in a single night before testing positive for the virus last Wednesday. Further investigation has since found more than 100 infections that appear linked to the nightspots.
A Christian church-founded newspaper, Kookmin Ilbo, reported last week that the places the man visited in Itaewon on May 2 included a gay club. The report was followed by a flood of anti-gay slurs on social media that included blaming the man and those at the club for endangering the country's fight against the pandemic.
Views on sexual minorities in South Korea have gradually improved in recent years, but anti-gay sentiments still run deep in the conservative country. Same-sex marriages aren't legal and there are no prominent openly gay politicians or business executives, though some have risen to stardom in the entertainment world.
Activist groups have criticized the Kookmin Ilbo report, saying that it was irrelevant that some of the nightspots the man went to were popular with gay people and the newspaper should not have disclosed it.
It's not even known how big role the man played in the new outbreak, with officials saying that local infections in Itaewon may have already begun before he contracted the illness. Authorities have been trying to track down and test thousands of people who may have come in contact with those infected, a process activist say has been made more difficult now that there is a sexual stigma attached to the new outbreak.
Lee Jong-geol, general director of the gay rights advocacy group Chingusai, said dozens of sexual minorities who had recently visited Itaewon clubs called his office and expressed worry about being outed or disadvantaged at work if they are placed under quarantine.
While there have been no reports hate crimes or physical attacks linked to the fresh surge of homophobia, Lee said "anxiety and fear have flared inside of sexual minority communities."
The new cluster threatens South Korea's hard-won gains in its virus fight, which were the result of aggressive contact tracing and mass testing. The roughly 30 new cases reported daily the past three days are higher than single-digit increases the country had been reporting recently. Still, it is far lower than the hundreds of cases recorded each day in late February and early March.
Alarmed by the sudden spike, authorities in Seoul and most other South Korean cities ordered the temporary closing of all nightlife establishments, and the education ministry delayed the opening of schools by another week.
According to Seoul's city government, as of Monday authorities were unable to reach more than 3,000 people who visited Itaewon nightspots in recent days. Heath Ministry official Yoon Taeho said Tuesday that police were trying to track down club and bar patrons who officials haven't been able to contact.
Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun and several health officials expressed worry that the surge in homophobic sentiment could hurt the virus fight.
"At least under the viewpoint of quarantine, denunciation of a certain community isn't helpful," Chung said in televised remarks Sunday. "If contacts avoid diagnostic tests in fear of criticism, our society has to shoulder its entire consequences."
Kim Jyu-hye, who doesn't identify as strictly male or female and lives in a rural town, said that people there, when talking about what happened in the Itaewon clubs, often said that "gays like roaming around all night long and sleeping with many men."
"These days, I feel more isolated and I'm afraid about my relationships with other people because they are shifting their anger about new coronavirus outbreaks onto sexual minorities," Kim said.
The first confirmed patient in the new coronavirus cluster was a 29-year-old man who visited five nightclubs and bars in Seoul's Itaewon entertainment neighbourhood in a single night before testing positive for the virus last Wednesday. Further investigation has since found more than 100 infections that appear linked to the nightspots.
A Christian church-founded newspaper, Kookmin Ilbo, reported last week that the places the man visited in Itaewon on May 2 included a gay club. The report was followed by a flood of anti-gay slurs on social media that included blaming the man and those at the club for endangering the country's fight against the pandemic.
Views on sexual minorities in South Korea have gradually improved in recent years, but anti-gay sentiments still run deep in the conservative country. Same-sex marriages aren't legal and there are no prominent openly gay politicians or business executives, though some have risen to stardom in the entertainment world.
Activist groups have criticized the Kookmin Ilbo report, saying that it was irrelevant that some of the nightspots the man went to were popular with gay people and the newspaper should not have disclosed it.
It's not even known how big role the man played in the new outbreak, with officials saying that local infections in Itaewon may have already begun before he contracted the illness. Authorities have been trying to track down and test thousands of people who may have come in contact with those infected, a process activist say has been made more difficult now that there is a sexual stigma attached to the new outbreak.
Lee Jong-geol, general director of the gay rights advocacy group Chingusai, said dozens of sexual minorities who had recently visited Itaewon clubs called his office and expressed worry about being outed or disadvantaged at work if they are placed under quarantine.
While there have been no reports hate crimes or physical attacks linked to the fresh surge of homophobia, Lee said "anxiety and fear have flared inside of sexual minority communities."
The new cluster threatens South Korea's hard-won gains in its virus fight, which were the result of aggressive contact tracing and mass testing. The roughly 30 new cases reported daily the past three days are higher than single-digit increases the country had been reporting recently. Still, it is far lower than the hundreds of cases recorded each day in late February and early March.
Alarmed by the sudden spike, authorities in Seoul and most other South Korean cities ordered the temporary closing of all nightlife establishments, and the education ministry delayed the opening of schools by another week.
According to Seoul's city government, as of Monday authorities were unable to reach more than 3,000 people who visited Itaewon nightspots in recent days. Heath Ministry official Yoon Taeho said Tuesday that police were trying to track down club and bar patrons who officials haven't been able to contact.
Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun and several health officials expressed worry that the surge in homophobic sentiment could hurt the virus fight.
"At least under the viewpoint of quarantine, denunciation of a certain community isn't helpful," Chung said in televised remarks Sunday. "If contacts avoid diagnostic tests in fear of criticism, our society has to shoulder its entire consequences."
Kim Jyu-hye, who doesn't identify as strictly male or female and lives in a rural town, said that people there, when talking about what happened in the Itaewon clubs, often said that "gays like roaming around all night long and sleeping with many men."
"These days, I feel more isolated and I'm afraid about my relationships with other people because they are shifting their anger about new coronavirus outbreaks onto sexual minorities," Kim said.
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