퇴임 일주일을 앞둔 Obama 대통령이, 지난 8년간 같이 동거동락해온, Joe Biden 부통령과 이제 헤여지게
됨을 아쉬워 하면서, 미국 대통령이 장한 시민에게 주는 최고의 훈장 "Presidential Medal of Freedom"을 수여하는, 깜짝 쇼를 백악관에서 오늘 오후( 현지시간 오후2시경)에 수많은 하객들이 모인 가운데 거행했다. 너무나 인간적인 냄새가 나는 보기 흐믓한 광경이었었다. 동시에 내조국 대한민국은 언제쯤 이런 넉넉한 사랑과 Fellowship을 나무면서 마무리할수 있을까? 마냥 부럽기만하다. 촛불집회와 여의도 흡혈귀들의 청문회를 연상하면서, 더 가슴이 아려옴을 깊이 느꼈다.
오바마 대통령의 농담이 너무나 서민적으로 마음속을 휘젖고 들어왔다. 그내용은
"이제 우리 사이에 쌓아왔던, 나누었던 Bromance의 시간이 다 끝나갑니다."라고.
오바마 대통령과 Biden부통령의 대화와 연설을 우리말로 정확히 옮길수 있는 능력이 없음을 무척 안타깝게 느낀다.
everyone -- including the guest of honor -- President Barack Obama
awarded Vice President Joe Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom with
distinction at a surprise sendoff event on Thursday.
"This also gives the internet one last chance to talk about our bromance," Obama said.
accepted, Mr. President. While the Obama/Biden bromance has been
well-documented, Biden's surprise party was textbook. Appropriately, it
was a lot like one of those elaborate proposals that are littered across the internet. The perfect finish to a bromance for the ages.
Biden was surprised to see everyone he had ever met gathered in the
State Dining Room. Much like in those proposal videos where all of the
couple's friends and family are in the same place and somehow the bride
doesn't get what's going on.
In what would be the second bro-iest moment of the event, Biden gave Obama a very masculine pat on the shoulder.
America got one of the last glimpses of Biden's pearly whites while in office.
Naturally, Biden whipped out his signature "point and shrug" moves. Can
you imagine how awkward it would be to just stand there while your boss
tells everyone how great you are? Again, it was like one of those
internet proposal videos. SPOILER: There was not a flash mob. I promise.
Once it dawned on Biden how much Obama loves him, he had to turn away
from the camera and (presumably) ugly cry. Just like in a proposal
Then Obama brought out the bling. In this case, not only a Medal of Freedom, but a Medal of Freedom with distinction. Rarer than anything at Tiffany's.
He said yes.
Even during his own remarks, Biden couldn't help but admire his new jewelry.
And like any great bromance, this
austere occasion was sealed with a bro-hug. No matter your political
leanings, it's just nice to see professional soulmates find each other.
Try to find a work spouse who looks at you like these two friends look
at each other.
"My family is proud to call ourselves honorary Bidens," Obama said.
"부통령 Joe Biden이 답례인사에서, "실제로 공헌한일도 하나도 없는데도, 너무나 많은 크레딧과 사랑을 받은것에 송구스럽기만 하다. "
"나를 계속 믿고, 밀어준것에감사할 뿐입니다."
"대통령과 부통령 관계가 지금처럼 가까웠던적은 일찌기 없었던 자랑스러운일로, 역사적으로 기록될 것이다."라고. 그리고 주군(Obama)에 대한 감사와 존경의 눈물을 훔치는, 노정객의 따뜻한 마음을 볼수 있었다.
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