세계 2차 대전을 종식시키는데 중추적 역활을 했던 연합군의 "노르만디 상륙작전" 75주년을 추념하는 추모식이 6월 5일, 영국의 Portsmouth에서 진행된 추모식에서, 화사한 핑크빛색상의 옷을 입은 93세의 Elizabeth 여왕은
"나의 시대는, 전쟁시대로 불려지는데, 오늘 침묵속에 서 있습니다. 오늘 나는 산화한 용사들과 함께 하고 있다는데 매우 기쁩니다. 우리는, 목숨바쳐 보여준, 젊은 용사들의 '영웅적행동, 용기와 희생'을 절대로 잊지 않을 것입니다. 그것은 전영국과 또한 정말로 전 자유세계가 겸손과 즐거움을 함께 한 추념식이었습니다. 저는 산화한 영웅들에게 '정말로 감사합니다' 라고밖에,별도로 다른 표현이 있을수 없었습니다."라고.
오늘 추념식에는 영여왕을 비롯하여, 영국수상 Theresa May, 캐나다수상 Justin Trudeau, Trump미국대통령, 독일수상 Angela Merkel이 참석하여, 사상 최대의 해상상륙작전에 참석했던 역전의 용사들에게 감사의 뜻을 표했었다. 여왕, Charles왕자, 각국의 대통령들, 수상들은 이추모식에 노구를 이끌고 참석한 노병들에게 기립박수로 그들의 노고를 치하했었다. 그옆의 커다란 스크린에서는 노르만디 상륙작전 영화화면이 비춰지고 있었다. 따지고 보면, 독일 수상 Merkel은 나치전범 Hitler와 같은 게르만 민족이다. 그러나 추모식에 함께 참석하여, 나치 Hitler군을 연합국 리더들과 함께 규탄하고, 연합군의 승리를 기념한것이다.
여기서, 하루뒤에 있었던, 6.25 전쟁을 추념하는 64회 현충일 추념식에서, 문재인 대통령의 추념사를 우리는 잠시 눈여겨 볼 필요가 있다. 추념사에서 6.25전쟁의 원흉인 '김원봉'을 대한민국 국군창설의 뿌리가 되고...'라는, 희생된 전몰장병들과 그가족분들의 아킬레스 건을 건드리는, 망국적, 역적같은 추념사를 한것이다. 아래에 조선일보가 보도한 추념사의 일부를 소개한다.
문재인 대통령은 6일 현충일 추념사를 통해 "광복군에는 무정부주의세력
한국청년전지공작대에 이어 약산 김원봉 선생이 이끌던 조선의용대가 편입되어 마침내 민족의 독립운동역량을 집결했다"고 말했다. 이어
"그 힘으로 1943년, 영국군과 함께 인도-버마 전선에서 일본군과 맞서 싸웠고, 1945년에는 미국 전략정보국(OSS)과 함께
국내 진공작전을 준비하던 중 광복을 맞았다"며 "통합된 광복군 대원들의 불굴의 항쟁의지, 연합군과 함께 기른 군사적 역량은 광복 후
대한민국 국군 창설의 뿌리가 되고, 나아가 한미동맹의 토대가 되었다"고 말했다.
의열단 활동으로 유명한 김원봉은
1948년 4월 남북 협상에 참가하기 위해 평양으로 가서 돌아오지 않고 북한 정권 수립에 참여했고, 국가검열상, 노동상,
최고인민회의 상임위원회 부위원장 등 북 공산정권의 요직을 역임했다. 1952년 3월에는 "미제 약탈자들과 그 주구들에 반대하는
조국 해방 전쟁(6·25)에서 공훈을 세웠다"며 김일성으로부터 최고 상훈(賞勳)의 하나인 노력훈장까지 받은 것으로 전해졌다.
한국전쟁에선 김원봉이 대한민국의 ‘적(敵)’이었다는 뜻이다. 김원봉은 1958년 11월 연안파가 숙청당할 때 함께 제거됐지만
6·25전쟁 책임 등에서 자유로울 수 없다는 평가가 나오는 이유다.
문재인 그의 마음속에 자유대한민국이 어떤 값진 희생의 대가를 치르고, 오늘의 자유대한민국이 되였는가를 모를리 없건만, 그는 안면 몰수하고, 철천지원수인 북괴 김일성, 김정일, 김정은 괴뢰집단을 옹호하는듯한 발언을 한것이다. 그것도 현충일 추념식장에서....
아래에 Normandy Invasion 추념식장의 분위기를 보도한 기사를 옮겼다.
75 years ago today, Canadian, U.S., U.K. troops boarded flotillas for key assault on Nazi-occupied France
A ceremony marks the 75th anniversary of D-Day at a cemetery in France where Canadian soldiers killed at Juno Beach are buried. 0:0
Elizabeth was joined in Portsmouth, England, today by world leaders
including U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau, U.S. President Donald Trump
and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to mark the 75th anniversary of
D-Day, paying tribute to the veterans of the largest seaborne invasion
history that helped end the Second World War.
The Queen, Prince
Charles, presidents and prime ministers rose to applaud veterans, their
coats heavy with medals, as they stood on a giant stage beside a guard
of honour after a film of the Normandy landings was shown.
wartime generation — my generation — is resilient, and I am delighted to
be with you in Portsmouth today," said the 93-year-old Queen, wearing
bright pink.
"The heroism, courage and sacrifice of those who lost
their lives will never be forgotten. It is with humility and pleasure,
on behalf of the entire country, indeed the whole free world, that I say
to you all: thank you."
At the commemoration event, Canadian
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recounted the story of Lt.-Col. Cecil
Merritt, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his bravery in the raid
on Dieppe two years earlier, which taught commanders many lessons they
later used on D-Day. Merritt was taken prisoner, but lived through it
and died in Vancouver in July 2000.
More than 900 Canadians were
killed at Dieppe in August 1942 and nearly 2,000 were captured, a loss
that nonetheless helped D-Day planners better prepare for the real
invasion of France.
On D-Day, 359 Canadians were killed and
another 715 wounded or captured while more than 5,000 would die in
fighting over the next two months.
read a prayer given by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944: "The enemy is
strong. He may hurl back our forces, but we shall return again and
again, and we know that by thy grace, and by the righteousness of our
cause, our sons will triumph."
French President Emmanuel Macron,
Trudeau, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Merkel, and leaders
and senior figures from 10 other countries also attended.
Blood and Thunder
the early hours of June 6, 1944, more than 150,000 Allied troops set
off from Portsmouth and the surrounding area to begin the air, sea and
land attack on Normandy that ultimately led to the liberation of western
Europe from the Nazi regime.
leaders watch a flyover at the conclusion of a ceremony in Portsmouth,
England, on Wednesday to mark the 75th Anniversary of D-Day: Left to
right, French President Emmanuel Macron, Prince Charles, the Queen, U.S.
President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump, Greek President
Prokopis Pavlopoulos, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Dutch Prime
Minister Mark Rutte, Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. (Alex Brandon/Associated Press)
the time of the Normandy landings, Soviet forces had been fighting
Germany in the East for almost three years, and Kremlin chief Josef
Stalin had urged British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to open a
second front as far back as August 1942.
The invasion, codenamed
Operation Overlord and commanded by U.S. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
remains the largest amphibious assault in history and involved almost
7,000 ships and landing craft along a 80-kilometre stretch of the French
Shortly after midnight, thousands of paratroopers were
dropped. Then came the naval bombardment of German positions overlooking
the shore, and the infantry arrived on the beaches.
D-Day veterans, front row, take part in the commemoration event. (Matt Dunham/Associated Press)
American, British and Canadian men, some just boys, waded ashore as
German soldiers tried to kill them with machine-guns and artillery.
Survivors say the sea was red with blood and the air boiling with the
thunder of explosions.
Thousands were killed on both sides. Line
upon line of white crosses honour the dead in cemeteries across northern
France. Even the codenames of the sectors of the invasion — Utah,
Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword — can draw tears from veterans.
"I was
terrified. I think everyone was," said John Jenkins, 99, a veteran who
landed at Gold Beach. "You never forget your comrades because we were
all in it together."
The commemorations featured an hour-long
performance recounting the wartime events and a flypast by historic,
military aircraft. Afterwards, the Queen, Trump and other leaders met
veterans of the landings.
fly over spectators during a group parachute jump in Carentan,
Normandy, France, on Wednesday. Approximately 200 parachutists
participated in the jump, replicating one made by U.S. soldiers on June
6, 1944, as a prelude to the seaborne invasions on D-Day. (Rafael Yaghobzadeh/Associated Press)
countries attended: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic,
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway,
New Zealand, Poland, Slovakia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
They agreed a proclamation to "ensure that the unimaginable horror of these years is never repeated."
Wednesday evening, some 300 veterans who took part on D-Day, all now
older than 90, will leave Portsmouth on a specially commissioned ship,
MV Boudicca, and retrace their 1944 journey across the English Channel,
accompanied by Royal Navy vessels and a lone wartime Spitfire fighter
Meanwhile, in Normandy, British air assault troops, French
army paratroopers and D-Day veterans will recreate the airborne
landings. There will be further D-Day memorial events on Thursday in
northern France.
CBC D-Day coverage
CBC News's coverage of the anniversary began Wednesday at 6 a.m. ET, with the commemorative event from Portsmouth.
At 10 a.m., the focus will shift to the site where more than 2,000 Canadian soldiers are buried.
of the Canadian Armed Forces will be joined by Canadian leaders and
students to honour them at the Bény-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery.
Trudeau is expected to join French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe at a ceremony at Juno Beach in France at noon.
Veterans were front and centre during the Wednesday commemoration event in Portsmouth. (Alex Brandon/Associated Press)
On Thursday, The National's Adrienne Arsenault will host D-Day coverage from the Juno Beach Centre in France.
The special begins at 5 a.m. on CBC-TV, CBC News Network and cbcnews.ca.
You can also watch it on CBC Gem, CBC News YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
event will honour all Allied forces who fought in the 11-week Battle of
Normandy, including the 50,000 who died. Several dozen Canadian
veterans are expected to be there.
At 1:30 p.m., the coverage
will shift to Halifax where Canada's biggest commemoration will happen
at the Citadel National Historic Site.
Veterans of the Second World War will be in attendance and honoured.
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