세상에 이런 실수가 있었다니....
오래전에 다리 절단수술을 해야 하는데, 실수로 자르지 말아야할, 기능이 완전한 다리를 잘라 평생 불구자가된 사건을 뉴스에서 본 기억이 Overlap된다. 분명히 환자의 신상명세를 잘못기재했던가? 아니면 일상적으로 수술하는 차트를 면밀히 검토 안했었던가 였을 것이다.
2세된 어린 아이의 고환(Testicle)을 수술한 의사가 생식기능을 발휘하지 못하는 고환을 수술했어야 했는데, 실수로 정상기능발휘중인 쪽의 고환을 수술한 어이없는 의료사고가 발생하여, 이어린이는 평생을 후손생산능력없이 살아가야 하는 고통을 안게됐다고 한다.
성장해서 삶을 살아갈때, LGBT를 선호하지 않는한, 정신적 혼돈과 괴로움속에서 지루한 삶을 살아가야 하는 것이다. 세상에는 돈으로 해결할수 있는게 있고, 해결할수 없는게 있다. 이어린 생명은 후자의 희생자가 된 셈이다.
가족들은 절규하고 있다. 이무슨 천벌이란 말인가.
지금까지의 통계로 보면, 신생아 25명중 1명은 고환이 밑으로 내려오지 않는 환자로 태어난다고 한다. 이수술로 어린아이는 완전 거세를 당한 셈이다. 신생아가 태어나면, 고환이 밑으로 내려와야 하는데, 그렇치 못하고 윗쪽에 붙어 있는 경우가 상당히 많다고 한다.
보통은 위에 붙어있는 고환은 대략 생후 3- 6개월쯤 지나면 자연적으로 밑으로 내려오는데, 100중 1명 정도는 자연적으로 내려오지 않아 수술해서 정상적으로 되돌려 놓는다고 한다.
사고를 당한 부모의 설명에 따르면, 보통 이고환 내림 수술은 약 30분 정도 걸리는,위험이 거의 없는 간단한 수술이라고 설명을 듣고 시작한것이라고 한다.
"우리 부부는 대기실에서 기다리고 있었습니다."
"그러나 예상했던것과는 달리, 2시간 반이 지난후 매니져, 수술의사 그리고 병원자문위원이 동시에 같이 들어오는것을 보면서, 나는 '아 뭔가 잘못되고 있구나' "라고 느꼈었다.
"나와 아내는 고통이 시작됐었고, 그들의 설명을 듣고 수술이 성공적이 못했음을 알게됐었다" 라고 괴로워 했다.
환자인 어린아이 부모님의 설명에 따르면, 수술이 끝난후 그들은 사무실로 안내되여 병원측의 잘못된 수술 결과에 대한 설명을 들었을때, 하늘이 노랗고 세상의 희망이 다 순식간에 없어져 버린 비통함 뿐이었다고 한다.
A two-year-old boy has been left infertile after surgeons operated on the wrong testicle, his family says.
The boy was admitted to Bristol Royal Hospital for Children earlier in the week to treat an undescended testicle.
had one healthy testicle and one that did not function. His father said
surgeons operated on the wrong one by mistake and have "castrated him".
University Hospitals Bristol has apologised and said it has launched a serious incident investigation.
boy's father, whose name has not been used to protect his son's
identity, said his son's undescended testicle was discovered during a
routine check up.
The toddler boy was referred to a specialist and
on Monday he was booked in for an operation at the Bristol Royal
Hospital for Children.
'No more tears'
The family said they were told it was "just a minimal operation" with "minimal risk" and it would be over in around 30 minutes
"We were waiting and waiting," his father said.
"After two and a half hours the manager, surgeons and consultants they came and I knew something was not right. "Me and my wife started panicking, they called us into the office and told us things didn't go right and the operation wasn't a success."
The couple said they were told a surgeon had mistakenly inserted a
camera "into the wrong side" and now their son's healthy testicle would
"never work".
"I was very distressed, it was an awful disaster for
a simple operation they destroyed everything and they ruined my son,"
his father said.
"They castrated him and now my son's future life has dramatically changed."
The boy's mother said it was "absolutely horrible" what the surgeons had done.
"They broke my heart and they basically destroyed his future," she said.
"I can't find the words to explain how I'm feeling - there are no words. Even tears, I have no more tears.
"We just hope for a miracle, this is what we hope."
'Deeply sorry'
In a statement, University Hospitals Bristol apologised saying it was "deeply sorry".
soon as our staff members realised what had happened, they met with the
family, told them what happened, and apologised again at that point," a
spokesperson said.
"I would like to re-iterate that we take patient safety extremely seriously here and also the quality of our clinical care.
a result, a serious incident investigation has been launched. We will
keep the family informed and involved in this process."
It is estimated that about one in 25 boys are born with undescended testicles, according to NHS online.
Around one in 100 boys has testicles that stay undescended unless treated.
NHS said the "relatively straightforward" operation to move testicles
into the correct position in the scrotum has a "good success rate".
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