Line of Duty중, 불량배의 총에 맞아 순직한 Andrew Hong 경사의 장례식 중계를 보면서, 경찰당국과, 정부가 할수있는 모든 Respect가 포함된 경의를 표하고, Premier, Mayor, 경찰총수, 그외 종교지도자들과 수천명의 경찰관들이 온타리오주 소속의 경찰을 포함하여 북미대륙에서 현직에 근무중인 경찰관들이 동료의 순직을 애도하고, 안타까워하는 모습으로 무려 5시간 이상의 방송중계를 받으면서 진행되는 의식을 보면서, " 아 그래서 헌신하여 근무를 충실히 하는구나..."라는 깊은 감명을 받았었다.
토론토 경찰청의 목회자로 근무하는 Frank Lim의 Luturgy의 내용을 요약하면, 지난 22년간 맡은 직책에 헌신한 모법적인 경찰이었었다고 회고 하면서 안타까워 했다. 순직한 한국계 경찰관 Andrew Hong 경사의 부인 Jenny Hong은 울먹이면서 조사를 하면서 "내일이 결혼 21주년 기념일인데, 당신이 없는 첫번째 날을 혼자 맞이하게 됐다고 하는 비통함을 들을때, 가슴이 더쓰라렸었다.
아무리 위로를 한다해도, 당사자가 아닌 제3자의 입장에서, 이렇게 참담함을 졸지에 당한 유가족들의 아픈 마음을 위로 할수 있을수는 없다는것은 안다. 그래도 주위에서 많은 시민들이 지켜 보며서 같이 안타까워하고, 할수만 있다면 모든 도움을 제공할려는 그마음이 고맙게 느껴지는 것이다.
딸과 아들, Andrew Hong경찰은, 두아이의 아빠로서, 딸의 Eulogy는 듣는이들의 가슴을 더 아리게 했었다. "아빠는 나의 모든것이었으며, 항상 시간만 있으면 같이 어울릴려고 헌신했던, 아빠였으며, 자상한 아빠이기도 했었다"라고 울먹였다.
Andrew Hong 경사는 월요일 오후, 미시사가소재 한 커피숖에서 잠복하고 기다리고 있는 흉악범에 의해 암살당한, 참상이었다. 이날 하루에는 2명의 교통경찰관이 순직했는데, Andrew Hong경사는 그중의 한명이다. Andrew Hong 경사는 토론토와 York지역의 경찰관들과 미시사가지역에서 합동훈련을 하던중, 점심을 구입하기위해 인근의 Tim Horton's에 들렸다가, 잠복중이던 흉악범에 이런 참변을 당한 것이다.
장례식장에는 평소에 그가 기동경찰로서 임무를 수행하기위해 타고 다녔던 Motor Cycle도 등장 시켜서, 더 보는이들의 가슴을 아프게 했었다. 흉악범의 총에 졸지에 아빠를 잃고, 남편을 잃은 Andrew Hong경찰관의 가족은 앞으로 어떻게 살아가야 하는가. 물질적으로 걱정하는게 아니고, 이 가슴을 쥐어 짜는 정신적 충격을 어떻게 진정시키고, 안정을 되찾을 것인가?
토론토 경찰청협회 회장 Jon Reid 는 방송과의 인터뷰에서 그자신과 토론토경찰총장 James Rame가 Anderew Hong이 피살당했다는 소식을 맨먼저 유가족에게 알리게되는 가슴아픈 경험을 하게 됐다고 울먹였다.
"아마도 내가 경찰관으로 근무하던중에서 가장 힘든 순간이었었다"라고 Metro Morning 래디오 인터뷰에서 괴로움을 토해 냈었다.
"모든 경찰관들은 매일아침 출근하기위해 제복을 입을때, 그들의 마음속에는 항상 어떤일이 오늘은 벌어질까?라는 생각을 하게되는데, 혹시 부상당하거나, 힘든일에 처하게 되거나, 또는 최악의 경우에 목숨까지도 잃을수 있다. 그러나 실질적으로 그런 참담한 일이 발생하면, 어떻게 처리해야 되나를 생각할 겨를이 없이 이리뛰고 저리뛰는 일이 연속된다"라고.
48세의 Andrew Hong은 부인 Jenny와 두 십대 아이들을 두었는데 아들과 딸이 있고, 그의 부모님이 생존해 계신다.
그는 26세에 경찰에 입문하여 22년간을 시민들의 안전을 지키기위해 헌신 하다가 48세에 불량배의 흉탄에 맞아 순식간에 생을 마감하고, 가족들은 물론이고 시민들의 가슴을 찢어지게 원치않은 사건이 발생한것에 대해, 망연자실했다. 특히 그는 한국계 캐네디언으로, 모든 경찰관들의 귀감이 되는 기동경찰대의 일원이었었다. 토론토 경찰의 커다란 자산이었었다.그의 장례식 생중계는 거의 5시간 이상 계속됐었으며, 슬퍼하는 유가족분들이, 이어려운 상황속에서도, 정신을 잃지 않도록 많은 배려을 해주는 그모습을 보면서, 유가족의 앞날을 생각해 봤을때, 불행중에서도 희망을 잃지 않도록 관계당국, 즉 주수상, 시장의 조사를 들으면서, Andrew Hong 경찰관의 죽음이 헛되지 않고, 국가와 시민들로 부터 정신적 물질적으로 많은 도움과 위로를 받고 있구나라는 고마움도 기억에 오래 남을것 같다는 생각이었다.
Andrew Hong 경사는, 우리 모두가 알고 있다시피 한국계 캐네디언이다. 캐나다는 이민자들로 형성된 Mosaic Society다. 따라서 부모들의 뿌리를 매우 존중하고, 그풍습을, 전통을 할수만 있다면 기억속에 후손들이, 시민들이 오랫동안 기억할수 있도록 배려해주는 노력을 잊지 않는다. 장례식을 하는 중간에, 한국계 Roa와John Lee가 가야금과 북으로 고전 한국춤과 댄스를 하면서, Arirang을 연주하는 시간을 만들어 주어, 한국의 전통을 알고 있는 수많은 교포들의 가슴을 더 안타깝게 하는, 추념의 시간을 만들어 주기도 했었다. 안녕히, 다시는 괴로움이 없는 평안한 영원의 나라로 안녕히 가십시요.
‘My father is a symbol of everything I want to be:’ Family, colleagues pay final respects to slain Toronto police officer
Last Updated Wednesday, September 21, 2022 3:58PM EDT
Const. Andrew Hong was hailed at his funeral Wednesday as a kind and dedicated public servant who fiercely loved his home and work families and touched all who met him. 순직한
Family members, dignitaries and thousands of officers from dozens of police services across the continent took part in the funeral for Hong, the 48-year-old Toronto police officer who was fatally gunned down in an ambush-style attack inside a Mississauga coffee shop last week.
Speaking to the crowd of thousands assembled at the Toronto Congress Centre where the funeral was held, Hong’s widow Jenny said her husband had “two great loves” in his life.
“He had TPS and he had his family,” she said.
She recalled how his eyes lit up when he came home from training new officers on motorcycles and jokingly said that she came to think of TPS as "the other woman.”
“I see you,” she said, addressing the officers who have been there to support her. “I thank you for your sacrifice and your support. I know that you are all grieving for him too.”
She said Hong was “my best friend” and that the funeral comes one day ahead of what would have been the couple’s 21st wedding anniversary.
“Andrew gave me and my kids so many beautiful memories over the years. And although our time has been tragically cut short, I know Andrew would always be our hero and protector from up above.”
Their daughter Mia also spoke and called her father “a symbol of everything I want to be.”
“I would hear stories from my parents’ life before I was born. As many of you could probably see, he was a big guy. In his early years, it was a lot of lifting and hitting the gym. But as he got older, his love for his muscles and cars turned into his love for his wife and kids. He went from a stick shift Volkswagen GTI to an eight seater minivan.”
She called her father a “hero” who was always her biggest supporter.
A parade of officers and dignitaries lined up to pay tribute to Hong, who was lauded as a dedicated cop who loved being a member of the motor squad and brought an outsized personality to match his large stature.
“To the Hong family, please know that we'll always be there for you. Lean on us, count on us. Just like we leaned and counted on Honger,” said Hong’s friend and Traffic Services Acting Supt. Matthew Moyer.
A number of friends and colleagues fondly recalled the fallen officer’s big personality, calling him a “big teddy bear” who was always on hand to “inflict” a laugh.
“His nickname is a true depiction of his riding style because he was the rumbler of his motorcycle,” said Const. Dawood Khurshid, another friend from the motor squad. “He was so powerful that even the motorcycle was scared off him.”
Tearing up at one point, Toronto Police Chief James Ramer recalled reading the social media tribute posted by Mia Hong after he “shared the horrific news” with the family.
“I am not alone when I say that I read her words with great difficulty and heartbreak. And most of all, with astonishment, astonishment for her bravery, spirit and love. I know I am not alone when I say that it will carry the words she wrote with me for the rest of my life.”
Ramer said that “although we cannot share in the depths of sorrow and sadness that Andrew's loved ones feel we can all share in the work to uphold his legacy.”
The entire city is grieving along with the Hong family, Mayor John Tory said.
“I told Jenny and Mia and Alex yesterday when I met them and the rest of their family, that I was certain that all 3 million people who live in the city would have come to visit if they could have and I know that they are here in spirit and in support today,” Tory said.
Premier Doug Ford said that “like many officers, we were told that Andrew was made of steel on the outside, but had a heart of gold on the inside.”
The funeral itself got underway around 12:10 p.m. Bagpipes played as Hong’s casket, draped in a Canadian flag, was carried into the hall by eight officers in ceremonial uniform.
The ceremony included a Korean traditional folk song ‘My Beloved One,’ which speaks to having courage in the face of hardship, performed by the Korean Traditional Music Association of Canada, as well as prayers and other songs.
Toronto police said over 8,000 people were in attendance at today's procession, including 3,000 from outside their jurisdiction. They included officers from the OPP and around the GTA, as well as from forces in Quebec, Halifax and the United States.
Dignitaries in attendance included representatives from all levels of government, including Premier Doug Ford, Mayor John Tory, Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Minister of Emergency Preparedness and former Toronto police chief Bill Blair and Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino.
Earlier in the day, a hearse carrying Hong's casket left the Kane-Jarret Funeral Home in Thornhill shortly before 9:30 a.m. and thousands of officers lined the route as it made its way to the Toronto Congress Centre. A ceremonial honour guard met the hearse outside when it arrived at around 10:30 a.m. and carried the casket inside.
Hong, 48, was one of three people fatally shot by a gunman who went on a shooting spree in the GTA on Sept. 12.
He was taking part in a training exercise in Mississauga and was on a lunch break when he was shot at close range in an unprovoked attack at a Tim Hortons. Investigators have said they believe the suspect was “looking for a police officer.”
The gunman then crossed the road to another parking lot where he shot another person and stole their vehicle. He then took off to an auto body shop in Milton where he shot three others. Shakeel Ashraf, 38, was pronounced dead at the scene while the third person who was fatally shot – 28-year-old international student Satwinder Singh – died in hospital several days later.
The gunman was eventually tracked down to a cemetery in Hamilton, where he was fatally shot during an interaction with police.
Friends, colleagues and family have previously remembered Hong, a 22-year veteran of the force, as a “larger than life” character, a loveable practical joker who was affable and well-liked by all who met him.
Hong is survived by his wife, two teenage children and his parents. His family issued a statement following his death, but have asked for privacy while they grieve. The funeral was open to family and their guests as well as members of the Toronto Police Service.
However the public was invited to view the procession as Hong’s body was transferred from the funeral home in Thornhill to the Toronto Congress Centre.
Books of condolence were made available for the public to sign at Traffic Services and Toronto Police Headquarters until Tuesday. Visitation was also held Tuesday at the funeral home in Thornhill.
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