"트럼프와 김정은간의 회담작전 작동시작" VP Pence주장. 영국 BBC와 동아 “문재인 대통령 노벨 평화상 탈수도”보도
"트럼프 대통령과 김정은간의 회담계획작전이 먹혀 들고 있다" 라고 펜스 부통령은 설명하고 있고, 영국의 BBC와 한국의 동아일보는 이번 북미간 정상회담이 계획대로 라면, 한국의 문재인 대통령은 "노벨평화상"감이 될것이라고 보고하고 있다.
한가지 눈여겨볼점은, 회담의 성공과, 비핵화 실천을 주시해야 겠지만, 오바마 전대통령도 노벨평화상을 수상했었다. 어쩌면 북한이 핵무기와 탄도미사일 개발하는데, 아무런 제재를 가하지 않고, 임시땜방으로 재임기간동안 북한과 무사히 지낸점을 곱씹어 봐야 한다.
미국의 정권도, 공화당이 집권해서 세계적 평화와 위협을 제거하기위해 때로는 피를 흘리면서 안정을 되찾아 놓으면, 그뒤에 집권한 민주당은 그달콤한 열매를 실컷 즐기다가, 그위력이 다하면 다시 공화당이 집권하여 또 손에 피를 무치는, 마치 한국의 좌파 정권과 우파 정권의 대북관의 재판을 보는것 같다.
세계질서와 안정을 위해, 트럼프 공화당 정부는 다시 또 손에 피를 무치려 커다란 준비를 하고 있는 그림이 이제는 확실히 그려졌다. 어쩌면 그사이에서 한국의 좌파 문통은 손도 안대고 코푸는식으로 노벨평화상을 수상하게 될지도 모른다. 지켜보자.
North Korea's decision to meet US President Donald Trump proves the US strategy of isolating North Korea is working, US Vice-President Mike Pence says.
The agreement to hold an unprecedented summit stunned observers.
But the White House later said North Korea would have to take "concrete steps" before any meeting.
Only months ago, Mr Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un were hurling insults at each other.
But now Mr Trump has agreed to the summit following an invitation delivered by South Korea. No sitting US president has ever met a North Korean leader.
The North has halted missile and nuclear tests during previous talks, only to resume them when it lost patience or felt it was not getting what it demanded, analysts say.
Some expressed concern the Trump regime could "fall into the North Korean trap" of granting concessions with nothing tangible in return.
Later, White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders said the president would demand "concrete steps and concrete actions" from North Korea before any meeting took place.
She did not specify what those steps were, nor repeat previous assertions that the meeting would take place by May.
There has been no mention of the developments as yet on North Korean state media.
In Sweden, meanwhile, local diplomatic sources were quoted as saying the North's Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho would be visiting his Swedish counterpart soon.
The Swedish embassy in Pyongyang represents US, Canadian and Australian diplomatic interests there.
Moon's huge gamble
Analysis by the BBC's Laura Bicker in Seoul
South Korean President Moon Jae-in has acknowledged there are obstacles ahead. He is managing expectations and so much can go wrong.
His approval ratings took a hit during the Winter Olympics after he integrated the women's hockey team with players from the North and met a general from Pyongyang who had been accused of masterminding deadly attacks on South Koreans, though they have since rebounded.
These talks are a huge gamble with a communist state which is hard to read.
But if, just if, he helps pull it off, it may reduce the threat of nuclear war and he could win himself a Nobel Peace Prize.
The envoys then travelled to Washington to brief Mr Trump.
Image copyrightAFPImage captionNorth Korean cheerleaders with a unified Korean flag at the Winter Olympics
Speaking outside the White House after the meeting, South Korean National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong said Mr Kim was prepared to sit down with the US president and was now "committed to denuclearisation".
There is no indication yet of where the Trump-Kim talks might take place, but the Korean border's demilitarised zone (DMZ) and Beijing are seen as likely options.
What could be on the agenda?
Clearly for the US, South Korea and allied nations, denuclearisation is the key issue.
North Korea has been isolated for decades because of its pursuit of nuclear weapons, in defiance of international laws.
However, the BBC's Laura Bicker in Seoul says it is important to note that North Korea has not yet promised to abandon its nuclear weapons completely.
Media captionThe unlikely triangle: Trump, Rodman and Kim Jong-un
The North's well-documented human rights abuses are also a key issue for the US.
So what does the North want? An easing, if not removal, of sanctions certainly.
Perhaps a peace treaty to finally end the Korean War and a promise that if North Korea denuclearised then the US would finally withdraw its troops from South Korea.
The US has tens of thousands of military personnel there and the massive annual joint war games infuriate the North because it believes they are preparation for invasion.
What has the reaction been?
The UN was among the most positive, with Secretary-General Antonio Guterres commending the "leadership and vision" of all concerned.
Chinese President Xi Jinping telephoned Donald Trump on Friday to welcome the development and urge all sides to avoid doing anything that could impede the improving situation.
Russia, Germany, the EU and the IAEA all voiced hope that talks would reduce the risk of conflict erupting.
Media captionFormer British ambassador to N Korea warns of dangers of Trump/Kim meeting
Other countries, such as Japan and the UK, vowed to keep up the pressure on the North to give up its nuclear ambitions.
In the US, reaction was divided - not least in Mr Trump's own party.
"I hope we are not about to fall into their trap yet again."
But Senator Lindsey Graham told the same news outlet that although he was "not naive", President Trump's "strong stand against North Korea and its nuclear aggression gives us the best hope in decades to resolve this threat peacefully".
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