트럼프 대통령의 대통령직이 이제는 약 한달쯤 남았다. 대통령에게는 특별 사면권이 헌법으로 보장되여 있다. 그내용이 사람들에게 칭찬을 받을 내용이건, 아니면 반대로 비난을 받은 내용이건, 그결정은 오직 대통령의 특별 권한이다.
그런 지금까지 역사를 통해서보면, 그러한 Clemency는 항상 한쪽을 기쁘게 한 반면, 정치적으로 반대편에 있는 사람들에게는 비난의 칼날을 세우게 하는, 독약이 될수 있는, 필요악이었다.
트럼프 대통령은, 이번 미국의 대선이 지금까지 한번도 겪어 보지 않은 새로운 선거투표와 개표상의 정직하지 못한 사건들이 발생한것에 대한 반발로, 지금 현재까지도 대통령 당선자를 공식적으로 인정하지 않고 있는, 초유의 Bickering이 계속되고 있다.
우리한국은 정치권꾼들의 영향을 받아서인지는 확실치 않으나, 정치권과 국민들은 트럼프대통령을 많은 비난을 해온것을 알고 있다. 그이유가 뭔지를 나는 잘 모른다. 내집의 곡간이 비어 있으면 가장으로서는 빈 곡간을 채워야하는 책임이 있다. 그런면에서 비교가 될지는 잘 모르겠으나, 돌아가신 박정희 대통령의 통치스타일과 비슷한점이 있다고 이해한다. 전임 오바마 대통령 8년 재임기간 동안에 미국의 곡간은 비어갔었지만, 중국은 GDP세계 제2의 대국으로 성장했다. 관세를 포함하여 일방적인 Favour중국에 퍼주었던 결과 였었다. 그렇타고 중국이 미국에 감사함을 표한적 있었나? 트럼프가 이점을 잘 알기에 모든 대중국정책을 재정립하니까, 중국과 삐걱 거렸던 것이다. 내나라를 지키는게 대통령으로서의 첫번째 임무이기에....
오바마 시대의 퍼주기식 정책을 바로잡기위한 노력을 많이 했으나, 그사이에 미국의 여론은 진보좌파로 방향을 완전히 틀어, 선거에 까지 손을 댄것을 인지한 트럼프는 잘 알고 있기에 이를 트럼프측은 대법원에 불법선거에 대한 명암을 가려 달라고 소원했으나, 대법원은 이를 기각하고 받아 들이지 않았었다. 그에게는 또하나의 치명타 였었다. 대법원 판사들의 성향을 분석해 보면, 대법원장 포함하여 전부 10명의 대법관중, 7명이 보수성향이고 3명이 진보성향으로 알고있다. 그런데도 트럼프쪽으로 손을 들어주지않고, 양심에 따라 미국대선은 정직하게 치러졌다고 판단한 대법관들의 양심을 트럼프에게 넘겨줄수는 없었다는 투철한 준법정신을 엿보이게 했다.
방향을 바꾸어, 투표에 대한 투쟁을 뒤로하고, 그동안 그를 위해 헌신해온 정치적 동료와 보좌관들이, 헌신하다 법망에 걸려 현재 감옥에서 고생하고 있는 이들을 대통령의 사면권을 활용하여 이번에 20여명에 달하는 전직 동료, 보좌관들에게 마지막 크리스마스 선물을 안겨주어, 그들이 자유의몸이 되게 한 것이다. 정치꾼들에게는 명암이 뚜렷히 갈리게 하는 사건이었다.
이번 Clemency에 포함된 사람들은 대개 아래와 같다. 의 자택연금형
트럼프 선거운동 책임자 Paul Manafort가 부정범죄로 펜실바니아 감옥에서 7년 6개월의 형기를 채우고 있는데, 이번 대통령의 특별사면으로 풀려나는 첫번째 케이스다.
트럼프 선거대책보좌관 George Papadopoulos 와 Dutch Lawyer Alex Vander Zwaan으로 이들은 러시아와 결탁했다는 죄목을 조사하는 수사관들에게 거짖말을 한 죄목으로 감옥에서 지내고 있었다. 이사건으로 특별보좌관 Robert Mueller의 조사로 혼란을 초래 했었는데, 트럼프와 러시아가 결탁하여 프럼프의 당선에 영향을 끼쳤다는 , 소위 말해서 법의 정의를 파괴했다는 증거를 특별보좌관은 당시 제시 했었다.
트럼프 대통령은 2006년도에 국경경비를 하면서, 불법이민자에게 총격을 가해 감옥에 보내졌던 자이다. 그리고 선거모금 자금을 가족들의 휴가에 유용한 혐의로 기소된 공화당의원을 포함한 3명의 공화당원들도 사면대상에 포함되여 있다. 이번 특별사면으로 풀려난 사람들을 포함하여 트럼프 대통령의 Clemency로 자유의 몸이 된 사람들은 전부 70여명이라고 한다.
물론 민주당쪽에서는 비난이 높다. 당연한 결과다. 반대로 민주당이었어도 그와 비슷한 결과 였을 것으로 믿어 의심치 않는다. 임기말기에 그래서 특별사면이 대대적으로 이루어지는것은 어쩌면 임기를 마치는 대통령의 통치 권한중의 돋보이는 한장면이라고 할수 있겠다.
한국의 문재인 대통령의 통치도 이제 서서히 서산에 기우는 해와 같다고 하겠다. 특별 사면이 이루어질것은 확실한데, 잡범들이 주로 그대상이었었는데, 이번에는 통크게 두전직 대통령을 사면에 포함시켜, 두패로 갈라져 있는 국민들의 국가관을 하나로 묶는데 활용했으면 하는 바램이 크다.
그렇게 했을경우, 정치권에서의 반응은 비난보다는 화합의 쪽에서 행한 조치라고 환영받을것으로 믿어진다. 두전직 대통령의 범죄는, 현재까지 국민들이 쉽게 납득이 안가는 면이 너무도 많다.
지금까지 우리나라는 퇴임한 대통령들의 은퇴후의 사생활은 평화롭지는 못했고, 항상 정치적 보복의 연속이었었다. 문재인 대통령이 그러한 불행한 역사를 뒤엎는 통큰 통치권한을 활용하여, 상처받고 있는 국민들의 마음을 한군데로 모으는 지혜를 발휘하기를 기대해 본다. 이년말에....
The pre-Christmas pardons and commutations came as the president has been exploring how to reward friends and allies in his waning days in the White House, with more acts of clemency expected to come.
Trump has told advisers he wants to be liberal with pardons and plans to sign more before leaving office on Jan. 20, according to people familiar with his views. The White House has been flooded with requests from dozens of members of Congress, one senior administration official said, as well as lawyers, lobbyists, allies and other supporters of the president.
The first batch released Tuesday night shows how the president is using the power of his office to undo the work of the Russia probe that shadowed much of his term, undercut major cases that took on political corruption and wave away the crimes of Americans convicted of participating in a massacre during the Iraq War.
Democrats accused Trump of abusing his pardon power to reward allies and undermine the rule of law.
“If you lie to cover up for the President, you get a pardon,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) said in a statement. “If you are a corrupt politician who endorsed Trump, you get a pardon. If you murder civilians while at war, you get a pardon.”
Trump gave a full pardon to George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to his 2016 campaign who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI during its Russia investigation.
Papadopoulos in 2017 agreed he had misled the FBI about his interactions with a London-based professor who claimed Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, Trump’s Democratic rival, in the form of thousands of emails. In 2018, Papadopoulos served his 14-day prison sentence.
But the onetime energy adviser, 33, later actively sought a pardon to expunge his record and bolster his post-conviction claims that he had been unfairly targeted by the U.S. authorities, including special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — allegations that echoed Trump’s own grievances against the Mueller probe.
Shortly after the pardon was announced, Papadopoulos tweeted, “Thank you, Mr. President!!! This means the world to me and my family!”
Trump also pardoned Alex van der Zwaan, a Dutch lawyer who had worked with Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort in work related to Ukraine and pleaded guilty in 2018 to lying to Mueller’s team. He served 30 days in prison before returning to his home in London.
The president has now used his powers to personally intervene and grant clemency in multiple cases that Mueller brought against his former advisers. In November, he pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with a Russian diplomat, though he later sought to withdraw that plea. In July, the president commuted the sentence of his longtime friend, Roger Stone, who was convicted of seeking to impede a congressional investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and sentenced to 40 months in prison.
The Papadopoulos pardon serves as a particularly pointed jab by the president at the Russia investigation, which shadowed the first half of his term in office. It was a July 2016 tip about the young campaign volunteer that first led the FBI to open an investigation into whether members of the Trump campaign were conspiring with the Kremlin.
“Today’s pardon helps correct the wrong that Mueller’s team inflicted on so many people,” the White House said in a statement Tuesday night.
There are approximately 14,000 people in line for pardons and commutations. For years, criminal justice advocates have criticized Republican and Democratic administrations alike for backlogs that left thousands of rehabilitated people seeking mercy to languish in prison.
Trump has moved even more slowly than his predecessors, who acted on hundreds or thousands of petitions by the end of four years in office. And rather than consult with the Justice Department’s pardon attorney for recommendations, Trump has routinely subverted the process and largely favored political allies and those who are well-connected for clemency.
The White House statement about Trump’s actions Tuesday noted who had recommended each pardon and commutation, a group that included Republican members of Congress and other Trump allies. Of the 20 people who received clemency, only seven had active petitions for pardons or clemency listed in online Justice Department records.
Trump’s decision to pardon elected officials who had admitted wrongdoing — as well as prominent business executives who had engaged in fraud and other white-collar crimes — flies in the face of his onetime campaign promise to “drain the swamp” in American political and corporate life.
Among those pardoned were three former Republican congressmen, each of them convicted of federal offenses during the Trump administration. Two had been early and avid supporters of Trump’s campaign.
Former congressman Duncan D. Hunter (R-Calif.) — who prosecutors alleged used hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds to pay for family vacations and theater tickets, and even to facilitate extramarital affairs — had been facing an 11-month federal prison sentence. He pleaded guilty in 2019 to misusing campaign funds. Hunter notably won reelection while under federal indictment, only to later admit wrongdoing and resign.
Former congressman Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) had been serving a 26-month sentence for an insider-trading scheme and lying to the FBI. He, too, had pleaded guilty in the case.
Collins and Hunter were among Trump’s first congressional supporters and the investigations into their activities had long rankled the president, who would castigate his attorney general at the time, Jeff Sessions, for allowing the cases to move forward, according to White House officials and Trump advisers. Trump used to speak regularly to Collins.
Former congressman Steve Stockman (R-Tex.) was about two years into a 10-year sentence, having been convicted in 2018 of conspiring to take hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations that were meant for charity and voter education.
Among those who had signed a petition seeking mercy for Stockman was attorney Sidney Powell, who has been pushing Trump’s false allegations that his election loss came as a result of fraud.
Trump also pardoned a Republican member of the Utah House of Representatives, Phil Lyman. Lyman was sentenced to spend 10 days in jail for his role in a 2014 all-terrain vehicle demonstration that was intended to protest federal land management practices. He has insisted he was the victim of selective prosecution, and his case had been championed by other Utah Republicans.
The four private security contractors Trump pardoned — Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard — all worked for the now infamous Blackwater Worldwide security company, founded by Trump supporter Erik Prince.
Trump has long viewed Prince as an ally, and mused about giving him more government contracts during his presidency, according to White House officials and Trump advisers.
The September 2007 shooting in which the Blackwater contractors were involved left 14 dead and 17 wounded and set off a diplomatic crisis on oversight of American security contractors during one of the deadliest periods in the Iraq War.
Slatten had been sentenced to life in prison; Slough and Liberty to 15 years; and Heard to 12 years and seven months.
Trump also granted pardons to two former Border Patrol agents whose sentences for shooting a suspected drug smuggler fleeing their custody had been previously commuted.
According to the White House and news accounts from the time, the agents — Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean — were working near El Paso when they shot the suspected smuggler, Osvaldo Aldrete Dávila, as he tried to get away from them.
Compean was sentenced to 12 years in prison and Ramos to 11 years. President George W. Bush had commuted their sentences.
Trump extended pardons and commutations to several people who have been active in criminal justice reform or whose causes were championed by others in that field.
But most of the drug offenders who received executive mercy had already benefited from having their sentences lifted. In February, Trump had commuted the sentences of Crystal Munoz, Tynice Nichole Hall and Judith Negron; on Tuesday he wiped away their terms of supervised release. Weldon Angelos was released early after federal court action; Trump gave him a full pardon.
A statement from the White House indicated that four men and women who received clemency had been recommended by Alice Johnson, the woman whose own prison sentence after a drug conviction was commuted by Trump in 2018 following lobbying by the celebrity Kim Kardashian.
Johnson later received a full pardon after speaking at the 2020 Republican National Convention and has been speaking with Trump and senior White House advisers in recent weeks, aides said.
In recent months, Johnson has given the president and senior White House advisers names of people to consider for clemency, eschewing the traditional process.
In a statement Tuesday night, Johnson called Angelos “an incredible advocate for criminal justice reform.”
“We worked together tirelessly to help others gain their freedom,” she said. “Now to see his life fully restored is truly a blessing — just in time for Christmas! I’m so happy for him and thankful for this act of mercy.”
Beth Reinhard contributed to this report.
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