아주 오래전, 옛날식으로 국민학교 6학년때, 나는 선생님으로 부터, 경주 불국사 사찰이 세계에서 가장 정교하고 잘 건축된 불교 사찰중의 하나라고 배웠었고, 앵무새 처럼 암기하고 자랑했었던 적이 있었다.
성장하여, 사회생활하면서, 세계각국을 여행다닐 기회가 많아 지구상의 여러나라들을 탐방할 기회가 있어, 방문하는 나라들의 전통문화를 많이 접하면서, 어렸을적에 배웠었던, 우리나라의 불교예술 건축물이 세계최고였다는 기억이, 당시에 역사를 가르쳐 주셨던 담임선생님의 애국관에 기초한, 냉정한 비교의식없이, 교육이었음을 느끼면서, 당시 한국전쟁이 끝난지 불과 4-5년밖에 안된, 북한 공산주의자 김일성 집단이 저지른 6/25 민족동란에 대한 잔혹함을 설명해 주시려는 뜻이 그내면에 있지 않았을까?라는 생각을 하곤 했었다.
조상님들이 남겨주신 종교적 유산들중의 대부분은 불교사찰과 이와 관련된 것들인것으로, 솔직히 세계각국 여러나라의 유산들과 비교해 보면, 우리 유산은 규모가 적고, 섬세한면도 많이 떨어져, 특히 같은 문화권인 중국의 유산들을 보면서, 마음 아프게 많이 느낀다.
오늘 옛 쏘련 연방의 한 위성국가였던 Uzbekkistan의 지하철 유산을 뉴스를 통해 봤었다. 단순한 지하철 역이 아닌, 옛 쏘연방당시, 핵전쟁 발생시 대피소를 겸한, 커다란 종합예술품 같다는 생각이 들었었고, 내년( 2010년)에 그곳을 방문할 계획이 있는데, 꼭 이 지하철을 탑승해 보아야 겠다는 다짐을 했었다. 뉴스보도 내용을 보자.
지난 여름에 Uzbekistan이 사상 처음으로 그들이 자랑하고 있는 지하철에서 사진촬영을 허용하기 시작했는데, 이지하철의 규모나 장식은 세계 최고의 걸작품으로 알려지고 있다고 한다.
비밀에 쌓였던게 밝혀졌다.
성장하여, 사회생활하면서, 세계각국을 여행다닐 기회가 많아 지구상의 여러나라들을 탐방할 기회가 있어, 방문하는 나라들의 전통문화를 많이 접하면서, 어렸을적에 배웠었던, 우리나라의 불교예술 건축물이 세계최고였다는 기억이, 당시에 역사를 가르쳐 주셨던 담임선생님의 애국관에 기초한, 냉정한 비교의식없이, 교육이었음을 느끼면서, 당시 한국전쟁이 끝난지 불과 4-5년밖에 안된, 북한 공산주의자 김일성 집단이 저지른 6/25 민족동란에 대한 잔혹함을 설명해 주시려는 뜻이 그내면에 있지 않았을까?라는 생각을 하곤 했었다.
조상님들이 남겨주신 종교적 유산들중의 대부분은 불교사찰과 이와 관련된 것들인것으로, 솔직히 세계각국 여러나라의 유산들과 비교해 보면, 우리 유산은 규모가 적고, 섬세한면도 많이 떨어져, 특히 같은 문화권인 중국의 유산들을 보면서, 마음 아프게 많이 느낀다.
오늘 옛 쏘련 연방의 한 위성국가였던 Uzbekkistan의 지하철 유산을 뉴스를 통해 봤었다. 단순한 지하철 역이 아닌, 옛 쏘연방당시, 핵전쟁 발생시 대피소를 겸한, 커다란 종합예술품 같다는 생각이 들었었고, 내년( 2010년)에 그곳을 방문할 계획이 있는데, 꼭 이 지하철을 탑승해 보아야 겠다는 다짐을 했었다. 뉴스보도 내용을 보자.
지난 여름에 Uzbekistan이 사상 처음으로 그들이 자랑하고 있는 지하철에서 사진촬영을 허용하기 시작했는데, 이지하철의 규모나 장식은 세계 최고의 걸작품으로 알려지고 있다고 한다.
정말로 경이롭고 찬란함.
During Soviet times, if a city’s population topped one million,
it would become eligible for its own metro. Planners wanted
to brighten the lives of everyday Soviet citizens, and saw the
metros, with their tens of thousands of daily passengers, as
a singular opportunity to do so.
In 1977, Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, became the
seventh Soviet city to have a metro built. Grand themes
celebrating the history of Uzbekistan and the Soviet Union
were brought to life, as art was commissioned and designers
set to work. The stations reflected different themes, some
with domed ceilings and painted tiles reminiscent of
Uzbekistan's Silk Road mosques, while others were
decorated with chandeliers and marble to give the
appearance of European ballrooms. The result has been
described by Lonely Planet as one of the most beautiful
Soviet metro systems in the world. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
it would become eligible for its own metro. Planners wanted
to brighten the lives of everyday Soviet citizens, and saw the
metros, with their tens of thousands of daily passengers, as
a singular opportunity to do so.
In 1977, Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, became the
seventh Soviet city to have a metro built. Grand themes
celebrating the history of Uzbekistan and the Soviet Union
were brought to life, as art was commissioned and designers
set to work. The stations reflected different themes, some
with domed ceilings and painted tiles reminiscent of
Uzbekistan's Silk Road mosques, while others were
decorated with chandeliers and marble to give the
appearance of European ballrooms. The result has been
described by Lonely Planet as one of the most beautiful
Soviet metro systems in the world. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
그옛날 실크로드의 역사
Alisher Navoi station, named after the celebrated Uzbek
writer and artist, is one of Tashkent Metro’s most famous
stops. Inside, the arched domes and blue tilework remind
passengers of Uzbekistan’s storied Silk Road history with its
ancient mosques and madrassas. The station is one of
Tashkent’s busiest, filled not only with bustling commuters
but also tourists and locals taking photos – a practice that
was forbidden until recently. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
writer and artist, is one of Tashkent Metro’s most famous
stops. Inside, the arched domes and blue tilework remind
passengers of Uzbekistan’s storied Silk Road history with its
ancient mosques and madrassas. The station is one of
Tashkent’s busiest, filled not only with bustling commuters
but also tourists and locals taking photos – a practice that
was forbidden until recently. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
비밀에 쌓였던게 밝혀졌다.
When the Tashkent Metro was built, photography was
banned in its stations because of its ancillary role as a
nuclear bomb shelter. During Soviet times, fears of spying
and a tight control on information meant photography was
largely distrusted, especially around sensitive military
infrastructure, including bomb shelters.
After the fall of the USSR in 1991, Uzbekistan’s former
Soviet party leader, Islam Karimov, took power and
continued the policy. Karimov’s successor, Shavkat
Mirziyoyev, however, began undertaking reforms, seeking to
open up the country’s economy and attract investors and
tourists. Perhaps realising the metro’s potential as a tourist
draw, the government removed its classification as a military
installation in mid-2018 and lifted this 41-year ban on
photography. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
banned in its stations because of its ancillary role as a
nuclear bomb shelter. During Soviet times, fears of spying
and a tight control on information meant photography was
largely distrusted, especially around sensitive military
infrastructure, including bomb shelters.
After the fall of the USSR in 1991, Uzbekistan’s former
Soviet party leader, Islam Karimov, took power and
continued the policy. Karimov’s successor, Shavkat
Mirziyoyev, however, began undertaking reforms, seeking to
open up the country’s economy and attract investors and
tourists. Perhaps realising the metro’s potential as a tourist
draw, the government removed its classification as a military
installation in mid-2018 and lifted this 41-year ban on
photography. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
주제가 정해진 지하정거장
Inside the Tashkent Metro, stations are all uniquely designed
and decorated in marble, granite, glass, ceramics and
alabaster. Many of the motifs centre around a specific theme,
often described in the station’s name. For example,
Kosmonavtlar Station (pictured) on the O’zbekiston Line
references Soviet cosmonauts and celebrates the Soviet
Space Program, while Pushkin Station, which honours the
life of the famous Russian author and poet, sits a few stops
away on the Chilonzor Line. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
and decorated in marble, granite, glass, ceramics and
alabaster. Many of the motifs centre around a specific theme,
often described in the station’s name. For example,
Kosmonavtlar Station (pictured) on the O’zbekiston Line
references Soviet cosmonauts and celebrates the Soviet
Space Program, while Pushkin Station, which honours the
life of the famous Russian author and poet, sits a few stops
away on the Chilonzor Line. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
우주경쟁의 상징
A portrait of Yuri Gagarin, the first person in space, adorns
the wall of the Kosmonavtlar Station. Gagarin, and other
early cosmonauts, were some of the USSR’s most important
heroes, symbolising Soviet power and supremacy during the
Space Race and widely depicted in Russian propaganda.
Around him, the walls are lined with surreal portraits of
famous cosmonauts floating through space amid a futuristic
design of blues and blacks – similar to the colours
astronauts would see as they left Earth’s atmosphere.
(Credit: Taylor Weidman)
the wall of the Kosmonavtlar Station. Gagarin, and other
early cosmonauts, were some of the USSR’s most important
heroes, symbolising Soviet power and supremacy during the
Space Race and widely depicted in Russian propaganda.
Around him, the walls are lined with surreal portraits of
famous cosmonauts floating through space amid a futuristic
design of blues and blacks – similar to the colours
astronauts would see as they left Earth’s atmosphere.
(Credit: Taylor Weidman)
프롤레타리아 걸작품
In true Soviet fashion, the work of the proletariat is also
celebrated. In Pakhtakor Station (which translates to “Cotton
Picker”), stylised images of cotton are depicted in huge
mosaics across the metro walls. The Soviets envisioned
Uzbekistan as a vast cotton-producing nation, reworking the
agricultural economy and diverting waterways until the
country produced 70% of the USSR’s cotton needs.
This famously led to environmental disaster when the Aral
Sea – once the world’s fourth-largest freshwater lake –
began drying up, leaving fishing fleets and port towns rusting
in newly created deserts. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
celebrated. In Pakhtakor Station (which translates to “Cotton
Picker”), stylised images of cotton are depicted in huge
mosaics across the metro walls. The Soviets envisioned
Uzbekistan as a vast cotton-producing nation, reworking the
agricultural economy and diverting waterways until the
country produced 70% of the USSR’s cotton needs.
This famously led to environmental disaster when the Aral
Sea – once the world’s fourth-largest freshwater lake –
began drying up, leaving fishing fleets and port towns rusting
in newly created deserts. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
쏘연방때 열차
Underneath this veneer of opulence, the metro has a very
Soviet, utilitarian feel at times. Many of the trains still
operating today are of a well-known class, 81-717/714 cars,
which were designed in the mid-1970s and are common
throughout post-Soviet metros. There are four carriages per
train, serving the stations’ 100m-long platforms. As of 2013,
168 of these distinctive blue-painted, Soviet era trains still
operated, but they are being slowly replaced by newer
models. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
Soviet, utilitarian feel at times. Many of the trains still
operating today are of a well-known class, 81-717/714 cars,
which were designed in the mid-1970s and are common
throughout post-Soviet metros. There are four carriages per
train, serving the stations’ 100m-long platforms. As of 2013,
168 of these distinctive blue-painted, Soviet era trains still
operated, but they are being slowly replaced by newer
models. (Credit: Taylor Weidman)
값싸면서도 인기최고
A trip on the metro costs 1,200 Uzbek soms (around £0.10).
The price ensures that Uzbek residents, whose minimum
wage is just 527,000 som per month (£43.50), can manage
to travel around the city. The metro is also growing: a second
line was opened in 1984, and a third line, which opened in
2001, is still expanding, with plans to eventually connect the
northern districts to the airport in the south.
(Credit: Taylor Weidman)
The price ensures that Uzbek residents, whose minimum
wage is just 527,000 som per month (£43.50), can manage
to travel around the city. The metro is also growing: a second
line was opened in 1984, and a third line, which opened in
2001, is still expanding, with plans to eventually connect the
northern districts to the airport in the south.
(Credit: Taylor Weidman)
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