수단 쿠테타: 한국처럼 오랜동안 국민들의 항의데모 끝에 군부가 대통령 축출, 한국이 더 시급한데....
아프리카 수단 군부가 현 수단 대통령,Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir를 권좌에서 축출했다고 발표했다.
이로써, 약 30년에 걸친 Bashir정권은 역사속으로 사라지게 됐다. 그동안 수단국민들은 수개월에 걸쳐 대통령의 권력남용, 부정부패, 사법부를장악하고 전제국가식으로 사법농단, 가장큰 원성은 경제파단이었다. 그로인해, 국민들은 희망을잃고, 거리를 방황하고, 더이상은 안된다는 원성이 국가적 국민 저항데모로 이어졌고, 마침내 군부가 정부와 대통령에 반기를들고, 국민들과 함께 새로운 나라건설에 동참하게된것이다.
수개월 동안 국민들이 정부의 독재, 부정부패와 경제파탄, 그리고 사법장악의 부당성을 들어 항의데모에 국민들의 희생을 더이상 두고만 볼수없어, 수단 군부가 들고 일어나 쿠테타를 일으켜 독재자 대통령을 권좌에서 몰아낸 것이다.
수단의 군부 쿠테타를 보면서, 한국의 현정부를 생각하게 된다. 한국 정부역시,청와대와 장관부보자들을 비롯한 고위직 관료들의 뻔뻔스런 부정행위 및 월권행위, 부정부패, 사법부장악, 잘 나가던 경제를 회복할수 없을 정도의 구렁텅이로 몰아넣고, 미국이 주도한 UN의 북한 경제 봉쇄 정책을 지키지 않고, 세계에서 가장 잔악한 북한 김정일 집단에 국민들 몰래 퍼다주는, 배신행위로 맹방 미국으로 부터는 팽당한 위기에 있는 현 한국정부가, 이번 군부쿠테타로 쫒겨난 수단정부권력과 똑 같다는 생각이다. 광화문을 비롯한 전국적인 반정부집회를 더이상은 좌시하지말고, 군부가 일어나 좌파정부를 축출하고, 다시 경제를 세우고 나라를 바로 세워야 할때다.
이시간 현재, 문재인 대통령은 백악관에서 겉으로는 화려한 대접(?)을 받고 있을 것이지만, 미국의 주요 언론에서는 일체의 보도나 언급이 없으니, 그만큼 한국은 맹방 미국의 상대가 아닌 변방에 있는, 완전 무시당한 옛동맹국 취급을 받는 국가로 전락한 것으로 보인다. 그런데 한국의 언론 보다는 트럼프와 회담이 잘되고 있다는 내용으로 보도 하는데....이해가 잘 안간다. 백악관 회담을 보는 각도가 달라서 일까?
military ousted and arrested President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir on
Thursday, delivering the deathblow to the authoritarian’s nearly 30-year
rule after months of intense protests.
Minister Awad Ibn Auf went on state television to declare “the
uprooting of this regime,” saying the government, presidency and
parliament were dissolved.
military council will oversee a two-year transition period while
suspending the constitution, he said. It will declare a three-month
state of emergency and a one-month curfew of 10 p.m. to 4 a.m., he said.
Sudan’s airspace was to be closed for 24 hours and its land and sea
borders shut “until further notice,” Ibn Auf added.
Auf did not disclose Bashir’s whereabouts or those of his allies,
including officials and ministers who had been rounded up. The ousted
president, he said, was being held “in a safe location.”
services, he said, had long been keeping track of the “mismanagement,
corruption and absence of justice” in state institutions, as well as
“the poor economic conditions” and “lack of hope.”
The government’s “false promises” had forced the army’s hand, he said.
Bashir, 75, first came to power in a bloodless 1989 military coup.
the next decades, he would weather several bouts of protests and become
an occasional pariah for harboring figures as disparate as Carlos the
Jackal and Osama bin Laden. The U.S. in 1993 designated Sudan a state
sponsor of terrorism.
Bashir has long faced an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for the killing of up to 400,000 people in Sudan’s Darfur region. However, other nations refused to arrest him.
He helped NATO’s campaign in Libya and offered fighters to Saudi Arabia and the Emirates to pursue their war in Yemen.
the end, it was the economy that felled him. The secession of South
Sudan in 2011 denied him the oil-rich regions that had been the
financial bulwark of his government.
prices for staples such as bread, queues for gas and a currency
liquidity crisis pushed people to protest, despite Bashir’s insistence
that those demonstrating were paid agents of his enemies.
was even a time that people said the Sudanese won’t go out or protest,
but it happened, because the conditions were truly terrible,” said Mada
Fatih, a Geneva-based Sudanese diplomat, in a phone interview on
President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir, shown in 2012, took power in a
coup, and nearly 30 years later, lost it in much the same way. (Khaled
Desouki / AFP/Getty Images)
morning at about 5, state TV’s regular programming was interrupted by a
banner asking people to wait for “an important statement from the
Sudanese armed forces.”
hours of martial music videos later, Ibn Auf appeared wearing fatigues
to give his address as crowds massed before the military headquarters in
the capital, Khartoum, to continue a days-long sit-in.
expecting the good news of Bashir’s ouster, cheered as demonstrators
clambered up walls to rip down banners and posters bearing his image.
moments later, a sense of victory against what many considered a
reviled and incompetent regime turned to anger as it became clear the
military was taking control.
The military also removed then-President Gaafar Nimeiri 34 years years ago, nearly to the day.
is a dirty political game that is being played against the people. They
removed Bashir, and one of his followers takes over?” said Ahmad
Abbass, a 22-year-old protester in Khartoum contacted via social media.
Sudanese Professional Assn., which supported the protests since their
beginnings in December, said the army’s move was a coup aimed at
“recycling the same faces and institutions against which our great
people had revolted.”
“We call upon our great people to continue their brave protest.”
also addressed the military, especially those who in recent days had
protected demonstrators from attacks by branches of security services
loyal to Bashir. (Nine people had been reportedly killed in Sudan since
protests began.) The association asked soldiers to stand on the side of
the people against the attempt to “steal the revolution.”
Auf said in his address that Sudan’s judiciary, embassies, diplomatic
missions and organizations would be unaffected by the change. The
nation, he said, would continue to adhere to all treaties and charters.
the meantime, all political prisoners, including those held by the
country’s National Intelligence and Security Service, would be released.
State Department spokesman Robert Palladino on Thursday called on
transitional authorities to show restraint and bring civilians into
government as soon as possible, before the two-year period announced.
praised the Sudanese people for peacefully exercising “their legitimate
demand for an inclusive government that respects human rights.”
U.S.-Sudanese discussions on evaluating the governments’ relations had
been suspended, Palladino said, and U.S. citizens were “being urged to
shelter in place.”
Fatih, the Sudanese diplomat, said that although protesters had expected more, he saw the army’s move as a positive one.
“You can’t do anything without the intervention of the army and its guarantee of security and peaceful transition,” he said.
“At the end you’re playing a dangerous game and you don’t want things to lose control.”
Staff writer Tracy Wilkinson in Washington contributed to this report.
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