언제나 인간답게 김정은이가 살아갈날을 보게 될수 있을까?
이제는 북한내에 Covid 19이 겉잡을수 없이 확산되니까, 그이유를 우리 대한민국에 돌리고 있는 한심한 돼지로 변했단다.
"남한에서 불법으로 삐라를 풍선에 띄워 북에날려 보낸것을 주민들이 무심코 주워서 보게 된데서 병균이 옮아서, 북한의 청정지역을 오렴시켰다"라고 억지 주장을 펴고 있다는 뉴스다.
간첩 문재인이가 김정은이의 명령을 충실히 이행한것들중의 하나가, 김돼지의 여자동생 여정이가 풍선띄우지 말라고 지시를 하자, 북한에 풍선을 계속띄우지 말라고 문재인이가 명령을 했는데도 국민들이 계속 띄우자, 대통령령으로 법을 만들어 불법 풍선띄우는자들에게 처벌을 하도록 하면서부터 그행위는 자취를 감추게 됐었는데....풍선띄우는것을 완전 차단한것은 Pandemic훨씬 전이었었다.
선동을 하거나 공갈을 쳐도 그럴듯하게 해야 하는데..... 문재인이가 김돼지의 명령을 충실히 이행하여, 풍선띄우는 애국적 행위는 아깝게도 팬데믹 훨씬 이전에 자취를 감춘것을 .....
김일성, 김정일 그리고 그아들 김정은까지 3대 공산독재 괴물들은, 절대로 자기네들의 실수를 인정하는 법이 없다. 만약에 인정한다면, 그자체가 잔인한 공산독재체제를 부정하는셈이 되기 때문이다.
북한 중앙통신은 목요일 보도하기를, 김돼지의 여동생 '여정'이가 자기 오빠 김정은이가 약간의 몸살끼가 있었는데, 그원인은 남측에서 풍선에 끼워 날려보낸 삐라에 바이러스 묻어있어, 북한땅에 팬데믹균을 옮겼기 때문이라고 변명하면서, 꼭 그 보복을 할것이다라고 공갈을 친것이다.
북한 전문가들의 분석에 따르면, 북한은 팬데믹 확산을 숨기면서, 김정은이의 북한내 통치를 확고히하고, 끝이 보이지 않는 낭떠러지로 굴러 처박힌 경제상황을 숨기기위해 거짖선전을 해대고 있다는 것이다. 김정은집단은 시궁창에 빠진 경제를 재건할수 없으니까, 주민들이 시선을 다른곳으로 돌리게 하려는 포석으로 보이며, 여정이가 남한에 대한 협박,공갈을 치기위한 사전 포석으로 진단된다.
"지난 5월부터 펜데믹 퇴치를 위한 최대한의 조치를 시작한 이후로, 발생초기 하루에 수만명씩 발생했던게 한달후에는 90000명으로 줄었고, 그후로 계속 감소하여 지나 7월29일 이후로는 단 한건의 새로운 환자 발생이 없었다"라고 김정은이가 수요일 Regime에게 공갈을 친것이다. 단하나의 백신접종까지도 정성으로 보살피기에, 이렇게 짧은 기간동안에 확진 방어를 성공적으로 이룩하고, 주민들의 건강과 우리나라가 펜데믹 바이러스 완전퇴치 나라로 다시 성공시킨것은, 공공의 건강관리에 대한 전세계의 역사를 살펴봐도, 우리가 이룩한 기적같은 기록은 아직까지 없었다"라고 선동한 김정은이다.
지난 5월에 김돼지는 펜데믹 확산을 방지하기위해 도시와 도시간의 왕래를 막았고, 국경봉쇄라고 해봤자 겨우 중국과 러시아정도인데도 완전 막았었다. 그러나 경제적 성장역시 설정한 목표를 달성해야 하는데 그렇치 못하고 있음을 토로하기도 했었는데, 그이유는 상당수의 구룹들이 농작물, 공산품과 건설분야에서 독점해서 그들만의 부를 축적하고 있음을 시인한 것이다.
펜데믹 회의에서 바이러스 방역정책을 완화 할것을 주문했으며, 전국민은 바이러스가 확산되지 않도록 모두가 불침번을 서야하고, 국경콘트롤도 효과적으로 통제해야 한다라고 하면서, 지금 전지구촌으로 퍼지고 있는 변종 코로나 바이러스와 원숭이폭스 바이러스의 확산을 언급하기도 했었다.

In this photo provided by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un shakes hands with a health official in Pyongyang, North Korea, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022. Kim has declared victory over COVID-19 and ordered an easing of preventive measures. Independent journalists were not given access to cover the event depicted in this image distributed by the North Korean government. The content of this image is as provided and cannot be independently verified. Korean language watermark on image as provided by source reads: "KCNA" which is the abbreviation for Korean Central News Agency. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP)
Kim Tong-hyung, The Associated Press
Published Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:16PM EDT
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has declared victory over COVID-19 and ordered preventive measures eased just three months after acknowledging an outbreak, claiming the country's widely disputed success would be recognized as a global health miracle.
The North's official Korean Central News Agency also reported Thursday that Kim's sister said her brother had suffered a fever and blamed the North Korean outbreak on leaflets flown from across the border from South Korea, while warning of deadly retaliation.
Some experts believe North Korea has manipulated the scale of the outbreak to help Kim maintain absolute control of the country amid mounting economic difficulties. They believe the victory statement signals Kim's aim to move to other priorities but are concerned his sister's remarks portend a provocation.
Since North Korea admitted to an omicron outbreak of the virus in May, it has reported about 4.8 million “fever cases” in its population of 26 million but only identified a fraction of them as COVID-19. It has claimed the outbreak has been slowing for weeks and just 74 people have died.
“Since we began operating the maximum emergency anti-epidemic campaign (in May), daily fever cases that reached hundreds of thousands during the early days of the outbreak were reduced to below 90,000 a month later and continuously decreased, and not a single case of fever suspected to be linked to the evil virus has been reported since July 29,” Kim said in his speech Wednesday, according to KCNA.
“For a country that has yet to administer a single vaccine shot, our success in overcoming the spread of the illness in such a short period of time and recovering safety in public health and making our nation a clean virus-free zone again is an amazing miracle that would be recorded in the world's history of public health,” he said.
For Kim to declare victory against COVID-19 suggests that he wants to move on to other priorities, such as boosting a broken and heavily sanctioned economy further damaged by pandemic border closures or conducting a nuclear test, said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor of international studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul.
South Korean and U.S. officials have said North Korea could be gearing up for its first nuclear test in five years amid its torrid run of weapons tests this year that included its first demonstrations of intercontinental ballistic missiles since 2017.
The provocative testing activity underscores Kim's dual intent to advance his arsenal and pressure the Biden administration over long-stalled negotiations aimed at leveraging its nukes for badly needed sanctions relief and security concessions, experts say.
The bellicose rhetoric of Kim's sister, Kim Yo Jong, is concerning because it indicates she will try to blame any COVID-19 resurgence on the South and is also looking to justify North Korea's next military provocation, Easley said.
North Korea first suggested in July that its COVID-19 outbreak began in people who had contact with objects carried by balloons flown from South Korea - a questionable and unscientific claim that appeared to be an attempt to hold its rival responsible.
Activists for years have flown balloons across the border to distribute hundreds of thousands of propaganda leaflets critical of Kim, and North Korea has often expressed fury at the activists and at South Korea's leadership for not stopping them.
During Wednesday's meeting, Kim Yo Jong reiterated those claims, calling the country's virus crisis a “hysteric farce” kicked off by South Korea to escalate confrontation. She claimed that her brother had suffered fever symptoms and praised his “energetic and meticulous guidance” for bringing an “epoch-making miracle” in the fight against COVID-19.
“(South Korean) puppets are still thrusting leaflets and dirty objects into our territory. We must counter it toughly,” she said. “We have already considered various counteraction plans, but our countermeasure must be a deadly retaliatory one.”
Kim Yo Jong's reference to Kim Jong Un's illness wasn't further explained.
Outside experts suspect the virus spread after North Korea briefly reopened its northern border with China to freight traffic in January and surged further following a military parade and other large-scale events in Pyongyang in April.
In May, Kim prohibited travel between cities and counties to slow the spread of the virus. But he also stressed that his economic goals should be met, which meant huge groups continued to gather at agricultural, industrial and construction sites.
At the virus meeting, Kim called for the easing of preventive measures and for the nation to maintain vigilance and effective border controls, citing the global spread of new coronavirus variants and monkeypox.
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