Sunday, December 12, 2021

통합된 Toronto의 첫번째 시장, Mel Lastman 88세로 우리곁을 떠났다. 많은 비교된다.

통합된 Toronto의 첫번째 시장, Mel Lastman 88세로 우리곁은 떠났다.  여섯개의 조그만 6개의시를(six municipalities)를, 상급 정부의 조치에 따라, 하나의 시로 통합한후에 실시된 시장선거에서 압도적 지지를 얻어, 통합된시의 시장직을, 1998년부터 2003년까지, 의미있게 수행했었다.

그의 카리스마적 Iron Fist를 휘둘러 때로는 정적도 많았었지만, 그들조차도 그의 서거소식을 듣고는, 그의 업적과 그답게 소신껏 통합된 시행정을 하는데, 기틀을 다졌고, 많은 역사적 사건들을 만들기도 했었다.  

 Lastman시장과 가까운 친구한분은 한 일화를 소개 했는데, 1999년도에  Mega City에 폭설이 내려서, 시자체의 인원과 장비로는 제설작업이 불가하여 군(military)에 지원을 부탁했었는데, 그때에 찬반 양론이 심해 시의회가 시끄러웠던 기억을 더듬으면서,  그분의 뚝심과 뱃장이 있었기에 가능했었던 것이라고 회상 하면서, 정치적 동지도 얻었지만, 정치적 적도 만만찮았었다고 했다.

군대동원에 대해서 논란은 수년이 지난후에도 그의 결정이 옳았느냐 아니었느냐로 현재도 이슈화되고 있지만, 그가 내린 정책은 그가 토론토에 거주하는 시민들을 친구를 생각하는 심정으로 보살폈다는 점을 잘 보여준 결정이었음을 잘 보여준것이라고 회상한다. 

 Toronto시는, 캐나다에서는 가장 큰 도시이고 인구는 약 4백만명이 넘는것으로 알려져 있다.

"그가 군병력 협조를 요청한 이유는 당시 그는 앰블런스와 불자동차들이 시내의 좁은 골목길을 맘데로 들락날락 할수 없는 상황에 많은 실망을 했었기 때문이었기 때문이었었다"라고 설명한다.

"시민들은 시장에게 전화를 해서 울면서 하소연 하기를 '몸이 아파도 의사를 만날수 없었고,  어머니가 아파도 병원에 모시고 갈수가 없었다' 그래서  Lastman시장은 모든 장애물과 비난을 감수하면서 군병력 동원이라는 행동을 취했던 것이었다"라고 설명하면서 "그때 나는 옳은 결정을 한것에 매우 자랑스럽다"라고, 그로 부터 10년이 지난 2009년에 한 언론과의 인터뷰에서 기억을 더듬었었다.

 Mel Lastman시장의 서거소식을 듣고, 당시 박터지게 싸웠던 정적들도 안좋았던 감정은 보이지 않게 저만큼 뒤로 밀어 놓고, 그가 진정한 시장이었음을 칭찬하는데 모든 열변을 토하는 광경을 보면서,  약 한달전 서거하신 전두환, 노태우 대통령의 장례식에 조문은 차치하고 국립묘지 안장은 할수없다고 대못을 박아놓고,  특히 전두환 대통령의 서거에 그는 "나는 전두환 장례식에 조문 안간다"라는 커다란 성명서를 발표한 꼬락서니와 많이 비교된다.

전직 대통령의 공 과는 문재인 대통령이 일방적으로 평가할 일이 아닌, 국민들의 몫이었는데.... 권력남용을 이미 이세상 사람이 아닌 망자에게, 그리고 유족에게 마지막으로 국민들의 가슴에 대못을 박는, 현직 대통령으로서는 해서는 안되는 쫌뺑이짖을 한것에 증오를 품지 않을수 없었다.

지금 그는 하루 7000명이 넘는 Covid19확진자들에 대한 방역대책을 시궁창에 처박아놓고, 따뜻한 호주로 날아가 '정상회담'을 하고 있단다.  정상회담 의제를 보면, 정말로 속보이는 쫌뺑이 국빈방문이다.  확진자의 사망율도 다른 서구나라에 비해서 거의 5배가 많다고 한다.

더욱 웃기는것은 확진자들의 방역대책으로 내놓은게 "재택방역"이라는 해괴망측한 명령을 내려놓고, 신형 747점보기를 타고 도망치다시피하면서 정수기와 함께 국민들 시야에서 사라져 버렸다.

참 많은 비교가 된다.  우리 대한민국의 현직 대통령 문재인, 좌파 주사파의 본심을 보여준것이다.  우리 국민들은 다시는 똑 같은 과오를 범해서는 안된다. 

Mel Lastman

Former Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman has died. He was 88.

Lastman died at his home Saturday afternoon, CTV News learned.

Known for his flamboyance and outspokenness, Lastman served for six years as the first mayor of 'megacity' -- the name given to Toronto after the amalgamation of six municipalities in 1998.

Before that, he was the mayor of the then municipality of North York for more than two decades, from 1973 to 1997.

Toronto Mayor John Tory, who worked in Lastman's mayoral campaign and served in his "kitchen cabinet," paid tribute to his former boss on Saturday, calling him a kind, good-hearted man.

Tory said Lastman had a larger-than-life personality "who always wanted to do the right thing for people."

"He was so committed to the city and worked throughout his time in office to make sure Toronto moved forward as one united city and into the 21st century," the mayor said in a statement.

"As we mourn his passing, I want to thank Mel Lastman again for his service to North York and to the entire City of Toronto. He will be so missed by those who knew and loved him. May his memory be a blessing."

Tory has ordered all flags at city hall and other municipal buildings to be lowered at half-mast to honour Lastman. He has also asked city protocol to provide an opportunity for the public to sign a condolence book.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford honoured Lastman Saturday, describing him as a "true leader and builder" for Toronto.

"He was a great mayor and he touched many lives," Ford said in a tweet. "Mel, you will truly be missed. My thoughts are with the Lastman family at this difficult time."

Coun. Mike Colle, who also worked in Lastman's 1998 mayoral run, said his friend and mentor cared so much about Toronto, putting his heart and soul into the city.

Marilyn Lastman

"He basically created the new Toronto. He put together those six municipalities overnight, made it into a city," Colle said.

"He made that happen with just his sweat, passion. He never stopped trying to make things happen. He was always -- with the sleeves rolled up -- put his guts and everything and he's certainly one of the most memorable people I've ever met and had the honour of working with and working beside."

Colle recalled when Lastman called the military for help in 1999 to clear the snow from city streets – one of the controversial decisions 'Mega City Mel' made during his tenure in politics.

While people continue to question Lastman's military call years later, Colle said the decision showed how his friend cared for the residents of the city.

"The reason why he called in the army was because he was so upset that the ambulances and fire trucks couldn't get up and down the narrow streets of Toronto," Colle said.

"He felt that those people were calling him, and they were crying out, 'I got to get to the doctor, my mother can't get to the hospital.' So that's why Mel reacted with his gut."

In an interview with the Canadian Press in 2009, 10 years after he made the call, Lastman said he was proud of what he did and added that "I did the right thing."

Toronto snow

Born on March 9, 1933, Lastman grew up in Kensington Market. And while he later moved to North York, Lastman "always kept that Kensington spirit with him," Colle said.

The death of Lastman is the passing of an era, said former Toronto Councillor Joe Mihevc.

"If I were to summarize in one sentence what he was really about was, he actually brought this city together," Mihevc, who worked with Lastman as a city councillor when megacity started.

"He helped us to think together as Torontonians."

Before turning into politics, Lastman was a businessman. He opened the first Lastman's Bad Boy Superstore in 1955 on Weston Road.

After retiring, some Torontonians would come to know Lastman from his TV commercials for the store with his son Blayne, yelling the tagline: "Nooobody!"

"If you said 'nooobody,' people would instantly say that's what Mel Lastman always said," former Toronto Mayor Barbara Hall said.

Marilyn Lastman

Hall, who lost to Lastman during the megacity election, said as a tough negotiator but also a friendly person.

"He was flamboyant and controversial, but much loved in North York, where many people would say that he was the only mayor they'd ever known," Hall said.

"He listened to people, and he went out. We had very different perceptions of the city, but there's no question that he was effective in many ways."

Other political figures also paid tribute to Lastman, including Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown and Federal Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole.

Lastman is survived by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

His wife, Marilyn, died in January 2020 following a brief illness.

A funeral will be held Monday at 10:00 a.m. at Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel on Steeles Avenue in North York.

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