Friday, December 28, 2018

스웨덴에서 365일 영업하는 Ice Hotel, 2018/2019 Season Open. 사용후 후회하지 않기를...

캐나다의 퀘백주에서는 매년 겨울철이면 Ice Hotel 영업을 한다.  취미들도 다양하다.  추운 Ice Hotel에서 하룻밤 자고 싶어 예약은 불티난다고 들었었다.

그런데 금년에는 스웨덴에서 Ice Hotel을 운영하는데, 호텔은 일년 365일 영업을 하게 된다는 것이다.  스웨덴의 북쪽 국토끝자락은 North Pole에 가깝다는것을 알고는 있었지만, 여름철에도 영업하기위해서, 새로운 기술을 적용한단다.

매년 이호텔은 새롭게 만들어지며, 2018/2019에는 13개 나라에서 참여한 34명의 예술가들이 디자인한 15 개의 룸이  선보인다고한다. 또한 2016년부터 태양열을 이용한 냉동기술의 발달로 일년내내 호텔은 영업을 할수있음에 감사해하고있다고한다. 

또한 이호텔은 인위적인 장식보다는 자연을  상징하는 실내장식을  장점으로 내세운다.  그래서 추운방, 우리가 보통 따뜻하게 살고있는  방 온도와  같은 호텔방도 있어서 번갈아 가며 즐긴다고 한다. 세상에...

New creations: For 2018/19 there are 15 new suites for guests to sample. Pictured here is one of them: "Spruce Woods" designed by Christopher Pancoe and Jennie O'Keefe from Canada.

궁금한것은 어떤 호사가들이 이호텔을 이용할것이며, 며칠간이나 머무를까? 돈많은 노인들은 건강을 염려하여, 사용할 확율은 극히 적을것 같고.... 젊은 연인들이 추억을 만들기위해 하루 이틀 이용한다고 할때, 경제적 여유나 가치를 충분히 보상받았다고 생각할수 있을까? 사용후에는후회가 많을것 같다는 생각이다.

왜냐면,  심심하면 정상외교한답시고 국빈방문을 즐기는 각국의 정상들이, Quebec이나 스웨덴 방문시, Ice Hotel해서 하룻밤 즐겼다는 얘기가 없는것을 보면, 겉다르고 속다르다는것을 이해할수 있을것 같다.
특히 관광을 겸한 정상방문을 즐겨하는 한국의 문재인 대통령부부가 G20정상회담에 참석하는길에 체고를 방문하면서 바로 옆에 있는 Sweden 또는Qeubec에 있는 Ice Hotel를 Skip 한것을 보면서 더깊이 느낀것이다.

 (CNN) — The wintriest of winter getaways is back. As the annual Arctic deep freeze gets underway, Sweden's ICEHOTEL is opening its frosty doors.
And this year its icy rooms are as beautiful as ever.
The famous hotel regenerates every year -- and for 2018/19 some 15 new have been suites created by a 34 artists and designers from across 13 countries.
Since 2016, part of the hotel has been permanent thanks to solar-powered cooling technology, allowing guests to test the cold temperatures all year round.
But in a tradition spanning almost 30 years, part of the hotel remains transitory -- each year when the old ice melts, new applications come forward and a panel of artists and ice experts choose the best of the best.
The winners travel to Sweden to help make their frozen visions a reality, aided by experienced ice artists.
Many of this year's suites are inspired by the natural world.
This seems appropriate. ICEHOTEL's DNA is intertwined with its picturesque surroundings -- the ice is sourced from the nearby Torne River, Sweden's northernmost and the biggest national river.
Among this year's creations is "The Living Ocean Suite," by Jonathan Green and his daughter Marnie from England. It's an icy underwater haven complete with coral and fish.

The current edition of ICEHOTEL is open now until April 13 2019. Prices for two adults start at SEK 1,549 ($170) for a warm room and SEK 2,354 ($260) for an ice room.

Next year will see ICEHOTEL celebrating three decades of icy artistic creations. Submissions are already open, so if you're feeling inspired you can get creative now.

Nature theme

Roughly 70,000 guests a year visit ICEHOTEL, where a survival course is offered to help guests adapt to their frozen surroundings.

Plus there are warm cabins on offer -- so guests can switch between staying in the cold rooms and sleeping in the warmth they might be more accustomed to.

The current edition of ICEHOTEL is open now until April 13 2019. Prices for two adults start at SEK 1,549 ($170) for a warm room and SEK 2,354 ($260) for an ice room.

Next year will see ICEHOTEL celebrating three decades of icy artistic creations. Submissions are already open, so if you're feeling inspired you can get creative now.

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