Friday, April 29, 2016

미사일 쏘아올리는게 애들 불꽃놀이쯤으로 생각하는 북한, 주민들 굶주림을 보살피지...

북한이 중거리 탄도미사일을 지난 목요일 발사 했다고 하는데, 발사대를 떠난지 수초만에 바로 앞에 있는 목표물에 정확히 안착(?) 했다는 뉴스다. 두번째 불꽃놀이 였다고 한다. 한심자들.
언제까지 이런 위험한 불꽃놀이를 계속할 것인가?   

물고기를 잡기위해 투망을 던지면, 그안에 있는 물고기는 이미 죽은 목숨이나 다름없다. 유엔의 대북결의재제조치는 투망인것이다. Kim과 그 Regime이 잡히게 되면 지구상의 모든 나라들이 두손모아  환영할 일이겠지만, 같은 투망안에 있는 2천만이 넘는, 가엾고 굶주린 주민들의 운명이 관심의 초점이다.

불꽃놀이의 이름이 이채롭다. "무수단" 불꽃놀이다. 원래의 계획데로라면, 약 이 Fire works는 약 3,000킬로를 날랐어야 한다.  북한 주민들은 이러한 불꽃놀이를 구경하는것 보다, 먼저 허기진 배를 채우는게 급선무라서 이런 불꽃놀이에는, 김정은과 Regime에 원망만 쏟아내고 있다고한다..... Fire Works 도 제대로 쏘아 올리지 못하는 주제에, 무슨 부귀영화를 주민들에게 보여 주겠다고 하는지.... 아직도 밖은 찬바람이 몸을 움추리게 하고 있는데 말이다.

불꽃놀이를 계속해서 하겠다고 고집을 부리면, 김정은과 그 Regime의 살아남을 날자는 자꾸만 줄어들텐데, 옛날 냉전시대의 쏘련방의 하나였던, 루마니아가 생각난다.  "차우세스쿠" 당시 대통령의 최후를 지금도 많은 사람들이 생생히 기억하고 있다.
 세관원이 승객이 들고온 Camera와 Ipad을 유심히 들여다 보고 있다.  젊은이로 보이는데 무척 갖고싶어하는 아이템이었을 것이다.

김정은의 통치스타일에 비하면, 그래도 "차우세스크"대통령은 무척 유순한 편이었을것 같다.  그런데도 그의 최후는, 잘못 사용한 권력자의 말로가 어떤것인가를 너무도 선명하게 보여주었었다. 김정은과 Regime이 그처참함을 모를리 없기에 밤에는 잠자리가 편치만은 않을 것이다.
연이은 불꽃놀이실패와 주민들의 배고픔과, 주민들을 강제이주시켜 생활에 미치는 학정, 그리고 그위에 가장 치명적인 유엔경제재재로 인한 숨통이 막혀 거의 Suffocation 직전에 있음을 세계가 알고 있는데, 정작 본인들은 알고 있는건지? 아니면 아직도 깜깜함속에서 쥐새끼들처럼 "짹짹" 거리고 있는지?

지난 토요일에는 운이 좋게 물속에서 쏘아올린 Fire Works가 상당거리를 보기좋게 날아갔었다고 하는 뉴스가 있었다.  Fire Works를 본 주민들이 배고픔을 잊었을까?  아이들이 칭얼대지 않았을까? 

SEOUL, April 28 (Reuters) - North Korea fired what appeared to have been an intermediate range ballistic missile on Thursday but it crashed seconds after the test launch, South Korea’s defense ministry said, the second such failure in the run-up to next week’s ruling party congress. 
Isolated North Korea has conducted a flurry of missile launches, in violation of U.N. resolutions, and tests of military technology ahead of the Workers’ Party congress that begins on May 6, and Thursday’s launch looks to have been hurried, according to a defense expert in Seoul.
A South Korean defense ministry official told Reuters that the launch at about 6:40 a.m. local time (2140 GMT Wednesday) from near the east coast city of Wonsan appeared to have been of a Musudan missile with a range of more than 3,000 km (1,800 miles).
It crashed within seconds, the official said.
“They are in a rush to show anything that is successful, to meet the schedule of a political event, the party congress,” said Yang Uk, a senior research fellow at the Korea Defence and Security Forum and a policy adviser to the South Korean navy.
“They need to succeed but they keep failing. They didn’t have enough time to fix or technically modify the system, but just shot them because they were in hurry,” he said.
Thursday’s apparent failure marks another setback for the North’s young leader Kim Jong Un. A similar missile launched on the April 15 birthday of his grandfather, the country’s founder, Kim Il Sung, exploded in what the U.S. Defense Department called a “fiery, catastrophic” failure.
Some experts had predicted that North Korea would wait until it had figured out what went wrong in the previous failed Musudan missile launch before attempting another, a process that could take months and a sign that Thursday’s firing was rushed.
However, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency had reported on Tuesday that the North appeared to be preparing the second launch of a Musudan, which theoretically has the range to reach any part of Japan and the U.S. territory of Guam. According to South Korea, the missile has never been successfully flight-tested.
North Korea lists South Korea, the United States and Japan as its main enemies.
South Korea also says the North is ready to conduct a nuclear test at any time. It would be its fifth nuclear test.
“Signs for an imminent fifth nuclear test are being detected ahead of North Korea’s seventh Party Congress,” President Park Geun-hye said at a national security meeting on Thursday.


The defense ministry official, who declined to be identified by name, said South Korean and U.S. officials were analyzing the cause of Thursday’s missile crash, declining to comment on why news of the launch was revealed several hours after it took place.
Yonhap said the fired missile was not detected by South Korean military radar because it did not fly above a few hundred meters, and was spotted by a U.S. satellite.
The South Korean defense ministry told Reuters it could not confirm that report.
North Korea’s missile tests are in defiance of United Nations Security Council sanctions against the country, which were strengthened following a January nuclear test and a space rocket launch the following month.
On Saturday, North Korea tested a submarine-launched ballistic missile, which traveled about 30 km (18 miles) off its east coast.

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