Tuesday, November 06, 2018

엄마가 슬쩍 옮긴볼을 사용한 전NCAA챔피언,LPGA 자격획득경기에서 자격박탈 당하는 수모.

                    Doris Chen이 엄마가 딸의 볼을 움직인후 LPGA Qualifying경기에서 탈락했다.

 이번주말에 있었던 LPGA 참가권을 획득하는 Qualifying경기에서, 전 NCAA 챔피언이 엄마가 움직인 볼을 사용한후 탈락하는 사건이 있었다. 

이럴경우, 콩뒤엄마가 된 은인인가? 딸의 앞날을 망친  팥쥐엄마인가?  자식 사랑은 이렇게 하는게 아닌데...

Pinehurst N.C. 골프코스옆에 살고있는 주민이, Doris Chen이 티샷으로 날린볼이 떨어진 곳에서 어느 누군가가 그볼을 움직이는것을 보고, 규정에 어긋난 행동임을 Golf Channel에 보고해서 세상에 알려지게 된것이다. 볼을 움직인 그사람은  Chen의 엄마, Yuh-Guey Lin 이었음이 나중에 밝혀진 것이다.

아래의 기사가 더 흥미롭다.

Alex Valer, Chen’s caddie, tried to explain the situation to the Golf Channel.
“It’s a mess,” he said. “Doris did the wrong thing. I’m just trying to do the right thing, to be fair to all those players at Q-Series who have worked so hard for a whole year.”
Chen attempted to distance herself from the controversy Sunday, calling the incident a “misunderstanding.”
“I did not have any direct involvement, nor was it my intention for it to happen,” she said in the statement. “It was a stressful week and I did my best in terms of resolving it at the moment. Unfortunately, I did not have the best judgement [sic] at the moment and this resulted [in] a ruling. It was my responsibility as a player to call for a rules official at the time to investigate, whether the event to be true or mistaken.

A former NCAA golf champion was disqualified from the LPGA’s qualifying tournament over the weekend after she played a ball her mother moved back in bounds.
A homeowner near the Pinehurst, N.C., golf course caught someone moving Doris Chen’s errant tee shot back in bounds and later reported the infraction, Golf Channel reported. The person who moved the ball was later identified as Chen’s mother, Yuh-Guey Lin.
Alex Valer, Chen’s caddie, tried to explain the situation to the Golf Channel.
“It’s a mess,” he said. “Doris did the wrong thing. I’m just trying to do the right thing, to be fair to all those players at Q-Series who have worked so hard for a whole year.”
Chen attempted to distance herself from the controversy Sunday, calling the incident a “misunderstanding.”
“I did not have any direct involvement, nor was it my intention for it to happen,” she said in the statement. “It was a stressful week and I did my best in terms of resolving it at the moment. Unfortunately, I did not have the best judgement [sic] at the moment and this resulted [in] a ruling. It was my responsibility as a player to call for a rules official at the time to investigate, whether the event to be true or mistaken.
“However, I thought I knew the rules clearly. I have to firmly clarify that my caddie, the volunteer nor I at the time we were searching for the ball saw anything suspicious. I did not hear or see anything, nor did I do anything that would interfere. I found the ball and hit it.”
The LPGA released a statement, saying Chen played the wrong ball.
“Doris Chen's drive on the 17th hole in round 7 came to rest out of bounds," the LPGA said in the statement, according to ESPN. “An outside agency moved her ball back in bounds. Ms. Chen and her caddie were made aware that the ball had been moved. Doris elected to play the ball, which was a wrong ball by definition, from its altered lie. Ms. Chen did not correct her error before teeing off on the next hole, thus resulting in the DQ penalty.”
Chen, who won an NCAA title with USC in 2014 and a U.S. Girls’ Junior title in 2010, defended herself in an interview with the Golf Channel, saying feels “hurt” over the situation and is not a cheater.

“However, I thought I knew the rules clearly. I have to firmly clarify that my caddie, the volunteer nor I at the time we were searching for the ball saw anything suspicious. I did not hear or see anything, nor did I do anything that would interfere. I found the ball and hit it.”
The LPGA released a statement, saying Chen played the wrong ball.
“Doris Chen's drive on the 17th hole in round 7 came to rest out of bounds," the LPGA said in the statement, according to ESPN. “An outside agency moved her ball back in bounds. Ms. Chen and her caddie were made aware that the ball had been moved. Doris elected to play the ball, which was a wrong ball by definition, from its altered lie. Ms. Chen did not correct her error before teeing off on the next hole, thus resulting in the DQ penalty.”
Chen, who won an NCAA title with USC in 2014 and a U.S. Girls’ Junior title in 2010, defended herself in an interview with the Golf Channel, saying feels “hurt” over the situation and is not a cheater.


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