Sunday, November 04, 2018

미국 Utah주 시민들, 시장(Mayor)의 전사에 오열, 그의 애국적 행동, 한국 대법원판사들 꼭 들어야 한다.

 우리모두가 알고있다시피, 대한민국의 동맹국, 미국은 한국처럼 징병제가  아니고 지원제로 군대를 유지하는 세계 최강의 Military Country이다. Utah주의 North Ogden시의 현직 시장이, 부시장에게 시장직무를 임시 위임하고, 아프카니스탄에 파병되여 임무수행중 전사한, 가슴아프게 하는 뉴스가 전미국을 비롯하여 전세계의 자유를 사랑하는 사람들의 마음을 무겁게도 했지만, 훈훈한 애국관을 보여 주었다.

며칠전 한국의 대법원에서는 종교적 양심에 따라, 국민의 4대의무중의 가장 중요한 국방의무를 거부한 한 젊은 청년에게 무죄를 선고하는, 천인공노할 판결을 했었다.

미국이 세계 최고의 부자나라이자, 군사적으로도 최고의 전술을 자랑하는 국가로 발전한 것은 우연이 아니고 당연한 결과인것으로 나는 굳게 믿는다.

시장, Brent Taylor씨는 미국 Utah주의 North Ogden시의 현직 시장이자, Utah주에서 사랑받는  정치가였다. 그는 Utah주의 방위군으로 자원하여  아프가니스탄에 파병되여 근무중 뜻하지 않는 공격을 받아 죽고 말았다.  예상치 않은 갑작스런 그의 전사에 Utah주를 비롯한  전미국민들이 애도의 뜻을 끝이지 않고 있다.  그는  현직 North Ogden 시장이었지만, 부시장에게 직무를 맡겨두고, 주방위군의 임무가 먼저인것을 알았기에, 편한 삶을 뒤로하고 전장으로 갔었기 때문에 더 가슴을 애절하게 한다. 그는 한달후면 임무를 마치고 Utah 주로 되돌아와 남은 기간 시장직을 수행할 계획이었었다고한다.

지난달 그의 결혼 15주년을  맞아 Facebook에 "Rock Star Wife" Jennie에 대한 고마움을 나타내기도 했었다. 즉 7명의 아이들을 직접낳아 키우면서 헌신해준 아내덕택으로 이락과 아프가니스탄에 4번씩이나 파견되여 방위군 의무를 할수 있었다라고.

Utah주 지사, Gary Herbert씨, 주방위군 인적관리사령관, Jefferson S Burton소장이 일요일 정오에 기자회견을 열어 이번 공격사고에 대한 조사내용을 브리핑을 할 계획이라고 한다.

Taylor시장의 부재중, 시장직을 수행하고 있는 Brent Chugg씨는 "Taylor시장은 그의 나라 미국을 무척 사랑했던 위대한 애국자였습니다."라고.
Utah주 정치가들이 함께 참석하여 필요한 주민들에게 Food써빙을 하면서 알게돼고, 친구가 된 Cox씨는, Taylor씨가 정치에 뛰어든 이유는 무척 단순했었다고 하면서, "그는 항상 받은것 만큼 되돌려 주기를 원했으며, 더 좋은 살기좋은 지구촌 만들기를 원했었다. 그는 정말로 항상 희망찬 미래를 꿈꾸며 행동하는 좋은 친구였으며, 그는 아프간 국민들을 항상 걱정했었던, 그래서 그는 그곳에서 임무 수행을 했었던 친구였다"라고.

또 Taylor 시장은 그의 Facebook에서, "다음주에는 미국은 우리의 대표자들을 뽑는 선거를 한다. 내가 바라는것은 모든 미국인들이 귀향하여 귀중한 한표를 행사하기를 희망한다. 공화당 또는 민주당이 이기든, 우리모두는 분열되기보다는 더하나로 뭉쳐진  미국으로 기억할것이다. '모두가함께하면 미국은 굳건히 설것이고,  분열하면 추락합니다' 신이시여 미국을 축복해 주세요"라고 

(CNN)Brent Taylor, the mayor of North Ogden, Utah, and an energetic and beloved figure in Utah politics, was killed Saturday in an incident in Afghanistan, where he was serving as a member of the state National Guard, the Pentagon announced Sunday.
The unexpected death of Taylor, who was months from finishing his tour and is survived by seven children and his wife Jennie, drew an outpouring of grief in Utah and on social media late Saturday.
Last month on his 15th wedding anniversary, Taylor penned a post on Facebook about his "rock star wife," who he said had been "superwoman through birthing and raising seven children, and through four deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan."
The Pentagon confirmed Sunday that Taylor was killed in the attack, but did not offer additional details of the attack.
Republican Gov. Gary Herbert and Maj. Gen. Jefferson S. Burton, the state National Guard adjutant general, plan to hold a press conference at noon on Sunday to discuss the details of the incident. In a press release, the Utah National Guard said an unnamed guardsman was killed in Kabul Saturday in "an apparent insider attack" by an Afghan soldier. The incident is under investigation.

Initial reports indicate that the attacker was a member of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces. The assailant "was immediately killed by other Afghan Forces," according to the release.
State and city leaders, including Utah Republican Rep. Mia Love and GOP Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox, praised Taylor's service and courage Saturday night on social media, as his constituents posted their remembrances of a mayor who was always available to them.
Friends described Taylor as a passionate and outgoing mayor who was continually looking for new ways to serve his country and his state. When he was elected to the City Council of North Ogden in 2009, and became mayor in 2013, he was determined to bring the booming economic growth that was happening in other parts of Utah to his town, which he felt had untapped potential at that time.
The Brigham Young University graduate returned to Afghanistan in January after serving two tours of duty during the Iraq War and one in Afghanistan. For his fourth tour, he took a temporary leave of absence from his mayoral duties.
Brent Chugg, who temporarily took on the role of acting mayor of North Ogden while Taylor was deployed, said Taylor was a "great patriotic person" who had "a great love for his country."
Cox, who became friends with Taylor as they made the rounds of the "rubber chicken" circuit of Utah politics together, said Taylor's motivation for entering politics was simple.
"He always wanted to give back and make the world a better place," Cox said in a telephone interview Saturday night. "He is just one of the good guys, who had an incredibly bright future ahead of him."
Cox noted that he also "cared deeply about the Afghan people and what they were trying to accomplish."
"Serving in Afghanistan, he was able to share through social media with his friends and his city many of his adventures, and things that were happening over there," Cox said. "Seeing that, not through the news media, but through his own experiences, really personalized it for so many of us in this now eternal war that we're continuing to fight. We forget about the human nature of war, and he was able to bring that home to us in very personal, and funny, and powerful ways."
Taylor's last Facebook post touched on how inspired he had been by the elections in Afghanistan, as he encouraged people in the US to vote on Tuesday.
"As the USA gets ready to vote in our own election next week, I hope everyone back home exercises their precious right to vote," Taylor wrote. "And that whether the Republicans or the Democrats win, that we all remember that we have far more as Americans that unites us than divides us. 'United we stand, divided we fall.' God Bless America."

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