Thursday, July 21, 2022

미국과 CNN이 극찬한 KF-21 Fighter Jet 처녀비행성공, 필요시에는 선제타격에도 외부적을 향해 적용하게됨을 경고해야...

 북괴 김일성왕조의 헛튼 견소리에 귀를 기울일 필요가 없다.   필요하면 선제타격을 해서라도 버르장머리를 고칠수 있는 모든 여건이, 우리 대한민국의 국방력의 핵이되고 중심되는, 외부의 무력위협에 대해 이를 물리칠 하늘의 국방력이 다 완수됐다고 단언해도 문제가 없을,  그 증거를 미국과CNN이 극찬하는 뉴스보도는 의미하는바가 크다 하겠다. 

보도내용을 보면, 상상을 초월할 정도의 눈부신 발전이 지난 20여년 사이에, 어려운 정치적 경제적 여건속에서도 꾸준히 진행해온 결과인것을 보면서, 정권이 바뀌어도 흔들리지 않고, 원대한 장기계획을 세워 오늘의 성과를 이루었다고 이해된다.

전문가들의 평가에 따르면, 우리 공군은 앞으로  F-35s 스틸스가 비상시에 공격을 주로 담당하고, 우리가 이번에 만든 KF-21s는 영공방어용으로 주로 임무를 맡게 될것으로 예측했는데,  F-35는 지상의 목표물을 정밀 타격하는데 집중하고,  KF-21(KF-21 Boramae fighter jet)는 공중전에서 공대공 작전에 최적의 조합이다"라고 평했다. 

KF-21가 양산에 돌입하게 되면, 수출에서도 커다란 기대가 된다고 한다.  그주요 원인으로는 F-35s보다 생산단가가 저렴하여 우방국의 영공방어용으로 많이 이용될수 있기 때문이다.

이문제는 정치적으로 정부가 확고한 신념을 갖고, 뚝심있게 밀고 나가야할 국가적 차원의 정책이 밑받침이 되어야 한다고 믿는다. 다행인것은 윤석열 새정부가 국방을 튼튼히 하면서 경제 재건에 집중할 정책을 펼치는것을 보면서 마음이 든든해진다는 확신이다.  

북괴 김정은 Regime을 포함한 외부적에, 필요시 선제타격도 불사하겠다는 확고한 국가방위 정책을 보여준 윤석열 정부에, 더불당 찌라시들은 또 전쟁을 자초하는 행위라고 트집을 잡고, 김돼지 분위기 맞추기에 혈안이겠지만,  한발짝 뒤로 물러서서 냉정히 생각해 보기를 주문한다. 지난 5년간 충견노릇해서 우리가 얻은게 뭐가 있었는가?를 깊이 사고해 보기 바란다.

Seoul, South Korea (CNN)South Korea's homegrown KF-21 Boramae fighter jet flew for the first time on Tuesday, putting the country among the few nations to have developed and flown an advanced supersonic fighter.

The prototype jet took a 33-minute roundtrip flight from an air force base in the southern city of Sacheon, said South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA).
The pilot, Maj. Ahn Jun-hyun, admitted to being nervous beforehand, but said that after take off "everything went smoothly so I flew the whole flight route as planned."
    The jet is the first of a fleet of six KF-21 prototypes made by Korea Aerospace Industries that will conduct more than 2,000 test flights from now until 2026, when mass production and deployment will begin, DAPA said.
      A total of 120 jets are expected to be delivered to the South Korean air force by 2030.
        Once operational, the KF-21 is expected to be armed with a range of air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles -- and possibly even air-launched cruise missiles. The twin-engine fighters will come in single- and two-seat versions.
        South Korea's homegrown fighter jet, the KF-21, leaves an air base in the southern part of the country on its first flight Tuesday.
        On Tuesday, the jet was equipped with four mock-up Meteor air-to-air missiles and an infrared search-and-track system, and reached speeds of around 400 kilometers per hour (250 mph).
          South Korean President Yoon Seok Yeol said the test flight was "a splendid achievement in national defense independence."
          The KF-21 is a joint project between South Korea and Indonesia in which Seoul holds 80% of shares.
          While only 65% of the KF-21's parts are of South Korean origin, its maiden flight still marks a significant achievement for a country that doesn't have a lengthy history of aircraft production.
          The only other countries to have developed and flown an advanced supersonic jet fighter are the United States, Russia, China, Japan, France, Sweden and a European consortium of the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Spain.
          Of those, only the US and China have deployed domestic-made fifth-generation fighter jets -- planes that feature stealth technologies, radar-jamming capabilities and avionics that integrate onboard and remote data to give pilots a real-time picture of their operation, according to NATO's Joint Air Power Competence Center.
          While the DAPA calls the KF-21 a 4.5-generation fighter jet because it lacks such features as an internal weapons bay that would make it more stealthy, analysts say it may be able to fly higher and faster than the newest US-made fifth-generation fighter, the F-35.
          "The KF-21 is the first fighter aircraft made with domestic technology, and it indicates that South Korea is now able to build fighter aircraft on its own. It will also be a stepping stone to develop better fighter aircraft and operate locally developed arms," DAPA said last year.
          Peter Layton, a fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute in Australia, on Wednesday called the KF-21's flight an "impressive" milestone.
          "The program has significantly enhanced South Korean aerospace capabilities particularly in design, manufacture, airframe components and avionic systems," said Layton, a former Royal Australian Air Force officer.
          South Korea's homegrown fighter jet, the KF-21, made its first flight on Tuesday.
          The KF-21 is expected to replace South Korea's F-4 and F-5 fighters, third-generation US-designed jets introduced in the 1960s.
          As production runs are increased, it could also replace South Korea's fourth-generation F-16s and F-15Ks, Abraham Ait, chief editor of Military Watch Magazine, wrote in The Diplomat in 2020.
          South Korea also operates F-35 stealth fighters.
          Layton said when operational the KF-21 would improve South Korea's defensive and offensive capabilities in the air.
          "Given the parlous state of the aging North Korean air force fighters, the KF-21 considerably over matches them," he said.
          Layton said South Korea's F-35s have superior stealth capabilities to the KF-21 and are better to penetrate an enemy's radars.
          "The (South Korean) air force will then have a mix of F-35s for strike operations and KF-21s for air defense operations. This concept makes good use of the F-35, which is optimized for attacking ground targets whereas the KF-21 has been optimized for air-to-air missions," he said.
          The KF-21 has significant export potential because it is expected to be cheaper than the F-35s the US sells to foreign militaries.
            Thailand, the Philippines, and possibly even Iraq "could be leading clients for the fighter," Ait wrote, adding that each of those countries operates the same kind of aircraft the KF-21 has been designed to replace. Those countries also have been customers for South Korea's indigenously developed FA-50 light-attack fighter.
            President Yoon said after Tuesday's test that "a turning point has been created for the expansion of our defense industry exports."


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