Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Dubai에 가면, 지상에서 볼수있는 모든 초호화판의 진귀한 광경을 다 본다. 이럴수가!


 동화속의 환상적인 풍경이 실제로 존하는곳, 두바이

By: Riley Brown | Last updated: May 19, 2022

먼저 사진으로만 구경해도 놀랄 지경이다. 

두바이에서는 가는곳마다, 진귀한 모든것들을 다 보면서 즐길수 있다. 많은 지구촌의 사람들이 한번씩 방문해 보고 싶은 사막위의 도시, 관광객들이 가장 가보고싶어하는 곳이다. Dubai는 중동의 토후국'아랍애미리트'의 한도시다. 역사 전통 그리고 문화 등등의 볼거리로 꽉 찬도시다.


두바이는 지구상에서 가장높은 빌딩들이 위용을 자랑하는곳이다. 두바이의 스카이 라인 믿어지지 않을 정도로 고층빌딩숲이다. 스카이 라인은 스카이라인끼리 이어지는데, 귀하가 이들 빌딩중 한곳의 제일높은 층에 올라가 살펴보면, 이런 기막힌 광경을 보게된다는것 기억하시라.

If you think you have seen tall and beautiful buildings, then you need to visit Dubai. The towering skyscrapers are among the leading tourist attractions in the city. At times, you’ll feel as if you are above the sky.

Dubai Miracle Garden

Did you know Dubai is among the driest cities in the world? The mystery of the miracle garden in Dubai city will give you a different perspective. The Dubai Miracle Garden is the most substantial natural flower garden on the globe.

기적으로 불리는 정원은 5천만개의 꽃송이로 장식되여 있고, 2억5천만 그루의 plants들로 조성되여있고, 실제로 그곳을 방문하여 직접 확인하기전에는 실감이 나지 않는, 지구상에서 유일한 곳이다.

 인공섬들의 전경.

두바이 상공을 날을을때, 아래 사진에서 보는것 처럼, 환상적인 인공섬들의 시원한 광경을 보게 될것이다. 정말로 실제로 존재하는 섬들일까?라는 의아심마져 들게 한다.

The construction of these islands was not a cheap thing at all. Ninety-four million cubic meters of sand had to be moved from the desert and deep sea beds. In addition, there were 5.5 million cubic meters of rock that had to also be moved from different areas. The Palm Islands in Dubai are among the most famous islands.

Playing Tennis 1000 feet above the ground

Dubai city has one of the highest tennis-playing grounds in the world. Imagine playing a match of tennis 1000 feet above the ground. The experience and view on this tennis court must be both incredible and a bit frightening.

This tennis court can be found at the top of the Burj-al-Arab hotel. The tennis ground hosted a friendly match between talented tennis players, Roger Federer and Andre Agassi in 2005. The Burj-al-Arab hotel stands in water on its own artificial island. You need to come and witness this magical court.

ATMs에서 금덩이를 인출할수있는곳, 두바이. 

 ATM머신에서 금덩이를 인출할수 있는곳, 두바이. 소설이 아닌 실제 생활의 일부다. 지구상에서 가장 부자들이 많이 거주하는곳으로, 무거운가 금덩이를 백안에 넣고 걷는다면, 그것은 무겁고 짜증나는 일일수도 있을 것이다.

금덩이를 인출할수있는 ATM머신이 시내 곳곳에 있어 쉽게 접할수있다. 금이나 금주화가 필요시 이머신을 이용하여 꺼내면 되고, '애미레이트 궁전 호텔이, 금을 필요시 인출할수있는 ATM머신을 지구상에서 처음 설치한곳이다.

The Dancing Fountain in Dubai

At Burj Khalifa, some magnificent fountains have been constructed. These fountains dance to both local and international songs. The fountains were created to entertain the tourists who visit the regions. Burj Khalifa fountains cover more than 200 square meters in area.

The Dubai fountain mostly dances to tunes at night, creating a dazzling display of movement and lights in the water. If you visit this fountain, you are bound to be entertained. It’s a beautiful sight that should not be missed.

The Dubai Mall

The Dubai mall is one of the most magnificent buildings in the world. It is the largest shopping mall across the globe, covering over 5.4 million square feet.

The mall is incredible. There is an aquarium inside of it with so many exotic fish and over 300 ocean species in a zoo. The Dubai mall also has two amazing parks on the premises. If you come to Dubai, then this must be on your list to take a day and explore.

Penguins in Dubai City

You might be used to penguins living in the South Pole or maybe at your local zoo. For the most part, penguins live in areas with a cold climate to match South Pole temperatures. Dubai is a desert city; having penguins might sound unbelievable, but it’s the truth.

Dubai city has created a means for these penguins to survive in the region. Artificial snow and cold temperatures are the pillar for this significant milestone in the desert of Dubai.

There is Skiing Despite the Desert

Dubai city has a significant amount of land covered by the desert. However, the people of Dubai often seek out creative solutions. For example, in Dubai, people have created artificial snow for skiing. Snow in the desert might sound crazy, but this ski resort goes beyond one’s expectations.

You can visit Dubai city and enjoy skiing in natural snow. Snow skiing is among the best family and friends’ attraction sites in the city. So when you visit Dubai, make sure you experience this creativite wintery solution.

Stacked Turtles

People in Dubai love animals. There is a man who enjoys collecting and interacting with endangered species of animals. He is most known for collecting desert turtles all over.

The incredible thing is that once he collects and rescues the desert turtles, he piles them up. The tourist enjoys watching these turtles perfectly stacked on top of one another according to their size.

Robots Participate in Sports

Many people across the world enjoy camel racing. We bet you have heard of people riding and racing camels, but Dubai takes the sport to the next gear. The city has gone as far as to introduce robots to camel racing.

Robots racing on the camel must be quite interesting to watch. The owners are just relaxing safely in the stands watching the race unfold. These robots are super programmed for camel racing. How can a camel racing sport get better than this? Robot camel racing in Dubai is truly exceptional.

Keeping of the Traditions

In Dubai, families have created a culture of coming together. Family bonding has existed for a long time. In the early ages, a father and son could spend their time on camels looking for work.

Due to the change in times and the dynamics brought about by technology, people in Dubai have enhanced more ways of spending time together as a family. Many families now spend leisure time standing up paddling in the Persian Gulf. The Persian Gulf is a wonderful place to create some family memories.

There are Beaches for Families

Many beaches are not suitable and enjoyable for women due to many perverts who gaze at them. The Dubai government has set up distinct beaches in the city just for families. The government has set up policies to scare away any creepers from family beaches.

The policies set out by the government give you time to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of the beaches without worry.

A City of Givers

The people of Dubai are the most cheerful givers in the world. Individuals who cannot get food are catered for by citizens of Dubai City. If you ever find yourself in Dubai, it’s worth interacting with locals for a friendly experience.

All across the city, there are refrigerators with food at strategic places. The less fortunate do not sleep hungry in this city. Most interestingly, the people who offer to donate don’t do it cheaply; they give good and expensive food they use for their families. Where else can you find lovely souls like this other than in Dubai?

Amazing Birthday Bill

You might not be afraid of splurging on your birthday or your partner’s birthday. After all, how much can one single birthday cost? Well, we think you need to see a Dubai birthday bill. People in Dubai are incredible when it comes to birthdays.

The bill shown here is around $100,00 for a typical birthday. You might take it as too much, but to the people of Dubai it is something they are used to. Plus, birthday cake is mandatory on their bill.

Means of Car Delivery

You are used to cars being delivered by a heavy truck, right? In Dubai, it is rather interesting how cars can be delivered. When you visit Dubai, you may see sights of car deliveries like this one.

© Jorg Mitter/Red Bull Content Pool

Sometimes cars are delivered to the top floors of tall buildings and parked in the lobbies. This excessive method of delivery is seen as a goal by many. Who wouldn’t love having a vehicle personally delivered by means of helicopter? Some people in this city are rich; they engage themselves in lucrative business such as oil. They can thus afford to have luxury cars delivered in this way.

Availability of a 7-Star Hotel

Most cities across the world have established 5-star hotels. Perhaps you might have visited a 5-star location somewhere around the globe. In Dubai, nothing leaves them satisfied, hence they desire to go the extra mile.


The Burj-al-Arab is one of those 7-star hotels in Dubai city. One night at Burj-al-Arab hotel costs $24,000. The Burj-al-Arab has space for parking your helicopter and has a personal butler along with it. The 7-star hotel is on the bucket list of many. Better start saving up now.

Falcons Have Special Seats on Airplanes

Being the national bird in the United Arab Emirates, the Falcon has won people’s hearts all over the country. The Falcon is more notable in the region than any other bird. As a result, the Falcon bird has been allowed to travel on commercial airplanes in reserved seats.

You might be surprised to see these Falcons seated among regular passengers, but that’s just some of the charm the city of Dubai has to offer. You most likely will not encounter falcons on your plane ride to Dubai, but the chance is never zero.

Rooftop Boxing Ring

The world of sports in Dubai city is on another level, literally. This surprising boxing ring has been constructed seemingly in the sky. Did you ever think of watching or playing a boxing match on a rooftop? Dubai has got you covered.

The boxing ring has been built on top of a tall building in Dubai city. This ring has hosted British professionals and Anthony Joshua. How can a boxing match get sweeter than this? Experience is the best teacher, so might as well see it for yourself.

There are Private Concerts in the City

It’s obviously common for celebrities and world stars to perform for crowds in cities. In Dubai, the scenario is different; some rich people hire celebrities to come and perform in their own households.

Sheikh Mansur, a rich man in Dubai city, has hosted Kanye West and Jay Z to perform for him on his birthday. Money can get you a great deal in this city; rich people just want to enjoy life.

A Kiss For a Lioness

You might have kissed or thought of kissing your dog. On the other hand, kissing a lioness might be weird to you. Even getting near to a lioness might sound scary to you. However, people in Dubai are used to living around lionesses and even having them as pets.

This man seems to be having a good time with his lioness. They are spending quality time on top of a very expensive Ferrari, just kissing and bonding. The pet lioness is enjoying the interaction just as much as your dog enjoys getting pet and played with.

Languages Used in Dubai

In Dubai, most of the residents are familiar with the Arabic language. However, Arabic has not limited the citizens of Dubai to one language. The rapid growth in the number of tourists in the city has resulted in many learning of English to accommodate tourists.

In Dubai, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Persian, and Mandarin are also spoken. The diversity of languages will make you comfortable no matter where you are visiting from. Accommodating other people and languages is one of the significant boosts to the industry of tourism in Dubai.

Dubai Is Not a Country

Most people in the world fancy that Dubai is a country by itself. However, if you also believe this, that would be incorrect. Dubai is a city within the country of the United Arab Emirates.

Dubai is an Emirate and is joined together with six other emirates to form the United Arab Emirates. The magnificent structures in this city have made it known across the globe as one of the favorite tourist destinations for many. But before you visit, you may want to brush up on your facts.

나개인적으로는 현직에서 막 은퇴하고, 2007년도에 그곳을 방문한 기억이 있다.당시 아들아이가 약 6개월 계약으로 그곳에서 컴퓨터분야의 Infrastructure를 건설하면서, 초청하여 좋은 경험을 했었는데 당시 그곳을 방문했을때, 한국의 삼성건설이 콘소시움으로 가장높은 빌딩 건설에 참석했다는 가이드의 안내설명이 인상적이었었는데, 당시에 103층까지 건물을 뼈대가 올려지고 있었던 기억이 있다. 우린 그곳에서 점핑하여, 이집트 요르단까지 탐방했었다.

Dubai Is Not a Capital City

You must be surprised yet again. Did you think Dubai was the capital city of the United Arab Emirates? You’re not alone. Despite Dubai being the most well known city in the country, it’s not the capital city; the capital city of the United Arab Emirates is Abu Dhabi.

Dubai is the largest city and most populous in the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is also one of the most prosperous cities in the country, contributing thoroughly to the overall development of the country.

The Highest Viewing Deck

Have you ever wished to experience the highest observation deck in the world? Then head on over to Dubai city. The public is allowed to access the deck and experience the highest view of the city. This attraction provides visitors with a magnificent view of all the incredible buildings and features Dubai has to offer.

This tallest observation deck is found in the Burj Khalifa. In Burj Khalifa, the super view is at the 124th and 125th stories of the building. Thus, for a view like no other, plan a visit to Burj Khalifa during your stay.

Zero Income Tax on the Citizens

Where else across the globe can you get zero income tax? The Emirate of Dubai does not collect any income tax from its residents. This policy must be incredibly enjoyable for all of the city’s citizens.

The citizens of Dubai city enjoy all their total salary bearing only 5% value-added tax (VAT). This policy has been stretched to all other Emirates in the United Arab Emirates. This enactment is only restricted to foreign banks and oil companies.

Individuals in Burj Khalifa have Longer Fasting Hours

In the month of Ramadan, the people of Dubai following the Islam faith fast from sunrise to sunset. People who live in Burj Khalifa tend to experience longer fasting hours than the rest in the city. The Burj Khalifa is too high above ground level, hence it has longer days than those at ground level.

Image Credit: Bloomberg

It might sound mysterious that people in the same building have different hours on the same day. However, this is an experience you’ll need to find out for yourself during your visit.

The Exotic Cars

People in Dubai have a lot of money which they like to spend on expensive cars. This is because people in Dubai love a luxurious life.

In Dubai, you will find a wide range of sports cars around. Many citizens splurge on their vehicles by purchasing the most costly and luxurious cars in the world. Money in Dubai is spent more freely because the citizens are not taxed on their income.

Crime Rate is Almost at Zero

In Dubai, the crime rates are almost insignificant. In 2018, Dubai was ranked the 8th safest city in the world. So if you are bothered about your safety, then Dubai city is the place to be. In 2018, the total crime rate in Dubai dropped to 33.4 per hundred thousand from 58.6 per hundred thousand in 2017.

The institutions responsible for safety in Dubai city have put malicious people on their toes. The institutions have ensured that significant crimes are not experienced in the city despite minor crime.

In Dubai, Fuel is Cheaper than Water

The authorities in the United Arab Emirates have created a conducive environment and offered subsidies to the oil companies. These subsidies are the primary motive as to why fuel prices tend to be relatively low.

Dubai has the lowest petrol prices in the world. In Dubai city, the price of 1.5 litres of petrol is equivalent to 0.5 litres of water. So a liter of gas in Dubai now stands at 0.618 dollars or 2.33 dollars a gallon. Where else in the world can you find this?

Dubai Has the Most Extended Automated Metro System

The metro line in Dubai now accounts for 75 kilometers of area coverage. In addition, the metro line is expanding significantly as the city itself continues to expand. Across the world, Dubai has the most comprehensive metro system.

You might desire to experience the automated metro system, then Dubai will get you covered. The metro line is fully air-conditioned and designed to accommodate the climatic conditions of Dubai city. The trains move at around 95km/h, hence a very reliable means of traveling.

Dubai Weekends

A while ago, Dubai weekends used to start on Thursday and end on Saturday. However, international standards have pushed the United Arab Emirates to push the weekends in Dubai to start on Friday and end on Saturday.

Have you ever thought of going to work on Sunday? In Dubai, Friday is considered a holy day, while Sunday is a typical working day. If you love spending your weekends in recreational areas, Dubai offers you various options. You can visit Dubai and have a fantastic weekend.

The Largest Airport

In Dubai, you will find the largest airport terminal in the world. The Dubai international airport has been transformed gradually from a rough runway in the sand to the world’s most extensive and busy Airport. The Dubai international airport has been in existence for over 50 years now.

Source: Getty Images

Within the Dubai International Airport, there are super services. They offer travel to most of the countries around the world. At Dubai International Airport, you have access to comfortable cabins and five-star suites for sleep if you need time to relax and refresh.

Dubai’s Minister of State for Happiness

The minister of happiness must be an exceptional position. Dubai city has a genuine concern and passion for its citizens. The United Arab Emirates wants to ensure the citizens are happy; hence, it has created a position in the government responsible for citizens’ happiness.

The tremendous responsibility of the minister of happiness in the United Arab Emirates is to harmonize government plans, policies, and programs to ensure they bring happiness to their citizens.

The Gender Ratio in Dubai

In Dubai, there are more men than women. As of the latest demographic statistics, the ratio stands at 2.3 males for every female. The ratio difference is due to large numbers of men migrating to Dubai from all over the world for business.

The high birth rates of males and low birth rates of females in Dubai have also been the cause of this difference in the sex ratio. In addition, jobs in Dubai are majorly male-dominated, hence contributing to the increased imbalance between males and females.

The Ratio of Foreigners to Locals

Dubai has attracted many foreigners to their city. Many immigrants from developing countries travel to Dubai to look for jobs. The city of Dubai offers a wide range of job opportunities for foreigners.

Statistics show that 15% of the people in Dubai comprise locals, while foreigners represent the other 85% of the population. Most of the expatriates are from Sri Lanka and the Indian subcontinent. The foreigners to locals ratio is rather interesting to note and goes to show the unique history associated with Dubai.

In Dubai, There are No Street Addresses and ZIP Codes

Across the world, Dubai is the most growing city in most respects. This fast growth rate resulted in the government choosing not to have street addresses and zip codes. Instead, the people of Dubai primarily use landmarks, maps drawn by hand, or verbal illustrations for directions.

On the other hand, it might sound challenging to move around without street addresses if you are a visitor, but with time you get used to the system. Addresses are provided only to a few companies and under specific situations.

Citizens in Dubai are Paid to Lose Weight

Being paid is always desirable, right? In Dubai city, you are paid 2 grams of gold for every kilogram you lose in weight. Healthy weight loss is always a good goal, especially in terms of helping citizens become healthier with a payment program.

The government has structured the program to allow only two children per family to be involved in the program. The city spends $700,000 in gold on the locals through this program. Many of you probably wish things could work like this in all parts of the world.

Strict Laws in Dubai

In Dubai, you will find some stringent laws that can lead you to problems if you are not careful. Smuggling illegal substances will end you up in jail. In Dubai, kissing, dancing and being intoxicated in public spaces is also illegal.

The city also doesn’t allow sleeveless tops and very short dresses to be worn in public. The Dubai government is stringent in upholding morals and cultural behaviors. Once you get to Dubai, you must behave properly; otherwise, you’ll have some problems.

Rising Temperatures in Dubai City

The temperatures in the city can be pretty high sometimes. For example, Dubai sees average temperatures range from 67 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to 98 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. While in Dubai, you can even encounter temperatures of up to 125 degrees Fahrenheit at the highest.

Image Credit: RTA

Most people in Dubai have air-conditioned their houses to maintain sustainable temperatures, while the government has provided air-conditioned shelters for public transport. Generally, Dubai primarily experiences scorching climates as it is surrounded by desert.

Public Restrooms

This image may look like an image straight from a rich individual’s mansion, but no this is just a public restroom you can find in Dubai.

Just imagining some of the nasty public bathrooms we’ve seen in our day makes us a bit envious that this luxurious public restroom was an option this whole time. Moral of the story: never settle.

Do Not Try This At Home

In Dubai, it’s more common than you may think to see a 4-wheeled SUV driving on two wheels as shown below. Drivers enjoy doing stunts in their cars for the adrenaline rush.

As crazy as this image may look, we just hope they’re trained professionals being safe about it. We advise all out readers to drive responsibility and to not try this at home.

Powerful Emergency Vehicles

When emergencies arise, we want our first responders to get to the scene as quickly as possible. In Dubai, speed is their ultimate goal.

This Lotus Evora has been redesigned as an ambulance. This car has a top speed of up to 186 miles per hour and can accelerate from zero to 60 in around four seconds. While the Lotus Evora is mainly only used for racing, Dubai has recruited the car for emergencies.

Exotic Animals

We saw earlier in this article someone else enjoying the company of a lion. Here we have a man riding one like a horse or camel. People from Dubai have been known to take in exotic animals like lions and tigers as their personal pets.

While this man doesn’t seem to have any fear of the lion, at the end of the day they are still wild animals with their own jungle instincts. It’s best to leave these lions wild and enjoy them from a safe distance.

A Tiger in the Passenger Seat

Similarly to how people of Dubai enjoy domesticating lions, here’s an image of a tiger ever-so casually sitting in the passenger seat. As a car on the road, just imagine seeing this strange and unique sight.

Only in Dubai could you see a scene like this. Again, as exotic cats are wild in nature, we advise to keep your distance from them and not try to keep them as pets. Just imagining a tiger sitting next to someone in an enclosed car is scary enough.

A Pure White Gold Mercedes

This valuable vehicle you likely won’t see out on the road too often. It’s just too precious to introduce to the elements and likely is primarily for show.

This shiny Mercedes is covered in pure white gold. Just imagine seeing this thing on the road, reflecting everything back like a mirror. With the sun at just the right angle it probably blinds other drivers, making it unsafe for the road anyways.

Bedazzled Cars

Dubai has quite the reputation when it comes to its cars. From exotic cars, race car ambulances, and a pure white gold Mercedes to this Mercedes covered in diamonds. Aside from the base model of the car being expensive enough, the addition of the diamonds sent the car’s value sky-high.

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