Thursday, April 28, 2022

Biden 대통령, 다음달 한국과 일본 방문, 목적은 윤석열당선 축하와 아시아 결속.

 Biden대통령, 다음달 한국과 일본 방문, 목적은 윤석열당선 축하와 아시아 결속을 위한 포석으로, 며칠전 일본 방문해서, 한일간에 경제적 군사동맹관계를 비롯한 모든 현안에서, 동맹국으로서 같이 한목소리를 내는등, 친 김정은 정책을 폈던 문재인좌파 정권으로 비꺽했던 한일간의 관계를 정상화하기로 한 축하의 성과를 쌓고 돌아온 윤석열 대통령(5월10일)의 특사들이 귀국한후에, 또 다른 한미일간에 경사가 일어나는, 윤석열 정부에 축복을 내려주는 신의 한수라 확신하는 뉴스다.  고로 '검수완박' 꼼수에 대한 대비책도 잘 만들어 지리라 확신한다.

보도에 따르면, 한국의 대통령이 당선되고 미국을 방문하여 한미간의 동맹국관계를 결속하는 의전행사는, 보통 한달정도 지난후에 이루어 졌지만, 이번에는 그것도 우리대통령이 미국방문이 아닌, 미국 대통령이 최단시간내에 우리나라를 방문해서 첫번째 인사를 나눈다는것에 더 의미가 깊고, 혈맹관계는 탄탄 대로를 달리게 된다는데, '검수완박'으로 나라가 시끄러운 가운데, 경사와 축복의 만남이기에 그의미는 많은 뜻을 함축하고, 혈맹관계는 더욱 확고해 질것임을 확신한다. 

죠 바이든 미대통령께서 다음달에 처음으로 한국과 일본을 5월24일에서 24일까지 방문하게 된다고 백악관이 발표하고,  국제적인 관심이 집중되는 가운데 아시아지역 동맹강화에 중점을 두는 성격의 이번 여행은 우크라이나 전쟁을 반면교사로 삼아 동맹국들간의 결속을 다짐하는데 그목적이 있다고 하겠다. 

백악관 관계자의 설명에 따르면, 오늘 5월10일에 취임하게되는 한국의 윤석열 당선자와, 일본수상 후미오 키시다수상과 연속회담을 갖게 된다고 했다. 일본에서는 그의 주선으로 새로 만들어진 Quad 동맹국인 일본, 오스트랄리아, 인도 동맹국지도자들과 별도의 회담을 갖는다고 한다. 아마도  Quad에 우리 한국도 조인 하게 될것을 예측된다. 원래는 바이든 대통령이 이협의체를 구상할때 맨먼저 제의를 받은 나라가 문재이의 좌파 정권이었었는데, 문재인은 중국과 시진핑에 읍소하는게 더 중요하다는 오판을 해서, "No''로 걷어찼었던, 우리의 안보의 애간장을 태웠던 기억이 있다.  

손석희와의 퇴임전 마지막 기자회견에서, 문재인은 교묘히 이안보문제에 대해서는 접근도 못하게 Shield쳤었고.... 국가의 안보를, 특히 우리는 주적 북한과 대치하고 있는 상황에서, 단 한순간도 동맹국들과 떨어져 생각할수 없는 화약고같은 위치에서 생존하고 있는 어려운 나라인점을 감안할때, 문재인의 좌파 정책은 대한민국의 국민들 머리위에 무거운 돌덩이를 강제적으로 올려놓고 팍팍한 삶을 살아가도록 하는 패악질과 다를게 없었다.

이번 아시아지역의 순방은, 5월 12,13 양일간에 아시안동맹국들의 지도자들과 회담을 마친후 바로 이루어지는 것이다. 백악관 대변인  Jen Psaki씨의 설명에 따르면, "ASEAN동맹국에 대한 미국의 의지 즉 이지역에서 발생할수있는 여러 챌린지에 대항하기위해  해야할 일을 철저히 이행할것을 확약했던 뜻이 있었고, 한편으로는  US-ASEAN관계를 맺어온지 45주년을 기념하는 뜻도 있었다고 했다.

앞으로는 한국을 비롯한 동북아시아의 안보는 한미일을 중심으로 새로운 동맹체가 운영되여, 안보에 대해서는 마음을 놓아도될 든든한 Foundation을 만들게 될것으로 보여, 마음이 놓이다.

US President Joe Biden boards Air Force One before departing Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, North Carolina on April 14, 2022.

(CNN)President Joe 죠 바이든Biden will make his first trip to Asia as president next month, visiting South Korea and Japan from May 20 to May 24, White House officials told CNN, underscoring his commitment to the region even as international attention is directed toward the crisis in Ukraine.

Biden, the officials said, will hold bilateral meetings with his counterpart in each country: Korean President-elect Yoon Suk Yeol, who is set to be inaugurated on May 10, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. In Tokyo, Biden is also set to meet with the leaders of Japan, Australia and India, in a gathering of the Quad partnership that's been revitalized at his initiative.
The trip is meant "to further deepen ties between our governments, economies, and people," press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. "This trip will advance the Biden-Harris Administration's rock-solid commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific and to U.S. treaty alliances with the Republic of Korea and Japan."
    Looming over the trip will be a spate of weapons tests by North Korea, which have worried US officials and demonstrated the hermit kingdom's continued threats. The country's dictator, Kim Jong Un, vowed during a massive military parade this week to "strengthen and develop" his nuclear forces at the "highest possible" speed, offering a glimpse of his ambitions for the coming months.
      The four-day trip to Asia comes at a critical moment in Biden's presidency, as he seeks to keep the US and its allies united against Russia's unprovoked war on Ukraine amid mounting civilian casualties and intensifying fighting. The conflict in Europe has been a consuming issue of the President's second year in office, with the US committing billions of dollars in aid for Ukraine and hitting Russia with a slew of economic sanctions. Amid Russia's attacks in Ukraine, Biden has stressed that he believes the US' alliances in the Indo-Pacific are key to upholding a "rules-based order" across the globe.
        At the same time, the conflict has underscored the continued threats posed by historic foes like Russia, even as Biden works to recalibrate American foreign policy toward Asia in a bid to counter China's growing influence. Biden is the third consecutive US president to voice a desire to pivot toward the region, but the trip, coming 16 months into his presidency, is later than most presidents have visited Asia. Biden's travel has been hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic.
        White House aides insist they are able to focus on Asia at the same time the world is consumed by the crisis in Ukraine. And officials say they have been pleasantly surprised by the willingness of US allies in Asia, including Japan and South Korea, in joining an international sanctions regime designed to crush Russia's economy. Japan and South Korea have also diverted some of their supplies of natural gas to Europe as it works to wean itself from Russian energy imports.
          Biden spoke with Yoon, a conservative former prosecutor, on the phone last month after he was called the winner of the South Korean election to replace outgoing President Moon Jae In. During that call, the White House said at the time, the pair discussed, among other things, the threats posed by North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, and other global issues like Covid-19 and climate change.
          North Korea, which Biden identified as his greatest foreign policy challenge early in his presidency, has resumed provocative weapons tests ahead of Yoon's inauguration. The Biden administration has sought to restart diplomacy with Pyongyang, but has received little response. Yoon, meanwhile, has vowed to harden South Korea's line against the North after Moon made attempts at cultivating diplomacy -- including helping then-President Donald Trump arrange a series of summits with Kim.
          During Trump's final visit to Seoul as president, he made a detour to the demilitarized zone, where he shook hands with Kim and stepped over the line of demarcation into North Korea. Previous presidents have also paid visits to the highly fortified border area, but it wasn't clear whether Biden plans a similar stop.
          Biden has already had multiple interactions with Kishida this year after the Prime Minister assumed office last fall. More recently, both leaders attended emergency summits in Brussels, Belgium, in March, convened amid Russia's attacks in Ukraine. Earlier that month, the four Quad leaders had held a call, during which they had agreed to meet in person in Tokyo later in the year.
            Biden's visit to South Korea and Japan also comes as US officials are carefully watching China's actions related to the war in Ukraine. The Biden administration has repeatedly stressed that Beijing would face severe consequences if it were to help the Kremlin's efforts in Ukraine, and has sternly spoken out against Chinese efforts to help spread Russian propaganda and disinformation about the war.
            The Asia trip will come days after Biden hosts the leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Washington on May 12 and 13. In announcing that summit, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the gathering would "demonstrate the United States' enduring commitment to ASEAN, recognizing its central role in delivering sustainable solutions to the region's most pressing challenges, and commemorate 45 years of US-ASEAN relations."


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