Tuesday, July 06, 2021

캐나다 Inuk인디언 원주민 부족의 리더, Mary Simon여사, 캐나다 30대 총독으로 지명됐다. 해묵은 갈등을 화해하기위한 제스처.

캐나다의 새로운 30대 총독이 오늘 탄생했다.  지금까지는 거의 백인들이 총독직을 수행해 왔었으나, 지난 몇년 사이에 흑인 혼열여성이 총독을 하더니, 임기가 끝나자, 이번에는 인디언 원주민 여성을 총독으로, 캐나다 수상이 추천하여, 영국의 엘리자베스2세 여왕의 승락을 받아, 앞으로 영연방중의 하나인 캐나다 총독직을 수행하게 된다.

캐나다 총독은, 영국의 여왕처럼, 정치에는 관여하지 않고 캐나다를 대표하는 상징적인 대표자 역활을 수행하게 된다.  참고로 수상이 선거를 앞두고 의회를 해산하기위해서는 총독관저를 방문하여 총독의 승인을 받아야 한다. 물론 형식적인 절차이지만....

그런데 Justin Trudeau수상이 굳이 인디언 부족출신의 여성을 선택한 이유가 특별하다.  총독으로 직을 수행하게될  Mary Simon여사는 Inuk의 리더로, 또 전직 외교관으로 봉직했는데, 이번에 캐나다 총독으로 수상이 추천한 그내면을 살펴보면, 그동안 백인들이 캐나다를 점령하면서, 인디언 원주민들에 대한 인권남용과, 원주민들을 캐나다 사람으로 살게 하기위해서, 아이들이 태어나서 학교에 갈 나이가 되면, 강제적으로 Boarding School에 집단 수용하면서, 해서는 안될 많은 잘못을 저질러서, 항상 이문제로 불편한 관계로 오늘까지 이어져 왔었던 관계를 화해하고져 하는 목적이 있었다.

트르도 수상이 이러한 묵은 감정들을 치유하고 화해하는 의미로 원주민 여성을 총독으로 모시게 된 것이다.  앞으로  Mary Simon총독은 영연방의 여왕을 대신하여 캐나다에서 그직을 행사하면서 외국사절들이도 영접하는 의전서열 1위의 자리를 수행하게 된다. 

트루도 수상은 화요일,  퀘백주의  Gatineau에 있는 캐나다의 역사 박물관에서 기자회견을 하는중에 여왕을 대표하는 총독으로 Simon여사가 수고하게 해주시게 됐다고 그녀를 소개한 것이다.

"이번  Mary Simon를 총독으로 모시는 뜻은 캐나다 국민들과 원주민을 연결하는 다리를 놓은것은 물론이고, 동과 서에 거주하는 주민들이 하나가 되여 살아가는것 처럼, 남쪽과 북쪽의 주민들이 하나가 되여, 진정으로 우리는 하나가 되여 앞을 향해 전진할수있는 시금석을 놓게돼다"라고 총독에 대한 소개를 이렇게 시작한 것이다.    

Mary Simon 총독은 이러한 화해를 위해 일생을 통해 헌신 하신분이다.  새총독은 새로운 앞길을 계속 이어가는 일을 계속해 주실것으로 확신한다. 우리 캐나다는 총독의 헌신으로  더 강한 나라가 될것이다. 154년이 지난후의 오늘, 우리나라는 역사적인 새로운 발걸음을 내디딘 것이다.  이러한 순간을 만들기위, Mary Simon 여사만큼 적절한 적임자는 없다고 생각합니다" 라고 환영했다.

OTTAWA - Mary Simon, an Inuk leader and former diplomat, described her appointment as Canada's next governor general - the first Indigenous person to serve in the role - as a “step forward on the long path to reconciliation.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced Simon as the next person to serve in the viceregal role during a news conference Tuesday at the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Que., in which the theme of healing long-standing divides figured prominently.

“It is only by building bridges, bringing between people in the North and South, just like in the East and West, that we can truly move forward,” Trudeau said during his opening remarks.

Mary Simon has done that throughout her life. I know she will help continue paving that path ahead. And we will all be stronger for it. Today, after 154 years, our country takes a historic step. I cannot think of a better person to meet the moment.”

Queen Elizabeth has approved the appointment, he added.

Simon's appointment fills a vacancy left by Julie Payette's sudden resignation in January after an external review found the former astronaut had presided over a toxic work environment at the governor general's residence, Rideau Hall.

It also comes at a critical moment for Canada's relationship with Indigenous Peoples after the discovery of what are believed to be unmarked graves near former residential school sites, and amid widespread speculation Trudeau is preparing to call an election this summer or fall.

Simon, who was born in Kangiqsualujjuaq, in the Nunavik region of northern Quebec, is a well-known advocate for Inuit culture and rights and is the former president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a national advocacy organization for Inuit.

She also served as Canada's ambassador to Denmark and the Canadian ambassador for circumpolar affairs.

Reflecting her Inuk background, Simon made her first public remarks as governor general-designate in Inuktitut before switching to English, thanking Trudeau for the “historic opportunity” to be Canada's first Indigenous governor general.

“I can confidently say that my appointment is a historic and is inspirational moment for Canada and an important step forward on the long path towards reconciliation,” she said while reflecting on having grown up with an Inuk mother and a father from Southern Canada.

“This is a moment that I hope all Canadians feel part of because my appointment reflects our collective progress towards building a more inclusive, just an equitable society.”

She also sought to confront one potential controversy: the fact she is not fluent in French.

“Based on my experience growing up in Quebec, I was denied the chance to learn French during my time in the federal government day schools,” she said.

“I am deeply committed to continuing my French-language studies and plan to conduct the business of the governor general in both of Canada's official languages as well as Inuktitut, one of many Indigenous languages spoken across the country.”

Simon's appointment caps a nearly six-month search for a new governor general after Payette resigned in January following a scathing independent report on the work environment at Rideau Hall during her tenure.

Even before her resignation, the Liberals were accused of not properly vetting Payette, who was dogged by suggestions she wasn't the right fit for the largely symbolic but nonetheless high-profile job that involves representing the Queen in Canada.

Following Payette's resignation, the Liberal government re-established an advisory panel to help select her successor. The approach was like the one used by the previous Conservative government, which the Liberals dropped when they picked the former astronaut.

Trudeau revealed Tuesday that the panel co-chaired by Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc and Janice Charette, the clerk of the Privy Council, considered close to 100 different names before compiling a shortlist of candidates.

The list included Canadians with the ability to both serve and lead the country “with an approach that is anchored in humility and thoughtfulness in everything they do,” he said. “Mary Simon embodied all those qualities of leadership and service.”

For her part, Simon pledged to not only work on healing the many divides between people and regions across Canada, but also to “setting and maintaining the highest standard of work ethics in all aspects of my duty.”

One of those duties could soon include dissolving Parliament to trigger an election upon the prime minister's request, which many believe could happen before the summer is out.

Both Trudeau and Simon said they have not discussed the issue.

“Today is the first day of my appointment,” Simon said. “And I have not talked to the prime minister about the election.”

Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole and NDP counterpart Jagmeet Singh were among those who welcomed Simon's appointment.

“This is an important day for both our country as a whole and particularly Indigenous Peoples,” O'Toole said in a statement. “The role of governor general is important in unifying our country and bringing Canadians together. I wish her well in this role.”

Payette offered her own congratulations, writing on Twitter that she had met Simon and “I am at her disposal as she transitions to this vital role.”

Inuit groups also rushed to praise Simon's appointment, with Pita Aatami, president of the Makivik Corporation, which represents Inuit in Quebec's northern Nunavik region, describing it as the start of a “new chapter in Canada's relationship with Inuit, First Nations, and Metis.”

Bloc Quebecois Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet wrote on Twitter that the choice of governor general belongs to the prime minister and the “Queen of England,” and that the role is not representative, elected or legitimate.

“I hope that this appointment will facilitate an admission by the Crown and Canada of the abuse suffered by Indigenous people,” he added in French.

And while welcoming Simon's appointment, the Native Women's Association of Canada added she “is being asked to serve the senior role in what is still a colonial system of governance.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 6, 2021.



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