Saturday, April 17, 2021

Prince Philip: 여왕에 변함없는 헌신을한 필립공을 축하한 장례식, 오늘 Windsor 성에서 ...안녕히 가세요.

73년간의 남편, 아내로서의 마지막, 영원의 작별이 오늘, 런던시간으로 토요일 오후에 영결식이 있었다.   Covid-19 Pandemic으로, 대영제국 Elizabeth ll 여왕의 남편, Phillip공의 영결식은 가족장으로, 조촐히 치러졌지만, 장례의식 의전에 참석한 의장병은 730명이나 됐었다.

돌아가신분을 이제 영원히 보내야하는 여왕의 심정은 통곡과 눈물의 홍수로 범벅이 될수 있었겠지만, 그래도 의젖하게  호위병의 안내를 받으면 무사히 장례예배를 마치고 떠나는 모습이, 평상시 뉴스나 사진을 통해서 봤었던 여왕과는 다른, 무척 외로워 보였었다. 에

주교의 간단한 설교가 있었고, 730명의 의장대가 오늘의 행사에 참여했지만, Covid-19으로 모임에 제한이 있어, 오직 가족들 30명만이 St George's Chapel 에 참석할수 있었다.

오늘의 장례식 진행은  BBC One,에의해서 생중계 됐었고, 다시 전세계로 중계되여, 북미 대륙을 포함한 영연방은 실황 중계를 동시에 시청할수 있었다. 장례식은 오후 3시( 런던시간)시작하여 전국이 1분간 묵념하는것으로 시작되였다.

장례식은  Dean of Windsor와 캔터버리주교의 축복기도로 진행된다고 한다. 

버킹험 궁전에서 발표한 장례서비스의 순서는  Dean of Windsor께서 생전의 필립공의 친절함과 유머 그리고 인간애와 장수한 인생을 사시는동안에 우리에게 많은 축복을 여러면에서 실행하셨음에 감사를 표하는 의식도 있었다.

"우리 모두는, 그의 우리조국과 영연방에 대한 헌신, 그의 용기, 여려움속에서 믿는확신과 우리대영제국의 여왕에 대한 필립공의 변함없는 충성에 많은 감명을 받아 왔었습니다"라고 감사의 표현을 했었다.

영왕궁의 자서전을 저술하는  Hardman 씨는  BBC Radio 4와의 대담에서, "Covid-19때문에 모든 장례행사가 제한을 받기에 장례식 규모는 축소됐짐반, 나는 장례식에서 있어야할 것들이 아살진것은 아리라고 생각합니다. 장례식에 참석한 숫자에 제한을 둔것은 오히려 장례식을 " 더 많은 개인적이고, 더많은 드라마틱한 장례식으로 기억될 것이다"라고.

여왕과 필립공 사이에서 태어난 4명의 자손들과 다시 그들에게서 태어난 손자들이 참석했지만, 증손자소년들은 참석하지 않았다.  특히 미국에서 살고 있는 Harry왕자는 참석했지만, 그의 부인 the Duchess of Sussex 는 현재 임신중이어서,  미국에서 런던까지의 장시간 비행을 하지 말라는 닥터의 권유에 따라 참석하지 않았었다.

안녕히 가십시요.


The Duke of Edinburgh's "unwavering loyalty" to the Queen, service to the nation and "courage", will be celebrated at his funeral later.

Prince Philip's association with the Royal Navy and love of the sea will be a focus of the Windsor Castle ceremony.

But no sermon will be delivered, in line with his wishes.

More than 730 members of the armed forces are taking part in the event, but there is a limit of 30 mourners at St George's Chapel, under Covid rules.

The ceremonial royal funeral will be broadcast on BBC One, with coverage now under way. The service itself will start after a national minute's silence at 15:00 BST.

Prince Philip died at Windsor Castle on Friday 9 April, aged 99.

His body is now resting in the inner hall at Windsor Castle after being moved from its private chapel.

His coffin will be placed on a modified Land Rover that the duke himself helped to design, and carried in a procession the short distance to St George's Chapel.

The funeral service will be conducted by the Dean of Windsor, with the Archbishop of Canterbury pronouncing the blessing.

The Order of Service, released by Buckingham Palace, says the Dean of Windsor will pay tribute to Prince Philip's "kindness, humour and humanity" and the "many ways in which his long life has been a blessing to us".

"We have been inspired by his unwavering loyalty to our Queen, by his service to the nation and the Commonwealth, by his courage, fortitude and faith," he will say during his bidding.

Insignia belonging to Britain's Prince Philip are placed on the altar in St George's Chapel, Windsor, ahead of his funeral, BritainIMAGE COPYRIGHTPA MEDIA
image captionThe duke's insignia is displayed on the altar in St George's Chapel

Buckingham Palace said the funeral plans had been modified to take into account public health guidelines.

The funeral will take place entirely within the grounds of the castle and the public have been asked not to gather there or at other royal residences.

The congregation will put on masks and socially distance in line with Covid lockdown rules, with the Queen seated alone.

But the ceremonial aspects of the day and the service remain in line with Prince Philip's wishes and will reflect his military affiliations and personal elements of his life.

The music will include the 1860 hymn Eternal Father, Strong to Save, by William Whiting, which is associated with seafarers and the maritime armed services.

Ahead of the funeral, the Queen shared a favourite photograph of herself with the Duke of Edinburgh, showing the couple in Aberdeenshire.

Taken by the Countess of Wessex in 2003, the picture shows the couple relaxing on a picnic rug on the grass at the Coyles of Muick beauty spot, near the Queen's private estate of Balmoral.

Personal photograph of Prince Philip and the Queen at the top of the Coyles of Muick in the Cairngorms, Scotland, in 2003 taken by the Countess of WessexIMAGE COPYRIGHTTHE COUNTESS OF WESSEX
image captionThe Queen released one her favourite photos ahead of the funeral
Presentational white space

The 30 guests at the funeral will wear morning coats with medals, or day dress, but not military uniform.

The Queen and duke's four children - the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and the Earl of Wessex and - as well as their eight grandchildren - will be in attendance, but none of their young great-grandchildren.

Spouses of the children and grandchildren will join the congregation, including two who have married into the family in recent years - Jack Brooksbank and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, husbands of Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice.

But the Duke of Sussex's wife, the Duchess of Sussex, is heavily pregnant and was advised by her doctors not to fly in from the US.

The other mourners include the children of the Queen's sister, Princess Margaret, and three of Prince Philip's German relatives - Bernhard, the Hereditary Prince of Baden; Donatus, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse; and Prince Philipp of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.

Prince Philip
Black line

Royal biographer Robert Hardman told BBC Radio 4's Today programme coronavirus restrictions would mean the funeral was "reduced but I don't think it is in any way diminished".

Mr Hardman said the limit on the number in attendance could make the funeral "even more personal, even more dramatic".

First light rises over Windsor Castle seen from across the River ThamesIMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGES
image captionClear blue skies, bright sunshine and a light breeze are forecast for the afternoon in Windsor

Representatives from military units with a special relationship to the duke will be positioned in the castle's Quadrangle, with music provided by the Band of Royal Marines Commando Training Centre, the Band of the Scots Guards and the Combined Bands of the Royal Air Force.

First Sea Lord Adm Tony Radakin told the Today programme the Royal Air Force, the British Army and the Royal Navy would all reflect the affection, the dignity and respect held by, and for, Prince Philip.

He praised the duke's "very distinguished Naval career" and added: "His degree of accomplishment in everything that he put his mind to was remarkable. You see that with his military connections, but I think you also see that in all his other facets of life."

The funeral procession from the castle to the chapel will be headed by the Band of the Grenadier Guards, the Major General's party, and military service chiefs.

Members of the military, including the Grenadier Guards, the Highlanders and the Marines, have begun forming up on the Long Walk, ready to march to Windsor Castle.

The Band of the Grenadier Guards
image captionThe Band of the Grenadier Guards has formed up on the Long Walk at Windsor

Nine members of the Royal Family will walk behind the coffin, with Princess Anne and Prince Charles in the front row, followed by Prince Edward and Prince Andrew.

In the third row, the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry will be either side of their cousin Peter Phillips. Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence and the Earl of Snowdon will be in the next row, trailed by members of the duke's household staff.

The Queen will travel with a lady-in-waiting in the state Bentley at the end of the procession.

Map showing route of procession to St George's Chapel
Presentational white space

When the procession arrives at St George's Chapel, a Royal Marines bearer party will carry the coffin into the service.

And buglers of the Royal Marines will sound Action Stations - a signal that all hands should be ready for battle - as the coffin is lowered into the Royal Vault at the end of the service.

A reduced choir of four singers will feature but the congregation will follow Covid restrictions and not sing.

A ceremonial gun fire at nine locations across the UK, and in Gibraltar, will mark the start and end of the national minute's silence.

Heathrow Airport said no planes would land or take off for six minutes to coincide with the silence and all major sporting events have been rescheduled to avoid a clash with the funeral.

Meanwhile, poet laureate Simon Armitage has published a poem to mark the death of Prince Philip, paying tribute to the duke's generation as the "last of the great avuncular magicians" who "kept their best tricks for the grand finale".

Windsor prepares to say goodbye to duke

By Helena Wilkinson, BBC News, in Windsor

The skies are blue and the sun is shining in Windsor.

The Royal Standard flag, on the castle's Round Tower, is gently fluttering in the morning breeze.

Behind the castle walls, the Queen is preparing to say goodbye to her beloved husband of 73 years.

Vehicles have been going in and out of the castle all morning as final preparations are made.

Broadcasters from around the world are positioned outside and beyond. Royal commentators can be overheard reflecting on the duke's remarkable life.

So far the streets in Windsor are quiet, filled mainly with weekend cyclists and Saturday morning shoppers.

There is a large visible police presence with armed officers on foot patrol. The town is also flooded with hundreds of purple-jacketed stewards working for the council.

On a bench outside the castle blue balloons have been left by someone with the words "forever in our hearts".

Windsor, a town which has seen big royal occasions over the years, is preparing to say goodbye to the duke, who many regarded with great affection.

They saw him as a local, as one of their neighbours.


How to follow the funeral on the BBC

Can I watch the funeral on TV?

Live online coverage of the procession and funeral is available on the BBC News website and app, and the service will be streamed in the UK and internationally.

Television coverage in the UK is under way on BBC One, the BBC News Channel and on BBC iPlayer.

On the radio, you can follow the day's events between 14:00 BST and 16:10 BST on Radio 4 and Radio 5 Live, and simulcast on BBC World Service English, BBC Radio Scotland, and BBC Radio Ulster.

BBC Radio Wales and BBC local radio will also cover the event, with start times to be confirmed.

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