Sunday, March 01, 2020

일본사람들의 다이어트 음식은 왜 건강식품으로 각광받는가?- Senior들에게는 귀중한 정보.

일본에서 생선, 채소, 그리고 발효식품들이 일본인들이 건강할뿐만 아니라 장수하고 있다는 통계가 있다. 일본의 전통음식을 먹으면서 거기에서 얻는 장점은 어떤것들일까? 일본인들의 평균수명은 세계에서 으뜸이다.

필리핀도 일본처럼 섬나라이다. 그러나 필리핀인들은 의학계의 보도에 의하면 콜레스테롤 수치가 높은 민족으로 나타난다.

일본인들이 즐겨먹는 다이어트 음식은, 중국인들이 즐겨먹는 다이어트식품과는 아주 다르다.
중국인들은 쌀밥, 채소도 삶아서먹거나 짱아치를 만들어먹고, 생선과 고기종류들을 주요 먹거리로 애용한다.  일본은 6582개의 섬으로 형성된 나라다. 일본인들은 다른 아시안 나라의 국민들에 비해 많은양의 생선을 소모시킨다. 그들은 또한 수시,사시미같은, 날생선을 좋아하며, 이와함께 피클, 효소식품 그리고 훈제된 음식을 많이 소비시킨다.

메주콩(Soy beans은 보통 두부 또는 풋콩으로 가공되는데,일본인들의 다이어트 식품으로, aduki
라는 콩과 함께 이용된다.  발표식품(fermented foods)은 많은 사람들에게 다이어트건강계통을 돕는 좋은 식품으로 많이 알려져 있다.  미소국(miso) 또는 나또(natto)같은 발효된 메주콩식품은 일본인들의 다이어트에서 중요한 식품으로 애용된다.  나또는 전통적으로 일본인들의 아침밥상에 올려지며,  IBS를 줄이고 피를 맑게 해주는 프로바이오틱 작용을 한다고 알려져있다. 은 혈압을 낯추는데 많은 역활을 하는 식품으로 해진다.

또한 일본인들은 여러종류의 채소를 즐겨먹는데, 이들 채소들은 육지와 바다에서 생산되는데, 특히 미네랄이 잔뜩 들어있는 김( seaweed)은 혈압을 낯추는데 많은 역활을 하는 식품으로 해진다.  과일들도 아침밥상에 오르는거나 디저트로 애용된다. 특히 후지사과,텐저린과 감이 애용되는 과일들이다.

다이어트 애용품으로 일본인들은 그린티와 Matcha Tea를 즐겨 마시는데, 요즘은 영국에서도 많은 인기를 끌고 있는 중이다.

멧돌에 갈아서 만든 그린티, Matcha티는, 암투병, 바이러스와 심장병질환에 효과적인 케티친처럼,산화방지에 도움을 주고, 암투병, 바이러스와 심장병질환에 효과적이라고 한다.

여기서 궁금한점이 하나 떠오른다. 몇년전 SARS전염병이 전세계를 위협할때, 우리 한국은 인접국가 중국과는 다르게 거의 전염환자가 없었다. 그때 한국사람들이 SARS에 강한 이유는 "김치"를  상용하기 때문이라고 널리 알려졌었다.  이번 Novel Coronavirus전염병에는 맥을 못추는 이유가 뭘까?

Is a diet of fish, veg and fermented food responsible for Japan's impressive health and longevity stats? Discover the benefits of traditional Japanese food.

The Japanese have long been revered and studied for their long life expectancy, which is higher than almost anywhere else in the world. So why is the Japanese diet so healthy, and what do they eat?

What are the benefits of the traditional Japanese diet?

The traditional Japanese diet is largely fresh and unprocessed, with very little refined foods or sugar. 
A recent study by the British Medical Journal found that those who stuck to closer to the Japanese dietary guidelines – a diet high in grains and vegetables, with moderate amounts of animal products and soy but minimal dairy and fruit – had a reduced risk of dying early and from heart disease or stroke. As their diet is traditionally high in soy and fish this may also play a significant role in this reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. The Japanese also have the lowest rates of obesity amongst men and women as well as long life expectancy. 
Okinawa, in southernmost Japan, has the highest number of centenarians in the world as well as the lowest risk of age-related diseases (for example diabetes, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer’s). This has partly been attributed to their traditional Japanese diet, which is low in calories and saturated fat yet high in nutrients, especially phytonutrients such as antioxidants and flavonoids, found in different coloured vegetables. 

This also includes phytoestrogens, or plant-based oestrogens, that may help protect against hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast cancer. The diet of the Okinawan people has been little influenced by the dietary changes influenced by western culture, which have been seen in more urban Japan.

Is a diet of fish, veg and fermented food responsible for Japan's impressive health and longevity stats? Discover the benefits of traditional Japanese food.
The Japanese have long been revered and studied for their long life expectancy, which is higher than almost anywhere else in the world. So why is the Japanese diet so healthy, and what do they eat?

What are the benefits of the traditional Japanese diet?

The traditional Japanese diet is largely fresh and unprocessed, with very little refined foods or sugar. 
A recent study by the British Medical Journal found that those who stuck to closer to the Japanese dietary guidelines – a diet high in grains and vegetables, with moderate amounts of animal products and soy but minimal dairy and fruit – had a reduced risk of dying early and from heart disease or stroke. As their diet is traditionally high in soy and fish this may also play a significant role in this reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. The Japanese also have the lowest rates of obesity amongst men and women as well as long life expectancy. 
Okinawa, in southernmost Japan, has the highest number of centenarians in the world as well as the lowest risk of age-related diseases (for example diabetes, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer’s). This has partly been attributed to their traditional Japanese diet, which is low in calories and saturated fat yet high in nutrients, especially phytonutrients such as antioxidants and flavonoids, found in different coloured vegetables. This also includes phytoestrogens, or plant-based oestrogens, that may help protect against hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast cancer. The diet of the Okinawan people has been little influenced by the dietary changes influenced by western culture, which have been seen in more urban Japan.

What is the traditional Japanese diet?

The traditional Japanese diet isn’t that dissimilar to a traditional Chinese diet, with rice, cooked and pickled vegetables, fish and meat being staple choices. However, because Japan is actually a group of islands (all 6,582 of them), its residents consume a lot more fish compared to other Asian countries. They also eat raw fish in sushi and sashimi, plus a lot of pickled, fermented and smoked foods.
Soy beans, usually in the form of tofu or fresh edamame, are another key part of the Japanese diet, along with other beans such as aduki. Increasingly, fermented foods are being shown to support a healthy digestive system. Fermented soy bean products such as miso and natto are staples of the Japanese diet. Natto is traditionally consumed at breakfast and has a probiotic action that has been shown to help reduce IBS and may help blood clotting.
The Japanese also consume a wide variety of vegetables, both land and sea vegetables such as seaweed, which is packed full of health-boosting minerals, and may help to reduce blood pressure. Fruit is often consumed with breakfast or as a dessert, especially Fuji apples, tangerines and persimmons.
Alongside their diet, the Japanese are big fans of green tea and in particular matcha tea, which is fast gaining popularity in the UK. Matcha, a stone-ground powdered green tea, is most valued for its high antioxidant compounds known as catechins, which have been linked to fighting cancer, viruses and heart disease.

Which healthy eating behaviours are part of traditional Japanese culture?

Traditionally, the Japanese tend to have a healthy attitude to food and eating. They have a saying, “hara hachi bu”, which means to eat until you are 80% full, and it is not uncommon to teach it to children from a young age.
The way the Japanese serve their food is also key. Rather than having one large plate, they often eat from a small bowl and several different dishes, usually a bowl of rice, a bowl of miso, some fish or meat and then two or three vegetables dishes, often served communally and eaten in rotation. The Japanese are also strong believers of ‘flexible restraint’ when it comes to treats and snacks, enjoying them from time to time but in smaller portions.

Japanese recipe inspiration...

Miso chicken and rice soup
Japanese salmon and avocado rice
Teriyaki noodle broth
Soba noodle and edamame salad with grilled tofu
Japanese salad with ginger soy dressing
Miso marinated salmon
Miso brown rice and chicken salad
Japanese-style brown rice

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