Sunday, March 01, 2020

신천지교회 교주, Covin-19 환자 살인혐의에 직면, BBC보도,서울시는 이만희 살인혐의로 고발하고...

신천지교회의 교주를 포함한 관련자들이 한국사회의 Coronavirus 죽음에 대한 살인혐의로 당국의 조사를 받을 위기에 처해 있다는 BBC의 뉴스보도에 암울한 기분이 든다.  지금 전세계의 뉴스미디아를 포함한 한국의 뉴스는 거의 전부 Coronavirus 전염병과 사망자 보도로 도배되고있음을 보면서, 몇년전 중동아시아지역에서 발원하여 전세계를 공포로 몰아넣었던 SARS는 이번 괴질에 비하면 당시의 전염병에 사람들이 너무나 호들갑을 떨었던것은 아니었었나?할정도로 무섭게 번지고 있다. 이시간 현재 인간이 거주하고있는 지구촌에서 오직 남극지역만 제외하고 다 오염된것이다.

서울시는, 이만희 신천지교회 교주를 포함한 11명의 지도자들을 기소해서 죄를 묻도록 검찰에 요구하고 나섰다고 한다. 고소장 내용을 보면, 교회 지도자들은 신천지교회의 교인명단을 일부 숨겨, 당국이 Coronavirus병균이 퍼지기전에 감염된 환자들을 추적하려는 당국의 방역대책을 방해한 혐의다.

현재 한국은, 이번 Coronavirus 전염병의 발원지인 중국을 제외한, 최고로 많은 환자가 발생한 나라의 오명을 쓰고, 70개국이 넘는 나라로 부터 한국인들 입국을 거절하고 있어, 전염병 예방차원뿐만이 아니고, 경제적 타격이 너무도 크게 한국을 어렵게 하고 있는 실정이다.  신천지 교인들은 남부지방의 대도시, 대구에서 전국적으로 병원균이 퍼지기전인, 지난달에 사람들을 접촉하여 감염시킨 원인중의 하나로 보고있다. 

자기 스스로 Coronavirus전염병을 예방할수있는 수칙을 적어보면,
0.항상 손을 수시로 비누로 씻거나, 위생용 젤을 사용, 손을 깨끗이 해야한다.
0.기침 또는 재채기를 했을때는 꼭 티슈를 사용하여 휴지통에 버려라. 그리고 다시 손을 씻으라.
0.만약에 티슈가 없을때는, 입고있는 윗옷의 소매를 티슈대신 사용하라.
0.씻지않은 손으로 눈,코,입을 만지지 말라.
0.알지못하는 사람과의 접촉은 가급적 피하라. 

신천지교회지도자들을 향해, 서울시는 "피고발인들은 자진해 검진을 받고 다른 신도들도 검진 및 역학조사에 협조해 코로나19 확산을 방지해야 할 의무가 있는데도 검진을 거부하고 있을 뿐 아니라 신도들이 코로나19 전파 방지를 위해 방역당국에 적극 협조하도록 하는 어떠한 조치도 취하지 않고 있다"고 주장했다.

The leader of a religious sect in South Korea could face a homicide investigation over some of the country's coronavirus deaths.
The city government of the capital Seoul has asked prosecutors to charge Lee Man-hee, the founder of the Shincheonji Church, and 11 others.
They are accused of hiding the names of some members as officials tried to track patients before the virus spread.
South Korea is battling the worst coronavirus outbreak outside China.
The country has reported 3,730 cases and 21 deaths so far. More than half of all infections involve members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a fringe Christian group.
Authorities say Shincheonji members infected one another in the southern city of Daegu last month, before fanning out around the country.

What's happening in South Korea?

On Sunday the Seoul City government filed a legal complaint to prosecutors against 12 leaders of the sect. They are accused of homicide, causing harm and violating the Infectious Disease and Control Act.
The BBC's Laura Bicker in Seoul says the complaint reflects growing public anger towards the religious group. Its leader Lee Man-hee claims he is the Messiah.
All 230,000 members of the church have been interviewed and nearly 9,000 said they were showing symptoms of coronavirus.
A 61-year-old female member of the sect who tested positive for the virus was among the first to be infected.
She initially refused to be taken to a hospital to be tested and is known to have attended several church gatherings before testing positive.
The sect's leader Mr Lee has also been tested for the virus and is awaiting the results.
Roman Catholic churches remain closed, major Protestant groups have cancelled Sunday services and all Buddhist events have been called off in the country.

What about the rest of the world?

More than 85,403 cases of the new coronavirus have been confirmed in over 50 countries, according to the World Health Organization.
The global death toll is more than 2,900. The vast majority of infections and deaths are in China.
On Sunday, Australia and Thailand also recorded their first fatalities from coronavirus.
A 78-year-old Australian man died after being infected on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan last month.
Thailand, which has had 42 cases of the virus, said a 35-year-old man who died was also suffering from dengue fever.
In Paris, the Louvre museum did not open on Sunday. The museum said on Twitter a meeting was being held on the public health situation and "the museum cannot open at the moment".
France has banned all indoor gatherings of more than 5,000 people, as part of efforts to contain the country's coronavirus outbreak.

  • The US on Saturday reported the first death in the country, in the state of Washington. Officials said the patient was a woman in his 50s with underlying health conditions
  • Iran reported 385 new coronavirus cases on Sunday, bringing the total to 978 so far. The death toll rose to 54
  • Italy - the worst-hit country Europe - says it will introduce measures worth 3.6bn euros (£3.10bn) to deal with the economic impact of the outbreak;postID=8245691020755609826;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=1;src=link 

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