Sunday, August 25, 2019

암호와된 대화속에서 홍콩시위대들, 중국본토에서 응원받고있음 확인-한국의 2030세대들에게 희망적 소식.

자유민주주의를 지키기위한 홍콩시위대를 응원하는 메세지들이, 중국본토에서 계속해서 전해지고 있어, 그들에게 용기를 불어주고 있다는 소식이다. 인터넷을 이용한 지지자들은 중국당국의 검열을 피하기위해 암호화된 메세지를 통해 보내기에, 당국의 검열을 무사히 통과 할수 있다는 것이다. 

그들이 나누고있는 대화는 주로 텔레그람, 익명으로 이용할수있는 암호환된 메세지앱을 홍콩시위대들이 주요 도구로 사용하고 있는데, 본토의 누리꾼들이 이앱을 이용하여 홍콩시위대들과 대화하고, 시위대들을 조직적으로 운영하고 있다고 한다.
독수리처럼 눈을 밝히고 이를 찾으려는 당국의 검열을 무사히 통과 한다는 것이다.

옆동네 대만에서도 열열한 성원을 받고 있어, 홍콩시위대들의 자유민주주의를 지키기위한 어려운 싸움은 꼭 그목적을 이룰것으로 생각된다.

이들의 활동을 보면서, 우리 한국에서도 이와같은 열정을 갖고, 문재인 대통령과 그찌라시들을 쫒아내기위해, 만사제쳐놓고 활동하고있는 세력을 규합하여 힘을 조직적으로 운영하기위한 앱을 속히개발해서, 여러패로 갈려있는 보수성향의 시위대들이  하나로 뭉쳐, 빨간색이 짙은 좌파정부를 쫒아내는데, 시간을 단축할수 있었으면 하는 마음이 간절해 진다.

그동안에는 젊은 2030세대들의 호응이 미미했었으나, 요즘의 정국이 시궁창으로 처박히는 한심한 정부의 작태에 드디어 이들 세대들이 등을 돌려, 보수성향의 시위대에 호응, 동참하고 있다는 반가운 뉴스에 더해서, 한차원 높게 그들만이 비밀리에 이용할수있는 앱을 활용하여, 모든 시위대의 조직적 movement를 암호화 해서, 서로간에 대화를 나눈다면, 경찰이나 검찰 또는 청와대 찌라시들의 감시를 피해, 조직적으로 청와대의 문정부를 끌어내릴수 있다고 본다.

더욱히나, 법무장관 지명자인 "조국"의 사리사욕과 자기자식만을 챙기기위한 사기술책의 더러운 내용이 밝혀지면서, 2030세대들의 허탈감과, 조국이의 겉다르고 속다른 파렴치한 행동에, 어쩌면 젊은이들이 앞날의 희망을 잃지는 않했을까 할정도로 사회적 양심은 없어져 버렸다.  그런데도 이들 좌파들은 조국이를 애워싸고, 청문회를 마치기에 올인하고 있는 현실을....

젊은 대학생들이 고대, 서울대를 비롯하여 전국적으로, 좌파정부의 망국적 정책을 밀고 나가기위한 최후의 발악을, 특히 청문회기간 동안에, 원천차단할수있는 Encrypted App.을 개발하여, 대학생들 뿐만이 아니고 젊은 직장인들 까지도 동원하여 힘을 합쳐 좌파 문재일 정부를 끌어내리는 시위대들의 힘든 싸움에 많이 활용되여, 중추적 역활하기를 나는 Senior의 한사람으로서 목이 터져라 응원하며, 기원 한다.

아래의 뉴스기사를 보자.

Support for protesters in Hong Kong has come from an unexpected place: internet users in mainland China who are turning to encrypted chats to evade censorship and express a sympathy for the city’s demonstrators that is nowhere to be seen in Beijing’s official media.

In some cases, Chinese internet users are even discovering online chat groups to learn about, and defend, the pro-democracy movement by following the trail of pro-Beijing internet armies that have set out to smear the city’s protesters.
A number of those conversations are taking place on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app that grants users anonymity and has been the central tool used by Hong Kong protesters to communicate and organize demonstrations. In chats hidden from all but those who know where to look, Chinese internet users are openly siding with Hong Kong protesters, questioning the leadership of President Xi Jinping and lamenting the stiff societal controls of the Chinese Communist Party.

The Globe and Mail reviewed days of chats on several Telegram groups. They provided a glimpse into a much more robust debate inside China about Hong Kong than what is visible in state-controlled media, which has shed little light on the primary motivations of protesters.
“A lot of mainlanders don’t even know what the five main demands [of the Hong Kong protests] are – only that people in Hong Kong are wasted freeloaders,” said a Telegram user, a Chinese finance worker who declined to provide a name for fear of retribution. He supports “people voicing out their demands through peaceful protests,” and called the mainland voices spreading government-friendly messages “a shame for a civilization with such a long history.”
Those marching in Hong Kong have called for the full withdrawal of a proposed extradition bill; an independent investigation into police conduct; the reversal of a government characterization that protests were “riots”; the exoneration of those previously arrested; and the granting of greater democratic freedoms.
In China, however, news reports have paid scant attention to the protesters’ objectives – save to say that they seek independence, which many do not – but they have shown dramatic images of violent clashes with police, and labelled participants ultraradicals taking part in acts akin to terrorism.
As the protests have continued, Chinese social-media giants have maintained a vigilant censorship regime, purging any sentiment not in line with the official view and freezing accounts “suspected of spreading malicious rumours.” The Great Firewall, the digital ring fence that keeps out internet content authorities dislike, has been strengthened this summer to block a raft of additional foreign news sources, The Globe included.
And Chinese internet users have been marshalled to duck past the Great Firewall and post pro-Beijing comments on Western social media. Earlier this week, Facebook and Twitter closed a series of accounts involved in what Twitter called an attempt to “sow political discord in Hong Kong” by a “large, spammy network” that participated in a state-backed operation.
On Diba, a Chinese forum site popular with nationalists, users have formed “troll armies” to spread pro-Beijing messages on social media.
Telegram has been one of their targets.
But in taking aim at Telegram, nationalists have also pointed others to chat groups that have become a source of unfiltered information and unvarnished debate.
“When the Hong Kong protests began in early July, I found it understandable because they had reasonable demands,” said Andy Liu, a legal worker in mainland China. He criticized state media for “over-exaggerating the degree of violence and violent demonstration.”
Such a view is considered dangerous in Beijing, where authorities have acted to ward off the spread of protests on mainland soil.
But Mr. Liu is far from alone. The Globe’s review of chats on Telegram found most of them conducted in the simplified Chinese characters that are used in mainland China, but not Hong Kong. In one exchange, a person sympathetic to the protesters wrote: “If bad people are in charge of a country, then what will happen? I think 8964 is the best example,” a reference to the Tiananmen massacre on June 4, 1989. A pro-Beijing commenter responded by suggesting protesters had dressed like police to beat others as a way to gain to support.
In a separate exchange, one person asked: “Can you tell me whether it’s reasonable to use tear gas on the street?” Another replied: “If you have the right to conclude that all bad things are done by people from the Communist Party of China, then why don’t I have the right to see all of these evil deeds as committed by local Hong Kong freeloaders?”
Some group chats have devolved into cursing and vicious name-calling, from both sides.
But there has also been an attempt by demonstrators in Hong Kong – and similar-minded people in Taiwan – to use Telegram and their shared Chinese language as a way to speak directly with critics in mainland China.
“With them coming across the Firewall, we are trying to respond and interact more. We hope to change them,” said Crystal Ting, a Hong Kong protester who has joined street rallies this summer, but has also devoted many hours to Telegram chats.
“We try to do it in a very intellectual way. Like we are not arguing or producing animosity,” she said. She tries to explain the history of Hong Kong and philosophical underpinnings of its thought. Sometimes, she said, her mainland interlocutors acknowledge that their access to information is incomplete and begin to question their assumptions.
At the same time, even those sympathetic to the Hong Kong protesters have taken a dim view of disruptive actions in recent weeks, including bloody clashes with police and closures of roads, tunnels and the airport.
The resulting images of unrest, amplified by the power of the Chinese state media apparatus, have led to the movement losing the “support of the masses,” Mr. Liu said. He also faulted protesters for expressing a hostility to people in the mainland that has made it “difficult for mainlanders to understand and sympathize with Hong Kong’s demands."
“I don’t think what’s happening in Hong Kong will have any tangible effect on the situation for democracy and freedom in mainland China,” he added.
Still, he’s grateful that he has found the Telegram groups.
“I can get different sources of information and values,” he said. “It’s very good, especially at a time like this.”

1 comment:

  1. Stand up younsters to tear down wall of tyrant's occupation of blue house socialist regime and set up freedom again all over nation.
