Thursday, November 08, 2018

드디어 CNN의, Jim Acosta기자와 백악관간의 싸움이 언론들에 보도되고 말았다.

드디어 터지고 말았다.  그동안 트럼프  대통령과  미국의 주요 언론사와의 껄끄러운 관계는  대부분의  시청자들을 다 알고는  있었지만, 특히 CNN과의 관계는 최악이었었다.

트럼프 대통령의 기자회견은, Midterm 선거가 끝난 다음날인 어제 11월7일 오후에  있었다.
Midterm의 선거결과에 대한 설명을 마친 트럼프  대통령은 곧 이어서 기자들과의 질의 응답시간으로 이어졌었다. 여러 언론사에서 파견된 기자들의  질문공세가 마치 폭탄을 퍼붓듯이 이어지는 가운데서도, 트럼프는 막힘없이 대답을 이어가는중에, CNN에서 파견된 Jim Acosta와 설전이 터졌었다.

기자회견이 끝난후, WH는 Jim Acosta, CNN기자에 백악관 출입정지 명령을 내리고 접근못하게 막는 조치를 취했다.

기자회견을 처음부터 끝날때까지  지켜 봤었는데, CNN의 기자 질문에서 뭔가 대통령에 대한 불편한 심기를 드러내는 질문을 던졌는데, 이에 대한 대통령의 간단한 답변에 만족치  못했던, Jim은  재차 또 질문을  하려하자, 이를 받아 들이지 않자, Mic을 질문자들에게  옮겨주던 Intern에게 Mic를 넘겨주지 않고 반항하자, 대통령은 CNN과 Jim기자에 "챙피한줄 알아라, Mic 넘겨라"라는 질책을 던졌었다.

보는 각도에 따라서 해석은180도 달라질수있다.

여러나라 출신 기자들이  질문을 많이 했었는데, 동양계는 오직 일본출신 기자 한분만이  질문을 했었다.
한국 뉴스를 보면, 와싱턴 특파원, 뉴욕특파원 등등의 거창한 서두를 부친 기자들의 현지 보도가 한국의 언론에 가끔씩 있었지만, 백악관에서 질문하는것을 본기억이  아직까지는  없다.  오죽했으면 오바마 대통령당시, 한국계 기자들을 향해," 질문하세요"라는 지적까지 받았었을까.

대북관계에 대해서도 질문과 대통령의 대답이  있었지만, 대북관계에 대한 질문은  당연히 한국계 기자의 송곳 질문이 있었어야 했다.  그러나 질문은 끝내 없었다. 기자의 능력이 증명된 셈이다.
그러나 CNN기자의 WH출입정지 보도는 금새, 한국언론이 했다. 그게 중요한게 아니고 대북관계에 대한 기자의 질문과 대통령의 대답에 더 비중을 두었어야 했는데....이게 한국언론의 현주소다.  

Shame on Korean media Co. and Reporters.

특파원  파견은 왜하나? 그래서 아직까지 한국언론은 트럼프 대통령의  기자회견 내용중에서 대북관계에 대한 보도한마디 없다는것은 챙피하고, 주객전도다.

The White House has suspended the credentials of CNN's chief White House correspondent hours after a testy exchange with President Donald Trump.
Jim Acosta was asking a question at a news conference on Wednesday when a White House worker tried to grab the microphone from his hands.
Press secretary Sarah Huckerbee Sanders said access was removed because he had put "his hands on a young woman".
Mr Acosta called Ms Sanders claim "a lie".
President Trump had been giving his response to the mid-term elections, which saw his Republican party lose control of the lower house of Congress but gain seats in the upper house.

What happened at the news conference?

During a question-and-answer session, Mr Acosta challenged Mr Trump's use of the word "invasion" to describe a migrant caravan heading to the US from Central America. He also challenged him over an anti-immigration advert that was widely seen as racist.
When Mr Acosta tried to ask a question about the Russia investigation into alleged interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, Mr Trump told him repeatedly "that's enough" and "put down the mic".

A female staff member attempted to take the microphone from the journalist, and Mr Acosta resisted handing it over telling her at one point "pardon me ma'am".
Mr Trump walked away from the podium and returned to say: "CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person." He added: "The way you treat Sarah Huckerbee is horrible," without explaining why.
Another journalist spoke up in Mr Acosta's defence, calling him a "diligent reporter". Mr Trump fired back, "well I'm not a big fan of yours either," sparking laughter from members of the audience.

What did the White House say?

Ms Sanders, in a statement posted in a Twitter thread, said the White House would "never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job".
"The fact that CNN is proud of the way their employee behaved is not only disgusting, it's an example of their outrageous disregard for everyone, including young women, who work in this Administration," she said.
"As a result of today's incident, the White House is suspending the hard pass of the reporter involved until further notice."
The press secretary later shared a zoomed in clip of the incident, which observers say is a doctored video originally posted by right-wing conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson.
Mr Acosta posted a tweet saying he was stopped by the Secret Service from entering White House grounds.

CNN issued a statement on Twitter saying the ban was "in retaliation for [Jim Acosta's] challenging questions".
"In an explanation, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders lied," it said. "She provided fraudulent accusations and cited an incident that never happened."

And other reaction?

The White House Correspondents' Association, which represents the press corps at the presidential residence, urged the administration to reverse "this weak and misguided action".
"Such interactions [between reporter and president] however uncomfortable they may appear to be, help define the strength of our national institutions," the association said.
Other members of the White House press corps have also come to Mr Acosta's defence.
Jeff Mason of Reuters posted pictures of the incident:

What did Acosta and CNN say?

Mr Acosta told CNN that he had been asking a question Mr Trump did not like which had led to a "back and forth" between them. He denied laying his hands on the woman, saying: "I was trying to hang on to the microphone so I could continue to ask the president questions."
"We all try to be professionals over there, and I think I handled myself professionally," he said, adding that he thinks, "this is a test for all of us. I do think they are trying to shut us down to some extent inside the White House press corps, and to some extent I think they are trying to send a message to our colleagues."

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