Thursday, November 08, 2018

캐나다, BC주의 한 휴양지의 종업원 해고사유, '백인'이라서라니.

캐나다의 인권협회의 조정위원회는 휴양지의 종업원 7명이, 백인이라는 이유로 근무를 못하게 해고시킨것은 인종차별이라는 결정을 내렸다고 한다.  BC주 소재 인권위원회는 이들에게 $173,000달러씩 위로금을 지급했다고 한다.

이휴양지의 주인, Kin Wa Chan씨는, 중국계 직원을 채용하길 원했었는데, 그이유는 그들을 고용하는게 훨씬 예산절감이 될것으로 생각했기 때문이라고 설명한다.  그이유로 7명의 코카시안 종업원들이 지난 2016년 8월에 해고된것을 알게됐다고 한다.

조정위원회 의장, Diana Juricevic씨는, 브리티쉬 콜럼비아주의 인권법을 근거로 해서 볼때, 이것은 분명 인종차별로 판정을 내린것이다.
( Tribunal chair Diana Juricevic ruled this qualified as discrimination )

이휴양지의 회계담당자였던, Ms Eva를 데리고 Chan이 중국에 사업차 갔었을때, 성적학대를 했음도 발견한것이다. Ms Eva는 Chan이 호텔방 예약을 하나만 한것을 알고 배반당한 느낌이었었다고 진술한 것이다. 진술한 내용에 따르면, 그녀는 매우 기분이 나빠 Mr Chan에게 방하나에서 같이 있을수 없다고 항의 했으며, 그말에 Mr. Chan의 대답은 "중국에 왔으니 긴장풀고, 중국식으로 합시다"라고 기억하고 있었다고 진술했다.

또그녀는 설명하기를, 나는 결혼한 여자로 같이 동침할수 없음을 통보하자, 그는 다른방을 예약하고 그곳에 머물게 했다고 한다. Mr. Chan은 설명하기를, 방하나를 예약한것은 돈을 절약하기위해서였다라고 했지만, 조정위원회는 그의 진술을 믿을수 없음을 확인한것이다.

이휴양지의 주인 중국계 Chan씨는, 캐나다가  중국의  공산주의 체제하의 정부에서 인권유린이 비일비재한것 처럼, 인권부재의 나라로 생각했었나 보다. 참으로 딱한 사람.  이곳에 휴양오는 사람들에게 풍부한 써비스가 제공될수 있었을까?

A Canadian human rights tribunal says seven resort employees were discriminated against for being white.
The Human Rights Tribunal in the westernmost province of British Columbia awarded them more than C$173,000 ($132,000, £102,000).
Resort owner Kin Wa Chan said he wanted to hire Chinese employees because he believed they were cheaper.
The tribunal found the seven staff were forced out in August 2016, and replaced with Chinese workers.
Tribunal chair Diana Juricevic ruled this qualified as discrimination based on race, which is against British Columbia's human rights code.She dismissed the complaint of an eighth former employee.
"Over a period of months, Mr Chan repeatedly said that he wanted to replace Caucasian employees with ethnically Chinese employees to reduce labour costs," Ms Juricevic wrote in her decision, published last week.
Mr Chan bought the Spruce Hill Resort and Spa in rural British Columbia in 2015, and began extensive renovations in January the next year.
The resort operated at reduced capacity during the renovations, and so Mr Chan let many of the staff go.
Seven of the employees that were kept on during the renovations ended up filing the human rights complaint, after they were fired the following summer or resigned in the course of several days because of what they described as a hostile work environment.
The largest award, of more than C$62,000, went to Clare Fast, who had worked for the resort for 20 years as fitness and human resources manager.
Ms Fast testified she heard Mr Chan say that he would not have to pay Chinese employees overtime.
Her belief that she was fired and replaced with a Chinese employee was corroborated by her colleague and fellow complainant, resort bookkeeper Melonie Eva.
In a diary entry dated 20 July 2016, Ms Eva wrote that "[Mr Chan] keeps saying he wants Chinese people" and "[Ms Stocks] and [Ms Fast] must go".
On 3 August, Mr Chan told Ms Fast her human resources tasks would be given to a new employee, an ethnically Chinese student with no human resources experience. With her hours significantly reduced, Ms Fast asked to be laid off.
In addition to the findings of discrimination based on race, the tribunal also found that Mr Chan sexually harassed Ms Eva, the resort's bookkeeper, on a business trip to China to purchase supplies for the renovations.
On the trip, the tribunal heard Ms Eva was dismayed to find he had only booked one hotel room for the two of them.
According to her testimony, she became upset and told Mr Chan that they were not sharing a room.
She remembers Mr Chan saying words to the effect "relax" and that "in China, we do things the Chinese way".
She told him she was married and would not share the room, and he booked her another one.
He said the single room was an attempt to save money, but the tribunal did not find his testimony credible.

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