Thursday, March 01, 2018

애완용 돼지를 도축해서 먹었다고 비난받자 사과한 캐나다인-도축이 잔인하다?

캐나다의 BC주에 거주하는 주민이 집에서 기르던 월남종자인 돼지를 사육하다가 도축해서 고기를 먹었다고 고백하고, 이를 사과 했다는 기상천외한 뉴스가 화제다.

Molly라는 이름까지 있었던, 돼지가 커가면서, 난폭해지고, 집안의 유리문을 부셔버릴정도로 힘이세져 더이상은 함께 할수없어, 도축했다는 것이다.

CPCA의 담장자는 Global News와의 대담에서, 조사관이 도축과정을 조사했는데, Molly는 도축과정에서 괴로움없이,인도적으로 생을 마감시켰다는 판단을 했다고 한다.

이소식을 접한 캐나다 동물애호가 협회는 앞으로는 이러한 잔인한 동물 학대가 없어지도록, 더 강력한 동물보호법 제정이 절대적으로 필요함을 홍보하여 입법화 시키자는 운동이 일고 있다.

동물은 어차피 사람의 보살핌을 받다가 때가되면, 인간들의 식탁에 올려진다. 그렇타면 애완용 돼지의 삶의 끝은 어디까지일까?

아래의 링크를 보자.

A potbellied pigImage copyrightAFP/GETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe pot-bellied pig is a domesticated breed that originated in Vietnam (stock photo)

A Canadian man who butchered and ate an adopted pet pig has apologised. 
The British Columbia (BC) resident said he "feels remorse and regret" for eating three-year-old Molly, a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. 
He said on Facebook that the pig was killed after it became aggressive and tried to break through a glass door, Global News reported. 
Molly was rescued by a branch of the BC SPCA as part of a cruelty investigation and adopted in January. 
Less than a month later, the pig's new owners killed and ate her. 
The couple are also alleged to have posted photos and videos of them preparing the meat on social media platform Snapchat. 
"I do promise that Molly died humanely and it was not done for fun or for sport," the Canadian man wrote online. 
He also said that the couple had received death threats.
The Vancouver Island man has since deleted the apology that was posted on Facebook. 
Leon Davis, who works for the SPCA and helped nurse Molly back to health after her rescue, told CBC News that his first reaction to news of her fate was shock. 
"To hear that somebody did this to an animal that we worked so hard to make sure was healthy, and tried to get into a good home, is absolutely heartbreaking," he told the broadcaster. 
Under Canadian law, an animal is considered property and it is therefore not technically illegal to kill and eat a pet. 
A representative for the SPCA told Global News that authorities had investigated the matter and found that Molly was killed humanely. 
The couple who adopted Molly will no longer be allowed to adopt an animal from any of the SPCA branches in the province, the organisation told Chek News.
Animal rights groups are urging people upset by Molly's death to support efforts to lobby for stricter animal cruelty regulations in Canada.

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