Wednesday, July 09, 2014

2014월드컵: 독일이 브라질 대파시킨 게임, 새로운 기록.관객들을 허탈해서 울고...

'지난 22년동안 축구 평론가로서, 그리고 40년간 월드컵경기를 지켜보면서 이렇게 준결승에서 대파로 깨진 경기는 본일이 없었다'

BBC의 축구 해설가 Alan Hansen씨는 월드컵 준결승 경기에서 독일이 7대1로 브라질을 대파시킨 경기내용을 이해하고 석연치 않은 문제점을 풀려고 하는데 나만이 겪는 어려움은 아닐것이라고 평했다.  전반 19분 동안에 5골을 넣고, 후반전에서 6번째 7곱번째를 넣을때는 믿어지지 않을 정도로 쇼킹한 밤의 경기였었다.라고 놀란다.
여기에 매경기 골마다 비디오 클립을 보면서 평론가들의 반응을 요약하여 적어 본다.

1. 게일시작 10분 21초에 Muller의 첫골
Thomas Muller strike puts Germany ahead
World Cup 2014: Thomas Muller strike puts Germany ahead
Alan Hansen: "Mats Hummels moves Dante as the corner comes in. David Luiz loses Thomas Muller and gets blocked by Miroslav Klose in a well-worked corner, but again Brazil should do better."
Alan Shearer: "That is worked on the training ground. That does not just happen on the night."
Rio Ferdinand : "I would not be happy to concede a goal like that but you have to admire the attacking play."

2. Mirosolav Kolse 22분 8초 2번째 골
Germany's Miroslav Klose sets World Cup goals record
World Cup 2014: Miroslav Klose doubles Germany's lead
Alan Shearer: "Klose is in the right place at the right time. He gets a little bit of luck because of the lack of reaction from Marcelo, who is having an absolute nightmare."
Alan Hansen: "There are about 26 defensive mistakes by Brazil in the build-up to that goal. Right from the start, they do not close down quickly enough on the left-hand side and, when it comes across, Fernandinho misses it. The two centre-backs are out of position and Marcelo is about 15 yards behind them."

3. Toni Kroos, 23분 58초 3번째 골득점
Toni Kroos scores Gemany's third goal
World Cup 2014: Toni Kroos scores Germany's third goal
Rio Ferdinand : "Germany looked like they were almost embarrassed to be scoring because it was coming too easy. They came down the left again and Marcelo looks like he does not want to be defending at all. There are lots of defenders in there but nobody is taking responsibility to pick anyone up."

4. Toni Kroos, 25분7초 4번째 골 득점
Toni Kroos scores his second and Germany's fourth against Brazil
World Cup 2014: Toni Kroos scores Germany's fourth goal
Alan Hansen: "If the third goal was bad, what about this one? This is right from the kick-off. We were talking about David Luiz and how he has got to step up to the plate."
Rio Ferdinand:"Germany have punished every mistake. It seems like Thiago Silva is the glue in the Brazil back four and keeps everyone together, because Marcelo has played like a left-winger, even at 5-0 down. Nobody is bringing him back."

5. Sami Khedira, 28분 49초 5번째 골 득점

Play media
Germany celebrate their fifth goal
Watch Sami Khedira make it five for Germany
Alan Hansen: "This is David Luiz's fault again. He comes running 15 yards in front of the other centre-back and jumps out of the tackle. We said before the match that David Luiz is the captain, supposed to be the leader, but he has abandoned ship I am afraid. He has disappeared."
Rio Ferdinand: "That is embarrassing. When you do that, you are leaving your team-mates in the lurch. As a centre-half, he has to win the ball there."
Alan Shearer: "When you are 4-0 down, you cannot pull out of that tackle."
Luiz Felipe Scolari
With his team 5-0 behind at the interval, there is precious little coach Luiz Felipe Scolari can do
Rio Ferdinand: "I remember playing for Manchester United against Liverpool at Old Trafford when they beat us 4-1 a few years ago and I remember Paul Scholes turning round at about 4-0 and saying 'listen, no more goals'. I don't see anyone in this Brazilian team doing that. You need someone to say 'look, we cannot be embarrassed anymore here'."
Juninho: "Scolari must protect the team. Don't think to win the game, just concentrate on not conceding more goals."

6. Andre Schurrle, 68분 37초 6번째 골득점.

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Andre Schurrle scores Germany's sixth against Brazil
World Cup 2014: Andre Schurrle turns in Germany's sixth
Alan Shearer: "It was no surprise that the goal came down Brazil's left-hand side because Marcelo was as poor as David Luiz was. He lets Philipp Lahm in too easily. Luiz is standing still and does not have a clue what is going on around him. Andre Schurrle shows good movement and a very, very good finish."
Alan Hansen: "There are six or seven Brazil defenders in their area but no reaction from any of them."

7. Andre Schurrle 78분 23초에 7번째 골득점.

Play media
Andre Schurrle scores Germany's seventh
World Cup 2014: Andre Schurrle scores Germany's seventh goal
Rio Ferdinand: "It was another elementary error - a simple run behind from a throw-in and David Luiz does not even track Andre Schurrle as he runs into the box. But it was an unbelievable finish. To score a goal like that at a World Cup is what dreams are made of, and he is living that dream right now."

Oscar sidesteps the la

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