Thursday, November 07, 2013

Rob Ford 시장, Crack Cocaine 흡연시인, 역설적으로 인기는 여전 그러나..

Toronto Mayor Rob For d admits to smoking crack

래디오 톡쇼에 나온 시장 Rob Ford는 자신이 크랙을 했었다고 시인하면서 그것은 대단히 잘못된 판단으로, 크랙을 하지 않았어야 했다고 시인했습니다.   많은 시민들과 시의원들의 사임압력에도 그는 시장직을 고수하겠다고 주장하기도 했습니다.  

오히려 그에 대한 경찰총수의 기자회견에서 그의 마약혐의 동영상에 그가 함께 있었다는 사실이 발표된후 오히려 그의 인기는 5%가 상승하는 기현상을 보여줬는데,  원인은 1990년대 말로 거슬러 올라가 찾아야 하는것 같다.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is pictured during his weekly radio show at News Talk 1010 in Toronto on 3 November 2013Rob Ford has previously denied smoking the drug

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has admitted smoking crack cocaine in a "drunken stupor", despite denying he had taken the drug.
Mr Ford told reporters at city hall he had taken the drug about a year ago but was not an addict.
The mayor has rejected calls for his resignation after the revelation that a video apparently showing him smoking crack was in police possession.
He has defied calls to quit, vowing to run for re-election next year.
"Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine," Mr Ford said outside his office on Tuesday.
"There have been times when I've been in a drunken stupor. That's why I want to see the tape.
"I want everyone in the city to see this tape. I don't even recall there being a tape or video. I want to see the state that I was in."
'It is what it is'
But Mr Ford maintained to reporters that when he previously denied using the drug: "I wasn't lying. You didn't ask the correct questions."

Mayor Ford has had a difficult relationship with the media
Six months ago, the mayor said: "I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict."
On Tuesday, he said: " I made mistakes in the past and all I can do is apologise. But it is what it is and I can't change the fact, and I can apologise to my family, my friends, my colleagues and the people of this great city."
The allegations of drug use surfaced in May after the gossip website Gawker and the Toronto Star reported the video's existence, but it has never been released publicly.

One city councillor has put forward a motion demanding the mayor take a leave of absence and co-operate with a police investigation, Canadian media report.
Last week, Canadian police said they had recovered footage from a deleted hard drive that appeared to show Mr Ford smoking from a crack pipe.
Police have not revealed details of the mobile phone clip, but say it is consistent with previous descriptions from media organisations that had viewed it.
They have also not charged Mr Ford with any offence.
His friend and occasional driver Alexander "Sandro" Lisi faces charges of marijuana trafficking, possession and extortion in the wake of a broader police investigation.
Police have said they expect the video will come out when Mr Lisi goes to trial.
Earlier on Tuesday, Mr Ford's brother criticised Police Chief Bill Blair for saying last week he was "disappointed" with the mayor.
Doug Ford called the chief's comments "inappropriate" and "biased" and called on him to step aside.

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