Thursday, November 18, 2021

Joe Biden과 시진핑의 화상정상회담의 선물, 오일값이 떨어져 운전자들 한숨돌렸다,

Joe Biden과 시진핑간의 화상통화 정상회담의 결과물줄의 하나인, 오일 가격이 떨어져서, 회담의 성과가 있다는 평을 하는 보도가 전세계의 운전자들에게 희소식같다. 그렇치 않아도 Pandemic으로 각나라의 국민들은 자국 정부의 보조금을 받아 생활하는 어려운 형편이었는데..... 가뭄에 단비같은 소식이다. 

미국의 오일가격을 대변하다시피하는 서부텍사스(West Texas)오일 가격과 브랜트(Brent), 또 다른 지구촌의 오일가격이 지난 6주동안에 거래됐었던 가격중에서 가장 낮은 가격으로 거래되고 있다. 오일공급으로 인한 어려운 문제가 조만간 풀릴 조짐으로 보인다.  

미국의 오일재고량을 파악하는 바로미터 역활을 하는 Cushing Oklahoma지역의 오일가격이 지난 수주동안 올랐었던 이후로 재고량이 쌓여 왔었는데, 지난 수요일에는 믿어지지 않을 정도로 떨어진 것이다.

이번 가을에 오일가격은 천정부지로 치솟으면서 주요 오일생산자들의 이익을 두둑히 채워 졌었지만, 반대로 운전자들이 개스를 채우고 나서 지불해야하는 지갑에 많은 고통을 주었었다.  불과 며칠전만 해도 캘리포니아의 개스가격은 일찌기 경험해 보지 않은 최고의 가격을 형성했었다.  이번주에 다행스럽게도 운전자들을 괴롭게 했던 고통들이 풀어지기 시작한 것이다. 

"현재의 가격으로 봤을때, 투자자들은 다음달까지 20~30백만 바렐의 오일을 온라인상에서 거래할것으로 예측된다.  그투자자들의 대부분은 미국과 중국에서 함께 일어나거나, 또는 국제에너지 에이전시에 의해 서로 합의하에 폭넓게 이루어질 것으로 여겨진다" 라고  Tonhaugen씨는 설명한다.  그가 강조하기를, 전략적인 물량을 시장에 푼다고 해서 오일가격을 오랫동안 바꾸지는 못할 것이라고 했다.

"전략적으로 확보한 물량을 푸는것은 온라인 상에서 계속적으로 더 많이 생산하는것과는 전연 다른 이야기다"라고  Tonhaugen는 강조한다.

우리 한국에는 많은 도움을 줄것으로 생각되는데....

A version of this story first appeared in CNN Business' Before the Bell newsletter. Not a subscriber? You can sign up right here. You can listen to an audio version of the newsletter by clicking the same link.

London (CNN Business)The price of oil has shot up this fall, boosting profits for major producers but hurting the wallets of drivers who need to fill up their tanks. Just a few days back, gas prices in California hit their highest level ever. This week, however, some of the pressure has started to lift.

What's happening: West Texas Intermediate futures, the US benchmark for oil prices, and Brent futures, the global benchmark, are now trading at their lowest levels in six weeks on signals that supply constraints could begin to ease soon.
In the United States, prices fell sharply Wednesday after oil inventories at a key hub in Cushing, Oklahoma rose for the first time in weeks.

    But Bjornar Tonhaugen, head of oil markets at the consultancy Rystad Energy, told me that the biggest factor driving prices right now is the expected release of strategic reserves from the United States and China.
      According to the White House, US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed the "importance of taking measures to address global energy supplies" during their virtual summit this week. That sparked chatter about a coordinated move initiated by the White House to put millions of barrels of oil on the market.
          Thursday brought some signs that China is taking action. Reuters reported that the country's state reserve bureau said it was working on a release, though the exact details remain murky.
          Based on current price moves, Tonhaugen said, investors are expecting between 20 million and 30 million barrels to come online in the next month. That could be from the United States and China together, or through broader action coordinated by the International Energy Agency.
          He emphasized, however, that the release of strategic reserves won't change the overall picture for long.
          "[Releasing] strategic reserves is not the same as getting more continuous production of oil online," Tonhaugen said.
          But more lasting relief could be coming. The IEA said in a report this week that it expects global oil supplies to rise by 1.5 million barrels per day over November and December as some production in the United States picks up again.
          "The world oil market remains tight by all measures, but a reprieve from the price rally could be on the horizon," the Paris-based agency said.
          OPEC is also steadily ramping up output, but there are questions about whether supply gains will be enough to meet a surge in demand for fuel.
          Watch this space: President Joe Biden, who is taking political heat from the spike in gasoline prices, asked the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday to "immediately" investigate whether illegal activity by oil and gas companies is contributing to the problem.
          The American Petroleum Institute slammed the push and renewed its call for the federal government to encourage domestic oil and gas production even as it tries to fight the climate crisis.
          "This is a distraction from the fundamental shift that is taking place and the ill-advised government decisions that are exacerbating this challenging situation," the group said in a statement.

          Warren Buffett-backed Paytm stumbles in trading debut

          One of the hottest companies to begin trading on India's stock market is getting off to a rough start.
          This just in: Paytm's stock launched in Mumbai on Thursday. Shares of the startup went live at $26 apiece, below the offer price. They finished down more than 27%, giving the firm a market value of under $14 billion.
          The weak debut reflects analysts' fears about the digital payments company, my CNN Business colleague Diksha Madhok reports. Despite its buzz, it lost hundreds of millions of dollars last year and seems far from ready to turn a profit. It's also up against competition from some of the biggest technology firms in the world.
          Its initial public offering still marks a milestone. The digital payments company raised $2.5 billion in its IPO — the largest ever in the country when measured in local currency.
          With backing from investors such as Warren Buffett, Masayoshi Son and Alibaba, Paytm is one of India's best funded startups.
          The company took off five years ago when Prime Minister Narendra Modi banned two of the country's biggest currency notes. The move was hugely disruptive for India's economy, but it helped Paytm grow at an explosive rate: The company signed 10 million new users within a month.
          Paytm now has 337 million registered consumers and 22 million merchants. Yet the field is getting crowded. Facebook and Google also want a piece of the huge market and have launched their own mobile payments systems in the country.

          The metaverse is bigger than just Facebook

          Facebook (FB) (ahem, Meta Platforms) isn't the only company planning to cash in on the metaverse.
          The latest: Shares of Nvidia (NVDA), the industry leader in graphics processors and AI chips, are up 9% in premarket trading on Thursday after the company reported record revenue and forecast better-than-expected earnings for its upcoming quarter.
          Nvidia recently announced the formal launch of NVIDIA Omniverse, a platform for simulating and designing virtual worlds. The company has said it hopes to tap into the 40 million 3D designers in the global market.
          "This is just the tip of the iceberg of what's to come," said CEO Jensen Huang.
          Chipmaker Qualcomm (QCOM) also wants in on the action, telling investors it intends to be "the ticket to the metaverse." Companies ranging from the owner of Playboy to record label Warner Music Group and media giant Disney all discussed the metaverse in earnings calls during the past few weeks, my CNN Business colleague Paul R. La Monica has noted.
          Then there's gaming platform Roblox, which lets users generate their own avatars and play games created by other players. Shares have soared almost 160% since they debuted on the New York Stock Exchange earlier this year.
          Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney told CNN in Seoul that the metaverse isn't going to be created by one company. "It will be created by millions of developers each building out their part of it," Sweeney said.
          Step back: Facebook made a splash when it changed its corporate name to Meta Platforms as it pivots its focus to augmented reality and virtual worlds. But if its vision of the future pans out, it won't be alone in raking in profits.

          Up next

          Alibaba (BABA) (JD)Kohl's (KSS)Macy's (M) and Petco report results before US markets open. Ross Stores (ROST) and Williams-Sonoma (WSM) follow after the close.
            Also today: Initial US jobless claims for last week post at 8:30 a.m. ET.
            Coming tomorrow: Foot Locker (FL) earnings wrap up retail's big week.


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