Friday, October 02, 2020

트럼프 대통령 부부 Covid-19 양성반응, 자가 격리중, 문재인씨는 정직하지 않아서 오리무중인데...


이틀전, 미국과 전세계가 지켜보는 가운데, 트럼프와 바이든의 세기적 정책토론회가 Clevland에서 있은후 하루가 지나, 트럼프 부부는 Covid-19양성확정 판정을 받고, 자가 격리중에 있으며, 그기간은 10여일 정도라고 한다. 자가격리는 누구나 똑같이 법의 적용을 받는, 예외는 없다. 대통령의 비서관 Ms Hicks's가 정책토론에 동행후 양성판정이 나온후, 주치의가 발표한 것이다.

같이 정책토론회에 참석했던, 바이든에 대한 그후 소식은 알려진게 없다. 그것은 그분은 양성판정을 받았다는 증거가 없다는것인지?.....

한국의 문재인씨는 밖에 출입을, 며칠전 질병방역본부를, 규모를 늘려 "외청"으로 늘리고, 청장임명장을 주기위해 충북 오송 사무소를 찾아간것이, 그이후 청와대 밖의 출입은 전부인것으로 알고 있다. 몸은 되게 사리는 그정신은 높이 살만하다.. 정은경 본부장이 잘 지켜줄테니까....하하하.

어업지도공무원이 북괴의 사격으로 피살되여, 억울을 죽음을 당했는데도, 문재인씨와 그패거리들은 월북한 공무언이었다고, 북괴를 두둔하는 발언을 계속하고 있다.  자진월북을 했던 안했던간에, 일단은 가족에게 위로의 말한마디 전했다는 뉴스는 없었다.  이런 정부밑에서 충성하는 공무원은 추미애, 좃꾹이 그외에 그패거리들 몇명뿐인데.... 그래서 지금 대한민국은 두패로 나뉘어져 있다.

한팀은 문재인과 그패거리들이 하루라도 빨리 시야에서 사라져버리기를 바라는 국민과, 다른 한패는 문재인과 그패거리들이다.  문재인 패거리들은 자기네 주머니를 채우기위해서, 그들이 하고져 하는 일은, 국민을 생각하기에 앞서 먼저 하는 족속들로, 국민들에게는 암덩어리일뿐이다.

미국 대선이  불과 한달밖에 안남았는데, 어쩌면 트럼프와 공화당으로서는 큰 악재를 받은 셈이지만, 뉴스에 의하면 백악관안에서 대통령의 업무는 그대로 지속된다는 것이다.  당락을 떠나서, 트럼프 대통령 부부의 쾌유를 빈다.  주치의가 발표한 바에 따르면, 나이가 좀 염려는 되지만, 두분은 예측한데로, Convalescence할것으로 확신한다고 설명했다. 

주치의 Dr Sean Conley씨는 목요일 미디아에 발표하기를, 대통령부부는 "지금 현재 건강하게 잘 있으며 자가 격리기간동안 백악관의 주거지역에 머물면서 회복하게된다"라고

"대통령은 격리기간 동안에도 대통령의 직무는 아무런 지장없이, 회복기간중, 계속될 것이며, 대통령의 건강상태에 대해서는 지속적으로 국민들에 보고 할것이다."라고 했다.

Mr Trump, aged 74 and therefore in a high-risk group, wrote on Twitter: "We will get through this together."

It comes after Hope Hicks, one of his closest aides, tested positive.

Mr Trump's announcement comes just over a month before the presidential elections on 3 November, where he faces Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

Ms Hicks, 31, travelled with Mr Trump on Air Force One to the first presidential TV debate with Mr Biden in Ohio on Tuesday. Some of Mr Trump's family members who attended the debate were seen not wearing masks.

The Biden camp has so far made no public comments on the latest developments.

A person is required to self-isolate after either showing coronavirus symptoms or a positive test. Meanwhile, quarantine restricts the movements of those who have been in contact with an infected person, but are not themselves positive or symptomatic.

Mr Trump has mostly spurned mask-wearing and has often been pictured not socially distanced with aides or others during official engagements.

The coronavirus has infected more than 7.2 million Americans, killing more than 200,000 of them.

What do we know about Mr Trump's health?

Mr Trump's physician, Dr Sean Conley, released a statement late on Thursday, saying the president and the first lady were "both well at this time, and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence".

"Rest assured I expect the president to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any future developments," the statement said.

The physician provided no further details.

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According to Mr Trump's most recent physical examination earlier this year, he weighed 244lbs (110.7kg). This is considered to be obese for his height of 1.9m (6ft 3ins).

But Dr Conley stated at the time that the president "remains healthy". Mr Trump will also have the best medical care available.

America's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says a person must self-isolate for 10 days after a positive test.

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Is Mr Trump at particular risk because of his age?

It is dangerous to speculate about how the virus will affect any individual person.

There are clear risk factors - the older you are the greater the risk of a coronavirus infection becoming life-threatening.

People aged 64-74 with Covid in the US are five times more likely to need hospital care and 90 times more likely to die than somebody in their 20s.

The CDC says eight out of 10 Covid deaths in the country have been in the over 65s.

The virus also seems to hit men and people who are overweight harder.

But that is the big picture - a pattern seen across the whole population - it is not a way of saying this is what will happen to the US president.

The health of any two 74-year-olds can be wildly different and other medical conditions massively alter how big a threat this virus poses.

We do not yet know if Donald Trump has even developed symptoms.

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Earlier on Thursday, Mr Trump said he and his wife, who is 50, were going into quarantine after Ms Hicks's positive test.

What does this mean for the US election?

Analysis box by Anthony Zurcher, North America reporter

A week after Donald Trump told Americans not to worry about Covid-19 because "it affects virtually nobody" except the elderly and those with heart conditions, the president himself has tested positive for the virus.

It is difficult to overstate exactly how earth-shaking a development this is, just 32 days before the US elections.

The president will have to quarantine for treatment. Campaign rallies are off. The next presidential debate, in two weeks, is in question.

The recurring message from the president, that the nation is "rounding the turn" in its handling of the virus, has been undermined by his own illness.

Just two days ago, during the first debate, Trump belittled Democratic opponent Joe Biden for frequently wearing masks and not having campaign rallies that matched his own in size.

Now, the White House and the campaign will have to answer why the president took such a seemingly cavalier attitude toward protecting himself - and how many others in the White House and the higher echelons of the US government may have been exposed.

During times of national turmoil, the American public tends to rally in support of the president. It may not be enough to insulate him from the questions that follow, however.

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Have there been other cases at the White House?

In May, Vice-President Mike Pence's press secretary Katie Miller tested positive and later recovered.

That same month, a member of the US Navy who was serving as one of Mr Trump's personal valets tested positive.

But the White House said at the time that neither the president nor vice-president were affected.

National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, a number of Secret Service agents, a Marine One pilot and a White House cafeteria worker have also tested positive.

The White House tests aides and anyone else who comes into contact with the president daily.

How the US and the world have reacted?

In a tweet, US Vice-President Mike Pence and his wife Karen wished the presidential couple well:

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Boris Johnson wrote on Twitter: "My best wishes to President Trump and the First Lady. Hope they both have a speedy recovery from coronavirus."

Other world leaders, including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu, also sent messages of support to the couple.

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