Monday, August 24, 2020

정부, Covid-19 급속한 재확산이 교회집회때문으로, 민노총집회참석 확진자를 광화문참석자로 둔갑시킨 당국, 종교자유 탄압으로 번졌다.


정부가 Covid-19 급속한 재확산이 교회집회때문으로 몰아, 종교의자유가 헌법에 명시된것을 인정치 않고, Pandemic Spread가 교회에서 나왔다는 이유를 들어 문재인 정부가 교회목사를 구속하면서, 싸움으로 번졌다. 왜정부는 국민들을 패싸움으로 구렁텅이속으로 몰아넣고, 국론을 분열 시키는 일에 혈안인가?  같은 시간대에 서울시에서는 크고작은 모임 많았는데, 하필 교회를 꼬집어서 전염병의 확산 중심지로 몰아 부치는가?  민노총도 그날 2,000명 이상이 모여 집회를 했었는데, 그곳에는 아무런 재제를 하지 않았다.

정부가 방역대책에 일관성 있게 집행하면, 의료진들도 혼선이 없고, 이를 따르는 모든 국민들이, 모두의 건강을 위한 정부의 지침으로 믿고, 따르면서 전염방지에 매진할텐데, 발표하는 정책마다 처음부터 현재에 이르기 까지 진정성이 포함된 정책발표를 했었다고 믿는 국민들이 몇명이나 있을까?

더욱 놀란것은, 오늘 조선일보의 보도를 보면, 같은 시간대에 불과 500여미터 떨어진 곳에서 열렸던 민노총 집회에 참석했다가 Covid-19확진자로 확인된 환자를 "광화문 집회참석자로 둔갑시켜 발표했다는, 엄청난 사기행각이 언론에 들통난것이다. 조선일보기사 일부를 옮겨놨다.

보건 당국과 여당 소속 단체장이 이끄는 지방자치단체가 '민노총 집회 참석 확진자'를 '광화문 집회 참석 확진자'로 둔갑시켜 발표했던 것으로 24일 확인됐다. 이 코로나 확진자는 집회에 다녀온 뒤에도 거의 매일 외출했고, 특히 코로나 검사 이후에도 자가 격리 의무를 위반하고 마스크 없이 외부 활동을 했던 사실도 드러났다.

평택시청은 22일, 오산시청은 24일 '평택 65번 확진자'에 관한 정보를 각각 홈페이지에 올렸다. 오산시에 거주하는 A(40대)씨가 평택의 한 병원에서 검사를 받고 22일 확진 판정을 받았다는 내용이었다. 두 지자체는 A씨의 추정 감염 경로를 '광화문 집회 관련'이라고 명시했다. 중앙방역대책본부(방대본)도 24일 정례 브리핑에서 "광화문 8월 15일 집회와 관련해 조사 중, 40명이 추가 확진돼 현재까지 누적 확진자는 총 176명"이라고 발표했다. 이 숫자에는 A씨가 포함됐다.

보건 당국이 말하는 '광복절 광화문 집회'란 지난 15일 세종대로 일대에서 진행된 보수·기독교 단체의 정부 규탄 집회를 가리킨다. 이날 비슷한 시각 세종대로에서 500m 정도 떨어진 종각역(보신각) 주변에서도 민노총 집회가 열렸다. '기자회견'이라는 이름을 내걸고 진행됐지만 실제는 2000여 명이 참석한 집회였다.

하지만 정부는 광화문 집회 참가자만 코로나 의무 검사 대상으로 지정, 휴대전화 위치 정보를 추적해 검사하고 확진 인원을 매일 발표하면서, 민노총 집회 참석자는 아예 검사 대상에서도 제외했다.

문재인 대통령이 취임한지 채 한달도 안돼 충북 제천에서 화재가 발생했었다.  그는 바로 제천으로 내려가, 이재민들을 위로하면서, "앞으로는 이러한 인재로 인한 화재가 절대로 일어나지 않도록 할것이다. 시설보완이나 점검을 소흘히 했기때문에 발상한 인재라고 전임정부를 비난했던 것이다.  그로 부터 3년 반이 지나는사이에 약 1,000건의 크고작은 화재가 발생 했었지만, 현장방문은 커녕, 위로의 성명서 한번 발표한적이없이 오늘에 이르렀다. 

문재인은 현실에 그리고 실현성이 희박한 정책을 남발만 했을뿐, 정책 발표후 그진행 상황이나 결과를 국민들에게 발표한적이 한번도 없다.  교회집회가 Coronavirus Pandemic의 재확산 원인제공을 했다고 주장한다면, 위에서도 언급했다시피, 그날 대규모 집회를 주최한 민노총같은 노동귀족들의 불법집회에 대한 조치와 결과도 발표 했어야 했다. 그래서 국민들을 패가르기 싸움을 부추기고 있는 패거리집단의 우두머리로 국가를 운영하고 있는 것이다.

국론을 하나로 묶는 정책, 국민들이 믿고 의지할수있는 정책을 집행해야 하는데....이제는 헌법에 보장된 종교의 자유까지 탄압한다. 불법 대규모 집회를 했다는 이유를 부쳐 교회를 탄압하겠다면, 다른 대규모집회단체, 즉 민노총, 야간 Dance Club 등등의 모임에 대해 똑같은 조치를 취했었다면 외신들이 앞다투어 "종교탄압"이라는 Head Line으로 대서특필 하지는 않았을 것이다.

Seoul (CNN)A South Korean religious group at the center of a new coronavirus outbreak has been accused by the government of withholding key information and obstructing public health authorities in their fight against the pandemic.

As the scandal develops, many in the country would be forgiven for thinking "we've been here before."
In February, it was the Shincheonji religious group, thousands of whom were infected with the virus in the south eastern city of Daegu, setting the stage for an outbreak that raged throughout the country. The church was accused by officials of refusing to cooperate with the authorities, while members accused both the government and the press of defamation and religious persecution.

Now, history appears to be repeating itself with the Sarang-jeil Church in Seoul. It's the latest clash between a religious group and the government of President Moon Jae-in, who is attempting to stem South Korea's coronavirus outbreak while fighting off accusations he is curbing religious freedom.

New outbreak

South Korea reported 288 new cases of the virus on Thursday, the majority of which were in Seoul and the surrounding Gyeonggi province. The outbreak has been linked to the Sarang-jeil Church, which has reported hundreds of positive cases among its members, some 400 of whom have yet to be traced by the authorities.
On Tuesday, Moon's government announced a ban on all religious gatherings in churches in Seoul and the surrounding metropolitan areas, in a move that provoked immediate pushback from conservative religious groups.
Since the latest outbreak began on August 12, more than 1,500 cases have been reported nationwide. South Korean Health Minister Park Neung-hoo has warned the current outbreak could be massive and may cause serious damage if not handled properly.
Police in the capital have been enlisted to help identify and track individuals connected to the church, with the government acutely aware that time is of the essence to contain the spread and enable contact tracing. Health officials are asking all of the congregation who attended services between July 27 and August 13 to be tested and self-quarantine.

Seoul's government said it would seek damages against Sarang-jeil Church and its pastor, Jun Kwang-hoon, for wasting administrative resources and money through their non-compliance. He's already facing criminal charges for allegedly violating quarantine and obstructing contact tracing.
Jun's legal team has rejected claims the church obstructed contact tracing by concealing a list of its members.
Lawyer Kang Yeon-jae told reporters on Monday that "unless the church has a locked gate that only allows people to enter by swiping their ID card ... the church cannot have a perfect list of all the many people who came."
Sarang-jeil has said it will file a criminal complaint against Health Minister Park and acting Seoul Mayor Seo Jeong-hyup for spreading false information and defamation.
And Jun has been defiant in the face of official pressure. On Saturday, he joined a mass anti-government rally in Seoul. Police had discouraged large gatherings, due to fears of infection, but that did not stop thousands of people attending.
Jun gave a speech to the rally, removing his face mask before addressing the crowd.
"This afternoon members of the city hall came to our church, they saw me," he said. "I do not have a fever. I have no symptoms. But they told me to self-quarantine right before this event."
Jun tested positive for the virus on Monday, the Seongbuk District Office said, sparking concerns that the protest could lead to a new cluster of infections. At a press conference that day, his legal team said he had received a quarantine order after returning home from the rally.
While Jun and his church have attracted some sympathy from opponents of President Moon and conservative religious groups, his actions, along with photos of him sitting in the back of an ambulance after testing positive, wearing his mask like a chin strap, have sparked fury from others online.
Speaking Tuesday, Vice Health Minister Kim Ganglip said this week could mark a "critical turning point" in whether the Seoul cluster becomes a nationwide epidemic.
Professor Park Kwang-soo is director of the research center of religions at Wonkwang University, he believes some worshippers may have a lack of understanding of the true dangers of the coronavirus.
"While they believe in God as a loving god, they more so believe in God as a healer," he said. "They generally believe that faith can resolve the issue of disease."
A health official wearing protective gear guides visitors at a Covid-19 coronavirus testing station in Seoul on August 18, 2020.

Religious freedom

This is not Jun's first brush with the law. Earlier this year, the pastor was arrested for illegal campaigning ahead of the general election, a charge he rejects. He is currently on bail as that trial continues.
Underlying the latest controversy is the widespread suspicion many conservative religious groups have of President Moon, a liberal who has faced growing opposition from the right in recent months.
"There is a tendency among some more conservative churches that the Moon government is against religious freedom," said Professor Tark Ji-il of Busan Presbyterian University, adding that there was "tension and conflict" between many churches and the authorities.
Worshipers take part in a socially distanced Easter service in a church in Seoul in April.
While just 44% of South Koreans identify as religious, according to the South Korean government's 2015 census, some 63% of that figure follow a Christian denomination, and churches are a common sight across the country. Moon is himself a practicing Catholic.
Up to this point, the government has refrained from banning religious gatherings nationwide, instead recommending online services to prevent spread of the virus. Those worshipping in person are required to practice social distancing and wear face masks.
This has not stopped opponents of Moon claiming he is anti-religion, along with accusing him of being a Communist for his engagement with Pyongyang.
    At the rally on Saturday, Jun repeated claims that Moon was "handing over South Korea to North Korea" saying Communism has taken over the Blue House, the presidential office. One supporter could be seen carrying a banner which read, "Jailing Moon Jae-in is the best disease prevention."
    For his part, Moon described the banned rally targeting him as "a very senseless act that hampers everybody's efforts to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus." He also described it as an unforgivable act that could jeopardize people's lives.

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