Friday, November 24, 2017

외신:탈출한 북한병사의 회복에, 한국인들은 주치의에 모든희망을 걸었다. 검찰의 김종대 구케의원,국가관 조사 절실하다.

어려운 수술을, 그것도 한눈의 시력을 거의 잃은 상태에서도 온힘을 기울여, 집도한 이국종 Medical Doctor에 대한 칭송이 외국에서 더 자자하다.

이와는 반대로, 한국의 여의도에서 국민의 대표랍시고, 국민들이 바친 세금을 축내고 있는, 한넋빠진 국해의원이라는 자는, 칭찬은 못할망전 북한군의 인권을 훼손했다는 내용의 비난글을 Facebook에 올려, 국민 모두가 한마음이 되여, 이국종 담당의사의 건강을 염려하면서, 모처럼 전국민이 한마음이 되여 탈북병사의 Speedy recovery를 빌고있는 이절박한 시기에, 찬물을 끼얹는 반역질을 하고 있었다.

오죽 속상했으면, Dr. Lee가 기자회견에서 다음과 같은 괴로운 심정을 피력했을가.

이국종 아주대병원 교수(중증외상센터장)는 22일 기자 브리핑에서, 귀순한 북한 병사의 기생충 감염 사실을 외부에 알린 것이 환자 인권 침해 논란으로 번진 데 대해 "(열심히 환자를 처치한) 의사로서 자괴감이 든다"고 말했다. 이 교수는 지난 15일 언론 브리핑에서 북한군 병사 장 속에 기생충이 수십 마리 있어 합병증이 우려된다고 밝힌 바 있다. 이를 두고 김종대 정의당 의원 등은 소셜 미디어를 통해 "기생충, 분변, 위장 내 옥수수까지 공개돼 북한 병사의 인격에 테러를 가했다"면서, 의료법 위반까지 거론했다.

요즘 적폐청산(?)에 눈코 뜰새없이 바쁜 검찰인줄 알지만, 정치적 사상이 북측에 가까운, 김종대 구케의원을 붙잡아 사상여부를 검증하고, 필요하다면 증거인명의 염려가 있는 그를 감방으로 보내놓고, 철저한 조사를 하기 바란다.  문통의 전임 대통령들은 증거인멸의 의심이 전혀 없는데도 감방에 가두어 놓고, 희대의 Puppet재판을 하는것과 심히 비교돼기 때문이다.

Washington Post지는 전면에 이국종 담당의사의 헌신적인 노력과, 여러번 어려운 수술을 무사히 마치고, 지금 회복단계에 있게한 그를 "매력적인 사나이-McDreamy"라는 단어를 사용하면서 그를 칭송하고 있다.

병원 Staffs들은, 북한 병사가 남한의 젊은이들 사이에 인기가 있는 "소녀시대"의 노래를 즐겨 부른다는것을 인지하고  "소녀시대 "Gee,” a peppy pop song by Girls’ Generation" 의 노래를 들려주는 재치까지 발휘했다는 듣기 흐믓한 Entertainment까지 했다는 뒷소식이다.  그는 "소녀시대"를 좋아한다라고 실토했다는것이다.

더가관인것은, 북한은 북한병사의 탈북이후, 이런한 시도를 원천 차단하기위해, 아예 참호(Trench)를 파서 마치 건너지못하는 강 같은 지하벽을 쌓고 있다는 뉴스다.

탈북을 막기위해 이러한 비인간적인 장벽과 총살형을 계속해도, 자유를 갈망하고, 배고픔의 괴로움을 해결하기위한 탈북시도는, Kim's Regime이 아무리 노력해도, 시간이 흐를수록 더 많아지고, 성공율은 더 높아질수밖에 없음을 이제는 인식해야 할것이다.

이번에 큐바를 방문한 북한의 이용호 외무장관이, 큐바의 전세계를 상대로 관광객유치 정책을 어떻게 해서, 겨울이면 그렇게 많은 휴양객들이 모여 드는가를 깊이있게 배워서, 그정책을 북 한에 접목시켜, 굶주리는 북한 주민들의 허기를 채울수 있는 눈꼽만큼의 양심이라도 느끼고 왔으면 하는 바램이다.  그러나 유감스럽게도 외무장관 회담후, 통상적으로 해오는 성명문 발표나 기자회견이 없는것을 보면, 바람앞의 촛불같은 희망이 꺼져버린것 같다.

이렇게 중증외상환자들이  전국의 유명 대학병원들이 외면하는 사이, 아주대학병원으로 모여드는 이유도 오늘 처음 알았다. 잘못된 정부정책으로, 수술을 하면 할수록 병원측에서는 적자가 눈덩이 처럼 불어난다는 내용을 말이다.  문통정부와 보건 복지는 공무원 증원한다는 구실과 청년실업구제한다는 이유로, 물론 그정책이 촛불집회꾼들의 환심을 사기위한 꼼수인줄은 알고있지만, 더이상 국고를 낭비하지 말고 즉시 Revise 하기를 정중히 권고한다.

  No medical drama is complete without a bold-yet-sensitive heartthrob doctor in a leading role. The incredible tale of a North Korean soldier’s escape across the demilitarized zone last week is no exception.
The McDreamy in this case is Lee Cook-jong, the trauma surgeon who has operated on the soldier several times and provided updates along the way — including a video showing Lee picking 10-inch-long parasitic worms out of the man’s intestines and his declaration Wednesday that the defector will survive.
“The patient is not going to die,” Lee told reporters at Ajou University Hospital south of Seoul, announcing that the man had regained consciousness and was stable.
Although he remains in the intensive care unit, he could be transferred to a general ward as soon as this weekend.
The 24-year-old North Korean soldier, who has been identified only by his surname, Oh, was shot five times as he made his brazen escape Nov. 13. 
Closed-circuit television footage released by the U.S. military on Wednesday showed Oh driving a jeep southward before the vehicle became stuck in a ditch yards from the Military Demarcation Line that forms the border.

Oh jumped out and started running for the line. Four North Korean border guards tried to stop him, firing more than 40 rounds at him. One guard briefly crossed the line, violating the armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953.
The video showed Oh lying wounded in a pile of leaves against a building on the southern side. Then three South Korean soldiers crawled out and dragged him to safety.
From there, he was put in a U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter and flown 50 miles south to the hospital in Suwon, where Lee was waiting.
“If it weren’t for their emergency measures, he would have died before arriving at the hospital,” Lee said.
It was still touch-and-go when Oh arrived at the hospital. His blood pressure was so low after losing so much blood that the doctors did not even have time to check his blood type. Instead, they pumped about 40 units — between three and four times the amount of blood contained in a human body — of type O into him.
He has had three surgeries, including an attempt to repair his damaged internal organs and stop the contamination caused by the parasites and the injuries.
Through it all, the trauma surgeon, often in scrubs, has been giving regular updates on the soldier’s condition.
The revelation that the man had a severe parasitic infection — Lee said he had never seen such a case except in medical textbooks — and that his stomach contained raw corn kernels prompted widespread shock in South Korea. North Korean front-line soldiers were supposed to be elite troops, yet this man had worms not seen in South Korea since the 1970s and had been eating uncooked corn?
Oh also has tuberculosis and hepatitis B, Lee said. And, at 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighing about 130 pounds, he is several inches shorter and 20 pounds lighter than the average male 18-year-old South Korean.
There is intense interest in the soldier, and military intelligence officers reportedly are eager to question him about his escape, but Lee has been fending them off. The soldier is showing signs of depression and post-traumatic stress, and it will take about a month before he is well enough to answer questions, the doctor said.
For now, Lee is keeping the conversation light — talking about the way things are done in South Korea rather than asking him about North Korea — and trying to cheer him up.
The medical staff played him “Gee,” a peppy pop song by Girls’ Generation — featuring lyrics such as, “Oh, it’s too pretty, your soul’s too pretty/It’s love at first sight” — and he declared that he liked girl bands.
Lee also said Oh has been watching the American TV series “CSI” and the action movie “The Transporter,” in which a former special-forces operative hires himself out as a mercenary. 
The staff also has hung a South Korean flag in his room to reassure him he really is in the South.
This is not Lee’s first time in the spotlight. The surgeon became a national hero in 2011 when he saved the life of a ship captain who had been shot by Somali pirates.
After pirates seized a chemical freighter near the Gulf of Aden in 2011, South Korean commandos stormed the ship and the pirates shot the captain six times during the rescue attempt. 
Lee was waiting at a hospital in Oman and saved the captain’s life, earning a reputation as the country’s leading trauma surgeon. There was even a popular medical drama based on this story, “Golden Time.” The title was a reference to Lee’s frequent reminder that it is the hour after a severe injury that is most important for saving someone’s life. 
Now, South Koreans are waiting for Lee’s next statement on the soldier’s prognosis. 
In online forums, South Korean “netizens” have been sending their best wishes to Lee and his patient.
“A Korean who put his life on the line to cross over to the south. Hopefully he can be saved!” wrote one in an online medical forum.
Another added, “Please survive so you can live in South Korea!”

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