Saturday, June 25, 2022

마침내 인도양의 Maldives섬에 건설중이던, 벌집처럼 물위에 떠 있는 도시의 모습. 살아남기위한 프로젝트.

말디브(Maldives)섬에 건설중이던 수중 도시가 마침내 그모습을 나타냈는데, 첫눈에 들어오는 물위에 떠있는 도시의 모습은 마치 꿀벌(Hive)들의 집같은 모습이었다.  Maldives의 수도 Male로 부터 보트로 약 10분거리에 있는 Lagoon형태다.

이프로젝트는 개발업자,  Dutch Docklands와  Maldives 정부가 공동으로 개발한 것인데, 경치좋은 도시를 만들려는 목적이 아니고, 바다 수위가 높아지면서 생존위협에 처한 위험함을 해결하기위해서 진행된 사업이었었다.

1190개의 섬들로 구성된  Maldives는 기후변화로 인해, 지구상에서 가장 거주하기가 위험한 여러곳들중의 한곳이다. 이섬들의 80%가 해발 1미터미만으로, 금세기 말까지 국토를 해발 약 1미터 높일 계획으로 진행되는 국가적 프로젝트로, 이렇게 하지 않으면 금세기 말에는 전 섬들이 물속에 잠길것이라고 한다. 

물위에 떠있는 수중도시는 약 5000채 정도의 촌락인데, 그곳에는 식당, 쇼핑몰 그리고 학교들이 있고, 집들사이로는 Canal들이 연결되여 있다. 첫번째 집은 이달말에 그모습을 타나내게된다. 일반 가정집들은 2024년초부터 입주가 시작된다고 한다. 도시 전체는 2027년에 완전히 건설이 완료된다.

더자세한 내용은 아래 기사를 참조하면 좋을것 같다.

city is rising from the waters of the Indian Ocean. In a turquoise lagoon, just 10 minutes by boat from Male, the Maldivian capital, a floating city, big enough to house 20,000 people, is being constructed.
Designed in a pattern similar to brain coral, the city will consist of 5,000 floating units including houses, restaurants, shops and schools, with canals running in between. The first units will be unveiled this month, with residents starting to move in early 2024, and the whole city is due to be completed by 2027.
The project -- a joint venture between property developer Dutch Docklands and the Government of the Maldives -- is not meant as a wild experiment or a futuristic vision: it's being built as a practical solution to the harsh reality of sea-level rise.
An archipelago of 1,190 low-lying islands, the Maldives is one of the world's most vulnerable nations to climate change. Eighty percent of its land area is less than one meter above sea level, and with levels projected to rise up to a meter by the end of the century, almost the entire country could be submerged.
But if a city floats, it could rise with the sea. This is "new hope" for the more than half a million people of the Maldives, said Koen Olthuis, founder of Waterstudio, the architecture firm that designed the city. "It can prove that there is affordable housing, large communities, and normal towns on the water that are also safe. They (Maldivians) will go from climate refugees to climate innovators," he told CNN.

Hub of floating architecture

Born and bred in the Netherlands -- where about a third of the land sits below sea level -- Olthuis has been close to water his whole life. His mother's side of the family were shipbuilders and his father comes from a line of architects and engineers, so it seemed only natural to combine the two, he said. In 2003, Olthuis founded Waterstudio, an architecture firm dedicated entirely to building on water.
At that time signs of climate change were present, but it wasn't considered a big enough issue that you could build a company around it, he said. The biggest problem then was space: cities were expanding, but suitable land for new urban development was running out.

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