Wednesday, April 27, 2022

김정은, ICBM미사일 자랑하면서,"핵개발 프로그람 총력을 기울여 조기 완성한다" 큰소리지만, 어쩌나 윤석열에겐 통하지 않게됐으니...

 북괴 김정은,  ICBM미사일 자랑하면서,"핵개발 프로그람 총력을 기울여 조기완성한다" 큰소리로 대한민국과 전서방세계를 향해 큰소리를 쳤다.  그런데 신무기 개발에 소요되는 기술과 재료구입에 들어가는 예산이 엄청나는데, 그자금을 어떻게 조달하는지가 무척 궁금해진다.  허긴 며칠전 뉴스에 의하면, 김정은의 해킹 부대는, 비트코인운영체를 공격하여 수십억 달러를 훔쳤다고 했었다.

미사일을 실은 트럭의 가두행진을 환경하기위해 억지로 동원되여 거리로 나와서, 인조 꽃송이와 북괴기를 흔드는 주민들의 표정은 전부 마지못해 흔들어 대고 있다는것을 금새 알수 있었다. 지금 가두행진에 동원된 대륙간 탄도미사일들중 일부는 지난 5년간 문재인 정부가 국민들 알게 모르게, 김정은에 상납한 자금으로 개발된것임을 부인할수가 없음을 국민들은 인지하고 있다고 나는 믿는다. 

왜냐면, 김정은이는 화성17호  ICBM 미사일 발사대들, 그리고 잠수함에서 발사되는 탄도미사일을 언급하면서 "가장 고성능 핵무기 개발과 강한 무기체계를 신속히 완성할것이다라고 평양 시내 가두행진에 동원된 미사일들을 가리키면서, 자랑했었다.

어느 나라이건 우리 북조선의 군사력에 도전하는 행위는, 결론적으로 "존재 자체를 없애 버릴것이다"라고 엄포를 놓으면서, '군사력과 국가의 힘'의 상징으로 핵무기 보유를 언급하면서 한말이다.

"진정한 평화는 국력과 국가의 주체성이 강력한 방어력이 보장될때에만 가능하며, 그래야만 적을 때려부실수가 있다'라고 김정은이는, 북괴중앙방송이 발표한 보도문에서, 주장한 것이다. 이번 가두행진에서 눈에 띄는 신형무기는 '화성-17,ICBM미사일로, 김정일Regime은 신형무기 개발의 성과라고 자랑을 했었다. 

이번 신형무기 가둥행진에서 김정은이가 마음속에 품고 있는 야심을 표현한것임을 보여준것이다.북한문제를 중점적으로 연구하는 남한의 싱크탱크 민간기구인 '세종연구소'의 정성창씨는, 김정은이가 군복을 입고 연설했다는것은 매우 이례적인 경우라고 설명했다. 

"이러한 행동은 김정은이가 강력한 군사력을 갖추고, 새로 취임하게되는 윤석열, 남한대통령의 북한에 대한 강경대응책에 쐐기를 박을려는 조치로 이해되는데, 며칠전 윤석열 대통령 당선인은 북한은 우리 대한민국의 주적이며, 필요시에는 선제타격을 할수도 있는 언급을 염두에 두고 발언한 것으로 "정"연구소장은 설명한다. 그러나 대부분의 북한 연구기관들은 기본적으로 김정은이의 대남정책은 크게 바뀐게 없다는 분석이다. 

카네기 연구소에서 국제평화를 위한 핵무기 전문가인, Ankit Panda씨는, 아직 증명되지 않은 고체연료추진미사일 3개의 무기의 출현이 있었다고 설명했다.

"북한은 항상 주장하기를, 그누구든 우리영토를 침략하면 이를 격퇴할수 있기를 바라기에, 만약에 침략을 받게되면 이를 격퇴시키기위해 무기를 사용할수밖에 없을것이다"라고 Panda씨는 설명이다.

한편 북한연구를 전문으로 하는 대학교수인, 양무진씨는 월요일 김정은이가 내뱉은 공갈은 비교적 온순한 표현같았다고 설명했다. 

"그의 발언내용은 직접적으로 남한이나 미국을 겨냥한 흔적은 안보였었다. 그가 핵무기를 언급하기는 했지만, 극단적인 응징표현은 없었으며,  그것은 일단은 윤석열 대통령의 반응을 떠보기위한 발언정도로 이해된다"라고 양교수는 설명이다.

윤석열 대통령은, 문재인과는 전연 다른 대북관을 갖고 있는것으로 이해된다. '이에는 이', '눈에는 눈' 정책을 천명한 윤석열의 정책을 나는 적극적으로 지지한다. 필요하면 선제타격까지도 나는 응원한다.  분명한것은, 지난 5년간 김정은이가 문재인을 갖고 맘데로 놀았던, 공갈과 협박은 윤석열에게는 절대로 통하지 않는다는것을 김정은이는 이미 간파한것으로 보인다. '힘에는 힘'으로 응수할때, 군사적으로나 경제적으로 남한은 북괴 김정은 Regime보다 적어도 100배 이상 힘이 센 나라인데..... 김정은이는 바보가 아닌 이상, 김정은이는 더이상 무모한 공갈은 칠수가 없게됐다는 뜻이다. 

Seoul, South Korea (CNN)North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed on Monday to ramp up his development of nuclear arms, as a military parade in Pyongyang showcased the country's most advanced weaponry yet -- including an intercontinental ballistic missile experts say puts the entire US mainland in range.

The country would "strengthen and develop" its nuclear forces at the "highest possible" speed, Kim said as a Hwasong-17 ICBM, multiple giant rocket launchers, and a submarine-launched ballistic missile, were all paraded through the streets of the North Korean capital.
This picture taken Monday and released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on Tuesday  shows Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missiles during a military parade in Pyongyang.
Experts said the parade -- held to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the North Korean army -- offered a glimpse into Kim's ambitions for his weapons program, particularly his efforts to develop solid-fueled missiles that would be easier to hide from foreign spy agencies. It also offered an insight into his mindset, they said.
    Any country or force that tried to confront North Korea militarily would "cease to exist," Kim said as he described his nuclear forces as both a "symbol of national power and the basis of our military power."
      "True peace can be trusted and national dignity and national sovereignty can be guaranteed by the powerful self-defense force that can overcome the enemy," Kim said in a statement released by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).
        He said his nuclear force's first mission was "to deter war," but if anyone tried to "to take away the fundamental interests of our country, our nuclear force will have no choice but to carry out its second mission." He did not elaborate on what that second mission would be.


          Among the most eye-catching pieces of weaponry on show was the the Hwasong-17, touted by Pyongyang as one of its greatest military achievements yet.
          Explained: How much damage can North Korea's weapons do?
          Explained: How much damage can North Korea's weapons do? 02:28
          North Korea claims to have successfully tested the missile in March, with a report in its state media at the time describing the launch as a "powerful nuclear war deterrent" and quoting Kim as saying the country was "fully ready" for any potential military confrontation with the United States.
          The ICBM could, at least theoretically, put the entire US mainland in range of a North Korean nuclear warhead, but analysts say there are questions over whether the missile can deliver a nuclear payload on target.
          Indeed, the US and South Korea have even disputed North Korea's claims to have test-fired the Hwasong-17, suggesting the March 24 launch was in fact a test of the older and slightly smaller Hwasong-15, a missile first tested 2017.

          A glimpse of Kim's ambitions

          Experts said the parade and Kim's speech said much about the country's ambitions, both in terms of its weapons development and its diplomatic priorities.
          Ankit Panda, a nuclear weapons expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said pictures of the parade suggested the presence of what could be three as yet untested solid-fueled missiles.
          Here's how US missile defense could be fooled by an ICBM
          Here's how US missile defense could be fooled by an ICBM 03:44
          "Kim put solid-fueled ICBMs on his Jan. 2021 8th Party Congress wish list. So I wouldn't be shocked if one of these is flight-tested in due time," Panda said in a tweet.
          Solid-fueled missiles are considered more advanced than liquid-fueled ones because they can be transported more easily -- meaning they are easier to conceal from an enemy -- and can be readied for launch more quickly.
          Jeffrey Lewis, a weapons expert and professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, said in March after the Hwasong-17 test, the North Korean leader had been "marching through" a long list of weapon modernizations laid out more than a year ago.
          "(Kim) said these are all the things that North Korea is going to do and that included a multiple warhead ICBM, a solid-propellant ICBM, launching a military satellite, and even even putting a nuclear-powered submarine to sea," Lewis said.
          "I don't think he's going to stop until that list is completed," Lewis said.
          Previously, North Korea has announced plans to enhance the accuracy of its missiles and increase the range up to 15,000 kilometers (9,320 miles).
          "I think we are firmly in a period of missile tests, nuclear tests and tension that's probably going to last for a year or so," Lewis said.

          The meaning of a man in uniform

          Beyond the weapons on show, analysts said the parade offered other insights into Kim's state of mind.
          Cheong Seong-chang, director of the Center for North Korean Studies at the Sejong Institute, a private South Korean think tank, said it was significant that Kim had worn a military uniform for his speech.
          "This could symbolize that Kim will respond with a 'strong force' in the future to (incoming South Korean President) Yoon Suk Yeol administration's hard-line policy toward North Korea, which regards North Korea as its 'main enemy' and promises to be prepared with a 'preemptive strike' capability," Cheong said.
          Some, including Panda, suggested Kim's statements did not show a fundamental change in stance.
          This picture taken on Monday and released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on Tuesday shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center, attending a grand military parade in Pyongyang.
          "North Korea has always said it hopes to deter a war (or) invasion of its territory, but would use weapons to blunt an invading force if it had to," Panda tweeted.
            Meanwhile Yang Moo-jin, professor at the University of North Korean Studies, said Kim's rhetoric on Monday was relatively mild -- as far as Pyongyang goes.
            "There was no direct reference to South Korea or the United States, and even though there is a mention of nuclear force, there is no extreme expression, so it seems North Korea tried to manage the level of intensity this time," Yang said.


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