Saturday, January 01, 2022

Betty White 99세로 하늘 여행 떠났다. Golden Girls연속극 주연중 한명, 세월은 영원할것 같았는데......:

Golden Girls연속극은 아주 오래전에 즐겨 봤었던, 솔직히 얘기하면 대사의 내용은 잘 알아듣지 못했지만, 현재도 마찬가지이지만,  3명의 배우들과 또한명의 어머니역을 했던, 그분들의 시트콤이 나오는 날에는, 어찌 나뿐이었겠는가마는, TV앞에서 시간 보내면서 같이 웃고 울고 때로는 발을 동동 굴렀던 기억이 지금도 있다.  며칠만 더 살아 있었다면 100세 생일을 축하 받았을텐데.....

바이든 미국대통령은  Golden Girls시트콤의 주연배우중의 한명이었던  Betty White는굉장히 진취적이었던 배우요, 모든이들의 사랑을 받았었는데, 아깝게도 99세를 일기로 하늘나라로 간 그에게 쏟아지는 추모의 물결속에서 조문을 했다.  White가 출연한 영화 및 TV연속극은 거의 80여년동안 사람들의 사랑을 받았었다.

바이든 대통령은 기자들과의 대담에서 "그녀는 사랑받고 사랑주는 여인이었으며, 나의 어머니께서도 분명히 말씀 하셨을 '하나님께서 그녀를 99년동안 사랑하셨을것이다' 라고.

그녀의 하늘나라 여행에 수많은 사람들이 추모했으며, 특히 연예계의 거장  Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon,Ryan Reynolds씨도 추모 물결에 합류했었다.

"세상이 많이 달라졌다"라고 2009년 영화 'The Proposal'에서 공동 주연을 맡았던 Reynolds씨는 미디아와의 인터뷰에서 그녀를 표현하기를 "마치 과거의 내여인"같은 사이였었다"고 조킹을 하기도 했다.  "그녀는 매우 늙은역활도 잘 소화 했으며, 실질적으로는 그렇게 늙지 않았었는데....어쨋던 이제 우리는 당신을 떠나 보내야 합니다. 잘 가세요 Betty."라고 감정을 추스렸다.

미육군도 트위터에서 그녀에 대한 존경과 사랑을 표현 했다. "그녀는 유명한 배우였을뿐만 아니라, 그녀는 세계2차 대전중에는 미여군에 자원 입대하여 미육군의 사기를 북돋아 주었던, 고마움을 잊지 못할 것입니다. 그녀는 스크린에서 또는 그외의 삶에서도 진정한 우리의 전설이었습니다"라고. 

이제는 모든것 다 놓으시고 편안한 여행 하시기를 기원드립니다.

A portrait of Betty WhiteIMAGE SOURCE,GETTY IMAGES

US President Joe Biden has led a flood of tributes to trailblazing actress and Golden Girls star Betty White, who has died at the age of 99.

White's film and TV career spanned eight decades.

Calling her a "lovely lady", Mr Biden told reporters: "99 years old - as my mother would say, God love her!"

Tributes also poured in from people in the entertainment industry including Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Reynolds.

"The world looks very different now," tweeted Reynolds about his co-star in the 2009 film The Proposal and the woman whom he jokingly referred to in media interviews as his "ex-girlfriend".

"She managed to grow very old and somehow, not old enough," he continued. "We'll miss you, Betty."

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"I've heard Ryan can't get over his thing for me," White had deadpanned to People Magazine for its December issue, "but Robert Redford is The One."

White's most famous role was as the naive-but-loveable Rose Nylund in the sitcom The Golden Girls in the 1980s and 90s. The show centred on the friendship of four women sharing a home in Miami and won many awards.

In 2010, she rounded off a decades long career by becoming the oldest person to host Saturday Night Live.

Five years later, she was honoured with a lifetime achievement Emmy Award - her eighth Emmy in total.

Other US stars took to Twitter to send their condolences and praise her many comedic acting roles.

"A great loss to us all. We shall miss her dearly," tweeted Star Trek actor George Takei.

"I grew up watching and being delighted by her. She was playful and daring and smart," wrote Will & Grace actress Debra Messing, also calling White "a national treasure".

"What an exceptional life," posted talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. "I'm grateful for every second I got to spend with Betty White."

Steve Martin recalled a chance encounter when he was opening in 1974 for musician Linda Ronstadt in LA in a tweet to commemorate her 100th birthday.

He described feeling "elated" after White told him that she and her husband Allen Ludden came to see him "because we heard you were funny".

White also received praise online from actors Catherine Zeta-Jones, Viola Davis and Henry Winkler, as well as comedians Seth Meyers and Conan O'Brien.

"Rest in peace #bettywhite, our Golden Girl, our friend, and our neighbor," tweeted Walt Disney executive chairman Bob Iger.

"Your wit, your charm, your warmth and your smile will always be with us."

"When I was a kid, I watched 'Golden Girls' with my grandmother and I fell in love with Betty White," said actor Jennifer Love Hewitt, who starred in a 2011 Hallmark movie with White.

She described how she had kept in touch with her "idol" in the years since, often going out for pizza and drinks together.

"She was everything that you wanted her to be and more," said Love Hewitt in an emotional video.

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The Martin Luther King Jr Center also tweeted praise for her, saying that she worked to support an African-American tap dancer in 1954.

In response to criticism, she gave him "even more airtime," the civil rights organisation tweeted.

The US Army also tweeted their respects, writing on Twitter: "Not only was she an amazing actress, she also served during WWII as a member of the American Women's Voluntary Services.

"A true legend on and off the screen."

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