Friday, February 19, 2021

문재인의 북한두둔이유? "북괴의 백신 해킹놓고, 국회와 국정원간 싸움질".외신보도, 꼴좋다.

외신보도, "북괴의 백신 해킹놓고, 국회와 국정원간 싸움질". 꼴좋다.  한쪽은 북한을 주둔하고, 한쪽은 그반대로 하고....

과연 북한이 미국제약회사,  Pfizer사를 해킹해서 Covid-19 백신과 치료연구를 훔쳐간것일까? 한국에서의 대답을 얻는것은 누구에게 문의 했느냐에 따라서 다르다.  

국회의원, 하태경씨가 화요일 기자회견에서, 국회정보위원회 소속 의원들과 그자신이 북한의 해킹공격에 대해 국정원으로 부터 브리핑을 받았다고 수요일 CNN과 대담에서 확인해 준것이다. 

그날 늦은 아침에 국가정보원은 '하의원'의 주장을 사실이 아니라는 성명서를 발표한 것이다.  국정은 설명하기를,  coronavirus vaccine개발사에 대한 해킹을 하의원과 위원들에게 발표했던 사건에 대한 설명은 했지만,    Pfizer사를 포함한 제약사의 이름은 밝히지 않았었다고 주장한것이다.

"국정원은 어제 국회 정보위원회에서 있었던 질의 응답시간에 Pfizer 제약회사가 북한에 해킹당했다는 설명을 하지 않았다"라고  NIS는 성명서에서 주장한 것이다.

이성명서 발표가 난후, 야당의원, 하의원은  Facebook에서 반격하기를, 그날 브리핑에서 나누어준 자료에 따르면, 분명히  Pfizer사의 이름이 있었던 자료를 같이 나누어 가졌었다고 반격했다. 그러나 국정원은 회의가 끝난후 보안상의 이유로 그자료들을 모두 회수해 갔었다.

하의원은 서류의 중요한 점들을 기억하기위해 즉석에서 메모를 했었고,   Pfizer와 "백신 데이타 핵킹"을 포함한 주요 내용을 온라인에 올려놓았다.   "만약에 그날 배부받아본 서류에 명시가 안됐었다면, 어떻게  Pfizer사를 명시하여 노트를 적을수 가 있었을까?"라고 그는 또한번 설명한 것이다.  그러나 현재로서는 북한이 핵킹한 증거여부는 확실하게 밝혀진것은 없다.

평양당국은, 항상 해왔던것 처럼, 북한 외교관들은 이번 주장에 대한 가타 여부를 발표하지 않고 있으며,  자료들을 도적질해 갔다는 주장 또한 공개적으로 확인해 주지 않고 있다.  화요일 현재  Pfizer사는이사건에 대한 일체의 코멘트가 없다.

미국의 거대 제약회사와, BioNTech독일회사가 공동개발한, Covid-19 Vaccine이 WHO로 부터 최초로 긴급 사용승인받아 긴급 상용중에 있다(first Covid-19 vaccine approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization)

북한의 Covid-19해킹범죄행위는 그동안 계속 비난받아 왔었다.  Microsoft사는 지난 11월에 발표하기를, 북한이 가끔씩은 WHO직원이라 신분을 속이고 백신제조회사들을 접속, 공격했었다고 주장하면서, 현재 그러한 북한의 사이버공격은 거의다 차단된 상태라고 성명서를 발표하기까지 했다.

로이터통신은(Reuters reported) 지난해 11말에 보도하기를 북한해커들이 영국의 백신개발회사,  AstraZeneca를 공격했었다고 보도했는데, 그내용이 너무도 충격적이었다. 그들은 엉터리로  job offers를 소개하면서, Covid-19 연구소에서 연구하는 직원들을 포함한 제약회사의 고위층직원들과 직원 recruiters인것처럼 자신들을 소개하면서 접근을 시도했었다고 보도했었다.  

최근에 북한은 사이버 공격을 하기위한 능력을 쌓기위해 많은 투자를 해왔는데, 가난한 나라들이 돈을 벌수있게 허용해주면서, 김정은 Regime에게는 최소한의 비용만을 담당하도록, 적을 공격을 계속해오고 있다는 것이다.  

비록 북한이  like Pfizer사의 데이타 도적질해서 백신을 개발한다해도, 운송이나 보관하는데 특수한 장비가 필요한데, 북한은 그럴 시설이 안돼 있기에 어려운것으로 전문가들은 보고있다.  Pfizer백신은 적어도 섭씨 -75도 이하의 냉동보관설비가 준비안돼면 소용이 없다는 것을 알아야 한다.

더자세한 내용은 아래의 원문을 보면 된다.

왜 한국의 국정원은 한입으로 두말을 계속하는데,  그렇게 북한을 두둔하는 이유가 뭔가를 한국의 국회의원들,  검찰은 철저히 조사하여,  국민들에게 자세히 밝혀주어야 한다.  간첩 문재인의 그동안 행적이 계속 터져 나오는데,  이때가 적기인것 같다.  국정원의 존재 이유가 뭔가? 지난해말에는 국정원에서 담당해왔던, 간첩검거 조직을 경찰에 넘기는 커다란 역적질을 간첩문재인과 그패거리들이 법을 만들어 이관시켜 버렸었다.  그래서 앞으로는 "간첩검거"라는 말은 한국땅에서는 없어지게 될것으로 보인다. 

Seoul, South Korea (CNN)Did North Korea hack US drugmaker Pfizer and steal data on Covid-19 vaccines and treatment research? The answer, at least on Wednesday in South Korea, depends on who you ask.

South Korean lawmaker Ha Tae-keung told reporters Tuesday that he and other members of the National Assembly Intelligence committee were briefed by the country's spy agency about the alleged attack. Ha's office confirmed the remarks to CNN on Wednesday.
Later that morning, the National Intelligence Service (NIS) put out a statement rebutting Ha's claims. The agency said it "reported general incidences of hacking attempts" of coronavirus vaccine developers to Ha and the committee, but "did not specify any company names including Pfizer."
"The National Intelligence Service did not say that Pfizer was hacked by North Korea in a Q and A session of the briefing yesterday for the National Assembly Intelligence Committee," the NIS statement read.
    Ha, who is a member of the main opposition party, quickly shot back on Facebook. He said that the briefing documents shared with lawmakers named Pfizer, but the NIS collected the document at the end of the meeting, likely for security purposes.
    Ha said he took notes to remember the document's key points. He posted a copy of the notes online, which included a reference to Pfizer and "vaccine data hacking."
    "I wouldn't have been able to take notes about Pfizer if that wasn't mentioned in the document," he said.
    It is unclear when the alleged attack happened.
    Pyongyang has not publicly acknowledged the alleged theft, though North Korean diplomats usually deny any allegations of wrongdoing.
    Pfizer said Tuesday it would not comment on the matter. The American pharmaceutical giant and German firm BioNTech co-developed the first Covid-19 vaccine approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    North Korea hacking accusations

    This is not the first time North Korean cybercriminals have been accused of stealing information related to treating Covid-19. Microsoft claimed in November that cyberattacks from North Korea targeted vaccine makers, sometimes "masquerading as World Health Organization representatives."
    The majority of the attacks were blocked, Microsoft said in a statement at the time.
    Reuters reported later that month that North Korean hackers were suspected to have carried out a cyberattack against British coronavirus vaccine developer AstraZeneca, posing as recruiters and approaching the pharmaceutical company's staff -- including those working on Covid-19 research -- with fake job offers.
    North Korea has invested heavily in recent years in offensive cyber capabilities, allowing the impoverished country to earn money, attack enemies and pursue priorities of the Kim Jong Un regime at relatively minimal expense.
    The United Nations accused Pyongyang's hackers of stealing virtual assets worth $316.4 million dollars between 2019 and November 2020, money that likely went towards funding the country's nuclear and ballistic missile programs in violation of international law.
    It appears the Kim regime has diverted its cyber capabilities toward its pandemic prevention efforts and securing a vaccine.
    COVAX, an initiative to provide equitable global access to Covid-19 vaccines, said it will provide North Korea with nearly 2 million doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford coronavirus. But North Korea is likely doing everything it can to get a vaccine to its people, even if it means resorting to stealing.
    "The North Koreans are taking a comprehensive approach," said Dr. Kee B. Park, the director of Korea Health Policy Project at Harvard Medical School and the North Korea Program at the Korean American Medical Association. "They're trying everything -- manufacturing their own, maybe through GAVI (an organization involved in COVAX), maybe through bilateral channels."
    North Korea's top priority since the pandemic emerged last year has been keeping the coronavirus from overwhelming its dilapidated healthcare infrastructure. Pyongyang voluntarily severed most of its scant ties with the outside world in 2020 to prevent an influx of Covid-19, including cutting off almost all trade with Beijing -- an economic lifeline North Korea needs to keep its people from going hungry.
    The clampdown on trade pummeled the economy, but from a public health standpoint it appears to have worked. It does not appear that North Korea has suffered through major outbreaks of Covid-19 within its borders. North Korea says it has not recorded a single case of Covid-19, a claim most experts view as suspect. The country has tested only a fraction of its population and has a shared border with China, where the pandemic began.
    Still, Kim, who is overweight and reportedly lives a very unhealthy lifestyle, has been confident enough to appear in public without a mask on multiple occasions during the pandemic.
    He and his wife, Ri Sol Ju, were photographed attending a concert maskless on Tuesday. It was the first time Ri had appeared in North Korean state media in more than a year. Ha, the South Korean lawmaker, said that South Korean intelligence believed she was laying low as a precaution due to the pandemic.

    The utility of the data

    It's not exactly clear what data North Korea allegedly stole from Pfizer or what North Korean scientists can do with it. North Korea said in July it would attempt to develop its own coronavirus vaccine, but few believed Pyongyang had the scientific resources or finances to pursue an endeavor that ended up costing billions of dollars.
    Park, from Harvard Medical School, said that on a visit to North Korea he saw medical professionals give presentations demonstrating the know-how and the technology to manipulate and splice genes. However, the country may not be able to conduct the crucial next steps in vaccine development, he said.
    With so few cases likely inside North Korea, there are probably not enough infected people within the country to properly test the efficacy of a domestic-made vaccine, Park said. Conducting trials abroad, like China did, would likely be too expensive and could break United Nations sanctions barring joint ventures with the Kim regime.
    Then there's the question of whether North Korea has the ability to manufacture a vaccine on such a large scale. Pyongyang typically relies on international donors for other vaccines, like the one to treat tuberculosis.
    Finally, it's unclear just how useful the Pfizer data would be to North Korea. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was the first vaccine ever approved for emergency use to employ MRNA technology, something only a handful of pharmaceutical companies have been able to achieve. Those which have achieved this have spent billions doing so, according to Park.
      Even if North Korea could develop an MRNA vaccine like Pfizer's, it's unlikely the country has the special equipment to transport and store it. The Pfizer vaccine must be kept at ultracold temperatures of about minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 75 degrees Celsius), in order to keep the fragile MRNA material safe.
      "MRNA is a cutting edge technology," Park said. "Whether or not North Korea has that type of technology, I don't know, but ... I'd be really surprised if they'd be able to do that. It's something that even a lot of the developed countries are struggling with."

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