Friday, December 18, 2020

Mike Pence, 미 부통령 Vaccine접종 TV생중계, 우리는 언제 쯤 접종이 가능할까? 스페인도 27일 Vaccine공급완료된다는데....

 오늘 금요일, 미국 부통령 Mike Pence가 TV생중계 되는속에서 Covid-19 Vaccine접종을 했다. 백신접종에 앞서,  Walter Reed National Military Medical Center의 의료진들에게 감사의 인사를 했다.

부통령의 접종이 TV생중계된 이유는, 백신접종이 효과적이고 안전하다는것을 미국인들 사이에 알려주면서, 확신감을 가져라는 뜻이 있었음을 강조한 것이다. 

부통령의 부인, Surgeon General(의무총감),  Jerome Adams도 백악관의 홍보차원의 백신 접종에 참여했다고 한다. 월요일에 미국은 Pfizer/BioNTech사의 Covid-19 vaccine 접종을 시작했었다. 

대통령 당선자  Biden과 그의 부인  Jill도 월요일에 접종하게 된다고 대변인이 미국언론에서 발표했다. 

 Moderna사가 개발한 두번째 백신도, 전문 의료진들의 최종 확인이 있은후 긴급 사용승인을 받아 접종을 하게 됐다고 한다.

우리는 아직까지 백신구입과 배달이 언제쯤 될지 오리무중이라고 하는데.... 부럽다. 스페인도 12월 27일까지 백신공급이 완료된다는 뉴스가 있었다.

US Vice-President Mike Pence has received the coronavirus vaccine live on TV, telling the audience and doctors: "I didn't feel a thing."

The White House said the aim of the move was to "promote the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and build confidence among the American people".

Mr Pence's wife and Surgeon General Jerome Adams also received the jab at the televised White House event.

On Monday the US began rolling out the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

The first vaccine to be approved in the US, it offers up to 95% protection against Covid-19.

The first three million doses are being distributed to locations across the 50 US states.

President-elect Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, will receive the vaccine on Monday, a spokesperson told US media.

As Mr Pence was receiving his jab, Mr Trump incorrectly said on Twitter that the Moderna vaccine had been "overwhelmingly approved" with "distribution to start immediately". It is still awaiting final approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

More than 310,000 people have died with coronavirus in the US, which has recorded more infections and fatalities than any other country. More than 17 million cases have been recorded in the country since the start of the pandemic.

Mr Pence, 61, received the first of two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech jab at 08:00 local time (13:00 GMT), along with his wife Karen and Dr Adams. He is the most senior US official to be vaccinated so far.

"We gather here today at the end of a historic week to affirm to the American people that hope is on the way," he told the crowd, after the number of newly recorded US coronavirus deaths surpassed 3,000 for the third day in a row.

"Karen and I were more than happy to step forward before this week was out to take this safe and effective coronavirus vaccine that we have secured and produced for the American people," he continued, calling it "a truly inspiring day".

Top infectious diseases expert Dr Anthony Fauci and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield were in the audience to observe the doctors from Walter Reed hospital perform the injections.

Both men elbow-bumped Mr Pence and his wife after their jabs. Mr Trump did not attend the event.

media captionUS Covid vaccine: Three key questions answered

"We want virtually everyone eligible to get this vaccine ultimately," Dr Fauci said in brief remarks. "By the time we get to several months into this [coming] year we will have enough people protected that we can start thinking seriously about the return to normality."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the most senior Democrat in Congress, and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had also received the vaccine on Friday.

"As the vaccine is being distributed, we must all continue mask wearing, social distancing & other science-based steps to save lives & crush the virus," tweeted Mrs Pelosi, alongside pictures of herself getting the jab.

"Just received the safe, effective Covid vaccine following continuity-of-government protocols," tweeted Mr McConnell, sharing a photo of his vaccination card. "Vaccines are how we beat this virus."

Earlier this week, President Donald Trump reversed a plan for senior members of his administration to be among the first to receive the vaccine "unless specifically necessary".

The president, who contracted coronavirus in October and recovered after hospital treatment, said he was not scheduled to take the jab but looked forward to doing so "at the appropriate time".

Many of his support base have doubts about the efficacy and safety of vaccines.

President-elect Biden, who at 78 is in a high-risk group from Covid-19, has set a goal of administering 100 million vaccination shots in the first 100 days after he takes office on 20 January.


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